434 research outputs found

    Anxiety sensitivity in school attending youth : exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the 18-item CASI in a multicultural South African sample

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    CITATION: Martin, L., Kidd, M. & Seedat, S. 2016. Anxiety sensitivity in school attending youth: exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the 18-item CASI in a multicultural South African sample. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:1996, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01996.The original publication is available at http://journal.frontiersin.org/journal/psychologyENGLISH SUMMARY : Anxiety sensitivity (AS) is a risk factor for the development of anxiety disorders in youth. To date, the applicability of the Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI) in youth from a low or middle income country (LMIC) setting on the African continent has not been assessed. A representative sample of 1149 secondary school learners from 29 schools in Cape Town, South Africa, participated in the study. Participants completed the CASI on a single occasion. One-, two-, and four-factor models of the CASI were assessed. A one-factor solution that comprised items predominantly represented by physical concerns appeared to provide the best fit to our data, however, relatively low variance (26%) was explained. Subsequent item deletion resulted in a 9-item ‘physical concerns’ factor that showed good construct reliability (0.83) but also explained a low amount of variance (35%). In terms of gender, a one-factor model provided the best fit, however, low variance was explained (i.e., 25%). Configural, metric and scalar invariance of the CASI by gender was determined. Our results suggest that the 18-item CASI is not applicable to our target population and may require adaptation in this population; however, replication of this study in other multicultural adolescent samples in South Africa is first needed to further assess the validity of the AS construct as measured by the CASI.http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01996/fullPublisher's versio

    Achillessehnenruptur : die Analyse eines Gangparameters während der Rehabilitation

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    Hintergrund: Die Achillessehnenrupturen nehmen durch das erhöhte Aktivitätslevel zu. Eine Ruptur kann operativ oder konservativ behandelt werden. Der Outcome der beiden Behandlungsarten zeigt kurzfristig sowie langfristig ähnliche Resultate. Der Gang stellt einen der grössten Faktoren für eine nicht vollständige Genesung dar. Ziel: Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die relevanteste Variable des Ganges nach einer Achillessehnenruptur und wie sich diese anhand einer Single Case Study während der Rehabilitation verändert. Methode: Anhand einer Literaturrecherche werden die Variablen mit der grössten Relevanz nach einer Achillessehnenruptur festgelegt. Anschliessend werden die fest-gelegten Variablen anhand einer Single Case Study mit einer 48-jährigen Probandin untersucht. Es werden insgesamt fünf Ganganalysen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse werden deskriptiv ausgewertet und analysiert. Ergebnisse: Eine erhöhte sowie auch eine verspätete maximale Dorsalextension kann beim linken Fuss in allen Ganganalysen festgestellt werden. Dieses auffallende Ergebnis hat Auswirkungen auf die anderen Variablen im Gang. Mögliche Ursachen für diese Abweichungen sind die Schwäche des M. Soleus beziehungsweise des M. triceps surrae oder auch der 1cm-Keilabsatz. Schlussfolgerung: Die Ganganalyse stellt ein wichtiger Bestandteil in der Physio-therapie dar. Durch die Analyse können Abweichungen festgestellt werden, welche für die weitere Behandlung von grosser Bedeutung sind.Background: Achilles tendon ruptures are on the rise due to increased activity levels.The rupture can be treated surgically or conservatively. Both treatments show similiar short term as well as long term results and that gait is one of the biggest fac-tors for an incomplete recovery. Aim: The present study investigates the most relevant variable of the gait after an Achilles tendon rupture and how it envolves during rehabilitation. Method: The variables with the greatest relevance after an Achilles tendon rupture are determined on the basis of a literature search. The variables were examined using a single case study with a 48-year-old female patient. A total of five gait analyses were performed, the result of which are evaluated and analysed descriptively. Results: An increased as well as a delayed maximum dorsiflexion was found in the left foot in all gait analyses. This striking result has impact on the other variables in the gait. Possible causes for these deviations are the weakness of the triceps surrae muscles or the 1 cm-wedge heel. Conclusion: Gait analysis should be an important part of physiotherapy. The analysis can identify abnormalities, which are of great importance for further treatment

