21 research outputs found

    On the impact of urban surface exchange parameterisations on air quality simulations: the Athens case

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    Most of the standard mesoscale models represent the dynamic and thermodynamic surface exchanges in urban areas with the same technique used for ruralareas (based on Monin–Obukhov similarity theory and a surface energy budget). However it has been shown that this technique is not able to fully capture the structure of the turbulent layer above a city. Aim of this study is to evaluate the importance for meteorological and air quality simulations, of properly capture the dynamic and thermodynamic surface exchanges in urban areas. Two sets of simulations were performed over the city of Athens (Greece): a first using a mesoscale model with a detailed urban surface exchange parameterisation (able to reproduce the surface exchanges better than the traditionalmethod), and a second with the traditionalapproach. Meteorological outputs are passed to a Eulerian photochemical model (the photochemical model is run offline). Comparison with measurements shows better agreement for the simulation with the detailed parameterisation. The differences between the simulations concern, mainly, wind speed (maximum difference of 0.5–1ms-1), night-time temperatures (2–3°C), turbulence intensity (2m2 s-2) and heat fluxes (0.15Kms-1) over the urban area, urban nocturnal land breeze intensity, timing and extension of sea breeze. These differences modify the pollutant distribution (e.g. for ozone maximum differences are of the order of 30 ppb). Differences between the simulations are also found in AOT60 values (inside and outside the city) and in O3 chemicalregimes

    The Integrated WRF/Urban Modeling System: Development, Evaluation, and Applications to Urban Environmental Problems

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    To bridge the gaps between traditional mesoscale modeling and microscale modeling, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), in collaboration with other agencies and research groups, has developed an integrated urban modeling system coupled to the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model as a community tool to address urban environmental issues. The core of this WRF/urban modeling system consists of: 1) three methods with different degrees of freedom to parameterize urban surface processes, ranging from a simple bulk parameterization to a sophisticated multi-layer urban canopy model with an indoor outdoor exchange sub-model that directly interacts with the atmospheric boundary layer, 2) coupling to fine-scale Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) and Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) models for Transport and Dispersion (T&D) applications, 3) procedures to incorporate high-resolution urban land-use, building morphology, and anthropogenic heating data using the National Urban Database and Access Portal Tool (NUDAPT), and 4) an urbanized high-resolution land-data assimilation system (u-HRLDAS). This paper provides an overview of this modeling system; addresses the daunting challenges of initializing the coupled WRF/urban model and of specifying the potentially vast number of parameters required to execute the WRF/urban model; explores the model sensitivity to these urban parameters; and evaluates the ability of WRF/urban to capture urban heat islands, complex boundary layer structures aloft, and urban plume T&D for several major metropolitan regions. Recent applications of this modeling system illustrate its promising utility, as a regional climate-modeling tool, to investigate impacts of future urbanization on regional meteorological conditions and on air quality under future climate change scenarios

    Wind and turbulence relationship with NO2 in an urban environment: a fine-scale observational analysis

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    It is well known that meteorology plays an important role in the diurnal evolution of pollutants, especially those variables related to atmospheric dispersion. Most studies typically relate the concentration of some pollutants with wind speed from conventional anemometers; however, the use of turbulence variables is less common, in part because the needed instruments are not so typical in standard air-quality stations. In this work, we compare the wind-NO2 relationship with the turbulence-NO2 one using observational data from two field campaigns developed in Madrid (winter and summer). The turbulence data comes from two sonic anemometers deployed at different locations: one close to the street and the other at the top of a nearby tall building. The results indicate that the turbulent variables correlate better with the pollutant concentration than the wind speed when using data from the street sonic, while the contrary is found when using the terrace sonic. These data are also used to perform a fine-scale analysis of the turbulent diffusion-NO2 behaviour during a very-stable period in winter, when the turbulence typically shows a decrease in the evening transition, causing the highestNO2 concentrations. Conversely, under these conditions, the formation of thermally-driven winds is also favoured later in the night, which favours the pollutant dispersion and cleaning of the air. The important role of these dynamical processes on the NO2 evolution highlights the importance of the correct understanding of small-scale atmospheric processes to understand their relationship with the concentration of pollutants

