1,894 research outputs found

    Usefulness of web pages for social education work

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    Las dinámicas de trabajo actuales exigen, cada vez en mayor medida, el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. Para ello, las TIC, y especialmente las prácticas formativas con páginas web pueden desempeñar un papel substancial en la innovación y la mejora de la Educación Social. Por ello, la finalidad principal de esta investigación es descubrir la percepción que tiene el alumnado universitario sobre el uso de las páginas web para el campo de trabajo de la Educación Social. El estudio realizado se enmarca en la investigación cualitativa. Para ello, se han analizado 68 diarios académicos del alumnado de primer curso de la titulación de Educación Social. Como resultados y conclusiones cabe indicar que estos/as alumnos/as perciben beneficioso las páginas web como herramienta de expresión, así como un mecanismo idóneo para la visibilización de la Educación Social. Valoran positivamente el carácter lúdico, motivador y las posibilidades que existen para la utilización de entornos gratuitos. En definitiva, reconocen el potencial esencial de las páginas web para la educación informal, como una herramienta interesante para la innovación e interacción social en el ámbito de trabajo de la Educación SocialThe current work dynamics demand, increasingly to a greater extent, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Knowledge Society. For this, ICT, and especially training practices with web pages can play a substantial role in innovation and improvement of Social Education. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to discover the perception that university students have about the use of web pages for the field of work of Social Education. The study is framed in qualitative research. For this, 68 academic journals of the first-year students of the Social Education degree have been analyzed. As results and conclusions, it should be noted that these students perceive web pages as a tool of expression, as well as an ideal mechanism for the visibility of Social Education. They value positively the ludic, motivating character and the possibilities that exist for the use of free environments. In short, the essential potential of web pages for informal education, as an interesting tool for innovation and social interaction in the field of Social Education wor

    Friendly Residential Environments and Subjective Well-Being in Older People with and without Help Needs.

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    Previous studies have shown that friendly environments are associated with well-being and higher quality of life in older people. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between friendly environments and subjective well-being by segmenting the population according to the need for help in performing activities of daily living (ADLs) in a representative sample of people over 55 years of age in the Basque Country (Spain) (n = 2760). To determine the predictive power of friendliness on subjective well-being, two separate linear regression models were obtained according to the need for help in ADLs. The results obtained show a greater explanatory power of the model in the case of people who required help. However, in the case of people who do not need help, subjective health had a greater weight in the predictions. This paper’s findings support the greater importance of the characteristics of the physical and social environment, as people’s functional status worsens, with friendliness being an explanatory factor for people’s well-being as they age and their dependency increases.post-print399 K

    SBAR Method for Improving Well-Being in the Internal Medicine Unit: Quasi-Experimental Research

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    SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) is a tool for standardizing and improving interprofessional communication. This study aims to explore the impact of SBAR in healthcare professionals’ wellbeing, through concepts such as job satisfaction, engagement, resilience, and job performance, in the internal medicine unit of a university hospital in the province of León (Spain). This is an observational, descriptive, longitudinal case study with a pre- and post-intervention approach. Questionnaires were distributed to a group of doctors, nurses, and healthcare assistants before and after the implementation of the SBAR tool in the ward. The use of SBAR was monitored to ensure staff compliance. Data statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS program. Resilience levels increased significantly post-intervention. Job satisfaction and engagement levels remained neutral, slightly decreasing post-intervention. Besides’ being a useful tool to improve communication, SBAR was effective in improving resilience among staff. Several aspects related to hospital management may have had an impact on job satisfaction and engagement results.S

    Desarrollo de la identidad sexual en jóvenes LGBTIQ+: Relación con apoyo social percibido y heterosexismo internalizado

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    Proyecto de investigación acerca del desarrollo de la identidad sexual en jóvenes españoles LGBTIQ+, y su relación con el apoyo social percibido y el heterosexismo internalizado. Se examinan variables sociodemográficas tales como el género, el lugar de residencia (núcleo urbano o rural) y el centro educativo (laico o religioso), y la influencia de las mismas en el proceso de construcción de la identidad sexual.<br /

    Vitamin C and the Red Wine Polyphenol Resveratrol - but not Curcumin and the Glycolysis Inhibitors 2- Deoxyglucose, Dichloroacetate and 3-Bromopyruvate - Induce Selective Cytotoxicity against Lung Cancer Cells.

