1,047 research outputs found

    A Formulation of the Log-Logistic Distribution for Fading Channel Modeling

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    In some scenarios, the log-logistic (LL) distribution is shown to provide the best fit to field measurements in the context of wireless channel modeling. However, a fading channel model based on the LL distribution has not been formulated yet. In this work, we introduce the L-distribution as a reformulation of the LL distribution for channel modeling purposes. We provide closed-form expressions for its PDF, CDF, and moments. Performance analysis of wireless communication systems operating under L-fading channels is exemplified, providing exact and asymptotic expressions for relevant metrics such as the outage probability and the average capacity. Finally, important practical aspects related to the use of the L-distribution for channel fitting purposes are discussed in two contexts: (i) millimeter-wave links with misaligned gain, and (ii) air–ground channels in unmanned aerial vehicle communications.European Social and Regional FundsJunta de Andalucia P18-RT-3175 UMA20-FEDERJA-002Universidad de MalagaUniversidad de Granad

    Looking at the axionic dark sector with ANITA

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    The ANITA experiment has recently observed two anomalous events emerging from well below the horizon. Even though they are consistent with tau cascades, a high-energy Standard Model or Beyond the Standard Model explanation is challenging and in tension with other experiments. We study under which conditions the reflection of generic radio pulses can reproduce these signals. Furthermore, we propose that these pulses can be resonantly produced in the ionosphere via axion-photon conversion. This naturally explains the direction and polarization of the events and avoids other experimental bounds

    Las Relaciones comerciales entre España y Portugal en el contexto de la integración europea

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    [Resumen] El objetivo general de la investigación es constatar el grado en que el proceso de integración de España y Portugal en la Unión Europea ha impulsado el comercio ibérico de mercancías. Los dos primeros capítulos de la tesis se dedican, respectivamente, a revisar los principales enfoques teóricos sobre el comercio internacional y a realizar un análisis comparado de la reciente evolución de las economías españolas y portuguesas. Los siguientes capítulos comprenden ya la parte central del trabajo, estudiando los flujos comerciales de España con Portugal, en el período 1980-2001. Así, tras detectar los rasgos básicos del comercio entre los países ibéricos, éste se segmenta según su naturaleza interindustrial o intraindustrial. La realidad empírica para el comercio ibérico, las diferentes características de estas dos tipologías de comercio y su asociación con distintos enfoques en el plano teórico, nos conducen a analizar cada segmento de comercio de modo específico, dedicando sendos capítulos de la tesis a ello. Las conclusiones de la tesis destacan los numerosos comportamientos diferenciales que el comercio de la economía española con Portugal tiene respecto al que realiza con otros países desarrollados. Ello debe interpretarse teniendo en cuenta, en primer lugar, la relevancia cuantitativa alcanzada por el mercado ibérico en la actualidad y, en segundo lugar, las enormes transformaciones institucionales acaecidas, que plantean un renovado escenario para las relaciones comerciales entre dichos países en el nuevo siglo XXI

    The Bay of Bolonia in the time of Sancho IV. The medieval archaeological record within the framework of the MBC project

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    El Proyecto General de Investigación “Muerte y Ritual Funerario en Baelo Claudia” desarrollado por la Universidad de Alicante en la necrópolis oriental de Baelo Claudia, ha detectado una más que interesante ocupación medieval, encuadrable entre los siglos XIII- XIV y caracterizada por la presencia de materiales cerámicos de tradición meriní junto con el hallazgo de una moneda de Sancho IV. Esta ocupación, asociada a un posible expolio de diversos monumentos funerarios, podría tener relación con uno de los episodios históricos más relevantes de la región como fue la conquista de la plaza de Tarifa en 1292 y la posibilidad de la existencia de un campamento militar castellano en la ensenada de Bolonia aprovechando que aún se alzaban importantes restos arquitectónicos de la antigua ciudad hispanorromana.The General Research Project “Death and Funeral Ritual in Baelo Claudia” developed by the University of Alicante in the eastern necropolis of Baelo Claudia, has detected a very interesting medieval occupation level, dating from the XIIIth and XIVth centuries and characterized by the presence of meriní pottery and the discovery of a coin of Sancho IV. This occupation, associated with a possible spoliation of several funerary monuments, could be related to one of the most important historical events of the region as the conquest of Tarifa in 1292 and the possibility of the existence of a military castilian camp in the ensenada de Bolonia, that took advantage of the important architectural remains of the ancient hispano-roman city that still stood

