47 research outputs found

    Efectividad de los tratamientos para erradicación de Demodex spp. en pacientes con blefaritis: Revisión sistemática de la literatura y meta-análisis

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    Propósito: Evaluar la efectividad de las intervenciones en el tratamiento de blefaritis por Demodex spp. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura y meta-análisis de estudios reportando la eficacia de los tratamientos para blefaritis por Demodex en las principales bases de datos (PubMed/Scopus/Cochrane/EMBASE/Science Direct/ WOS/Scielo/ Google Scholar/ metaRegister of Controlled Trials/ ClinicalTrials.gov/ WHO ICTRP) hasta el 06 de octubre del 2019. Se incluyeron estudios controlados aleatorizados, casi-aleatorizados y no aleatorizados con pacientes adultos mayores de 16 años. Resultados: 14 estudios fueron incluidos, con 24 intervenciones diferentes valoradas en un total de 1336 ojos positivos para infestación por Demodex Spp. Se analizaron conteos de Demodex/pestaña, erradicación total, mejoría clínica, reacciones adversas, Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI), Tear Break-Up Time (TBUT), descamación cilíndrica y test de schirmer. El efecto global en disminución de Demodex/pestaña fue de -1.52 (IC 95 % -2.50 a -0.52) p= 0.003, en disminución de descamación cilíndrica -0.76 (IC 95 % -1.09 a -0.44) p= 0.00001, erradicación total 1.49 (IC 95 % 1.11 a 2.41) p= 0.009. Conclusión: Se comprueba la efectividad de ivermectina +metronidazol sistémico para Demodex/pestaña y erradicación total, TTO (Tea Tree Oil) 50% semanalmente + TTO 10% diariamente para Demodex/pestaña, erradicación total y OSDI, TTO 5% + betametasona 0,1% + hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa para Demodex/pestaña y TBUT, y luz pulsada intensa (IPL) para erradicación total, OSDI y TBUT. Existe superioridad de las medidas farmacológicas vs las no farmacológicas. Hay más probabilidades de reacciones adversas en los grupos intervención. Palabras clave: Blefaritis, Demodex, Tratamiento, EfectividadAbstract: Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of interventions in the treatment of Demodex blepharitis. Methods: A systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis of studies reporting the efficacy of treatments for demodex blepharitis in the main databases (PubMed / Scopus / Cochrane / EMBASE / Science Direct / WOS / Scielo / Google Scholar / metaRegister of Controlled Trials / ClinicalTrials.gov/ WHO ICTRP) until October 6, 2019 was performed. Randomized, quasi-randomized, and non-randomized controlled studies with adult patients over 16 years old were included. Results: 14 studies were included, for a total of 24 different interventions in 1336(1-10) positive eyes for Demodex Spp. Demodex counts, total eradication, clinical improvement, adverse events, Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI), Tear Break-Up Time (TBUT), cylindrical dandruff and schirmer test were analyzed. The overall effects for Demodex count, cylindrical dandruff and total eradication were -1.52 (95% CI -2.50 to -0.52) p = 0.003, -0.76 (95% CI -1.09 to -0.44) p = 0.00001 and 1.49 (95% CI 1.11 to 2.41) p = 0.009 respectively. Conclusion: We found a clear effectiveness of ivermectin + systemic metronidazole for demodex count and total eradication, TTO (Tea Tree Oil) 50% weekly + TTO 10% daily for demodex count, total eradication and OSDI, TTO 5% + betamethasone 0.1% + hydroxypropyl methylcellulose for demodex count and TBUT, and intense pulsed light (IPL) for total eradication, OSDI and TBUT. Pharmacological interventions are superior to nonpharmacological interventions. Adverse events are more likely to occur in the intervention groups.Otr

    The Pleiotropic CymR Regulator of Staphylococcus aureus Plays an Important Role in Virulence and Stress Response

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    We have characterized a novel pleiotropic role for CymR, the master regulator of cysteine metabolism. We show here that CymR plays an important role both in stress response and virulence of Staphylococcus aureus. Genes involved in detoxification processes, including oxidative stress response and metal ion homeostasis, were differentially expressed in a ΔcymR mutant. Deletion of cymR resulted in increased sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide-, disulfide-, tellurite- and copper-induced stresses. Estimation of metabolite pools suggests that this heightened sensitivity could be the result of profound metabolic changes in the ΔcymR mutant, with an increase in the intracellular cysteine pool and hydrogen sulfide formation. Since resistance to oxidative stress within the host organism is important for pathogen survival, we investigated the role of CymR during the infectious process. Our results indicate that the deletion of cymR promotes survival of S. aureus inside macrophages, whereas virulence of the ΔcymR mutant is highly impaired in mice. These data indicate that CymR plays a major role in virulence and adaptation of S. aureus for survival within the host

    Attitudes towards Zika virus infection among medical doctors in Aceh province, Indonesia

