12 research outputs found

    Estudis sobre la insuficiència renal en la cirrosi hepàtica: Anàlisi del pronòstic i investigació en el tractament farmacològic de la síndrome hepatorenal

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    [cat] Des que es va definir la síndrome hepatorenal (SHR), als anys 60 del segle passat, s’han fet grans progressos en el coneixement d’aquesta entitat. La SHR és una insuficiència renal característica dels pacients amb cirrosi hepàtica (CH) amb molt mal pronòstic a curt plaç. El tractament curatiu és el trasplantament hepàtic perquè elimina la CH que és l’origen del problema. Però no sempre està indicat el trasplantament o no s’arriba a temps de realitzar-lo. Els estudis basats en la fisiopatologia de la SHR han estat la base per investigar sobre tractaments que puguin revertir la insuficiència renal i serveixin de pont cap al trasplantament. Fins al moment de la publicació dels treballs que formen part d’aquesta tesi, s’havien fet alguns estudis amb vasoconstrictors esplàcnics que suggerien que aquests fàrmacs eren els més efectius en la reversió de la SHR. Però no s’havien publicat estudis prospectius i aleatoritzats al respecte i aquesta és l’aportació d’un dels estudis: avaluar l’efecte de la terlipressina junt amb l’albúmina sobre la funció renal i la supervivència en pacients amb CH i SHR. Es van aleatoritzar 46 pacients, 23 en el grup de terlipressina i albúmina i 23 en el grup d’albúmina sola. La milloria de la funció renal es va donar en 10 (43,5%) dels pacients tractats amb terlipressina i albúmina i en 3 (8,7%) dels pacients tractats amb albúmina sola (p=0,017). En l’anàlisi multivariat, els factors independents predictius de milloria de la funció renal van ser el volum urinari basal, la creatinina sèrica, el recompte de leucocits i el tractament amb terlipressina i albúmina. La supervivència a 3 mesos no va ser significativament diferent entre els dos grups de tractament (terlipressina i albúmina 27% vs albúmina sola 19%, p=0,7). En l’anàlisi multivariat, els factors independents predictius de supervivència als 3 mesos van ser el MELD basal i la resposta al tractament. A falta d’altres opcions, la terlipressina junt amb albúmina és l’opció terapèutica més efectiva per revertir la SHR i és el tractament que s’ha d’utilitzar, sobretot en els pacients en lista per a trasplantament hepàtic, com a pont fins a l’arribada de l’organ necessari. D’altra banda, malgrat els progressos realitzats en la SHR, els pacients amb CH poden presentar altres tipus d’insuficiència renal i aquest és un camp poc estudiat. En el segon estudi que forma part d’aquesta tesi, basant-nos en un gran número de pacients hospitalitzats, es van avaluar els diferents tipus d’insuficiència renal que poden presentar els pacients amb CH des del punt de vista de la repercusió en el pronòstic. Es van incloure de forma prospectiva, 562 pacients amb CH i insuficiència renal a l’ingrés o que la van desenvolupar durant el mateix. La causa de la insuficiència renal es va classificar en 4 grups: associada a infeccions, a deplecció de volumen, SHR i nefropatia parenquimatosa. La insuficiència renal associada a infeccions va ser la més freqüent (46%), seguida de l’associada a hipovolèmia (32%), SHR (13%) i nefropatia parenquimatosa (9%). Un 17.6% dels casos presentava combinació de causes. La probabilitat de supervivència als 3 mesos va ser del 73% en la nefropatia parenquimatosa, 46% en la insuficiència renal associada a hipovolèmia, 31% en la insuficiència renal associada a infecciones i 15% en la SHR (p1.5mg/dl) were prospectively included. The cause of RF was classified into 4 groups: RF associated with bacterial infections, RF associated with volume deplection, HRS and parenchymal nephropathy. The primary end point was survival at 3 months. The frequency of RF was: RF associated with infections: 213 cases ( 46%),hypovolemia-associated RF: 149 (32%), HRS: 60 (13%), and parenchymal nephropathy: 41 (9%). Three-month probability of survival was73% for parenchymal nephropathy, 46% for hypovolemia-associated RF, 31% for RF associated with infections, and 15% for HRS (P<.0005). In the multivariate analysis, cause of RF was independently associated with prognosis, together with MELD score, serum sodium and hepatic encephalopathy. This information may help in decision making in liver transplantatio

