345 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la calidad de vida en personas drogodopendientes mediante el modelo de Rasch

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    La Escala GENCAT aparece como el único instrumento que permite evaluar la calidad de vida individual de personas con drogodependencias desde una perspectiva diferente a la de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS). Dado que las propiedades psicométricas de la mencionada escala sólo se han estudiado para la muestra general de usuarios de servicios sociales, este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar su fiabilidad y validez en un grupo específico de personas con drogodependencias. Para ello, se aplicó a 75 drogodependientes usuarios de servicios sociales en Cataluña. Los datos obtenidos permiten concluir que la escala, para este colectivo, presenta una adecuada consistencia interna (que supera en algunos casos la obtenida para la muestra general) según la Teoría Clásica de los Tests. Además, se observó que el ajuste medio de los ítems al modelo y la fiabilidad promedio de las estimaciones de los ítems fueron altos según el modelo de Rasch, aunque los índices de fiabilidad de las personas resultaron más moderados en la mayoría de las subescalas y deficiente en el caso de la dimensión bienestar físico. Se concluye que, aunque la escala es válida y fiable en términos generales, es aconsejable una revisión de la dimensión mencionada

    Upper airway changes after rapid maxillary expansion: three-dimensional analyses

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate volumetric changes in the upper airway using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in orthodontic patients with maxillary transversal hypoplasia undergoing maxillary disjunction. The influence of factors such as sex, age, and growth pattern on airway volumetric changes was also assessed. The sample consisted of 50 growing patients from the dental clinic of Cardenal Herrera CEU University of Valencia. Airway volume was measured in mm3 before treatment (T0) and after palatal disjunction (T1). The final sample included 37 subjects in the treatment group and 13 in the control group. The volume gained exclusively from the disjunction treatment was determined to differentiate it from natural growth. The control group showed a mean volume increase from 10,911.3 ± 1,249.6 mm3 to 13,168.9 ± 1,789.7 mm3, representing a mean increase of 2,257.6 mm3 or + 20.9%. The treatment group exhibited an increase from 14,126.3 ± 4,399.8 mm3 at T0 to 18,064.1 ± 4,565.9 mm3 at T1, corresponding to a gain of 3,937.8 mm3 or + 31.8%. Significant differences in airway volume were observed after palatal disjunction compared to the control group. The expansion of the maxilla led to a significant increase in airway volume in the treated patients, estimated at 5,183 mm3 (+ 41.5%).Odontologí

    Eficacia del contacto e información como técnicas de cambio de actitudes hacia personas con discapacidad en niños de Educación Primaria

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    Universitas Psychologica, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 493-504Las actitudes negativas hacia las personas con discapacidad imperantes en la sociedad plantean la necesidad de intervenciones que modifiquen tales actitudes. Con este objetivo se ha desarrollado un programa de cambio de actitudes hacia personas con discapacidad en alumnos de educación primaria, 100 niños y niñas, entre 7 y 10 años, asignados 39 al grupo experimental y 61 al grupo control. Se utilizaron como técnicas de cambio la información y el contacto. También se efectuó un seguimiento de dos años y medio, durante el que se realizaron actividades recordatorio. El instrumento de evaluación utilizado fue la Escala de Actitudes hacia Personas con Discapacidad (Verdugo, Arias & Jenaro, 1994). Los resultados alcanzados abogan por la eficacia de estas técnicas, al encontrase entre las medidas pretratamiento y postratamiento diferencias estadísticamente significativas para estas últimas a favor del grupo experimental. Tales cambios se mantienen en el seguimiento