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) infection, a public health emergency of international concern, has recently been confirmed in Indonesia. However, to date, there has been no study to assess how prepared healthcare workers in Indonesia are to confront this emerging infectious disease. The aim of this study was to assess the attitudes of medical doctors in Indonesia towards ZIKV infection and its associated explanatory variables. A cross-sectional self-administered online survey was conducted from 3 May to 3 June 2016 in Aceh province, Indonesia. A pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect data on doctors’ attitudes towards ZIKV infection and a range of explanatory variables (basic demographic data, professional characteristics, workplace characteristics and facilities, and medical experience related to ZIKV infection). Associations between attitude and explanatory variables were assessed using multiple-step logistic regression. We received 631 responses, 424 (67.19%) of which were included in the final analysis. Approximately 64% (271) of doctors had a poor attitude towards ZIKV infection. Experience considering ZIKV infection as a differential diagnosis and attendance at a national conference was associated with a good attitude, with odds ratios (OR) of 3.93 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.15–13.49) and 1.69 (95% CI: 1.03–2.76), respectively. Unexpectedly, doctors who had attended an international conference and those working at places that had molecular diagnostic (polymerase chain reaction based testing) facilities had lower odds of having a good attitude (OR: 0.35 [95% CI: 0.15–0.84] and 0.42 [95% CI: 0.19–0.95], respectively). In conclusion, the attitude towards ZIKV infection is relatively poor among doctors in Aceh. Therefore, strategies for enhancing their capacity to respond to ZIKV infection are needed. The survey concept and tools were well accepted by the participants of this study, suggesting that this rapid assessment could be rolled out across the Indonesian archipelago and elsewhere to identify and regionally differentiate unmet needs of disease and outbreak preparednes

    La Cartilla Con Contenidos De Texto Adaptados Al Contexto Como Estrategia Para La Enseñanza De La Educación Ambiental En El Grado Sexto De La Institución Educativa Pica Pica Viejo Del Municipio De Puerto Libertador Cordoba

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    La educación es un proceso de transformación que busca cambiar la forma de pensar y de actuar de los individuos, inculcando hábitos y habilidades de pensamiento a través de experiencias motivadoras que le ayuden a entender la realidad de su entorno local, facilitándole la participación activa en la solución de los problemas que afectan a la comunidad y a las sociedades en general. (Ley 115 de 1994). Es por ello que la educación ambiental es un proceso educativo de carácter dialéctico y sistémico que tiene que desarrollarse básicamente en la escuela, por el encargo social que a esta se le confiere en la preparación de niños, adolescentes, jóvenes y adultos para la vida. La escuela constituye un núcleo básico para la promoción y la materialización de la educación ambiental, esta idea es acuñada por primera vez en el mundo, en Fontainnebleau, Francia, en 1948. (Cuc, M, 2.013). Sin embargo, es evidente que la acción educativa, por sí sola, no es suficiente para responder al reto ambiental, por tal motivo, Jaquenod, asevera que "Para contribuir con eficacia a mejorar el medio ambiente, la acción de la educación debe vincularse con la legislación, las políticas, las medidas de control y las decisiones que los gobiernos adopten en relación al medio ambiente humano". Jaquenod, S, (2004). La educación es, a la vez, producto social e instrumento de transformación de la sociedad donde se inserta. Por lo tanto, los sistemas educativos son al mismo tiempo agente y resultado de los procesos de cambio social. Ahora bien, si el resto de los agentes sociales no actúa en la dirección del cambio, es muy improbable que el sistema educativo transforme el complejo entramado en el que se asientan las estructuras socioeconómicas, las relaciones de producción e intercambio, las pautas de consumo y, en definitiva, el modelo de desarrollo establecido. Esto implica la necesidad de incluir en las asignaturas los programas de educación ambiental en la planificación y en las políticas generales, elaboradas a través de la efectiva participación social. Demasiadas veces se cae en la tentación de realizar acciones atractivas, con una vistosa puesta en escena y grandes movimientos de masas, que no comprometen demasiado ni cuestionan la gestión que se realiza. La educación ambiental debe integrarse con la gestión donde la mejor educación es una buena gestión. Esta no debe ser utilizada como justificación ante las posibles deficiencias de ésta. El reto que tenemos planteado hoy en día es el de favorecer la "transición" hacia la sostenibilidad y la equidad, siendo conscientes de que esta transición requiere profundos cambios económicos, tecnológicos, sociales, políticos, además de educativos. Así pues, aun reconociendo las enormes potencialidades de la Educación Ambiental, no podemos convertirla en una falsa tabla de salvación, Marín, C, (2.007). Es por ello que el presente documento de investigación “diseño de una estrategia didáctica para la enseñanza de la educación ambiental en el grado sexto de educación básica de la Institución Educativa Pica Pica Viejo del Municipio de Puerto Libertador Córdoba”, la cual tiene por objetivo el diseñar de una cartilla didáctica para la enseñanza de la Educación Ambiental en el grado sexto de la Institución Educativa Pica Pica Viejo basada en la metodología del constructivismo que busca concientizar a los educandos el cuidado y conservación de su medio ambiente. En este proceso también se han venido desarrollado, además de las áreas fundamentales, las áreas optativas a través de proyectos transversales, tal es el caso de la educación ambiental que promueve proyectos ambientales escolares (PRAES) para promover la conciencia ambiental en los educandos de las institución. La educación ambiental, se inició en la conferencia sobre el medio ambiente en Estocolmo, celebrada en Junio de 1.972, como respuesta a la problemática ambiental generada por el hombre en todo el mundo y cuyo objetivo es; orientar al individuo en el conocimiento del medio en el que se encuentra inmerso, para buscar su comprensión y sensibilización de su conducta y modifique su actitud frente a su entorno ambiental y natural que le rodea, Pantoja, S, (2.012). Con el surgimiento del área de educación ambiental surge también la necesidad de buscar formas más eficaces de producir conocimiento en los educandos para estimular una conciencia ambiental que modifique su actitud frente a la problemática ambiental de su entorno. Por tal razón, se ve la necesidad de diseño de una estrategia didáctica para apoyar la enseñanza de la educación ambiental en el grado sexto de educación básica de la Institución Educativa Pica Pica Viejo del municipio de Puerto Libertador Córdoba.Pregrad