    Plan de ejecución del proyecto para la modernización del sistema de control, de la turbina 3, de la Central Térmica Cartagena /

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    Bajo la creciente demanda de generación eléctrica en el país se hace necesario para una central termoeléctrica mantener su disponibilidad de operación, la cual deberá realizar de forma eficiente y segura. Entendiendo que la turbina número 3 de la central termoeléctrica Cartagena, propiedad de la empresa Emgesa S.A. E.S.P., posee tecnología empleada hace cuatro décadas atrás, el riesgo de tener paradas no programadas se incrementa poniendo en riesgo la disponibilidad de la planta. Lo anterior se puede producir por fallas en el sistema de control, por equipos en obsolescencia, entre otras. Teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias descritas anteriormente, se genera la necesidad de realizar una modernización de los sistemas de control de la unidad. Este documento centrará su objeto de estudio, en la planificación de las actualizaciones requeridas por el sistema de control de la turbina a vapor y sus subsistemas. por lo cual el mismo se ha estructurado de una manera que: primero familiarice a las personas con el funcionamiento de una generadora termo eléctrica, seguidamente una descripción que permita conocer la situación actual en la cual se encuentran los componentes y sistemas a tratar, más adelante en la sección denominada alcance, se muestran las especificaciones mínimas solicitadas por los elaboradores de este documento para realizar la actualización sobre el turbogrupo, para finalizar se muestran algunas de las normativas, estándares y/o recomendaciones que deberán seguir las personas que vayan ejecutando cada una de las etapas de este proyecto de modernización. Asumiendo la posición de gerentes de este proyecto, los desarrolladores de este documento realizaron un análisis económico, donde se manifiesta un cronograma de actividades generales a realizar, la inversión que será asumida por la empresa y los costos y beneficios que se obtendrá de todo este proceso. Se espera que este documento sirva de base para futuras modernizaciones o para la elaboración de documentos similares y/o que ayude a estudiantes a ampliar sus conocimientos en todas las áreas que abarca este documento.Incluye bibliografíaIncluye anexo

    Relationship between Buchholz's Apparent Power and Instantaneous Power in Three-Phase Systems