    Developing a research strategy to better understand, observe, and simulate urban atmospheric processes at kilometer to subkilometer scales

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    A Met Office/Natural Environment Research Council Joint Weather and Climate Research Programme workshop brought together 50 key international scientists from the UK and international community to formulate the key requirements for an Urban Meteorological Research strategy. The workshop was jointly organised by University of Reading and the Met Office

    Medidas para reducir la exposición de los ciclistas a los principales contaminantes atmosféricos urbanos

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    Recoge los principales resultados generados durante la realización del proyecto LIFE+RESPIRA, llevado a cabo en la ciudad de Pamplona (Navarra, España) por un equipo interdisciplinar constituido por más de 30 investigadores pertenecientes a la Universidad de Navarra, el Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) y Gestión Ambiental de Navarra (GAN-NIK). El libro, que se ha publicado en castellano y en inglés, se ha dividido en 7 capítulos: 1. ¿Ciudades sostenibles? 2. Exposición de los ciudadanos a la contaminación atmosférica 3. Papel de la vegetación urbana en la calidad del aire 4. Modelos de alta resolución para evaluar la calidad del aire 5. Impactos de la contaminación urbana 6. Movilidad y sostenibilidad urbanas 7. Comunicación y educación ambiental. Este libro pretende ser una guía de utilidad para científicos, gestores y ciudadanos, aportando un conjunto de herramientas que permitan mejorar la calidad de vida de nuestras ciudades. Además, quiere rendir un homenaje a todos los voluntarios ciclistas que han participado en dicho proyecto y que son los verdaderos artífices del mismo, ya que gracias a su dedicación incondicional durante más de dos años, han proporcionado una cantidad ingente de datos sobre la calidad del aire de la ciudad de Pamplona

    Reduction of exposure of cyclists to urban air pollution

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    This book collects the main outcomes that were generated during the implementation of the LIFE+RESPIRA project (LIFE13 ENV/ES/000417), carried out in the city of Pamplona, Navarra, Spain. The research was conducted by a cross-functional team made up of more than 30 researchers belonging to three entities: The University of Navarra, the Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT) and Environmental Management of Navarra (GAN-NIK)

    Evaluation of the impact of anthropogenic heat emissions generated from road transportation and power plants on the UHI intensity of Singapore

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    This work studies the potential impact of road transport and power plants on the urban climate of Singapore. The study furthermore enhances the representation of anthropogenic heat fluxes in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with the Building Energy Model (BEM). To enhance WRF -BEM model's capacity, we have incorporated the hourly heat emission profile of road traffic and power plants and named it “Improved WRF-BEM”. This version was tested over April 2016, a period usually with high Urban Heat Island Intensity (UHII) in Singapore. The evaluation of the model performance was carried out over 17 observation stations in Singapore. The diurnal profile of hourly average temperature was close to the observation data with RMSE lower than 2°C (overall time period) for all stations. The maximum local impact of road traffic and power plant was observed during the morning and early evening respectively, reaching a maximum of 1.1 °C and 0.5 °C in each case. The highest UHII was noticed during the early morning. At hour 8:00, spatial mean UHII throughout Singapore was 1.9 °C during April 2016, reaching a maximum value of 5.2°C. As a mitigation approach, all the current vehicles were replaced by electric vehicles and additional anthropogenic heat emission was considered from the corresponding power plants. We analyzed two technology scenarios related to urban road traffic. The first scenario replaces the whole vehicle fleet of Singapore for electric vehicles. The second scenario replaces the fleet for autonomous vehicles. We found that electric vehicles lead to a drop in air temperature of more than 0.2°C in 37% of the road traffic areas, reaching a maximum reduction of 0.9°C during the early morning (8:00). Similar results are obtained for the autonomous vehicles although the spatial distribution of the impact is different. When considering the case where power plants increase their heat emission due to the production of energy for the electric vehicles scenario, our results showed slightly lower benefits on air temperature. Although maximum impact remains the same (-0.9°C), only 26.7% of the road traffic area reduces more than 0.2°C. Additionally, some areas surrounding the power plants, can expect a minor increase on air temperature