17,431 research outputs found

    El bolero de Murakami Haruki

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    El articulo es una aproximacion "deconstructiva" que busca reflexionar las maneras en que se han usado ciertas metaforas musicales en la construccion de obras literarias en America Latina y Japon. Analizaremos dos momentos: en el primero tratamos de mostrar los vinculos entre la musica popular, especificamente el bolero y como se imbrica con la narrativa latinoamericana, estas vinculaciones son posibles por la creacion de una estetica Modernista que plantea lo popular como posibilidad estica y que se acrecentara con el "postboom" literario de los anos 80; en el segundo, analizamos algunas obras del escritor japones Murakami Haruki y como la musica desarrolla metaforas intelectuales que al lector le indica sendas para el disfrute de la obra, pero con la salvedad de que dichas obras no se vinculan ni con la musica popular japonesa como J-pop, ni con la musica tradicional como el enka, mostrandonos una particularidad en la escritura de este autor


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    The normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI) has been correlated with physiological plant parameters and used to evaluate plant growth. There is little information about the use of this technique to detect soybean nutrient deficiencies. The objective of this work was to determine the ability of the NDVI sensor to detect P and K deficiencies, and grain yield reduction, in soybean. During 2010 and 2011, NDVI measurements were made on a soybean field trial site known to exhibit yield responses to both P and K nutrition. Four replicates of 8 levels each of P and K nutrition were evaluated. The NDVI measurements were made with an active proximal sensor held parallel to the soil surface every seven days after V2, and until R2. At each measurement a mean NDVI value was found for each plot. Phosphorus deficiency was detected with the first NDVI measurement. Potassium deficiency was first detected just after V4. Differences in NDVI values due to P or K nutrition increased with continued crop development. There were significant R1 leaf composition and grain yield responses to improved P or K nutrition. The active proximal sensor was able to detect soybean growth differences due to P or K deficiencies in soybean

    Current status of las tablas de daimiel national park wetland and actions required for conservation

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    Wetlands are complex ecosystems that play multiple roles. ‘Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park’ (TDNP) undoubtedly plays a role in several ecosystem services and provides a connection between nature, farmers, scientists, residents, and other stakeholders. The state of degradation and/or vulnerability of this ecosystem (with a series of socio-economic implications) have led the publication of numerous articles. The work reported here provides a description of the growing importance of this wetland within the rural landscapes of La Mancha and emphasizes its state of degradation, mainly since pedological point of view. In this way, particular attention is required to assure the conservation of the Tablas of Daimiel Wetland; thus, several measures are proposed to improve the conservation of this area as to control and prohibit any dumping of any type of waste in the park or in its vicinityThis Research was funded by Organismo Autonomo Parques Nacionales (Autonomous Organism National Parks) of Spain (OAPN

    Fault Roughness and Fault Complexity : Field Study, Multi-Scale Analysis and Numerical Fault Model

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    We study the roughness of normal faults in lignite and its relevance to the complex process of faulting by means of field observations and a numerical model for wear at rough fault surfaces. Roughness data is collected at field scale for which only sparse information is available today. A multi-scale analysis of the data is used to scan for characteristic scales of processes. Field investigations, multi-scale analysis, and numerical fault model draw a consistent picture of fault evolution. In a first stage, processes like coalescence of fractures and non-planar fault propagation form a rough fault. In the following stage, characteristic scales of damage are introduced by the offset of rough fault surfaces. The model shows that the geometrical aspects of fault roughness alone are able to produce non-trivial damage characteristics. Roughening and smoothening processes freely modify fault roughness perpendicular to slip direction. This process holds on as long as there is a permanent input of large-scale roughness during fault growth. The possible relevance of this structural self-organization for slip dynamics is discussed. With respect to fault complexity, the observed processes introduce different mechanisms of scale coupling that unfold a multi-scale pattern of fault related structures. The spectrum of scales covered by the evolution of fault structures is both continuous and discontinuous depending on scale and location. The relevance of the findings for observing and modeling faulting processes are discussed.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Rauhigkeit geologischer Störungen und dem Zusammenhang zwischen Rauhigkeit und struktureller Störungskomplexität. Hierzu wurden in einem Tagebau mehrere Abschiebungen innerhalb der Braunkohle untersucht. Durch eine Multiskalen-Analyse der Rauhigkeit werden charakteristische Prozeßskalen identifiziert. Ein numerisches Modell zur Reibung rauher Störungsflächen wird vorgestellt, um den Einfluß der Rauhigkeit auf die Störungsentwicklung zu untersuchen. Die Geländebefunde, die Multiskalen-Analyse und das numerische Modell zeichnen ein konsistentes Bild der Störungsentwicklung. In einem ersten Stadium wird durch Verschmelzen von Brüchen und unebene Bruchausbreitung eine rauhe Störung gebildet. Im folgenden Stadium leitet die Verschiebung der rauhen Bruchflächen Zerrüttungsprozesse auf charakteristischen Skalen ein. Die Ergebnisse der numerischen Modellierung zeigen, daß eine multiskalige Rauhigkeit genügt, um ein nichttriviales Muster an Zerrüttungstrukturen zu erzeugen. Dies wird dadurch hervorgerufen, daß Aufrauhungs- und Glättungsprozesse die Störungsfläche senkrecht zur Bewegungsrichtung frei verändern. Die Relevanz dieser Selbstorganisation der Rauhigkeit für die Störungsdynamik wird diskutiert. Die beobachteten Prozesse stellen verschiedene Mechanismen der Skalenkopplung im komplexen System einer Störung bereit. Sie erzeugen ein Muster an Strukturen, das einen weiten Skalenbereich umfaßt. Das Skalenspektrum der Strukturen kann in Abhängigkeit von Ort und Skala sowohl kontinuierlich als auch diskontinuierlich erscheinen. Die Relevanz dieses Befundes für die Beobachtung und Modellierung von Störungen wird diskutiert