    Prevention of periodontal disease in pregnant. Review of the literature

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    Durante el embarazo, la mujer sufre los mayores cambios tanto hormonales como fisiológicos de su vida, los cuales tienen repercusión sobre la cavidad bucal de manera directa o indirectamente. Muchas mujeres no entienden la importancia del cuidado oral en el embarazo, por lo que cobran gran importancia los programas educativos. La enfermedad periodontal es la lesión bucal más frecuentemente relacionada con el embarazo debido al cambio hormonal y a otros factores durante esta etapa de la vida de la mujer. La prevención juega un papel fundamental para la salud bucodental, gracias a ella pueden evitarse la mayoría de las intervencionesDuring pregnancy, the woman undergoes the major hormonal and physiological changes of her life, which have repercussions on the oral cavity directly or indirectly. Many women do not understand the importance of oral care in pregnancy, so educational programs are of great importance. Periodontal disease is the most frequently related pregnancy injury due to hormonal change and other factors during this stage of a woman's life. Prevention plays a fundamental role for oral health, thanks to which most interventions can be avoided

    Genes of the RAV family control heading date and carpel development in rice

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    In plants, correct formation of reproductive organs is critical for successful seedset and perpetuation of the species. Plants have evolved different molecular mechanisms to coordinate flower and seed development at the proper time of the year. Among the plant-specific RELATED TO ABI3 AND VP1 (RAV) family of transcription factors, only TEMPRANILLO1 (TEM1) and TEM2 have been shown to affect reproductive development in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). They negatively regulate the floral transition through direct repression of FLOWERING LOCUS T and GIBBERELLIN 3-OXIDASE1/2, encoding major components of the florigen. Here we identify RAV genes from rice (Oryza sativa), and unravel their regulatory roles in key steps of reproductive development. Our data strongly suggest that, like TEMs, OsRAV9/OsTEM1 has a conserved function as a repressor of photoperiodic flowering upstream of the floral activators OsMADS14 and Hd3a, through a mechanism reminiscent of that one underlying floral transition in temperate cereals. Furthermore, OsRAV11 and OsRAV12 may have acquired a new function in the differentiation of the carpel and the control of seed size, acting downstream of floral homeotic factors. Alternatively, this function may have been lost in Arabidopsis. Our data reveal conservation of RAV gene function in the regulation of flowering time in monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, but also unveil roles in the development of rice gynoecium

    Astrocytes and Inflammatory Processes in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    A significant increase in inflammation has been shown to be a crucial factor in the progression of the Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Moreover, inflammatory signals are already present in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients before they develop AD. The amyloid hypothesis argues that in AD, there is an increase in oxidative stress caused by the accumulation of β-amyloid (Aβ) and that its elimination should be a priority. Also, hyperphosphorylation of the protein TAU occurs, which is characteristic of this disease. In AD oxidative stress processes occur and also inflammation. The basal chronic inflammation produces a cascade of cellular, such as astrocytes and microglial cells, and molecular processes in AD patients. We here have tried to explore the action of the inflammatory process and its implication in the neurodegenerative process of the AD. We can see that the role of Aβ is only one component that gives rise to inflammation, probably mediated by activation of microglia and astrocytes with the goal of getting rid of these brain waste products. In fact, it is related to a greater degree with the progression of the disease and worsening of the symptoms with the increase of phosphorylated TAU in different parts of the brain

    Material multimedia para aumentar el rendimiento académico de los trabajos en grupo