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    Cancer statistics show that the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world is lung cancer, that over 50% of patients diagnosed with this cancer have distant metastasis, and that only 4% of these patients manage to survive more than 5 years. The limited selective cytotoxicity of the drugs used for the treatment of these patients probably accounts for these high mortality rates. In this work, we have assessed the selective anticancer activity of several drugs currently undergoing clinical trials by using human A549 lung cancer cells and human MRC5 non-malignant lung fibroblasts. Vitamin C and the red wine polyphenol resveratrol induced selective cytotoxicity towards the cancer cell line. Vitamin C (1 mM) induced higher selective cytotoxicity than the anticancer agents cisplatin, oxaliplatin, etoposide and 5-fluorouracil. A lyophilized red wine extract, but not a hydroalcoholic extract from red grapes, also showed certain selectivity against lung cancer cells. Neither the curry polyphenol curcumin nor the glycolysis inhibitors 2-deoxyglucose, dichloroacetate and 3-bromopyruvate displayed selective cytotoxicity. We also report that A549 lung cancer cells have higher glycolytic rates (higher glucose consumption and higher lactate production) than human MRC5 non-malignant lung fibroblasts, and that the combination of each glycolytic inhibitor with the pro-oxidant agents pyrogallol and hydrogen peroxide does not result in a significant increase in their cytotoxicity or selectivity against the cancer cell line. Our results support the possible evaluation of vitamin C and resveratrol in clinical trial for the treatment of metastatic lung cancers, and suggest that curcumin and the glycolysis inhibitors 2-deoxyglucose, dichloroacetate and 3-bromopyruvate have a limited potential (at least as single agents) for the treatment of patients with this type of cance

    The Co-Poem Project: Didactic Resources and Pedagogical Projection for Musical Education in Primary School

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    [En] Orally transmitted traditional music constitutes an invaluable intangible legacy for understanding the development of local cultures and observing social dynamics over time. The Co-Poem project aims to make a significant corpus of these musical cultures available to any user in the Medi-terranean basin by creating the I-Folk database, which allows access and consultation through semantic technologies and artificial intelligence, to promote knowledge of this cultural reality and perpetuate its intergenerational transmission. The conceptualization of both resources is ori-ented to the practice of music teaching in primary education. From this point of view, the struc-ture of metadata that musically describes each work and the implementation of access resources to the corpus under study are analyzed from the point of view of the pedagogical function. All these issues are materialized in creation of various educational resources based on the possi-bilities of the I-Folk database to promote meaningful and interactive learning of musical content (melody, rhythm, dance, etc.) based on the defining characteristics of this type of repertoire. Recent interventions and didactic activities in primary schools show that both the I-Folk database and the associated resources and the search and comparative analysis functionalities between repertoires from different territories constitute a tool highly appreciated by teachers and arouses great interest among students. [spa] La música tradicional transmitida oralmente constituye un legado de gran valor para comprender el desarrollo de las culturas locales y observar las dinámicas sociales a lo largo del tiempo. El proyecto Co-Poem pretende poner a disposición de cualquier usuario un corpus significativo de estas culturas musicales en el entorno de la cuenca mediterránea, mediante la creación de la base de datos I-Folk que, a través de tecnologías semánticas e inteligencia artificial, permite el acceso y consulta con el fin de promover el conocimiento de esta realidad cultural y perpetuar su trans-misión intergeneracional. La conceptualización de ambos recursos está orientada a la práctica de la enseñanza de la música en la educación primaria. Desde este punto de vista pedagógico, se analiza la estructura de metadatos que describen musicalmente cada obra y la implementación de recursos de acceso al corpus objeto de estudio. Todas estas cuestiones se materializan en la creación de diversos recursos educativos basados en las posibilidades de la base de datos I-Folk, con la intención de promover el aprendizaje significativo e interactivo de contenidos musicales (melodía, ritmo, danza, etc.) a partir de las características definitorias de este tipo de repertorio. Las intervenciones y actividades didácticas recientes en las escuelas primarias muestran que tanto la base de datos I-Folk y los recursos asociados, como las funcionalidades de búsqueda y análisis comparativo entre repertorios de diferentes territorios, constituyen una herramienta muy apreciada por los docentes y que despierta un gran interés entre los alumnos