    Hyponatremia is a risk factor of hepatic encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis: A prospective study with time-dependent analysis

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    OBJECTIVES:The aim of this study was to investigate whether hyponatremia is a risk factor of overt hepatic encephalopathy (HE) in cirrhosis.METHODS:A total of 61 patients with cirrhosis were evaluated prospectively for 1 year and all episodes of overt HE were recorded. Predictive factors of HE were analyzed using a conditional model (Prentice, Williams, and Peterson) for recurrent events to assess the relationship between HE and time-dependent covariates. The effects of hyponatremia on the brain concentration of organic osmolytes were analyzed in 25 patients using 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy.RESULTS:Twenty- eight of the 61 patients developed 57 episodes of overt HE during follow-up. Among a number of clinical and laboratory variables analyzed, the only independent predictive factors of overt HE were hyponatremia (serum sodium <130mEql), history of overt HE, serum bilirubin, and serum creatinine. Hyponatremia was associated with low brain concentration of organic osmolytes, particularly myo-inositol (MI). Furthermore, patients with low brain MI levels had a higher probability of development of overt HE compared with that of patients with high brain MI levels.CONCLUSIONS:In patients with cirrhosis, the existence of hyponatremia is a major risk factor of the development of overt HE. Treatment of hyponatremia may be a novel therapeutic approach to preventing HE in cirrhosis. © 2009 by the American College of Gastroenterology.Peer Reviewe

    Prognostic Importance of the Cuse of Renal Failure in Patients With Cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: The prognostic value of the different causes of renal failure in cirrhosis is not well established. This study investigated the predictive value of the cause of renal failure in cirrhosis. METHODS: Five hundred sixty-two consecutive patients with cirrhosis and renal failure (as defined by serum creatinine 1.5 mg/dL on 2 successive determinations within 48 hours) hospitalized over a 6-year period in a single institution were included in a prospective study. The cause of renal failure was classified into 4 groups: renal failure associated with bacterial infections, renal failure associated with volume depletion, hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), and parenchymal nephropathy. The primary end point was survival at 3 months. RESULTS: Four hundred sixty-three patients (82.4%) had renal failure that could be classified in 1 of 4 groups. The most frequent was renal failure associated with infections (213 cases; 46%), followed by hypovolemia-associated renal failure (149; 32%), HRS (60; 13%), and parenchymal nephropathy (41; 9%). The remaining patients had a combination of causes or miscellaneous conditions. Prognosis was markedly different according to cause of renal failure, 3-month probability of survival being 73% for parenchymal nephropathy, 46% for hypovolemia-associated renal failure, 31% for renal failure associated with infections, and 15% for HRS (P .0005). In a multivariate analysis adjusted for potentially confounding variables, cause of renal failure was independently associated with prognosis, together with MELD score, serum sodium, and hepatic encephalopathy at time of diagnosis of renal failure. CONCLUSIONS: A simple classification of patients with cirrhosis according to cause of renal failure is useful in assessment of prognosis and may help in decision making in liver transplantation

    Enfermedades vasculares del hígado. Guías Clínicas de la Sociedad Catalana de Digestología y de la Asociación Española para el Estudio del Hígado