    Assessment of a History educational video game. The student's opinión

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    A pesar de que la investigación sobre videojuegos educativos ya es numerosa, la realidad es que son escasos los trabajos que evalúan la repercusión que dichos recursos poseen en el ámbito educativo. También son reducidas las veces en las que los propios estudiantes/jugadores son los que valoran y opinan al respecto, perdiendo un aspecto clave del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje como es su propia percepción del mismo. Este artículo recoge los resultados de una investigación de tipo evaluativo sobre un videojuego de realidad virtual de temática histórica a la que se juega con gafas Oculus Rift. Se analizan mediante metodología mixta las respuestas a los instrumentos de 34 participantes, todos ellos estudiantes de 4º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (edad media de 15.4 años). Para ello se diseñó un instrumento ad hoc de 28 ítems, con el que se analizaron sus opiniones y valoraciones acerca del contenido histórico que dicho videojuego posee y el valor pedagógico que ellos le atribuyen. Los resultados indican una recepción general positiva por parte de los participantes hacia los contenidos del videojuego así como su valor como elemento de motivación. La receptividad en relación a que se trate de realidad virtual también es elevada, destacando el hecho de que el aprendizaje se realice en primera persona y que exista un propósito y una funcionalidad clara.Although the research about educational video games is abundant, the examples are scarce if the attention is focused on those studies that assess the effects of educational video games in the teaching-learning process. It is also difficult to find studies that deals with the opinion of the own students/gamers about the infuence of a video game in their learning. But students are the key in the teaching and learning process and without them, we lost a key aspect in the assessment of such recource, their own perception. This paper presents the results of an evaluative research about a VR game. This game is based on a historical topic and setting, and it is played with Oculus Rift. To assess the perception of the students about this specific game it was designed ad hoc an instrument with 28 items about its content and pedagogical value. The answers of the 34 Secondary Students (average age 15.4 years) that participate in this study were analysed with a mixed methodology. The results show a positive reception and perception of the students about the use of VR games in the classroom, not only because of the historical contents of the plot and setting but also because of the motivation they provide.peerReviewe

    Food addiction and its relationship with other eating behaviours among Spanish university students

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    BackgroundFood addiction (FA) is characterised by symptoms such as loss of control over food consumption, inability to reduce consumption despite the desire to do so, and continued consumption despite negative consequences. The modified Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 (mYFAS 2.0) is a widely used instrument to assess FA.ObjectivesTo validate the Spanish mYFAS 2.0; to analyse the relationships between FA with other eating behaviours, sociodemographic variables, and Body Mass Index (BMI); and to test the eating-related variables that account for the variance in FA.MethodsThe sample consisted of 400 university students (M-age = 24.16, SDage = 6.12; 51% female), who completed the mYFAS 2.0 and measures of eating-related constructs.ResultsA confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) supported the one-factor structure of the mYFAS 2.0. The scale showed good internal consistency (alpha = .78), and good convergent validity with the mYFAS. FA was related to eating styles, binge eating, and bulimia. No differences in FA were observed between males and females, and there was no association between FA and BMI. In addition, younger participants scored higher on FA than older participants. The eating-related variables explain 54.7% of the variance in FA.ConclusionsThe mYFAS 2.0 is a valid and reliable scale to assess FA in the Spanish population. The positive and significant relationship of variables related to eating (eating styles, binge eating and bulimia) with FA was demonstrated. These variables were indicated by those at high risk of FA. Plain English summaryFood addiction (FA) is characterised by excessive and dysregulated intake of high-calorie foods. Loss of control over food consumption, inability to reduce consumption, and continued consumption despite negative consequences are some of its symptoms. The modified Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 (mYFAS 2.0) is a brief instrument specifically developed to assess FA. The objectives of this study were: (1) to examine the psychometric properties of the Spanish mYFAS 2.0; (2) to analyse the relationships between FA with other eating behaviours, sociodemographic variables, and Body Mass Index (BMI); and (3) to test whether there are certain dietary variables that may be positively related to FA. We were able to provide evidence that the mYFAS 2.0 is a valid and reliable scale for assessing FA in the Spanish population. The positive and significant relationship of eating-related variables (eating styles, binge eating and bulimia) with FA was demonstrated. These variables can be considered to identify subgroups at high risk of FA

    The Use of Flavylium Salts as Dynamic Inhibitor Moieties for Human Cb5R

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    Authors would like to acknowledge the Biochemistry Department in the Faculty of Medicine at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for the equipment and support for some of the required reagent purchases. FCT/MCTES is also acknowledged for supporting the National Portuguese NMR Network (ROTEIRO/0031/2013-PINFRA/22161/2016, co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE 2020, POCI, PORL. We thank José Paulo da Silva for the HRMS-ESI analysis. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Cytochrome b5 reductase (Cb5R) is a flavoprotein that participates in the reduction of multiple biological redox partners. Co-localization of this protein with nitric oxide sources has been observed in neurons. In addition, the generation of superoxide anion radical by Cb5R has been observed. A search for specific inhibitors of Cb5R to understand the role of this protein in these new functions has been initiated. Previous studies have shown the ability of different flavonoids to inhibit Cb5R. Anthocyanins are a subgroup of flavonoids responsible for most red and blue colors found in flowers and fruits. Although usually represented by the flavylium cation form, these species are only stable at rather acidic pH values (pH ≤ 1). At higher pH values, the flavylium cation is involved in a dynamic reaction network comprising different neutral species with the potential ability to inhibit the activities of Cb5R. This study aims to provide insights into the molecular mechanism of interaction between flavonoids and Cb5R using flavylium salts as dynamic inhibitors. The outcome of this study might lead to the design of improved specific enzyme inhibitors in the future.publishersversionpublishe