    An Enhanced Joint Hilbert Embedding-Based Metric to Support Mocap Data Classification with Preserved Interpretability

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    Motion capture (Mocap) data are widely used as time series to study human movement. Indeed, animation movies, video games, and biomechanical systems for rehabilitation are significant applications related to Mocap data. However, classifying multi-channel time series from Mocap requires coding the intrinsic dependencies (even nonlinear relationships) between human body joints. Furthermore, the same human action may have variations because the individual alters their movement and therefore the inter/intraclass variability. Here, we introduce an enhanced Hilbert embedding-based approach from a cross-covariance operator, termed EHECCO, to map the input Mocap time series to a tensor space built from both 3D skeletal joints and a principal component analysis-based projection. Obtained results demonstrate how EHECCO represents and discriminates joint probability distributions as kernel-based evaluation of input time series within a tensor reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). Our approach achieves competitive classification results for style/subject and action recognition tasks on well-known publicly available databases. Moreover, EHECCO favors the interpretation of relevant anthropometric variables correlated with players’ expertise and acted movement on a Tennis-Mocap database (also publicly available with this work). Thereby, our EHECCO-based framework provides a unified representation (through the tensor RKHS) of the Mocap time series to compute linear correlations between a coded metric from joint distributions and player properties, i.e., age, body measurements, and sport movement (action class)

    Mechanical and chemical characterisation of TiN and AlTiSiN coatings on a LPBF processed IN718 substrate

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    Wear-resistant coatings development is progressively increasing steeply due to their advantages when applied to mechanical components subjected to abrasive and destructive environments. Titanium nitride (TiN) coating is typically used to enlarge tools and components’ service life and improve their surface quality. On the other hand, AlTiSiN coating intends to be applied to more aggressive environments such as spatial satellites components exposed to solar radiation, extremely high temperatures, and random particles impact. In this work, specimens of Inconel 718 (IN718) were fabricated via laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), and physical vapour deposition (PVD)-deposited with TiN and AlTiSiN as coatings to mechanically and chemically characterise their surface. In this respect, microhardness testing and chemical analysis via glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES) were performed. Later, roughness and wear behaviour analyses were carried out to evaluate the mechanical performance of both coatings and their surface and morphological features. The experimental observations allowed the analysis of both studied coatings by comparing them with the substrate processed via LPBF.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Metabolic Disturbance of High-Saturated Fatty Acid Diet in Cognitive Preservation

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    Aging continues to be the main cause of the development of Alzheimer’s, although it has been described that certain chronic inflammatory pathologies can negatively influence the progress of dementia, including obesity and hyperlipidemia. In this sense, previous studies have shown a relationship between low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and the amyloid-beta (Aβ) binding activity, one of the main neuropathological features of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). LDLR is involved in several processes, including lipid transport, regulation of inflammatory response and lipid metabolism. From this perspective, LDLR−/− mice are a widely accepted animal model for the study of pathologies associated with alterations in lipid metabolism, such as familial hypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, or early cognitive decline. In this context, we induced hyperlipidemia in LDLR−/− mice after feeding with a high-saturated fatty acid diet (HFD) for 44 weeks. LDLR−/−-HFD mice exhibited obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, higher glucose levels, and early hepatic steatosis. In addition, HFD increased plasmatic APOE and ubiquitin 60S levels. These proteins are related to neuronal integrity and health maintenance. In agreement, we detected mild cognitive dysfunctions in mice fed with HFD, whereas LDLR−/−-HFD mice showed a more severe and evident affectation. Our data suggest central nervous system dysfunction is associated with a well-established metabolic syndrome. As a late consequence, metabolic syndrome boots many behavioral and pathological alterations recognized in dementia, supporting that the control of metabolic parameters could improve cognitive preservation and prognosis