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    [EN] Multimedia can be considered a useful tool for improving the learning. In this study we analyze the marks that students get in a group activity with and without the use of a multimedia material made by teachers. The scores are obtained using a rubric previously tested for this activity and the results show an increase in the final qualification for student groups who used the multimedia material. We also analyze the scores by units following the rubric and we note that scores increase 4.0 points for a maximum of 10 in the methodology unit. Moreover, we collect the opinion of our students about the multimedia material and how it helped them to better understand the work they had to do in the activity group. Teachers give their opinion too. In conclusion, this multimedia material is a good tool to guide group activity and get higher marks[ES] El uso de materiales multimedia puede favorecer el proceso de aprendizaje. En este estudio se analizan las calificaciones obtenidas en una actividad grupal con y sin ayuda de un material multimedia elaborado por los profesores de la asignatura. Las calificaciones se obtienen con una rúbrica adecuada para evaluar la actividad de grupo y muestran un incremento de la nota final para los equipos de estudiantes que tuvieron a su disposición el material multimedia. Se realiza un análisis de las calificaciones desglosando los distintos apartados de la rúbrica y se aprecia que el apartado de metodología es el más sensible al material multimedia, incrementando la calificación en 4.0 puntos sobre 10. Se recoge la opinión de los alumnos y del equipo docente en la dinámica de la actividad grupal con y sin el material multimedia y se concluye que dicho material supone una buena guía para orientar a los alumnos en la actividad por equipos.Mauricio, M.; Valles, S.; Vila, J.; Aldasoro, M.; Serna, E. (2017). Material multimedia para aumentar el rendimiento académico de los trabajos en grupo. En In-Red 2017. III Congreso Nacional de innovación educativa y de docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 178-184. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2017.2017.6846OCS17818

    Estudio retrospectivo de la ocurrencia de infección por el Virus de la inmunodeficiencia felina y factores asociados en gatos de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina: A retrospective study of the occurrence of feline immunodeficiency virus infection and associated factors in cats in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Desde el descubrimiento del virus de inmunodeficiencia felina (FIV), se han realizado mundialmente estudios para determinar la distribución del virus, aunque la prevalencia difiere considerablemente según la situación geográfica y la población de gatos evaluados. El propósito de este estudio retrospectivo fue realizar un análisis exploratorio de los datos obtenidos a través de las historias clínicas de felinos que concurrieron a un hospital veterinario de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Los datos analizados incluyeron las características del huésped (edad, sexo y castración), aspectos epidemiológicos relacionadas con los hábitos de vida del animal y aspectos clínicos como parámetros hematológicos de laboratorio y signos clínicos de la enfermedad. Se realizó un análisis estadístico exploratorio de 499 registros, mediante el uso de InfoStat y EpiInfoTM  Se detectaron 107 gatos positivos a VIF (21,4%) siendo 62% machos y 38% hembras. No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre sexo y diagnóstico de VIF (p=0,07), ni tampoco entre animales castrados y enteros en ambos sexos. Sin embargo, VIF fue más frecuente en machos que en hembras y se observó asociación (p<0,001) entre las variables VIF(+) y sexo macho.  Al comparar la edad de los grupos VIF(+) y VIF(-) discriminados por sexo, no se observaron diferencias significativas entre las edades de ambos grupos (p=0,084). Las variables “convivencia con otros gatos VIF(+)” y “contacto frecuente con otros gatos” fueron considerados factores de riesgo para FIV en la regresión logística.  No se hallaron diferencias significativas en la frecuencia de las anomalías hematológicas de los animales VIF(+) y los valores de referencia, no pudiéndose atribuirse a la infección por VIF ninguna asociación. Las historias clínicas reportaron que el adelgazamiento, la gingivitis, los problemas renales y los tumores son entre dos o tres veces más frecuente en el grupo VIF(+) que en el VIF(-). En el caso de las infecciones por Mycoplasma haemofelis la infección con VIF constituye un factor de riesgo (OR: 3.4014). Debido al potencial inmunosupresor del virus, la educación del cliente, estrategias apropiadas de control y seguimiento del paciente deben considerarse para evitar la propagación de la enfermedad. Aunque el número de muestras analizadas en esta investigación no es representativo de la prevalencia real de la enfermedad en nuestro medio, las conclusiones de este trabajo derivan del estudio con mayor número de muestras analizadas en Argentina

    Transcriptome analysis reveals rice MADS13 as an important repressor of the carpel development pathway in ovules

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    In angiosperms, floral homeotic genes encoding MADS-domain transcription factors regulate the development of floral organs. Specifically, members of the SEPALLATA (SEP) and AGAMOUS (AG) subfamilies form higher-order protein complexes to control floral meristem determinacy and to specify the identity of female reproductive organs. In rice, the AG subfamily gene OsMADS13 is intimately involved in the determination of ovule identity, since knock-out mutant plants develop carpel-like structures in place of ovules, resulting in female sterility. Little is known about the regulatory pathways at the base of rice gynoecium development. To investigate molecular mechanisms acting downstream of OsMADS13, we obtained transcriptomes of immature inflorescences from wild-type and Osmads13 mutant plants. Among a total of 476 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), a substantial overlap with DEGs from the SEP-family Osmads1 mutant was found, suggesting that OsMADS1 and OsMADS13 may act on a common set of target genes. Expression studies and preliminary analyses of two up-regulated genes encoding Zinc-finger transcription factors indicated that our dataset represents a valuable resource for the identification of both OsMADS13 target genes and novel players in rice ovule development. Taken together, our study suggests that OsMADS13 is an important repressor of the carpel pathway during ovule development