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    [EN] Similarly to how Steinmetz developed his theory of alternating current in single-phase sinusoidal systems, a few formal relationships between expressions of the instantaneous and Buchholz's apparent power in three-phase systems were identified in this paper. Based on these relationships, a methodology to express Buchholz's apparent power and its components in any three-phase, wye-configured system-sinusoidal or non-sinusoidal, balanced or unbalanced-through instantaneous power expressions was established. The application of the proposed method to the entire system allowed the determination of a novel quantity referred to as neutral-displacement power, which measured the impacts of the phenomena caused by the neutral path operation on the values of the source and load apparent power. These impacts were analyzed using a real-world urban installation with a neutral conductor deterioration simulation via an Excel platform as an application example.This research was funded by the European Commission, grant number 847132. The APC was funded by the European Commission, grant number 847132. We gratefully thank Eléctrica de Vinalesa, S.L.U., for allowing us to take measurements using their electrical networks, and MDPI (www.mdpi.com/authors/english) for their English language editing. The authors deeply thank the European Commission for their support and funding provision.León-Martínez, V.; Montañana-Romeu, J.; Peñalvo-López, E.; Valencia-Salazar, I. (2020). Relationship between Buchholz's Apparent Power and Instantaneous Power in Three-Phase Systems. Applied Sciences. 10(5):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10051798S115105Czarnecki, L. S. (1987). What is wrong with the Budeanu concept of reactive and distortion power and why it should be abandoned. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-36(3), 834-837. doi:10.1109/tim.1987.6312797Czarnecki, L. S. (1988). Orthogonal decomposition of the currents in a 3-phase nonlinear asymmetrical circuit with a nonsinusoidal voltage source. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 37(1), 30-34. doi:10.1109/19.2658Czarnecki, L. S. (2008). Currents’ Physical Components (CPC) concept: A fundamental of power theory. 2008 International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and Compensation. doi:10.1109/isncc.2008.4627483CZARNECKI, L. (2015). Currents’ Physical Components (CPC) in Three-Phase Systems with Asymmetrical Voltage. PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, 1(6), 42-49. doi:10.15199/48.2015.06.06Emanuel, A. E. (1999). Apparent power definitions for three-phase systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 14(3), 767-772. doi:10.1109/61.772313Pajic, S., & Emanuel, A. E. (2006). Modern Apparent Power Definitions: Theoretical Versus Practical Approach—The General Case. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 21(4), 1787-1792. doi:10.1109/tpwrd.2006.876647Depenbrock, M. (1993). The FBD-method, a generally applicable tool for analyzing power relations. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 8(2), 381-387. doi:10.1109/59.260849Ferrero, A. (2007). Definitions of electrical quantities commonly used in non-sinusoidal conditions. European Transactions on Electrical Power, 8(4), 235-240. doi:10.1002/etep.4450080403Curtis, H. L., & Silsbee, F. B. (1935). Definitions of power and related quantities. Electrical Engineering, 54(4), 394-404. doi:10.1109/ee.1935.6539147Emanuel, A. E., & Orr, J. A. (s. f.). The effect of neutral path impedance on voltage and current distortion. Part I. symmetrical and balanced three-phase systems. 2004 11th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (IEEE Cat. No.04EX951). doi:10.1109/ichqp.2004.1409351Emanuel, A. E., & Orr, J. A. (s. f.). The effect of neutral path impedance on voltage and current distortion. Part II. Imbalanced three-phase systems. 2004 11th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (IEEE Cat. No.04EX951). doi:10.1109/ichqp.2004.1409350Blasco, P. A., Montoya-Mira, R., Diez, J. M., Montoya, R., & Reig, M. J. (2019). Compensation of Reactive Power and Unbalanced Power in Three-Phase Three-Wire Systems Connected to an Infinite Power Network. Applied Sciences, 10(1), 113. doi:10.3390/app10010113Akagi, H., Kanazawa, Y., & Nabae, A. (1984). Instantaneous Reactive Power Compensators Comprising Switching Devices without Energy Storage Components. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, IA-20(3), 625-630. doi:10.1109/tia.1984.4504460Czarnecki, L. S. (2006). Could Power Properties of Three-Phase Systems Be Described in Terms of the Poynting Vector? IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 21(1), 339-344. doi:10.1109/tpwrd.2005.852353Jeon, S. (2015). Properties of the generalised power theory: universality and partitioning/augmentation properties. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 9(15), 2126-2134. doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2014.0303Czarnecki, L. S. (2015). Critical comments on the Conservative Power Theory (CPT). 2015 International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and Compensation (ISNCC). doi:10.1109/isncc.2015.7174713Artemenko, M. Y., & Batrak, L. M. (2017). The new formula for apparent power and power losses of three-phase four-wire system. 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO). doi:10.1109/elnano.2017.793978

    Simulation of a biorefinery process as learning tool in chemical engineering degree

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    Currently, the search for alternative biomass to be used as renewable sources for energy production is one of the most important challenges to achieve a sustainable growth based on a bioeconomy strategy (Mendes et al., 2009). In this context, lignocellulosic waste are a renewable, clean, inexpensive and with high availability for the manufacture of biofuels. In this sense, the main objective of this study was the simulation and design of engineering processes that allows the valorization of lignocellulosic waste and the obtaining of biofuels as alternative to fossil fuels. This goal implies the practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired by the student during the chemical engineering degree. Specifically, the students designed and simulated a biorefinery process that consisted of a Kraft pulping process as starting point of two main lines of production: (1) Process I: production of bioethanol and (2) Process II: direct and indirect production of dimethylether (DME), both from lignocellulosic biomass (Fig.1). Two commercial simulation packages, ASPEN HYSYS® and UNISIM were used to simulate the production of dimethylether and bioethanol, respectively. The first step was determining a strategic situation for the installation of the biorefinery. The central area of Andalusia (between the municipalities of Lucena and Antequera) was considered the most adequate area to develop the installation of the biorefinery plant after evaluating the biomass available inside of 100 kms of distance around this place. Specifically, different biomass mixtures were considered in order to ensure the viability of a constant inlet flow of biomass in the biorefinery. In function of this inlet flow of biomass, the installations were designed and dimensioned in each stage of the process. The student carried out a wide revision of state of the art to decide the most adequate processes among different alternatives to obtain dimethylether and bioethanol. The different stages selected as the most adequate in each line of the process can be observed in Fig.1. Moreover, the students evaluated the different alternatives for the valorisation and optimization of the by-products generated in each stage of the process in order to minimize the consuming of chemical compounds and energy requirements. Therefore, the students learnt to develop a real engineering process more sustainable and friendly with the environment. To sum up, the used of programs to simulate the transformation of lignocellulosic biomass in biofuels, such as, bioethanol or dimethylether, which is a process with several social, environmental and economic advantages, was an interesting learning tool for students of chemical engineering degree. Keywords Bioethanol, design, dimethylether, Kraft pulping process, simulations. References Mendes, C.V.T., Carvalho, M.G.V.S., Baptista, C.M.S.G., Rocha, J.M.S., Soares, B.I.G., Sousa, G.D.A., 2009. Valorisation of hardwood hemicelluloses in the kraft pulping process by using an integrated biorefinery concept. Food Bioproduct Process 87:197–207.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech MINECO: Proyecto CTQ2015-68654-