    Teacher and student opinion on the implementation, use and results of ICT in Primary Education: Evaluation of a school

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    Desde la aparición de la "web 2.0" en los inicios del siglo XXI, asistimos a una etapa revolucionaria en el mundo de la comunicación y del acceso a los recursos tecnológicos, posibilitando el uso de herramientas pedagógicas, por parte de una gran mayoría de docentes innovadores, preocupados por actualizar y educar en nuevas competencias TIC al alumnado. El objetivo del presente estudio es obtener una visión general sobre la opinión del profesorado y alumnado en los procesos de implantación, uso y resultados de las TIC. Para ello se examina el caso de un Centro de Educación Infantil y Primaria, ubicado en Huelva capital, Andalucía (España). Se toma una muestra de 296 alumnos/as de 3º, 4º, 5º y 6º cursos de Educación Primaria y 38 profesores/as. Aplicando escalas de medida sometidas a análisis de fiabilidad y validez de constructo. Se realiza un análisis descriptivo general y un análisis bivariado a través del test de X2. Los resultados permiten identificar los efectos más destacables que las TIC generan en el centro. Asimismo, se obtienen relaciones significativas entre el uso que el profesorado hace de las TIC y los resultados alcanzados tras la incorporación de las TIC, destacando el impacto que se produce en la participación, motivación, comunicación, implicación y mejoras en los resultados académicos dela alumnadoSince the emergence of “Web 2.0” in the early twenty-first century, we are witnessing a revolutionary step in the world of communication and access to technological resources, we are enabling the use of pedagogical tools, by a large majority of innovative teachers, concerned with updating and educating new ICT skills to students. The aim of this study is to obtain an overview of the teachers and students’ views in the process of implementation, use and results of ICT. To do this we consider the case of a primary school, located in the city of Huelva, Andalusia (Spain). A sample of 296 students in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th levels in Primary Education and 39 teachers. We have applied measurement scales submitted to reliability analysis and construct validity. We performed a general descriptive analysis and bivariate analysis through the X2 test. Significant relationships were also obtained between the uses that teachers perform using ICTs and the results obtained after incorporating ICTs. It is highlighted the impact that ICTs produce in students’ participation, motivation, communication and involvement and the benefits in students’ achievement

    Tecnologías de la información y comunicación en la educación superior

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    ICTs have boosted the education of students at different levels of education. The aim of this article is to present a review of Information and Communication Technologies in the field of higher education, in order to establish their advantages and disadvantages as a new learning method. To develop this review, a literature search was conducted in databases such as WoS, Education-Research, Lilacs and Redalyc, by selecting keywords such as "education", "technology" and "learning". After identifying the studies of interest, titles, abstracts, and keywords were read to verify their correlation with the review, thus delimiting a final sample of N=30. ICTs have managed to leave behind the traditional teacher-centered learning to give way to a learning process where the student is the protagonist. Finally, it can be concluded that among the balance of advantages and disadvantages, if something is clear, it is that ICTs have revolutionized education, teaching, learning, and the classroom within the educational context, which is why society must be prepared to transform.Las TIC han impulsado la educación de estudiantes en los diferentes niveles de formación. El objetivo del artículo es plantear una revisión de las Tecnologías de información y comunicación en el campo de la educación superior, con el fin de establecer sus ventajas y desventajas como nuevo método de aprendizaje. Para el desarrollo del mismo se elaboró una búsqueda bibliográfica en bases de datos como WoS, Education-Research, Lilacs y Redalyc, mediante la selección de palabras clave como “educación”, “tecnología” y “aprendizaje”. Tras la identificación de los estudios de interés, se llevó a cabo la lectura de los títulos, resumen y palabras clave, para comprobar su correlación con la revisión, delimitándose así una muestra final de N=30. Las TIC han logrado dejar en el pasado el aprendizaje tradicional centrado en el docente para dar paso a un aprendizaje que tiene al alumno como protagonista del proceso. Finalmente, se puede concluir que entre la balanza de ventajas y desventajas, si algo queda claro es que las TIC han llegado a revolucionar la educación, la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y el aula, dentro del contexto educativo, es por esto que la sociedad debe estar preparada para transformarse

