142 research outputs found

    Quantitative approach for the risk assessment of African swine fever and Classical swine fever introduction into the United States through legal imports of pigs and swine products.

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    The US livestock safety strongly depends on its capacity to prevent the introduction of Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs). Therefore, accurate and updated information on the location and origin of those potential TADs risks is essential, so preventive measures as market restrictions can be put on place. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the current risk of African swine fever (ASF) and Classical swine fever (CSF) introduction into the US through the legal importations of live pigs and swine products using a quantitative approach that could be later applied to other risks. Four quantitative stochastic risk assessment models were developed to estimate the monthly probabilities of ASF and CSF release into the US, and the exposure of susceptible populations (domestic and feral swine) to these introductions at state level. The results suggest a low annual probability of either ASF or CSF introduction into the US, by any of the analyzed pathways (5.5*10-3). Being the probability of introduction through legal imports of live pigs (1.8*10-3 for ASF, and 2.5*10-3 for CSF) higher than the risk of legally imported swine products (8.90*10-4 for ASF, and 1.56*10-3 for CSF). This could be caused due to the low probability of exposure associated with this type of commodity (products). The risk of feral pigs accessing to swine products discarded in landfills was slightly higher than the potential exposure of domestic pigs through swill feeding. The identification of the months at highest risk, the origin of the higher risk imports, and the location of the US states most vulnerable to those introductions (Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin for live swine and California, Florida and Texas for swine products), is valuable information that would help to design prevention, risk-mitigation and early-detection strategies that would help to minimize the catastrophic consequences of potential ASF/CSF introductions into the US

    Critical Pedagogy: A Journey from Its Origins to Critical Pedagogy in Colombian Education

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    Una gran revolución en la forma en que profesores y educadores ven la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lenguas y su alcance ha comenzado a ganar peso en las últimas décadas, todo ello provocado por las extraordinarias investigaciones y teorías emergentes para cambiar la visión tradicional de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lenguas. La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de idiomas han pasado del entorno del aula, donde la atención se centraba únicamente en lo que sucede en el aula, a asuntos más apremiantes, y ahora apuntan a desarrollar algo más que habilidades lingüísticas (escuchar, hablar, leer, escribir y similares). En cambio, intentan desarrollar el pensamiento y la conciencia crítica, la política y la conciencia de justicia social a través de lo que algunos educadores han llamado Pedagogía Crítica (CP en adelante), que conduce a la transformación del individuo, el entorno de aprendizaje y la sociedad. La información que se presenta a continuación no es de ninguna manera definitivo sobre la Pedagogía Crítica, sino un intento de presentar y conceptualizar el origen, la definición, los principios, la visión de docentes y alumnos, y la situación actual de la Pedagogía Crítica en Colombia y finalizar con nuestra comprensión de lo que se ha presentado a lo largo este artículo, junto con algunas conclusiones generales.A great revolution in the way teachers and educators see language teaching and learning, and its scope has started to gain weight in the last decades, all brought about by the extraordinary emerging research and theories to change this traditional view. Language teaching and learning have moved from the classroom settings, where the focus was just on what happens in the classroom, to more pressing matters, and now they aim to develop more than language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing, and the like). Instead, they intent to develop critical thinking, critical and political consciousness, and social justice awareness through what some educators have called Critical Pedagogy (CP hereafter), which leads to the transformation of the individual, the learning environment, and society (Freire, 1970). What follows is by no means definite about Critical Pedagogy but an attempt to introduce and conceptualize the origin, definition, principles, view of teachers and learners, and the current situation of CP in Colombia and end it with our understanding of what has been presented throughout this paper, along with some general conclusions

    Longitudinal Survey of Fecal Microbiota in Healthy Dogs Administered a Commercial Probiotic

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    The aim of this longitudinal microbiome study was to investigate the effects of a commercially available veterinary synbiotic product (Blackmore's® Paw DigestiCare 60™) on the fecal microbiome of healthy dogs using 16S rRNA gene microbial profiling. Fifteen healthy, privately-owned dogs participated in a 2-week trial administration of the product. Fecal samples were collected at different time points, including baseline (prior to treatment), during administration and after discontinuation of product. Large intra- and inter-individual variation was observed throughout the study, but microbiome composition at higher phylogenetic levels, alpha and beta diversity were not significantly altered after 2 weeks of probiotic administration, suggesting an absence of probiotic impact on microbial diversity. Administration of the synbiotic preparation did, however, result in transient increases in probiotic species from Enterococacceae and Streptococacceae families as well as an increase in Fusobacteria; with the fecal microbiota partially reverting to its baseline state 3-weeks after cessation of probiotic administration

    Propuesta de un plan de mejora y un plan de trazabilidad para la panificadora Gabriel.

