985 research outputs found

    On the decrease of the number of bound states with the increase of the angular momentum

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    For the class of central potentials possessing a finite number of bound states and for which the second derivative of rV(r)r V(r) is negative, we prove, using the supersymmetric quantum mechanics formalism, that an increase of the angular momentum ℓ\ell by one unit yields a decrease of the number of bound states of at least one unit: Nℓ+1≀Nℓ−1N_{\ell+1}\le N_{\ell}-1. This property is used to obtain, for this class of potential, an upper limit on the total number of bound states which significantly improves previously known results

    The Ground States of Large Quantum Dots in Magnetic Fields

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    The quantum mechanical ground state of a 2D NN-electron system in a confining potential V(x)=Kv(x)V(x)=Kv(x) (KK is a coupling constant) and a homogeneous magnetic field BB is studied in the high density limit N→∞N\to\infty, K→∞K\to \infty with K/NK/N fixed. It is proved that the ground state energy and electronic density can be computed {\it exactly} in this limit by minimizing simple functionals of the density. There are three such functionals depending on the way B/NB/N varies as N→∞N\to\infty: A 2D Thomas-Fermi (TF) theory applies in the case B/N→0B/N\to 0; if B/N→const.≠0B/N\to{\rm const.}\neq 0 the correct limit theory is a modified BB-dependent TF model, and the case B/N→∞B/N\to\infty is described by a ``classical'' continuum electrostatic theory. For homogeneous potentials this last model describes also the weak coupling limit K/N→0K/N\to 0 for arbitrary BB. Important steps in the proof are the derivation of a new Lieb-Thirring inequality for the sum of eigenvalues of single particle Hamiltonians in 2D with magnetic fields, and an estimation of the exchange-correlation energy. For this last estimate we study a model of classical point charges with electrostatic interactions that provides a lower bound for the true quantum mechanical energy.Comment: 57 pages, Plain tex, 5 figures in separate uufil

    Bound States in one and two Spatial Dimensions

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    In this paper we study the number of bound states for potentials in one and two spatial dimensions. We first show that in addition to the well-known fact that an arbitrarily weak attractive potential has a bound state, it is easy to construct examples where weak potentials have an infinite number of bound states. These examples have potentials which decrease at infinity faster than expected. Using somewhat stronger conditions, we derive explicit bounds on the number of bound states in one dimension, using known results for the three-dimensional zero angular momentum. A change of variables which allows us to go from the one-dimensional case to that of two dimensions results in a bound for the zero angular momentum case. Finally, we obtain a bound on the total number of bound states in two dimensions, first for the radial case and then, under stronger conditions, for the non-central case.Comment: Latex, 27pp no figure

    Stability and Related Properties of Vacua and Ground States

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    We consider the formal non relativistc limit (nrl) of the :\phi^4:_{s+1} relativistic quantum field theory (rqft), where s is the space dimension. Following work of R. Jackiw, we show that, for s=2 and a given value of the ultraviolet cutoff \kappa, there are two ways to perform the nrl: i.) fixing the renormalized mass m^2 equal to the bare mass m_0^2; ii.) keeping the renormalized mass fixed and different from the bare mass m_0^2. In the (infinite-volume) two-particle sector the scattering amplitude tends to zero as \kappa -> \infty in case i.) and, in case ii.), there is a bound state, indicating that the interaction potential is attractive. As a consequence, stability of matter fails for our boson system. We discuss why both alternatives do not reproduce the low-energy behaviour of the full rqft. The singular nature of the nrl is also nicely illustrated for s=1 by a rigorous stability/instability result of a different nature.Comment: Late

    Onsager's Inequality, the Landau-Feynman Ansatz and Superfluidity

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    We revisit an inequality due to Onsager, which states that the (quantum) liquid structure factor has an upper bound of the form (const.) x |k|, for not too large modulus of the wave vector k. This inequality implies the validity of the Landau criterion in the theory of superfluidity with a definite, nonzero critical velocity. We prove an auxiliary proposition for general Bose systems, together with which we arrive at a rigorous proof of the inequality for one of the very few soluble examples of an interacting Bose fluid, Girardeau's model. The latter proof demonstrates the importance of the thermodynamic limit of the structure factor, which must be taken initially at k different from 0. It also substantiates very well the heuristic density functional arguments, which are also shown to hold exactly in the limit of large wave-lengths. We also briefly discuss which features of the proof may be present in higher dimensions, as well as some open problems related to superfluidity of trapped gases.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure, uses revtex

    The appropriateness of using a counter app in experimental studies assessing unwanted intrusive thoughts

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    The reliable and valid assessment of unwanted intrusive thoughts (UITs) is crucial. The main aim of the current research was to investigate if individuals who used a counter app (a program on a mobile device that is used to count the frequency of an event by pressing the volume-up button) to assess UITs retrospectively overreported the number of UITs. The secondary aim was to establish preliminary psychometric qualities of the counter app method. A UIT was activated in N = 87 students. They were randomly allocated to one of three experimental conditions: counter app, thought monitoring, or free thinking. Retrospective descriptors of the UIT, including its frequency, were taken. The second study (N = 118) mainly aimed to replicate the results of the first study. In both studies, the retrospective frequency ratings of the UITs were 2–3 times higher in individuals who had used the counter app compared to those in the control conditions. Preliminary indicators of convergent validity and test–retest reliability were good; criterion, discriminant, and predictive validity were unsatisfactory. To conclude, using event marking such as a counter app can result in an overestimation of UITs. Alternative methods of assessment of UITs are discussed

