2,889 research outputs found

    Omaisten saama tuki ja selviytymiskeinot läheisen kuoltua

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    Krueger, Merja. Omaisten saama tuki ja selviytymiskeinot läheisen kuoltua. Diak Länsi, Pori, kevät 2012, 41 s., 2 liitettä. Daikonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, Diakonisen sosiaalityön suuntautumisvaihtoehto, sosionomi (AMK)+ diakonian virkakelpoisuus. Opinnäytetyö pohjautuu tutkimukselliseen tietoon. Empiirisen aineiston avulla haettiin vastausta tutkimuskysymykseen siitä, mistä läheisensä menettäneet saivat tukea ja apua silloin, kun heitä kohtasi ehkä elämänsä vaikein tilanne. Tutkimus toi samalla esille kunnan ja seurakunnan palvelutarjontaa läheisensä menettäneille. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, mistä omaiset saivat apua, minkälaista tuki oli ja kokivatko he sen tarpeelliseksi. Aineiston keruumenetelminä käytettiin kirjallisuutta, lehtiartikkeleita, opinnäytetöitä, www-sivustoja, paikallisen kunnan ja seurakunnan työntekijöiden asiantuntemusta sekä vuosina 2000 - 2010 kuolleiden henkilöiden omaisten kokemuksia. Kunnan ja seurakunnan työntekijät kertoivat vapaamuotoisesti palvelutarjonnastaan ja käytännöistään heille asetettujen kysymysten turvin. Omaisten kokemuksia koottiin haastatteluilla kyselylomakkeen avulla, joka suoritettiin henkilökohtaisesti paikkakunnan hautausmaalla. Kyselyyn osallistuivat 12 henkilöä, joista yksi oli mies ja loput naisia. Lähestymistapa opinnäytetyön aineiston keruu- ja analysointimenetelmiin oli pääsääntöisesti fenomenologisen tutkimuksen kvalitatiivista sisällön analyysiä. tutkimuksessa pyrittiin ymmärtämään inhimillisen toiminnan ja kokemuksen subjektiivista merkitystä silloin, kun ihminen on menettänyt läheisensä. Päätulokset osoittivat, että läheisten tuki oli merkittävintä pienellä paikkakunnalla, jossa sukulaisia oli runsaasti ja ihmiset tunsivat naapurustonsa. Vaikeuksia ei myöskään ollut tarpeellisen avun hakemisessa eri palveluntuottajilta niiden näkyvyyden vuoksi. Johtopäätöksenä voi pitää sitä, että tukitoimenpiteitä läheisensä menettäneille oli myös pienellä paikkakunnalla saatavissa, jos asianomainen vain halusi hakeutua niiden piiriin tai ottaa niitä vastaan. Luonnollisesti pienen paikkakunnan palvelutarjonta oli kapea-alaista, mutta tarvittaessa apua sai pyytää myös naapurikunnista ja -seurakunnista.Krueger, Merja. Relatives to Receive Subsidies And Coping Ways after The Death of a Close. 41 p., 2 appendices. Language: Finnish. Pori, Autumn 2012. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Degree Programme in Social Services, Option in Diaconal Social Work. Degree: Bachelor of Social Services + Deacon. The thesis based on researched empirical data. Using these data, the aim was to answer how people who had lost their near relatives got support in the situation, where they faced one of the most difficult situations in their lives. The thesis also found out what kind of services the municipality and the congregation provided to the bereaved. The research questions were, where the bereaved got support, what the quality of the support was and if they considered it valuable? The data were collected from literature, articles, theses, Internet repositories, specialists in local municipality and congregation and from interviewing people who had lost their family member during 2000 – 2010. The specialists casually explained their supply of services and their institutions. The experiences of the bereaved were collected by an enquiry conducted personally at the graveyard of the municipality. In all, 12 closest relatives responded. One of them was male and eleven female. The approach to collecting data and the analysis of the material were mainly phenomenological qualitative content analysis. The thesis was trying to understand the subjective meaning of human behaviour and experience in a situation where a family member had passed away. The main results were proved, that in a small municipality, where one had lots of relatives and people knew their neighbours, the support given by the family and intimate friends was considered most important. It seems that it was not difficult to ask for support when needed from different service providers because of their broad coverage. The conclusion was that measures of support for the bereaved was also in a small municipality, if the bereaved considered it necessary. Naturally, the services of a small municipality were restricted, but help could be solicited on demand from nearby municipalities and congregations. Keywords: death, sorrow, social services, relatives, social work done by a church, suppor

