8,307 research outputs found

    Development of a Low pT Muon LVL2 Trigger Algorithm with the ATLAS TileCal Detector

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    This research report is framed in the commissioning phase of the ATLAS experiment. It is devoted to the TileCal muon identification algorithm, TileMuId, which makes use of the energy deposition in the calorimeter cells following projective patterns in η\eta. The main purpose of this algorithm is to be used at Level-2 trigger for low pTp_{\text{T}} muons. The implementation of the algorithm in the TileCal ROD DSP firmware is discussed since the preprocessing at this stage can be used to save time at Level-2. The efficiency and fraction of fakes expected with this ROD-based version of the algorithm are evaluated using different samples of Monte Carlo data. Results obtained executing the algorithm online in the ROD DSPs during cosmics runs are also shown. Finally, the software implemented in the Athena framework related to this new version of the algorithm is summarized

    Evolución y simbiosis de las propensiones esenciales en el escenario de la enseñanza de las ciencias experimentales

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    The main prospects on science teaching are analyzed. The recent paradiglns in computer technology have enabled the development of a second generation of instructional design. Additionally, breakthroughs in neuroscience provide a new focus to ecology in the field of science teaching in the general scenario defined by the theory of evolution. The authors have the conviction that the time has arrived for a new curriculum in sciences based on a symbiosis between computer technology, instructional design and neurobiology. As a consequence, curricular projects in sciences must be especially centered upon neuronal education. Finally, the incidence cif the science of complexity and the concept edge of chaos in education is considered

    Using collocation segmentation to augment the phrase table

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    This paper describes the 2010 phrase-based statistical machine translation system developed at the TALP Research Center of the UPC1 in cooperation with BMIC2 and VMU3. In phrase-based SMT, the phrase table is the main tool in translation. It is created extracting phrases from an aligned parallel corpus and then computing translation model scores with them. Performing a collocation segmentation over the source and target corpus before the alignment causes that di erent and larger phrases are extracted from the same original documents. We performed this segmentation and used the union of this phrase set with the phrase set extracted from the nonsegmented corpus to compute the phrase table. We present the con gurations considered and also report results obtained with internal and o cial test sets.Postprint (published version

    Regresión no lineal mediante la evolución de modelos Híbridos de Redes Neuronales

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    El presente trabajo es una primera aproximación a la formación de modelos de redes neuronales con unidades ocultas de tipo híbrido (sigmoides, producto) que siendo aproximadores universales, puedan utilizarse como modelos no lineales de regresión cuando las características del espacio de las variables independientes lo aconsejen. Dada la dificultad que presenta la aplicación de algoritmos de aprendizaje de búsqueda local para esta tipología de modelos, se utiliza un algoritmo de programación evolutiva donde se definen operadores de mutación específicos. Los experimentos realizados con cuatro funciones de prueba, las tres funciones de Friedman y una propuesta por los autores, muestran resultados muy prometedores en esta direcció

    Revisión taxonómica de Helix zapateri Hidalgo, 1870 (Pulmonata, Trissexodontidae) y su nuevo estatus en la malacofauna ibérica

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    Alberto Martínez Ortí: [email protected]ón taxonómica de Helix zapateri Hidalgo, 1870 (Pulmonata, Trissexodontidae) y su nuevo estatus en la malacofauna ibérica.— Se realiza la revisión taxonómica y se discute la nueva asignación genérica del taxon ibérico Helix zapateri, mediante la comparación de caracteres conquiológicos con las especies más similares, Hatumia pseudogasulli y Gasullia gasulli, ambas trissexodóntidos. Los estudios conquiológicos nos permiten concluir que Helix zapateri debe ser considerada como una especie válida y designarse como Hatumia zapateri, y que Hatumia pseudogasulli corresponde a un sinónimo posterior de H. zapateri.Taxonomical revision of Helix zapateri Hidalgo, 1870 (Pulmonata, Trissexodontidae) and its new status in the Iberian malacofauna.— A taxonomic revision is made and the new generic assignation of the Iberian taxon Helix zapateri is discussed; its conchological features are compared with the most similar species, Hatumia pseudogasulli and Gasullia gasulli, both trissexodontids. Conchological studies allow us to conclude that Helix zapateri should be considered as a valid species and designated Hatumia zapateri, while H. pseudogasulli is a junior synonym of H. zapateri