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    Despite their relatively low prevalence, vascular diseases of the liver represent a significant health problem in the field of liver disease. A common characteristic shared by many such diseases is their propensity to cause portal hypertension together with increased morbidity and mortality. These diseases are often diagnosed in young patients and their delayed diagnosis and/or inappropriate treatment can greatly reduce life expectancy. This article reviews the current body of evidence concerning Budd-Chiari syndrome, non-cirrhotic portal vein thrombosis, idiopathic portal hypertension, sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, hepatic vascular malformations in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia, cirrhotic portal vein thrombosis and other rarer vascular diseases including arterioportal fistulas. It also includes a section on the diagnostic imaging of vascular diseases of the liver and their treatment from a haematological standpoint (study of thrombotic diathesis and anticoagulation therapy). All recommendations are based on published studies extracted from PubMed. The quality of evidence and strength of recommendations were rated in accordance with the GRADE system (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment Development and Evaluation). In the absence of sufficient evidence, recommendations were based on the opinion of the committee that produced the guide.Las enfermedades vasculares hepáticas, a pesar de su relativamente baja prevalencia, representan un problema de salud importante en el campo de las enfermedades hepáticas. Una característica común a muchas de estas enfermedades es que pueden causar hipertensión portal, con la elevada morbimortalidad que ello conlleva. Con frecuencia estas enfermedades se diagnostican en pacientes jóvenes y el retraso en su diagnóstico y/o un tratamiento inadecuado pueden reducir de forma importante la esperanza de vida. El presente artículo revisa la evidencia actual en el síndrome de Budd-Chiari, la trombosis venosa portal en pacientes no cirróticos, la hipertensión portal idiopática, el síndrome de obstrucción sinusoidal, las malformaciones vasculares hepáticas en la telangiectasia hemorrágica hereditaria, la trombosis portal en la cirrosis, otras patologías vasculares menos frecuentes como las fístulas arterioportales, así como un apartado sobre el diagnóstico por imagen de las enfermedades vasculares hepáticas y su tratamiento desde el punto de vista hematológico (estudio de la diátesis trombótica y tratamiento anticoagulante). Las recomendaciones se han realizado de acuerdo a los estudios publicados extraídos de Pubmed. La calidad de la evidencia y la intensidad de las recomendaciones fueron graduadas de acuerdo al sistema Grading of Recommendations Assessment Development and Evaluation (GRADE). Cuando no existían evidencias suficientes, las recomendaciones se basaron en la opinión del comité que redactó la guía

    Prognostic Importance of the Cuse of Renal Failure in Patients With Cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: The prognostic value of the different causes of renal failure in cirrhosis is not well established. This study investigated the predictive value of the cause of renal failure in cirrhosis. METHODS: Five hundred sixty-two consecutive patients with cirrhosis and renal failure (as defined by serum creatinine 1.5 mg/dL on 2 successive determinations within 48 hours) hospitalized over a 6-year period in a single institution were included in a prospective study. The cause of renal failure was classified into 4 groups: renal failure associated with bacterial infections, renal failure associated with volume depletion, hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), and parenchymal nephropathy. The primary end point was survival at 3 months. RESULTS: Four hundred sixty-three patients (82.4%) had renal failure that could be classified in 1 of 4 groups. The most frequent was renal failure associated with infections (213 cases; 46%), followed by hypovolemia-associated renal failure (149; 32%), HRS (60; 13%), and parenchymal nephropathy (41; 9%). The remaining patients had a combination of causes or miscellaneous conditions. Prognosis was markedly different according to cause of renal failure, 3-month probability of survival being 73% for parenchymal nephropathy, 46% for hypovolemia-associated renal failure, 31% for renal failure associated with infections, and 15% for HRS (P .0005). In a multivariate analysis adjusted for potentially confounding variables, cause of renal failure was independently associated with prognosis, together with MELD score, serum sodium, and hepatic encephalopathy at time of diagnosis of renal failure. CONCLUSIONS: A simple classification of patients with cirrhosis according to cause of renal failure is useful in assessment of prognosis and may help in decision making in liver transplantation