    Equilibrios minerales y zonación de granates en el nucleo del domo del Tormes (provincias de Salamanca y Zamora)

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    El estudio de la zonación en 1os granates de gneises pelíticos pertenecientes al núcleo del domo del Tormes indica el carácter retrógrado de estos y confirma la existencia de las siguientes reacciones observadas petrográficamente en anteriores trabajos: Gt+Als+Qz+H,O -> Cd ; Bi+Als+Qz -> Cd+Fk+H,O ; Bi+Als+Qz->Gt+Cd+Fk+H20; CaGt+Als+Qz ->Capl. El conocimiento de 1os campos de estabilidad de las reacciones que se producen en estas rocas y las observaciones petrográficas indican que ha tenido lugar la reacción de retrogradación Cd+Fk+H,O --> Bi+Mu+Qz, siendo probable además que parte del granate se haya formado según Bi+Mu+Qz -> Gt+Fk+H,O. Finalmente se propone una trayectoria P-T para 1os estadios finales de evolución del núcleo del domo basada en 1os anteriores equilibrios y en sus campos de estabilidad teóricos.Garnets in the Tormes dome core area show a conspicuous retrograde diffusion zoning. The Fe, Mg, Ca, and Mn distribution in this mineral is consistent whith the reactions Gt+Als+Qz+H,O > Cd; Bi+Als+Qz -> Cd+Fk+H,O;Bi+Als+Qz -> Gt+Cd+Fk+H,O CaGt+Als+Qz-> CaPl petrographicaly predicted in previous papers. In addition, petrographic observations contrasted with a petrogenetic grid developed for these rocks suggest that reactions Cd+Fk+H,O -> Bi+Mu+Qz and Gt+Fk+H,O -> Bi+Mu+Qz take place. Previous data allow to draw a semiquantitative P-T-t path for the latest metamorphic stages

    Memetic Pareto Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks for the determination of growth limits of Listeria Monocytogenes

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    The main objective of this work is to automatically design neural network models with sigmoidal basis units for classification tasks, so that classifiers are obtained in the most balanced way possible in terms of CCR and Sensitivity (given by the lowest percentage of examples correctly predicted to belong to each class). We present a Memetic Pareto Evolutionary NSGA2 (MPENSGA2) approach based on the Pareto-NSGAII evolution (PNSGAII) algorithm. We propose to augmente it with a local search using the improved Rprop—IRprop algorithm for the prediction of growth/no growth of L. monocytogenes as a function of the storage temperature, pH, citric (CA) and ascorbic acid (AA). The results obtained show that the generalization ability can be more efficiently improved within a framework that is multi-objective instead of a within a single-objective one

    Intracrine prostaglandin E2pro-tumoral actions in prostateepithelial cells originate from non-canonical pathways

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    Prostaglandin E2(PGE2) increases cell proliferation and stimulates migratory andangiogenic abilities in prostate cancer cells. However, the effects of PGE2on non-transformed prostate epithelial cells are unknown, despite the fact that PGE2overproduction has been found in benign hyperplastic prostates. In the present workwe studied the effects of PGE2in immortalized, non-malignant prostate epithelialRWPE-1 cells and found that PGE2increased cell proliferation, cell migration, andproductionofvascularendothelialgrowthfactor-A,andactivatedinvitroangiogenesis.These actions involved a non-canonic intracrine mechanism in which the actualeffector was intracellular PGE2(iPGE2) instead of extracellular PGE2: inhibition of theprostaglandin uptake transporter (PGT) or antagonism of EP receptors prevented theeffects of PGE2, which indicated that PGE2activity depended on its carrier-mediatedtranslocation from the outside to the inside of cells and that EP receptors locatedintracellularly (iEP) mediated the effects of PGE2. iPGE2acted through transactivationof epidermal growth factor-receptor (EGFR) by iEP, leading to increased expressionand activityofhypoxia-induciblefactor-1α(HIF-1α).Interestingly,iPGE2alsomediatesthe effects of PGE2on prostate cancer PC3 cells through the axis iPGE2-iEP receptors-EGFR-HIF-1α. Thus, this axis might be responsible for the growth-stimulating effectsof PGE2on prostate epithelial cells, thereby contributing to prostate proliferativediseasesassociatedwithchronicinflammation.SincethisPGT-dependentnon-canonicintracrine mechanism of PGE2action operates in both benign and malignant prostateepithelial cells, PGT inhibitors should be tested as a novel therapeutic modality to treatprostate proliferative diseaseThis work was supported by grants SAF2011-26838 from the SpanishMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Anomalous temperature dependence of the first diffraction peak in vitreous boron trioxide