    The Effect of Regular Intake of Dry-Cured Ham Rich in Bioactive Peptides on Inflammation, Platelet and Monocyte Activation Markers in Humans.

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    Background and aims: Dietary studies have shown that active biopeptides provide protective health benefits, although the mediating pathways are somewhat uncertain. To throw light on this situation, we studied the effects of consuming Spanish dry-cured ham on platelet function, monocyte activation markers and the inflammatory status of healthy humans with pre-hypertension. Methods: Thirty-eight healthy volunteers with systolic blood pressure of >125 mmHg were enrolled in a two-arm crossover randomized controlled trial. Participants received 80 g/day dry-cured pork ham of >11 months proteolysis or 100 g/day cooked ham (control product) for 4 weeks followed by a 2-week washout before "crossing over" to the other treatment for 4 more weeks. Soluble markers and cytokines were analyzed by ELISA. Platelet function was assessed by measuring P-selectin expression and PAC-1 binding after ADP (adenosine diphosphate) stimulation using whole blood flow cytometry. Monocyte markers of the pathological status (adhesion, inflammatory and scavenging receptors) were also measured by flow cytometry in the three monocyte subsets after the interventional period. Results: The mean differences between dry-cured ham and cooked ham followed by a time period adjustment for plasmatic P-selectin and interleukin 6 proteins slightly failed (p = 0.062 and p = 0.049, respectively), notably increased for MCP-1 levels (p = 0.023) while VCAM-1 was not affected. Platelet function also decreased after ADP stimulation. The expression of adhesion and scavenging markers (ICAM1R, CXCR4 and TLR4) in the three subsets of monocytes was significantly higher (all p < 0.05). Conclusions: The regular consumption of biopeptides contained in the dry-cured ham but absent in cooked ham impaired platelet and monocyte activation and the levels of plasmatic P-selectin, MCP-1 and interleukin 6 in healthy subjects. This study strongly suggests the existence of a mechanism that links dietary biopeptides and beneficial health effects

    El desarrollo de habilidades sociales en un escolar con síndrome de Asperger: estudio de caso/The development of social skills in a student with Asperger syndrome: a case study

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    Through a preliminary examination, the presence of difficulties in the inclusion process of a schoolboy with Asperger's syndrome who attends primary school was detected. A case study was   carried out where difficulties were found in the social skills of the schoolchild, detecting that the fundamental cause was found in the lack of coordination in the work that teachers and the family must develop together, from the educational process. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, and empirical methods; the case study, class observation and document analysis. A sociogram was carried out; The SWOT matrix technique was used and an interview was applied to teachers (7) and family members (4). Finally, an educational strategy for the development of social skills was designed, which was submitted to the criteria of specialists for its application in educational practice.Mediante una exploración preliminar, se detectó la presencia de dificultades en el proceso de inclusión, de un escolar con síndrome de Asperger que asiste a la escuela primaria. Se realizó un estudio de caso donde se constataron dificultades en las habilidades sociales del escolar, detectándose que la causa fundamental se encontraba en la falta de coordinación en el trabajo que de conjunto deben desarrollar los docentes y la familia, desde el proceso educativo. Se utilizaron los métodos teóricos; analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo y modelación y del nivel empírico; el estudio de caso, la observación a clases y el análisis de documentos. Se realizó un sociograma; se utilizó la técnica de la matriz FODA y se aplicó una entrevista a docentes (7) y familiares (4). Finalmente, se diseñó una estrategia educativa para el desarrollo de las habilidades sociales, que fue sometida a criterio de especialistas para su aplicación en la práctica educativa