    A simplified implementation of the stationary liquid mass balance method for on-line OUR monitoring in animal cell cultures

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Fontova, A. , Lecina, M. , López‐Repullo, J. , Martínez‐Monge, I. , Comas, P. , Bragós, R. and Cairó, J. J. (2018), A simplified implementation of the stationary liquid mass balance method for on‐line OUR monitoring in animal cell cultures. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. doi:10.1002/jctb.5551], which has been published in final form at [doi:10.1002/jctb.5551]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.BACKGROUND: Compared with other methods, the stationary liquid mass balance method for oxygen uptake rate (OUR) determination offers advantages in terms of estimation accuracy and reduction of stress. However, the need for sophisticated instrumentation, like mass flow controllers and gas analysers, has historically limited wider implementation of such a method. In this paper, a new simplified method based on inexpensive valves for the continuous estimation of OUR in animal cell cultures is evaluated. The determination of OUR values is based on accurate operation of the dissolved oxygen (DO) control loop and monitoring of its internal variables. RESULTS: The method developed was tested empirically in 2¿L bioreactor HEK293 batch cultures. OUR profiles obtained by a dynamic method, global mass balance method and the developed simplified method were monitored and compared. The results show how OUR profile obtained with the proposed method better follows the off-line cell density determination. The OUR estimation frequency was also increased, improving the method capabilities and applications. The theoretical rationale of the method was extended to the sensitivity analysis which was analytically and numerically approached. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed the proposed method to be not only cheap, but also a reliable alternative to monitor the metabolic activity in bioreactors in many biotechnological processes, being a useful tool for high cell density culture strategies implementation based on OUR monitoring.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Special Issue on Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing in Latin America

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    This special Issue focused on recent research led by South American researchers and teams. It is a long overdue pos- sibility offered to researchers in this geographical area to share their excellent work with the international community. Accord- ingly, the response to the call for papers was overwhelming, with more than 60 papers submitted from eight countries. Eventually, 23 articles were accepted, among which 11 are authored from Brazil, while Argentina and Mexico contribute each with five papers, and Colombia and Ecuador have one arti- cle accepted each. Testifying the international breadth of these researches, seven of these contributions have coauthors from outside Latin America: two from Italy, and one from France, Canada, Finland, USA, and Germany. Before describing the contributions that have been selected for this issue, it is worth recalling briefly the history and current situation of remote sensing activities in the three major countries in the area, which, as mentioned, contribute to the large majority of the works published in the following pages.ITESO, A.C

    Wireless sensor network-based system for measuring and monitoring road traffic

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    Nowadays, the measure and classification of vehicles in road traffic is accomplished by inductive loops placed under the pavement. These inductive loops allow monitoring vehicle passing by means of different configurations which provide us a number of data in order to control several parameters of the traffic (vehicle speed, traffic congestion and traffic accidents, between others). The major objective of this paper is to analysis an alternative to magnetic loops: the Wireless Sensor Networks. Firstly, a state of the art about road traffic control is described. Secondly, an alternative system based on Wireless Sensor Networks is analyzed. Network architecture for this WSN will be specified. It is not a trivial task because of the hard constraints of the small devices which compose the WSNs. In previous papers [1], we have proposed a methodology that facilitates the WSNs design for supporting real time applications such as traffic control applications. This design methodology has been used in order to obtain a WSN that reaches the real time requirements of a monitoring traffic application for intelligent roads. In the short term, the aim is to define a simulation model based on the designed WSN. To conclude, we have introduced a section about possible future directions in the smart roads field