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    Planes de trazabilidad y mejora, que contemplan aspectos que forman parte de un planear - hacer - verificar y actuar, donde el objetivo de los dos se establece para obtener el más alto grado de calidad en la obtención de un producto final. Se aplica con eficacia en todo su proceso desdés el inicio, durante y fin del proceso el cual debe estar monitoreado por medio de registros que asegure cada etapa. Este proyecto se aplica al caso de contaminación de bacteria Ecoli en el producto pastel de moka; desde su ficha técnica, flujo grama del proceso, diagrama de flujo y materias primas que se requieren en su elaboración ,también puntualiza la metodología de la trazabilidad por medio de formatos dispuestos en cada etapa del proceso, cuenta con un plan de mejora y plan de acción para las no conformidades halladas en la inspección sanitaria realizada por los organismos de control, buscando el cumplimiento de la legislación alimentaria.Plans for traceability and improvement, which contemplate aspects that are part of a plan - do - verify and act, where the objective of the two is established to obtain the highest degree of quality in obtaining a final product. It is applied effectively throughout the process from the start, during and end of the process which must be monitored by means of records that ensure each stage. This project applies to the case of contamination of Ecoli bacteria in the moka cake product; from its technical sheet, flow of the process, flow diagram and raw materials that are required in its preparation, also points out the methodology of traceability by means of formats arranged in each stage of the process, has an improvement plan and plan of action for non-conformities found in the sanitary inspection carried out by the control bodies, seeking compliance with food legislation

    Six Collective Challenges for Sustainability of Almería Greenhouse Horticulture

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    Globally, current food consumption and trade are placing unprecedented demand on agricultural systems and increasing pressure on natural resources, requiring tradeoffs between food security and environmental impacts especially given the tension between market-driven agriculture and agro-ecological goals. In order to illustrate the wicked social, economic and environmental challenges and processes to find transformative solutions, we focus on the largest concentration of greenhouses in the world located in the semi-arid coastal plain of South-east Spain. Almería family farming, predominantly cooperative, greenhouse intensive production, commenced after the 1960s and has resulted in very significant social and economic benefits for the region, while also having important negative environmental and biodiversity impacts, as well as creating new social challenges. The system currently finds itself in a crisis of diminishing economic benefits and increasing environmental and social dilemmas. Here, we present the outcomes of multi-actor, transdisciplinary research to review and provide collective insights for solutions-oriented research on the sustainability of Almeria’s agricultural sector. The multi-actor, transdisciplinary process implemented collectively, and supported by scientific literature, identified six fundamental challenges to transitioning to an agricultural model that aims to ameliorate risks and avoid a systemic collapse, whilst balancing a concern for profitability with sustainability: (1) Governance based on a culture of shared responsibility for sustainability, (2) Sustainable and efficient use of water, (3) Biodiversity conservation, (4) Implementing a circular economy plan, (5) Technology and knowledge transfer, and (6) Image and identity. We conclude that the multi-actor transdisciplinary approach successfully facilitated the creation of a culture of shared responsibility among public, private, academic, and civil society actors. Notwithstanding plural values, challenges and solutions identified by consensus point to a nascent acknowledgement of the strategic necessity to locate agricultural economic activity within social and environmental spheres.This paper demonstrates the need to establish transdisciplinary multi-actor work-schemes to continue collaboration and research for the transition to an agro-ecological model as a means to remain competitive and to create value

    Hierarchical modelling of immunoglobulin coated bacteria in dogs with chronic enteropathy shows reduction in coating with disease remission but marked inter-individual and treatment-response variability

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    Chronic enteropathies are a common problem in dogs, but many aspects of the pathogenesis remain unknown, making the therapeutic approach challenging in some cases. Environmental factors are intimately related to the development and perpetuation of gastrointestinal disease and the gut microbiome has been identified as a contributing factor. Previous studies have identified dysbiosis and reduced bacterial diversity in the gastrointestinal microbiota of dogs with chronic enteropathies. In this case-controlled study, we use flow cytometry and 16S rRNA sequencing to characterise bacteria highly coated with IgA or IgG in faecal samples from dogs with chronic enteropathy and evaluated their correlation with disease and resolution of the clinical signs. IgA and IgG-coated faecal bacterial counts were significantly higher during active disease compared to healthy dogs and decreased with the resolution of the clinical signs. Characterisation of taxa-specific coating of the intestinal microbiota with IgA and IgG showed marked variation between dogs and disease states, and different patterns of immunoglobulin enrichment were observed in dogs with chronic enteropathy, particularly for Erysipelotrichaceae, Clostridicaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, Prevotellaceae and Bacteroidaceae, families. Although, members of these bacterial groups have been associated with strong immunogenic properties and could potentially constitute important biomarkers of disease, their significance and role need to be further investigated

