48 research outputs found

    Oferta de serviços ambientais a partir de diferentes agroecossistemas de base familiar no sul do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Atualmente a humanidade tem buscado processos mais harmoniosos de reprodução social,ambiental e econômica para a produção de bens e serviços. Neste contexto, a agricultura de base familiar tem papel fundamental, apresentando-se como uma categoria capaz de prover importante contribuição para este desafio. Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a oferta de Serviços Ambientais ofertados por este segmento no sul do RS. A estratégia metodológica a partir do MESMIS – Marco de Evaluación de Sistemas de Manejo de Recursos Naturales, incorporou indicadores de sustentabilidade, adaptando a metodologia à realidade deste trabalho. Através da mensuração destes indicadores de qualidade ambiental, pôde-se constatar que agroecossistemas de diferentes modelos agrícolas, apresentaram uma boa oferta de serviços ambientais, como conservação do solo, manutenção e convívio com a biodiversidade,fornecimento de alimentos e medicamentos, além da preservação sociocultural vinculada ao meio ambiente

    Risk factors associated with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus skin and soft tissue infections in hospitalized patients in Colombia

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    Q2Q160-66Pacientes hospitalizadosObjectives: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) represent a major clinical problem in Colombia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors associated with MRSA SSTI in Colombia. Methods: A multicenter cohort study with nested case–control design was performed. Patients with an SSTI with at least 48 h of inpatient care were included. Patients with an MRSA SSTI were considered the case group and patients with either a non-MRSA SSTI or with an Methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) SSTI were the control groups. A multivariate logistic regression approach was used to evaluate risk factors associated with MRSA SSTI with two different statistical models. Results: A total 1134 patients were included. Cultures were positive for 498 patients, of which 52% (n = 259) were Staphylococcus aureus. MRSA was confirmed in 68.3% of the S. aureus cultures. In the first model, independent risk factors for MRSA SSTI were identified as the presence of abscess (P<0.0001), cellulitis (P = 0.0007), age 18–44 years (P = 0.001), and previous outpatient treatment in the previous index visit (P = 0.003); surgical site infection was a protective factor (P = 0.008). In the second model, the main risk factor found was previous outpatient treatment in the previous index visit (P = 0.013). Conclusions: Community-acquired SSTIs in Colombia are commonly caused by MRSA. Therefore, clinicians should consider MRSA when designing the initial empirical treatment for purulent SSTI in Colombia, although there seems to be low awareness of this fact

    Sex differences in mate preferences across 45 countries: A large-scale replication

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    Considerable research has examined human mate preferences across cultures, finding universal sex differences in preferences for attractiveness and resources as well as sources of systematic cultural variation. Two competing perspectives—an evolutionary psychological perspective and a biosocial role perspective—offer alternative explanations for these findings. However, the original data on which each perspective relies are decades old, and the literature is fraught with conflicting methods, analyses, results, and conclusions. Using a new 45-country sample (N = 14,399), we attempted to replicate classic studies and test both the evolutionary and biosocial role perspectives. Support for universal sex differences in preferences remains robust: Men, more than women, prefer attractive, young mates, and women, more than men, prefer older mates with financial prospects. Cross-culturally, both sexes have mates closer to their own ages as gender equality increases. Beyond age of partner, neither pathogen prevalence nor gender equality robustly predicted sex differences or preferences across countries