    Upper and lower limits on the number of bound states in a central potential

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    In a recent paper new upper and lower limits were given, in the context of the Schr\"{o}dinger or Klein-Gordon equations, for the number N0N_{0} of S-wave bound states possessed by a monotonically nondecreasing central potential vanishing at infinity. In this paper these results are extended to the number NℓN_{\ell} of bound states for the ℓ\ell-th partial wave, and results are also obtained for potentials that are not monotonic and even somewhere positive. New results are also obtained for the case treated previously, including the remarkably neat \textit{lower} limit Nℓ≄{{[σ/(2ℓ+1)+1]/2}}N_{\ell}\geq \{\{[\sigma /(2\ell+1)+1]/2\}\} with V(r)∣1/2]% \sigma =(2/\pi) \underset{0\leq r<\infty}{\max}[r| V(r)| ^{1/2}] (valid in the Schr\"{o}dinger case, for a class of potentials that includes the monotonically nondecreasing ones), entailing the following \textit{lower} limit for the total number NN of bound states possessed by a monotonically nondecreasing central potential vanishing at infinity: N\geq \{\{(\sigma+1)/2\}\} {(\sigma+3)/2\} \}/2 (here the double braces denote of course the integer part).Comment: 44 pages, 5 figure

    On the Two-Point Correlation Function for the Uq[SU(2)]U_q[SU(2)] Invariant Spin One-Half Heisenberg Chain at Roots of Unity

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    Using Uq[SU(2)]U_q[SU(2)] tensor calculus we compute the two-point scalar operators (TPSO), their averages on the ground-state give the two-point correlation functions. The TPSOs are identified as elements of the Temperley-Lieb algebra and a recurrence relation is given for them. We have not tempted to derive the analytic expressions for the correlation functions in the general case but got some partial results. For q=eiπ/3q=e^{i \pi/3}, all correlation functions are (trivially) zero, for q=eiπ/4q=e^{i \pi/4}, they are related in the continuum to the correlation functions of left-handed and right-handed Majorana fields in the half plane coupled by the boundary condition. In the case q=eiπ/6q=e^{i \pi/6}, one gets the correlation functions of Mittag's and Stephen's parafermions for the three-state Potts model. A diagrammatic approach to compute correlation functions is also presented.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, BONN-HE-93-3

    Chromatic Polynomials for Families of Strip Graphs and their Asymptotic Limits

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    We calculate the chromatic polynomials P((Gs)m,q)P((G_s)_m,q) and, from these, the asymptotic limiting functions W({Gs},q)=lim⁡n→∞P(Gs,q)1/nW(\{G_s\},q)=\lim_{n \to \infty}P(G_s,q)^{1/n} for families of nn-vertex graphs (Gs)m(G_s)_m comprised of mm repeated subgraphs HH adjoined to an initial graph II. These calculations of W({Gs},q)W(\{G_s\},q) for infinitely long strips of varying widths yield important insights into properties of W(Λ,q)W(\Lambda,q) for two-dimensional lattices Λ\Lambda. In turn, these results connect with statistical mechanics, since W(Λ,q)W(\Lambda,q) is the ground state degeneracy of the qq-state Potts model on the lattice Λ\Lambda. For our calculations, we develop and use a generating function method, which enables us to determine both the chromatic polynomials of finite strip graphs and the resultant W({Gs},q)W(\{G_s\},q) function in the limit n→∞n \to \infty. From this, we obtain the exact continuous locus of points B{\cal B} where W({Gs},q)W(\{G_s\},q) is nonanalytic in the complex qq plane. This locus is shown to consist of arcs which do not separate the qq plane into disconnected regions. Zeros of chromatic polynomials are computed for finite strips and compared with the exact locus of singularities B{\cal B}. We find that as the width of the infinitely long strips is increased, the arcs comprising B{\cal B} elongate and move toward each other, which enables one to understand the origin of closed regions that result for the (infinite) 2D lattice.Comment: 48 pages, Latex, 12 encapsulated postscript figures, to appear in Physica

    Degenerate ground states and nonunique potentials: breakdown and restoration of density functionals

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    The Hohenberg-Kohn (HK) theorem is one of the most fundamental theorems of quantum mechanics, and constitutes the basis for the very successful density-functional approach to inhomogeneous interacting many-particle systems. Here we show that in formulations of density-functional theory (DFT) that employ more than one density variable, applied to systems with a degenerate ground state, there is a subtle loophole in the HK theorem, as all mappings between densities, wave functions and potentials can break down. Two weaker theorems which we prove here, the joint-degeneracy theorem and the internal-energy theorem, restore the internal, total and exchange-correlation energy functionals to the extent needed in applications of DFT to atomic, molecular and solid-state physics and quantum chemistry. The joint-degeneracy theorem constrains the nature of possible degeneracies in general many-body systems