    Longitudinal Survey of Fecal Microbiota in Healthy Dogs Administered a Commercial Probiotic

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    The aim of this longitudinal microbiome study was to investigate the effects of a commercially available veterinary synbiotic product (Blackmore's® Paw DigestiCare 60™) on the fecal microbiome of healthy dogs using 16S rRNA gene microbial profiling. Fifteen healthy, privately-owned dogs participated in a 2-week trial administration of the product. Fecal samples were collected at different time points, including baseline (prior to treatment), during administration and after discontinuation of product. Large intra- and inter-individual variation was observed throughout the study, but microbiome composition at higher phylogenetic levels, alpha and beta diversity were not significantly altered after 2 weeks of probiotic administration, suggesting an absence of probiotic impact on microbial diversity. Administration of the synbiotic preparation did, however, result in transient increases in probiotic species from Enterococacceae and Streptococacceae families as well as an increase in Fusobacteria; with the fecal microbiota partially reverting to its baseline state 3-weeks after cessation of probiotic administration

    Aula invertida para la mejora del aprendizaje en la asignatura de Transferencia de Calor y Materia [Flip Teaching for the improvement of learning in the subject of Heat and Mass Transfer]

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    Se ha desarrollado y aplicado la metodología Flip Teaching (aula invertida) en la asignatura obligatoria “Transferencia de Calor y Materia” de 2º curso del grado de Ingeniero de la Energía en la ETSI de Ingenieros de Minas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Se tienen dos grupos, uno de control y otro experimental. El material que dispone el alumno preparado por el profesor para ambos grupos es: presentaciones de power point, el libro de texto y repositorio de problemas. El grupo experimental, además dispone de vídeos cortos colgados en Youtube y cuestionarios en Moodle. Estas actividades se integran en el aula con la explicación por parte del profesor de los errores detectados en los cuestionarios, y además los alumnos realizan ejercicios de aplicación de lo estudiado en casa. El efecto de la metodología se mide en el impacto del aprendizaje en los exámenes parciales de dos bloques de la asignatura (conducción y convección) que suponen el 66% de la misma. El resultado de la comparación es que las notas medias del grupo experimental son ligeramente mayores que el grupo de control. Así mismo, la dispersión de las notas es menor asegurando un mayor nivel del alumnado. [A Flip Teaching methodology has been developed and applied into an obligatory subject of the 2nd curse titled “Heat and Mass transfer” of the Energetic Engineering Bachelor at the School of Mines and Energy at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. There are two groups, the control and the experimental one. To do that, both groups has a material prepared by the teacher such as power point presentations, a textbook, and problem repository. The experimental group, also has short videos on Youtube, and short tests on Moodle. These activities are integrated in the class with the explanation by the teacher of the errors detected in the tests, and the students made exercises of application. The effect of the methodology is measured in the learning impact through the partial exams of two parts (conduction and convection) of the subject which account for the 66% of it. The result is that the mean value of the grades are higher for the group that has this methodology than the control group. Also, the dispersion of the notes is less ensuring a better level of students.

    Huellas y devenir contable : construyendo las rutas del pensamiento contable

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    RESUMEN: El libro "Huellas y devenir contable", tiene como objetivo desarrollar una aproximación al estado del arte en las líneas de investigación del Grupo GICCO del Departamento de Ciencias Contables de la Universidad de Antioquia. Este texto expone los avances más notable en las diferentes líneas de investigación integradas desde tres ejes problémicos: Análisis contable (con sus líneas de investigación: costos y gestión, contabilidad y recursos públicos, análisis de procesos tributarios y contabilidad y finanzas), Desarrollo contable (que contiene las líneas de investigación: teoría contable, caracterización internacional de la contabilidad, educación contable, tecnología contable y desarrollo contable normativo) y control organizacional (contiene las líneas de investigación: control interno, procesos de auditoría y revisoría fiscal). La aproximación a las líneas de investigación se constituyen en un proceso que culmina con la construcción de los estados del arte, trabajo desarrollado por profesores y estudiantes integrantes de los grupos primarios de investigación; la aproximación a los ejes problémicos es un proceso de abstracción a partir de las líneas, trabajo desarrollado por el grupo integrador.Líneas de investigación contabl