208 research outputs found

    Proposal for a tourism revitalization plan for the municipality of Burón

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    [ES] Actualmente en España el turismo rural es una de las oportunidades que muchas áreas del interior han utilizado para resolver la despoblación y el encarecimiento de la agricultura y la ganadería. A través de una correcta planificación turística se puede conseguir la reactivación de la economía local, reducir la despoblación, la puesta en valor de los recursos patrimoniales o la conservación de las tradiciones y costumbres. Teniendo en cuenta que el Municipio de Burón se trata de un destino turístico rural que se encuentra en fase de crecimiento, se pretende elaborar una propuesta de Plan de Dinamización Turística con varias estrategias y actuaciones en base a la sostenibilidad y del desarrollo local para que se garantice un desarrollo turístico sostenible, equilibrado y beneficioso tanto para los visitantes como para la comunidad local.[EN] Currently in Spain, rural tourism is one of the opportunities that many inland areas have used to tackle depopulation and the rising costs of agriculture and livestock farming. Through proper tourism planning, it is possible to revitalise the local economy, reduce depopulation, enhance the value of heritage resources and preserve traditions and customs. Considering that the Municipality of Burón is a rural tourist destination in a phase of growth, the aim is to develop a proposal for a Tourism Dynamization Plan with several strategies and actions based on sustainability and local development. This plan will guarantee a sustainable, balanced and beneficial tourism development for both visitors and the local community

    Campaña publicitaria “Hemper, el joven artesano”

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    El mundo de la moda y el consumo textil es hoy en día la mayor fuente de ingresos a nivel mundial; lo que se desconoce es que este mercado es también uno de los más contaminantes. En la última década surge un movimiento revolucionario que se conoce como slow fashion y se manifiesta como la oposición a la producción de moda rápida (fast fashion) anteponiendo la preocupación por el medio ambiente y el agotamiento de los recursos naturales. Cada vez son más las marcas que nacen y se unen a esta iniciativa de moda sostenible. En este trabajo se habla de Hemper; una marca de origen español que se centra en la producción y diseño de prendas con cáñamo procedente de Nepal; una de las plantas más regenerativas y resistentes del planeta. En el presente trabajo se expone la creación de la campaña de primavera- verano de la marca y va desde los aspectos teóricos de la planificación estratégica hasta la parte más práctica y ejecución final; además de una evaluación de los resultados.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Presentation of monograph: Human Mobility. Realities and challenges for Social Work

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    Presentation of monograph: Human Mobility. Realities and challenges for Social Wor

    A agência migrante no sistema migratório da América Latina e do Caribe

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    This paper examines some examples of collective migrant agency in the Latin American and Caribbean migration system. Based on the theoretical proposal formulated by Carballo, Echart and Villarreal (2019), we understand that the study of migrant agency, in its individual and collective dimension, is a central issue to understand migration systems, as it is the most dynamic element of these processes and the least explored theoretically. At the methodological level, this is qualitative bibliographic research that uses documentary analysis and secondary data as techniques, in addition to information extracted from social networks of organizations and campaigns promoted by migrants and civil society entities that work with migrations. The research results show that the migrant caravans organized in Central America, as well as the organization of campaigns, strikes and advocacy actions in favour of regularization, access to vote and human rights in South America and the Caribbean are examples of migrant agency. These examples show that even in contexts as exceptional as the Covid-19 pandemic, migrants do not remain passive in the face of the injustices that motivate their displacement or the restrictions and control that condition their lives, but resist and fight for recognition, rights and better living conditions.Este artículo examina algunos ejemplos de agencia migrante colectiva en el sistema migratorio de América Latina y el Caribe. A partir de la propuesta teórica formulada por Carballo, Echart y Villarreal (2019), entendemos que el estudio de la agencia migrante, en su dimensión individual y colectiva, es un tema central para comprender los sistemas migratorios, por ser el elemento más dinámico de estos procesos y el menos explorado teóricamente. A nivel metodológico, se trata de una investigación bibliográfica de carácter cualitativo que utiliza como técnicas el análisis documental y de datos secundarios, además de informaciones extraídas de redes sociales de organizaciones y campañas promovidas por migrantes y entidades de la sociedad civil que trabajan con migraciones. Los resultados de la investigación evidencian que las caravanas migrantes organizadas en Centroamérica, así como la organización de campañas, huelgas y acciones de incidencia política a favor de la regularización, el acceso al voto y los derechos humanos en América del Sur y el Caribe, son ejemplos de agencia migrante. Estos ejemplos muestran que, aun en contextos tan excepcionales como la pandemia de Covid-19, las personas migrantes no permanecen pasivas ante las injusticias que motivan su desplazamiento o ante las restricciones y el control que condiciona sus vidas, sino que resisten y luchan por reconocimiento, derechos y mejores condiciones de vida.Este trabalho examina alguns exemplos de agência coletiva migrante no sistema migratório da América Latina e do Caribe. Com base na proposta teórica formulada por Carballo, Echart e Villarreal (2019), entendemos que o estudo da agência migrante, em sua dimensão individual e coletiva, é um tema central para a compreensão dos sistemas migratórios, por ser o elemento mais dinâmico desses processos e o menos explorado teoricamente. Em nível metodológico, trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que utiliza como técnicas a análise documental e dados secundários, além de informações extraídas de redes sociais de organizações e campanhas promovidas por migrantes e entidades da sociedade civil que trabalham com migração. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que as caravanas migrantes organizadas na América Central, bem como a organização de campanhas, greves e ações de advocacy em prol da regularização, do acesso ao voto e dos direitos humanos na América do Sul e no Caribe, são exemplos de agência migrante. Esses exemplos mostram que, mesmo em contextos tão excepcionais como a pandemia de Covid-19, os migrantes não permanecem passivos diante das injustiças que motivam seu deslocamento ou das restrições e do controle que condicionam suas vidas, mas resistem e lutam por reconhecimento, direitos e melhores condições de vida

