488 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Personal Learning Environments and Age-Related Psychosocial Factors of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors

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    This research was carried out within the project: Hybrid Learning Models for Educational Intervention with Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (UFMs). Effective Tools for School and Social Integration were subsidized by the excellence projects and state research agency, Call 2017, the autonomous governments of Melilla City and Ceuta City.Spain is one of the countries with the greatest influx of immigrants and, specifically, of unaccompanied foreign minors (UFMs). The educational and social inclusion of unaccompanied foreign minors poses both a challenge and a threat to current policy. Nonetheless, studies linking educational aspects to the phenomenon of the integration of these children are scarce and do not specify the most influential educational tools and strategies. In this sense, a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional research study is presented. The aim of this study is to examine whether variables such as age and the use of applications and social networks determine the personal learning environments (PLE) of unaccompanied foreign minors. The sample of the present study was formed by 624 individuals (♂ = 92.1% (n = 575); ♀ = 7.9% (n = 49)) aged between 8 and 17 years old. The majority came from Morocco and resided in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The “PLE and Social Integration of UFMs” questionnaire was used as the study instrument. Amongst the main findings, significant differences are highlighted in the personal learning environments as a function of age-related psychosocial factors as they pertain to unaccompanied foreign minors. Four factors were seen to exist in relation to the personal learning environments of unaccompanied foreign minors: self-concept of the learning process, planning and management of learning, use of resources and tools, and communication and social interaction. The same trend was observed in the four factors, with older age groups reporting better scores. On the other hand, results show that the use of applications and social networks have a significant and favourable impact on personal learning environment construction.R + D + R National Project: Hybrid Learning Models for Educational InterventionUnaccompanied Foreign Minors (UFMs)Effective Tools for School and Social Integration EDU2017 88641-

    The necropolis of Orriols (Valencia): examples of funerary ritual in the Roman age (2nd – 4th centuries AD)

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    La necrópolis de la barriada de Orriols (Valencia) se levanta sobre una pequeña elevación del terreno en relación con la Vía Augusta. Se trata de un cementerio periurbano que estuvo en uso entre los siglos II y IV d. C. Los enterramientos responden a los rituales de cremación e inhumación, lo que nos ha permitido constatar dos fases cronológicas durante las que se emplean otras prácticas funerarias. Además, los materiales estudiados se corresponden con las distintas fases que atravesaba el difunto, incluso después de ser enterrado.The necropolis of Orriols (Valencia) stands on a small hill a bit more elevated than the Via Augusta. It is a suburban cemetery that was used between the 2nd and 4th centuries. The burials correspond to cremation and inhumation rituals, a fact that establishes two chronological phases where different funerary practices were used. In addition, the materials studied match the different phases that the deceased crossed, even after being buried

    Debatiendo: La sucesión a la corona

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    Las necrópolis de La Boatella y la calle San Vicente Mártir (Valencia). Topografía y ritual funerario

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    El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es el estudio de dos de las necrópolis de época imperial de la ciudad de Valencia: las de La Boatella y la calle San Vicente Mártir. Ambas se encuentran separadas por apenas medio kilómetro de distancia, pero nunca antes se había llevado a cabo un estudio sistemático de ellas. La de La Boatella fue la primera identificada en la ciudad y es hasta la fecha la más extensa. Hemos querido dar a nuestro trabajo un doble enfoque: por un lado historiográfico, que ha conllevado el estudio de toda la documentación relacionada con la primera necrópolis con el fin de conocer los primeros hallazgos y tener una visión más completa de la misma; y otro arqueológico, en cuanto que hemos intentado realizar un exhaustivo estudio sobre aspectos como la localización y organización de sepulturas, la deposición de objetos, el ritual funerario, los tipos de sepulturas… De esta manera, para realizar esta investigación ha sido necesario recoger toda la información existente sobre las excavaciones en la zona (1916-2019), así como estudiar los materiales y las sepulturas localizadas en todas las intervenciones arqueológicas. Además, nos ha exigido el conocimiento del resto de necrópolis de la ciudad con el fin de tener una visión de conjunto y establecer paralelos. Nuestro objetivo ha sido realizar un estudio integral (espacial, temporal, funcional y ritual) de ambas necrópolis para intentar responder a una serie de preguntas que, durante más de medio siglo, han permanecido sin respuesta debido a la complejidad que supone el estudio de este tipo de hallazgos, en parte debido a que han sido producto del desarrollo urbano de la ciudad (con motivo, por ejemplo, de la construcción del Mercado Central o la Avenida del Oeste). ¿Cómo eran los habitantes de la ciudad y cómo actuaban ante la muerte?; ¿por qué había dos cementerios diferentes y de cronología cercana en el tiempo en una misma zona?; ¿cómo se organizaban estas dos necrópolis?; ¿qué tipo de materiales o sepulturas se utilizaron?… Con este fin hemos elaborado un catálogo de sepulturas en el que se han descrito todas las sepulturas y estructuras funerarias, y una planimetría del conjunto de intervenciones que nos permite conocer la topografía de ambos cementerios