    Implementation of a protocol to inform patients and families about the occurrence of sentinel adverse events applicable to health institutions

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    La ocurrencia de un evento adverso (EA) para cualquier institución de salud genera incertidumbre sobre el actuar inmediato a la comunicación del mismo, esto debido a que tanto los pacientes como los profesionales, entran en un estado de sorpresa y preocupación por las consecuencias que se pueden acarrear; ya que si el paciente sufre inevitablemente un daño físico, producto de un procedimiento asistencial, o durante la estancia en la institución esto genera unas consecuencias más allá de los costos en salud que pueden llevar las atenciones que requiera adicionales el paciente, para lo cual son imprescindibles no solo las atenciones médicas para paliar ese efecto negativo; sino también una información clara, honesta y rápida sobre lo qué ha sucedido, por qué y cómo se podrá evitar en el futuro, en adelante encontrará herramientas que ayudarán a construir un protocolo de información en el ámbito hospitalario la ocurrencia de un EA. Contexto que aún no está reglado en la ley Colombiana, por lo que es menester crear por ahora una cultura que impacte este tipo de escenarios en salud, aquella que sea establecida mediante una guía de buenas prácticas clínicas. Mitigando los retos e incógnitas para el personal médico, respecto a los elementos clave que deberían asumirse e incluirse en una conversación de revelación de un evento adverso a pacientes y familiares, teniendo en cuenta el marco legal y las políticas de cada organización o sistema sanitario; acorde a las necesidades de cada entidad, logrando mitigar las consecuencias sociales, jurídicas y psicológicas; en aras de lograr una mejor calidad en la prestación del servicio.RESUMEN...............................................................................................................5 ABSTRACT..............................................................................................................6 1. FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA......................................................................7 2. JUSTIFICACIÓN..................................................................................................9 3. MARCO TEÓRICO ............................................................................................11 3.1 MARCO CONCEPTUAL ..................................................................................11 3.1.1 Clasificación de eventos adversos................................................................13 3.1.2 Comunicación del Evento Adverso al Paciente y Familia .............................14 3.2 MARCO LEGAL...............................................................................................15 3.2.1 Derecho Fundamental a la Salud..................................................................16 3.3 MARCO HISTÓRICO.......................................................................................18 4. OBJETIVOS.......................................................................................................22 4.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL .....................................................................................22 4.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS............................................................................22 5. METODOLOGÍA ................................................................................................23 5.1 PLANEACIÓN..................................................................................................23 5.1.1 Matriz DOFA .................................................................................................23 5.2 ESTRUCTURA DEL PROTOCOLO DE COMUNICACIÓN A PACIENTES Y FAMILIARES..........................................................................................................25 5.3 GUÍA DE IMPLEMENTACIÓN Y SEGUIMIENTO............................................25 5.6 TÉCNICAS, PROCEDIMIENTOS E INSTRUMENTOS ...................................26 5.7 MATRIZ DE PLANIFICACIÓN.........................................................................27 5.8 PROTOCOLO DE BÚSQUEDA DE INVESTIGACIÓN....................................29 IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE PROTOCOLO PARA INFORMAR A PACIENTES Y… 4 5.9 CONSIDERACIONES ÉTICAS........................................................................32 6. DISCUSIONES ..................................................................................................34 7. CONCLUSIONES ..............................................................................................40 BIBLIOGRAFIA......................................................................................................42EspecializaciónThe occurrence of an adverse event (AD) for any health institution generates uncertainty about the immediate action to the communication of the same, this because both patients and professionals, enter a state of surprise and concern about the consequences that are they can carry; because if the patient inevitably suffers physical damage, as a result of an assistance procedure, or during the stay in the institution, this generates consequences beyond the health costs that can take the attentions that the patient requires additional, for which they are essential not only medical attention to alleviate this negative effect; but also a clear, honest and fast information about what has happened, why and how it can be avoided in the future, from now on you will find tools that will help to build an information protocol in the hospital setting the occurrence of an EA. Context that is not yet regulated in the Colombian law, so it is necessary to create for now a culture that impacts this type of health scenarios, one that is established through a guide of good clinical practices. Mitigating the challenges and unknowns for the medical staff, regarding the key elements that should be assumed and included in a disclosure conversation of an adverse event to patients and relatives, taking into account the legal framework and the policies of each organization or health system; according to the needs of each entity, managing to mitigate the social, legal and psychological consequences; in order to achieve a better quality in the provision of the service