    Prognostic Value of Motor Timing in Treatment Outcome in Patients With Alcohol- and/or Cocaine Use Disorder in a Rehabilitation Program

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    Introduction: Individuals with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) often have cognitive deficits in multiple domains, including motor timing deficits, with recovery times of up to 1 year. Cognitive deficits influence treatment outcomes and abstinence. To our knowledge, timing deficits have not been investigated with regard to treatment outcome and relapse.Methods: This prospective study tested the prognostic value of motor timing in SUD with regard to treatment outcome. The study sample consisted of 74 abstinent in-patients at a private treatment programme for drug/alcohol dependence at the Momentum Mental Healthcare clinic in Somerset West, South Africa, diagnosed with alcohol and/or cocaine dependence. Participants were tested at three points: (i) Within 72 hours of the start of the treatment programme (ii) after completion of the treatment programme at 8 weeks (measure of treatment response) through filling out self-report questionnaires and experimental motor task testing, and (iii) a third visit followed through a telephonic interview at 12-months (measure of relapse).Results: Motor timing alone predicted 27 percent of the variance in alcohol self-efficacy score change, and 25 percent variance in cocaine self-efficacy change scores at treatment completion. Specifically, spatial errors, synchronization errors and inter- response interval errors of a spatial tapping task at baseline predicted self-efficacy in alcohol self-efficacy. Cocaine self-efficacy was predicted by spatial errors and contact times of a spatial tapping task at very high tempi (300 ms) only. The high rate of dropout at 12 months post-treatment did not allow for further analysis of the prognostic value of motor timing on relapse.Conclusions: The results of this investigation show us that motor timing holds prognostic value with regard to treatment outcomes. Motor timing predictors for relapse require further investigation going forward

    The impact of voluntary exercise on relative telomere length in a rat model of developmental stress

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    BACKGROUND: Exposure to early adverse events can result in the development of later psychopathology, and is often associated with cognitive impairment. This may be due to accelerated cell aging, which can be catalogued by attritioned telomeres. Exercise enhances neurogenesis and has been proposed to buffer the effect of psychological stress on telomere length. This study aimed to investigate the impact of early developmental stress and voluntary exercise on telomere length in the ventral hippocampus (VH) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) of the rat. Forty-five male Sprague-Dawley rats were categorised into four groups: maternally separated runners (MSR), maternally separated non-runners (MSnR), non-maternally separated runners (nMSR) and non-maternally separated non-runners (nMSnR). Behavioural analyses were conducted to assess anxiety-like behaviour and memory performance in the rats, after which relative telomere length was measured using qPCR. RESULTS: Maternally separated (MS) rats exhibited no significant differences in either anxiety levels or memory performance on the elevated-plus maze and the open field compared to non-maternally separated rats at 49 days of age. Exercised rats displayed increased levels of anxiety on the day that they were removed from the cages with attached running wheels, as well as improved spatial learning and temporal recognition memory compared to non-exercised rats. Exploratory post-hoc analyses revealed that maternally separated non-exercised rats exhibited significantly longer telomere length in the VH compared to those who were not maternally separated; however, exercise appeared to cancel this effect since there was no difference in VH telomere length between maternally separated and non-maternally separated runners. CONCLUSIONS: The increased telomere length in the VH of maternally separated non-exercised rats may be indicative of reduced cellular proliferation, which could, in turn, indicate hippocampal dysfunction. This effect on telomere length was not observed in exercised rats, indicating that voluntary exercise may buffer against the progressive changes in telomere length caused by alterations in maternal care early in life. In future, larger sample sizes will be needed to validate results obtained in the present study and obtain a more accurate representation of the effect that psychological stress and voluntary exercise have on telomere length