    Characterization of atrial arrhythmias following mitral valve repair: incidence and risk factors

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    Objectives This study aims to investigate the occurrence, type and correlation of early and late atrial arrhythmias following mitral valve repair in patients with no preoperative history of atrial arrhythmias. Methods Patients undergoing mitral valve (MV) repair for degenerative disease were included. Early and late postoperative electrocardiograms were evaluated for the incidence and type of atrial arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation [AF] or atrial tachycardia [AT]). Results The 192 patients were included. Early atrial arrhythmias occurred in 100/192 (52.1%) patients; AF in 61 (31.8%) patients, early AT in 15 (7.8%) and both in 24 (12.5%). In total 89% of patients were discharged in sinus rhythm. During a follow-up time of 7.3 years, 14 patients (7.3%) died and 49 (25.5%) patients developed late atrial arrhythmias. At 10 years, the cumulative incidence of any late atrial arrhythmia, with death as competing risk, was 64% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 55%–72%). On Fine-Gray model analysis, only early postoperative AF lasting >24 h was related to the development of late AF (hazard ratio 5.99, 95% CI = 1.78%–20.10%, p = .004). Early postoperative ATs were related to the development of late tachycardias, independent of their duration (24 h hazard ratio 3.51, 95% CI = 1.65–7.46, p = .001). Conclusions Early and late atrial arrhythmias were common after MV repair surgery. Only early postoperative AF lasting >24 h was a risk factor for the occurrence of late AF. Conversely, any postoperative AT was correlated to the development of late ATs

    Acciones estratégicas en igualdad de género en Norte de África y Oriente Medio : avances legislativos en violencia contra las mujeres y derecho de familia

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    Bibliografía: p. 43-45Resumen: La Universidad Complutense de Madrid dispone de un sólidocompromiso con la promoción de la igualdad de género en nuestra sociedad y también,desde una vocación de solidaridad internacional, en otros contextos y países. La presente publicación recoge el resultado de un rico proceso de intercambio entre parlamentarias, magistradas y juristas árabes y españolas que tuvo lugar entre octubre y diciembre de 2017, en el marco de la colaboración entre la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo. Su contenido se centra en el análisis y las propuestas de acción estratégica en el ámbito legislativo relativo a la violencia de género, el derecho de familia y la Sharia. El Centro Superior de Estudios de Gestión ha querido contribuir así al avance en la igualdad de género en una región heterogénea en la que las mujeres han hecho grandes progresos en su lucha por la consecución de sus derechos, en la que hay países pioneros en el desarrollo de modificaciones legislativas igualitarias, pero donde también se mantienen importantes discriminaciones por razón de sexo. Nuestro deseo es que esta publicación pueda resultar de utilidad en la toma de decisiones para la cooperación con el Mundo Árabe en igualdad de género y, por ende, para el avance de las mujeres en toda su diversidad.Esta publicación cuenta con el apoyo financiero de la Cooperación Española a través de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internaciona

    African swine fever virus infection in Classical swine fever subclinically infected wild boars

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    Recently moderate-virulence classical swine fever virus (CSFV) strains have been proven capable of generating postnatal persistent infection (PI), defined by the maintenance of viremia and the inability to generate CSFV-specific immune responses in animals. These animals also showed a type I interferon blockade in the absence of clinical signs. In this study, we assessed the infection generated in 7-week-old CSFV PI wild boars after infection with the African swine fever virus (ASFV). The wild boars were divided in two groups and were infected with ASFV. Group A comprised boars who were CSFV PI in a subclinical form and Group B comprised pestivirus-free wild boars. Some relevant parameters related to CSFV replication and the immune response of CSFV PI animals were studied. Additionally, serum soluble factors such as IFN-α, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-γ and sCD163 were analysed before and after ASFV infection to assess their role in disease progression.This research was supported by grants AGL2013–48998 and AGL2015–66907 from the Spanish government. S.M and A.C ha