    Analysis of Psychometric Properties and Validation of the Personal Learning Environments Questionnaire (PLE) and Social Integration of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (MENA)

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    Background: The aim of the present study was to validate and develop the dimensions of the Personal Learning Environments (PLE) questionnaire with regards to the social integration of unaccompanied foreign minors (MENA), in addition to analyzing its psychometric properties. Methods: This study was conducted using an expert panel and exploratory techniques in a population of unaccompanied foreign minors (referred to hereon as MENA). The sample used for the validation was formed of 250 MENA aged between 13 and 17 years, with 206 (83.6%) being male and 41 (16.4%) being female. An expert panel was formed including 10 scholars of Education Sciences. The panel identified four dimensions, which were confirmed through exploratory factorial analysis conducted using the program called FACTOR Analysis (Lorenzo-Seva and Ferrando, 2006). Results: The results indicate that the PLE questionnaire provides reliable dimensions at the level alpha = 0.902. Examination of Pearson correlations identified significant values (p < 0.01) for almost all dimensions, with the highest value being produced for the association between the dimensions of communication and social interaction (CIS) and planning and management of learning (r = 0.641). Conclusions: From this study, it is concluded that the results of the study and the validation of the PLE in MENA populations through the four identified dimensions are valid and reliable for enabling multi-dimensional analyses to be carried out.This research was funded by I + D + I Project “Hybrid learning models for educational intervention with Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (MENAs)”. Effective tools for school and social integration “(EDU2017-88641-R)”


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    The purpose of the present study was to compare the effects of 3 weeks of isokinetic training vs plyometric training of the knee flexors and extensors on isokinetic strength. Twenty four students volunteered to participate, divided into 3 groups: one group performed the isokinetic exercises; a second group performed consecutive jumps, and a third was a control group. The knee extensor and flexor muscle peak torque, total work and average power of each leg were concentrically measured at 300º·s-1 using a Biodex System 3 isokinetic dynamometer. The results indicated that the concentric isokinetic training resulted in increase peak torque. ANOVA analysis between the three groups revealed statistical differences for peak torque (

    Repensar la profesión desde la formación y la práctica: Las Prácticas Externas de Pedagogía

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    El presente artículo presenta las innovaciones que se están realizando en la asignatura de Prácticas Externas del Grado de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Barcelona. Para ello, abordamos y presentamos la importancia de los Seminarios de Práctica Reflexiva, el replanteamiento, por parte de todas las partes involucradas, del trabajo por competencias, la participación de todos los agentes (tutoras de la facultad, alumnado y tutoras de las organizaciones de prácticas), y los resultados de las acciones (y proyectos) para la mejora del perfil profesional del futuro graduado o graduada en Pedagogía

    The Relationship between Emotional Regulation and School Burnout: Structural Equation Model According to Dedication to Tutoring

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    School burnout constitutes a current phenomenon which generates diverse negative consequences in the personal and academic lives of students. Given this situation, it is necessary to develop actions that permit us to regulate this harmful mental state and that are administered from within the school context. A descriptive and cross-sectional study is presented that pursues the objective of examining a structural equation model which brings together burnout and emotional regulation. The model assumes that students receive tutoring at school in order to tackle these types of problems. For this, the sample constituted a total of 569 students from the province of Granada (men = 52.3% (n = 298); women = 47.7% (n = 271)). Mean age was reported as 10.39 0.95 years and the School Burnout Inventory (BMI) and the Emotional Regulation Scale were utilized as the principal instruments. As main findings it was observed that students who received one hour of weekly tutoring showed a positive relationship between expressive suppression as a strategy of emotional regulation, cynicism, and exhaustion as consequences of school burnout. In the same way, a direct association existed between burnout-related exhaustion and cognitive repair. Given that significant relationships could not be observed between these variables in students who do not receive tutoring, higher use of emotional regulation was confirmed amongst tutored students when faced with this negative mental state.This research was funded by UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA QUALITY UNIT (VII Convocatoria de Proyectos de Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Docentes), grant number 19-25