    Environmental Services offered by different family-based agroecosystems

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    Currently humanity has sought more harmonious processes of social, environmental and economic reproduction to produce goods and services. The approach of Environmental Services has sought to value the benefits that are often imperceptible to society, such as the regulation of gases, scenic beauty, biodiversity conservation, protection of soils, regulation of water functions, food supply, among others. In this context, the family-based agriculture has a key role, presenting itself as a category that can provide an important contribution to this challenge. This study aimed to determine which and how the environmental services offered by agroecosystems from different agricultures contribute to sustainable agricultural development. Through a methodology that predicted the observation of environmental perception of farmers, the characterization of agroecosystems, and even the participatory construction of environmental quality indicators, it was possible to measure the level of supply of these agroecosystems. It was found that different models of family-based agriculture in southern RS, contribute with a good supply of environmental services, as follows: the conservation and improvement of the soil, observed in management practices; the maintenance of biodiversity through the preservation of wild species; regulation of climatic conditions, related to the conservation of areas of natural vegetation, food supply, from a considerable diversity; in addition to the socio-cultural reproduction through customs and traditions related to good relationship with natural resources.Atualmente a humanidade tem buscado processos mais harmoniosos de reprodução social, ambiental e econômica para a produção de bens e serviços. A abordagem dos Serviços Ambientais tem procurado valorar os benefícios que muitas vezes são imperceptíveis para a sociedade, tais como a regulação de gases, belezas cênicas, conservação da biodiversidade, proteção de solos, regulação das funções hídricas, fornecimento de alimentos, entre outros. Neste contexto, a agricultura de base familiar tem papel fundamental, apresentando-se como uma categoria capaz de prover importante contribuição para este desafio. Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar quais e como os serviços ambientais ofertados por agroecossistemas de diferentes agriculturas contribuem para o desenvolvimento agrícola sustentável. Através de uma metodologia que previu a observação da percepção ambiental dos agricultores, a caracterização dos agroecossistemas, e ainda a construção participativa dos indicadores de qualidade ambiental, foi possível mensurar o nível de oferta destes agroecossistemas. Pôde-se constatar que os diferentes modelos de agricultura de base familiar da região sul do RS, contribuem com uma boa oferta de serviços ambientais. Sendo: a conservação e melhoria do solo, verificado nas práticas de manejo; a manutenção da biodiversidade, através da preservação das espécies silvestres; a regulação das condições climáticas, relacionada à conservação de áreas de vegetação natural; o fornecimento de alimentos, a partir de uma considerável diversidade; além da reprodução sócio-cultural, através de costumes e tradições vinculadas a boa convivência com os recursos naturais

    Diseño de una maquina llenadora lineal para botellas de 500 cc

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    En la actualidad, el negocio de la venta de bebidas embotelladas no retornables como jugos, agua, té, limonada y bebidas energizantes, ha logrado un gran auge. Pues debido a lo económico y práctico de llevar una botella de estos productos han desembocado en un negocio rentable. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es diseñar una válvula de llenado eficiente y rápida que pueda operar en cualquier tipo de llenadora lineal, logrando un llenado eficiente, sin tener pérdidas de producto y que cumpla con las normas sanitarias vigentes

    Universality of the triangular theory of love: Adaptation and psychometric properties of the triangular love scale in 25 countries

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    The Triangular Theory of Love (measured with Sternberg\u27s Triangular Love Scale - STLS) is a prominent theoretical concept in empirical research on love. To expand the culturally homogeneous body of previous psychometric research regarding the STLS, we conducted a large-scale cross-cultural study with the use of this scale. In total, we examined more than 11,000 respondents, but as a result of applied exclusion criteria, the final analyses were based on a sample of 7332 participants from 25 countries (from all inhabited continents). We tested configural invariance, metric invariance, and scalar invariance, all of which confirmed the cultural universality of the theoretical construct of love analyzed in our study. We also observed that levels of love components differ depending on relationship duration, following the dynamics suggested in the Triangular Theory of Love. Supplementary files with all our data, including results on love intensity across different countries along with STLS versions adapted in a few dozen languages, will further enable more extensive research on the Triangular Theory of Love

    Contrasting Computational Models of Mate Preference Integration Across 45 Countries

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    Humans express a wide array of ideal mate preferences. Around the world, people desire romantic partners who are intelligent, healthy, kind, physically attractive, wealthy, and more. In order for these ideal preferences to guide the choice of actual romantic partners, human mating psychology must possess a means to integrate information across these many preference dimensions into summaries of the overall mate value of their potential mates. Here we explore the computational design of this mate preference integration process using a large sample of n = 14,487 people from 45 countries around the world. We combine this large cross-cultural sample with agent-based models to compare eight hypothesized models of human mating markets. Across cultures, people higher in mate value appear to experience greater power of choice on the mating market in that they set higher ideal standards, better fulfill their preferences in choice, and pair with higher mate value partners. Furthermore, we find that this cross-culturally universal pattern of mate choice is most consistent with a Euclidean model of mate preference integration