    Scientific production and international collaboration in occupational health, 1992-2001

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    Objectives. The objectives of the present study were twofold, to describe international scientific production in occupational health and to examine international collaboration in this discipline. Methods. A bibliometric study was carried out, using Science Citation Index, in order to evaluate the articles published during the period 1992-2001 in eight representative occupational health journals. Scientific production, collaborative profiles for each country, and the significant relationships established between countries are reported. Results. One or more institutions in the United States had contributed to over 40% of the articles examined. The United States was followed by the United Kingdom (9.15%) and then Sweden (8.65%). When population size effects were eliminated, the Scandinavian countries proved to be the leading producers. After correction for gross domestic product, there was an increase in the ranking of apparently scientifically modest countries. The Scandinavian countries remained high. In terms of international collaboration in general, there was an inverse relationship between the production of a country and the proportion of articles co-authored with institutions in other countries. Finally, the significant relationships between countries permitted the identification of up to six large collaboration nuclei. Conclusions. The high absolute and relative Scandinavian production is suggestive of the great importance of occupational health in these countries. Access to publication by more modest countries, scientifically speaking, is observed to occur through collaboration with the high-production countries. In this sense, it would seem necessary to study the basis underlying these relationships. Finally, the characterization of the collaborative nuclei does not differ greatly from what was expected

    La esquizofrenia

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    A día de hoy la ciencia sigue sin encontrar la respuesta a la causa que la provoca y solo puede diagnosticarse una vez el sujeto la padece. Una alteración mental repleta de síntomas asociados cuyo remedio de momento, sigue tenieno a los fármacos y a la terapia como sus mejores aliados

    Properties of Galactic Outflows: Measurements of the Feedback from Star Formation

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    Properties of starburst-driven outflows in dwarf galaxies are compared to those in more massive galaxies. Over a factor of roughly 10 in galactic rotation speed, supershells are shown to lift warm ionized gas out of the disk at rates up to several times the star formation rate. The amount of mass escaping the galactic potential, in contrast to the disk, does depend on the galactic mass. The temperature of the hottest extended \x emission shows little variation around ∼106.7\sim 10^{6.7} K, and this gas has enough energy to escape from the galaxies with rotation speed less than approximately 130 km/s.Comment: 11 pages + 3 figues. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Timing the formation and assembly of early-type galaxies via spatially resolved stellar populations analysis

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    To investigate star formation and assembly processes of massive galaxies, we present here a spatially-resolved stellar populations analysis of a sample of 45 elliptical galaxies (Es) selected from the CALIFA survey. We find rather flat age and [Mg/Fe] radial gradients, weakly dependent on the effective velocity dispersion of the galaxy within half-light radius. However, our analysis shows that metallicity gradients become steeper with increasing galaxy velocity dispersion. In addition, we have homogeneously compared the stellar populations gradients of our sample of Es to a sample of nearby relic galaxies, i.e., local remnants of the high-z population of red nuggets. This comparison indicates that, first, the cores of present-day massive galaxies were likely formed in gas-rich, rapid star formation events at high redshift (z>2). This led to radial metallicity variations steeper than observed in the local Universe, and positive [Mg/Fe] gradients. Second, our analysis also suggests that a later sequence of minor dry mergers, populating the outskirts of early-type galaxies (ETGs), flattened the pristine [Mg/Fe] and metallicity gradients. Finally, we find a tight age-[Mg/Fe] relation, supporting that the duration of the star formation is the main driver of the [Mg/Fe] enhancement in massive ETGs. However, the star formation time-scale alone is not able to fully explain our [Mg/Fe] measurements. Interestingly, our results match the expected effect that a variable stellar initial mass function would have on the [Mg/Fe] ratio.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA
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