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    11 págs.; 9 figs.The temperature dependence of the parameters characterizing the first peak in the S(Q) and S(Q,E=0) diffraction patterns of vitreous boron trioxide is considered in some detail. The analysis of the experimental spectra is aided by results derived from molecular-dynamics simulations, which enable us to isolate the most relevant features driving the variation with temperature of both structure factors. The relevance of the present results regarding some recent phenomenological approaches developed towards the understanding of the dynamics of glasses at intermediate temperatures is finally discussed. ©1996 American Physical SocietyWork was performed in part under D.G.I.C.Y.T (Spain) Grant No. PB92-0114-C03-01. Financial support from the Large Scale Facilities Programme of the European Union for the measurements carried at Risoe National Laboratory (Denmark) is acknowledged. J.D. wishes to thank CONICET (Argentina) and CSIC (Spain) for financial support.Peer Reviewe

    Nuevo índice para evaluar anomalías de elementos traza en suelos: el caso del SE español

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    In this work, an index is established to detect anomalies in trace elements in the soil. This index, which relates the total concentration of each element with the regional geochemical background value of the element considered, was defined by studying the levels of trace elements from different soils located in SE Spain. In the area, a previous screening of trace elements detected seven zones with anomalies and revealed two conflictive areas: Sierra Gador and Cabo de Gata. In each zone, a second sampling was undertaken at two different depths (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm). The results indicate that the main anomalies were due to arsenic (As), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn). In Sierra Gador Pb was the element that registered the highest rate of enrichment with respect to the regional geochemical background, reaching values up to 270-fold higher in some samples. In this zone, more than 50% of the samples were anomalous in any of the trace elements studied (higher than regional geochemical background). In Cabo de Gata, As concentration was higher than the geochemical background in more than 40% of the samples; meanwhile Pb concentration was higher in 50% of the samples.En este trabajo establecemos un índice para detectar anomalías en el contenido de elementos traza en suelos. Este índice relaciona el contenido total de cada elemento traza con el fondo geoquímico regional, definido mediante el estudio de los niveles de elementos traza en diferentes suelos localizados en el sureste español. En un primer estudio sobre niveles de elementos traza en suelos del área de estudio detectaron siete zonas con anomalías, de las cuales dos fueron consideradas conflictivas: Sierra de Gádor y Cabo de Gata. En cada una de estas dos zonas se realizó un segundo estudio más exhaustivo a dos niveles de profundidad (0-20 y 20-40 cm). Los resultados indican que las principales anomalías correspondes a los niveles de As, Pb y Zn. En Sierra de Gádor el Pb es el elemento que presenta una mayor tasa de enriquecimiento con respecto al fondo geoquímico regional, con valores puntuales que lo superan hasta 270 veces. También en esta zona más del 50% de las muestras presentan anomalías en alguno de los elementos analizados. En Cabo de Gata el As supera el fondo geoquímico regional en más del 40% de las muestras; mientras que el Pb lo supera en el 50% de las muestras.This study has been made possible by the research Project no. 1550 of the Regional Environmental Department of the Andalusian Government

    Controlling eutrophication by means of water recirculation: an optimal control perspective

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    In this work, the artificial recirculation of water is presented and analyzed, from the perspective of the optimal control of partial differential equations, as a tool to prevent eutrophication effects in large waterbodies. A novel formulation of the environmental problem, based on the coupling of nonlinear models for hydrodynamics, water temperature and concentrations of the different species involved in the eutrophication processes, is introduced. After a complete and rigorous analysis of the existence of optimal solutions, a full numerical algorithm for their computation is proposed. Finally, some numerical results for a realistic scenario are shown, in order to prove the efficiency of our approach.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2019/02Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. MTM2016-75140-