936 research outputs found

    Postnatal characterization of cells in the accessory olfactory bulb of wild type and reeler mice

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    Olfaction is the most relevant chemosensory sense of the rodents. General odors are primarily detected by the main olfactory system while most pheromonal signals are received by the accessory olfactory system. The first relay in the brain occurs in the olfactory bulb, which is subdivided in the main and accessory olfactory bulb (MOB/AOB). Given that the cell generation time is different between AOB and MOB, and the cell characterization of AOB remains limited, the goal of this work was first, the definition of the layering of AOB/MOB and second, the determination of cellular phenotypes in the AOB in a time window corresponding to the early postnatal development. Moreover, since reelin (Reln) deficiency has been related to olfactory learning deficits, we analyzed reeler mice. First, we compared the layering between AOB and MOB at early embryonic stages. Then, cell phenotypes were established using specific neuronal and glial markers as well as the Reln adaptor protein Dab1 to analyse differences in both genetic backgrounds. There was no apparent difference in the cell phenotypes among AOB and MOB or between wild type (wt) and reeler animals. However, a disruption in the granular cell layer of reeler with respect to wt mice was observed. In conclusion, the AOB in Reln-deficient mice showed similar neuronal and glial cell types being only affected the organization of granular neurons

    Biomateriales de quitosano, y sus modificaciones mediante la mezcla con gelatina y poli-L-lisina, para su aplicación en la reparación de lesiones medulares

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma, Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Anatomía, Histología y Neurociencia: Fecha de lectura 30 de Octubre 200

    The long bar as seen by the VVV Survey: II. Star counts

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    Context: There is still some debate about the presence and the morphological properties of the long bar in the inner Galaxy. Aims: We investigate the morphological properties of the long Galactic bar using the VVV survey extending star counts at least 3 mag deeper than 2MASS. Our study covers the relatively unexplored negative longitudes of the Galactic bar. We obtain a detailed description of the spatial distribution of star counts towards the long Galactic bar as well as to measure its parameters. Methods: We performed star counts towards -20<l<0 deg., |b|< 2 deg. using VVV, 2MASS, and GLIMPSE data. We applied an average interstellar extinction correction. We also adjusted latitudinal profiles to obtain the centroid variation and bar thickness. Results: We probe the structure of long Galactic bar, as well as its far edge at l=-14 deg. The differences between counts with and without extinction correction allow us to produce a crude extinction map showing regions with high extinction, mainly beyond the end of long Galactic bar. The latitudinal profiles show evidence of the centroid vertical variation with Galactic longitude reaching a minimum at l=-13.8 deg. The bar has an inclination angle 43+/-5 deg with respect to the line Sun-Galactic center. In addition, we have determined the bar parameters, such as thickness, length, and stellar distribution.Comment: Accepted for publication at Astronomy \& Astrophysics (17 pages, 17 figures). Second version: 1- Only minor changes on the abstract of the manuscript. 2- Abstract of arXiv.org modified to be in accordingly to Astronomy & Astrophysics abstract structur

    Effect of phenylephrine and prazosin on the somatostatinergic system in the rat frontoparietal cortex

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    Somatostatin (SS) and noradrenaline (NA) are distributed in the rat cerebral cortex, and seizure activity is one of the aspects of behavior affected by both neurotransmitters. Due to the possible interaction between both neurotransmitter systems, we studied whether phenylphrine, an alpha(1)-adrenoceptor agonist, and prazosin, an alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist, can modulate SS-like immunoreactivity (SS-LI) levels, binding of [I-125][Tyr(11)]SS to its specific receptors, the ability of SS to inhibit adenylate cyclase (AC) activity, and the guanine nucleotide binding regulatory protein G(1) and G(0), in the Sprague-Dawley rat frontoparietal cortex. An IP dose of 2 or 4 mg/kg of phenylephrine injected 7 h before decapitation decreased the number of SS receptors and increased the apparent affinity in frontoparietal cortex membranes. An IP dose of 20 or 25 mg/kg of prazosin administered 8 h before decapitation increased the number of SS receptors and decreased their apparent affinity. The administration of prazosin before the phenylephrine injection prevented the phenylephrine-induced changes in SS binding. The addition of phenylephrine and/or prazosin 10(-5) M to the incubation medium changed neither the number nor the affinity of the SS receptors in the frontoparietal cortex membranes. Phenylephrine or prazosin affected neither SS-LI content nor the basal or forskolin (FK)-stimulated AC activities in the frontoparietal cortex. In addition, SS caused an equal inhibition of AC activity in frontoparietal cortex membranes of phenylephrine- and prazosin-treated rats compared with the respective control group. Finally, phenylephrine and prazosin did not vary the pertussis toxin (PTX)-catalyzed ADP ribosylation of G(1)- and/or G(0)-proteins. These results suggest that the above mentioned changes are related to the phenylephrine activation of alpha(1)-adrenoceptors or to the blocking of these receptors by prazosin. In addition, these data provide further support for a functional interrelationship between the alpha(1)-adrenergic and somatostatinergic systems in the rat frontoparietal cortex

    Rendimiento del remate en K1: Influencia de la rotación y la zona de recepción en equipos de voleibol de alto nivel masculino

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    El objetivo de este estudio, fue investigar la asociación de la zona de recepción con el rendimiento del remate considerando el impacto de la rotación, en equipos de voleibol masculino de alto nivel. Fueron analizados 29 partidos de selecciones internacionales masculinas de máximo nivel, obteniendo una muestra de 3689 remates en la fase de KI. Las variables analizadas fueron: la rotación del equipo en recepción, la zona de recepción y el rendimiento del remate. Se emplearon modelos de regresión ordinales para determinar la influencia de la zona de recepción y la interacción de la rotación en el rendimiento del remate. Los resultados mostraron interacciones significativas entre la rotación y la zona de recepción, que permiten entender la mayor o menor probabilidad de conseguir un mejor rendimiento en remate (p<0.001) en algunas de las rotaciones. En conclusión, el rendimiento del remate es diferente en función de la interacción de la rotación del equipo y de la zona de recepción, lo que podría asociarse con decisiones tácticas en la ejecución del saque.The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between the reception zone and the spiking performance in each of the game rotations in top level men's volleyball teams. The sample consisted of 29 men´s matches of final phases in Olympic Games, World League and World Cup between 2012 and 2016, obtaining a sample of 3,689 spikes in the K1 phase. The variables analyzed were: the rotation of the reception team, the reception area and the spike performance. Ordinal regression models were used to determine the influence of the receiving zone and the interaction of rotation on spike performance. The results show significant interaction between the rotation and the reception area on spike performance (X²₄₆ = 127.885; p <.001; r2 = .036), which allow us to understand the greater or lesser probability of achieving a better spike performance in some of the rotations. In conclusion, the performance of the spike varies depending on the interaction of the rotation of the team and the reception area, but this relation in global level, only explain 3.6% of the variance of the spike. The analysis of the situations in which significance has been found could be associated with strategic decisions in the execution of the serve and the training of the K1