    Mossbauer and magnetization studies of amorphous NdFeB compositionally modulated thin films

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    Several NdFeB compositionally modulated thin films are studied by using both conversion electron Mossbauer spectra and SQUID (superconducting quantum-interference-device) magnetometry. Both the hyperfine fields and the easy magnetization magnitude are not correlated with the modulation characteristic length (lambda) while the magnetization perpendicular to the thin-film plane decreases as lambda increases. The spectra were recorded at room temperature being the gamma rays perpendicular to the substrate plane. The magnetization measurements were recorded by using a SHE SQUID magnetometer in applied magnetic fields up to 5.5 T and in the temperature range between 1.8 and 30 K

    Review of the “state of the art” and possibilities of the most significant approaches to the specific delivery of chemotherapy agents to tumor cells

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    Los principales problemas de la quimioterapia proceden esencialmente de la relativa falta de especificidad derivada de la extensa biodistribución de los agentes antitumorales y de los efectos secundarios generados por la acción inespecífica de éstos en tejidos y órganos sanos. La necesidad de encontrar tratamientos eficaces contra el cáncer ha hecho que se incrementen las líneas de investigación en esta materia. Una de las aproximaciones más prometedoras en este sentido es el desarrollo de sistemas coloidales biodegradables para el transporte de fármacos antitumorales. Gracias a éstos, se logra acumular específicamente la cantidad de fármaco administrada en el lugar de acción, logrando así un aumento significativo de la eficacia clínica, junto con una minimización de las reacciones adversas asociadas. En este trabajo, pretendemos analizar el estado actual en el diseño de coloides como transportadores de fármacos antitumorales, junto con la aplicación de las novedosas estrategias de transporte pasivo y activo de fármacos.The main problems related to chemotherapy mainly come from a relative lack of selectivity, that is associated to the extensive biodistribution of antitumor molecules, and to the severe side effects generated by the unspecific drug action on healthy tissues and organs. The need of finding out efficient treatments against cancer has led to an enhancement in the number of research lines in the field. In this way, one of the most promising approaches is the development of biodegradable colloids for the delivery of antitumor drugs. Thanks to them, it is possible to specifically concentrate the drug into the site of action. Therefore, a significant improvement of the chemotherapy effect is obtained along with a minimization of the related adverse side effects. In this review, we analyze the current “state of the art” in the development of colloidal systems for the efficient delivery of anticancer drugs. The possibilities of novel drug delivery strategies based on passive and active targeting mechanisms are also discussed

    How batter formulation can modify fried tempura-battered zucchini chemical and sensory characteristics?

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    Tempura-fried vegetables are widely consumed and are greatly appreciated because of their characteristic dry and crispy crust, flavor and a golden–brown color. This study examined the effect of slice thickness, frying time and partial ingredient substitution in tempura batter with maltodextrin, ethanol, baking powder and cornflour on the rheological characteristics, moisture, oil uptake, color, texture and sensory characteristics of tempura-fried zucchini. The results showed an improved golden–brown coloring of the crust without affecting oil uptake when maltodextrin was included in the batter formulation. Moreover, dough viscosity and % pick-up lowered with maltodextrin addition. The partial substitution of water and wheat flour with ethanol, cornflour and baking powder resulted in a crispier and rougher crust that remained more stable over time but with less moisture and higher oil uptake. The substitution of certain tempura batter ingredients depending on the desired purpose could represent an interesting strategy to improve the quality of battered fried vegetables

    Un modelo macroeconométrico de simulación con microfundamentos para la economía mexicana

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    This paper develops a macroeconometric simulation model for Mexico on a microeconomics basis. This proposal has several distinctive features that makes it different from other models that have been previously elaborated for the Mexican economy. Behavioral relationships are not specified in an ad-hoc manner, but by means of the study of rational behavior of all the economic agents and their interactions with the markets. Through the formulation of intertemporal optimization models, the dynamics of the key macroeconomic variables are determined. Our proposal allows to reproduce stylized facts of the Mexican economy observed between 1995 and 2002.macroeconometric model, simulation, intertemporal choice and growth.