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    Simulation, as teaching-learning methodology, is an instrument potentially transformative of formative practice in health, which focuses on the qualification of professionals and produces technical competence, ethics and politics in order to deal with the health problems in which these professionals are inserted. Given this, this study aims to analyze the use of simulation as a strategy for teaching-learning in Nursing. It is an integrative review of literature, from scientific publications indexed in the databases online Lilacs, Pubmed and Rev Enf., during 2010 and 2016. Following the search criteria, the sample was composed of 39 scientific articles, predominantly English-language articles 56% being the majority published in international journals, 59% (23) and 41% (16) published in national journals. The results demonstrated that most of them used the simulation with high-fidelity models in the process of nursing education for the development of knowledge and technical skills. The 39 studied articles were categorized in 3 main themes, which were: knowledge and skills, patience safety and self-confidence; thinking critically and reflecting the practice. From the analysis of these studies, the conclusion reached is that the simulation is an active methodology that contributes with the teaching and learning of Nursing since it streamlines the education through innovative strategies that make it possible to promote student’s autonomy, cognitive and psychomotor competence. Simulation is an educational resource which is able to promote a new paradigm in relation to traditional teaching. Keywords: Simulation. Education in Nursing. Learning. Educational TechnologyA simulação como metodologia de ensino-aprendizagem é um instrumento potencialmente transformador da prática formativa em saúde, atentando para a formação de profissionais mais qualificados, produzindo competência técnica, ética e política para o enfrentamento dos problemas de saúde nos quais estejam inseridos. Diante disso, este estudo objetiva analisar a utilização da simulação como estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem em enfermagem. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, a partir de publicações científicas indexadas nas bases de dados on-line Lilacs, Pubmed e Rev Enf., no período de 2010 a 2016. Seguindo os critérios de busca, a amostra foi composta por 39 artigos científicos, predominando artigos no idioma inglês (56%), sendo sua maioria publicada em periódicos internacionais, 59% (23), e 41% (16) publicados em periódicos nacionais. Os resultados demostraram que a maioria dos estudos utilizou a simulação com manequins de alta fidelidade no processo de ensino de enfermagem para o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos e habilidades técnicas. Os 39 artigos estudados foram categorizados em três temas principais, conhecimento e habilidades; segurança do paciente e autoconfiança; pensar criticamente e refletir a prática. A partir da análise desses estudos, concluiu-se que a simulação é uma metodologia ativa que contribui no ensino-aprendizagem de enfermagem, pois dinamiza o ensino através de estratégias inovadoras que possibilitam promover a autonomia, a competência cognitiva e a psicomotora dos estudantes. A simulação é um recurso educacional capaz de promover um novo paradigma em relação ao ensino tradicional. &nbsp

    Prevalence and Prognostic Impact of Pathogenic Variants in Patients With Dilated Cardiomyopathy Referred for Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation

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    OBJECTIVES This study aimed to assess the frequency of (likely) pathogenic variants (LP/Pv) among dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) ventricular tachycardia (VT) patients referred for CA and their impact on procedural outcome and long-term prognosis. BACKGROUND The prevalence of genetic variants associated with monomorphic VT among DCM is unknown. METHODS Ninety-eight consecutive patients (age 56 +/- 15 years; 84% men, left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] 39 12%) referred for DCM-VT ablation were included. Patients underwent electroanatomical mapping and testing of >= 55 cardiomyopathy-related genes. Mapping data were analyzed for low-voltage areas and abnormal potentials. LP/Pv-positive (LP/Pv+) patients were compared with LP/Pv-negative (LP/Pv-) patients and followed for VT recurrence and mortality. RESULTS In 37 (38%) patients, LP/Pv were identified, most frequently LMNA (n = 11 of 37, [30%]), 17N (n = 6 of 37, [16%]), PLN (n = 6 of 37, [16%]), SCN5A (n = 3 of 37, [8%]), RBM20 (n = 2 of 37, [5%]) and DSP (n = 2 of 37, [5%]). LP/Pv+ carriers had tower LVEF (35 + 13% vs. LP/Pv-: 42 11%; p 0.005) and were less often men (n 27 [73%] vs. n 55 [90%] p 0.03). After a median follow-up of 2.4 years (interquartile range: 0.9 to 4.4 years), 63 (64%) patients had VT recurrence (LP/Pv+: 30 of 37 [81%] vs. LP/Pv-: 33 of 61 [54%]; p = 0.007). Twenty-eight patients (29%) died (LP/Pv +: 19 of 37 [51%] vs. LP/Pv-: 9 of 61 [15%]; p <0.001). The cumulative 2-year VT-free survival was 41% in the total cohort (LP/Pv+: 16% vs. LP/Pv-: 54%; p 0.001). The presence of LP/Pv (hazard ratio: 1.9; 95% confidence interval: 1.1 to 3.4; p = 0.02) and unipolar low-voltage area size/cm(2) increase (hazard ratio: 2.5; 95% confidence interval: 1.6 to 4.0; p <0.001) were associated with a decreased 2-year VT-free survival. CONCLUSIONS In patients with DCM-VT, a genetic cause is frequently identified. LP/Pv+ patients have a tower LVEF and more extensive VT substrates, which, in combination with disease progression, may contribute to the poor prognosis. Genetic testing in patients with DCM-VT should therefore be recommended. (C) 2020 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation