578 research outputs found

    Design and validation of an observational instrument to assess the technical execution in top-rope climbing

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    The aim of this study was to design and validate an observational instrument to assess the technical execution in top-rope climbing. This observational instrument allows researchers to assess the progression of climbers in relation to the achievement of key aspects of climbing movements. Firstly, a review of the specialized literature was performed to establish a set of criteria for observation. Secondly, content validation was carried out through the agreement and consensus method among ten expert judges at the qualitative level (degree of understanding, appropriateness of wording, relevance of questions, etc.), and quantitative level (global assessment on a scale from 0 to 10). Thirdly, this instrument was applied to a sample of seven climbers on an indoor climbing wall. Reliability was calculated through the application of the test-retest method. The results indicated that the instrument has optimal levels of reliability and validity for evaluating the technical execution of beginning climbers. The instrument can be considered as a useful tool which could be applied by instructors and teachers for discriminating the learning stage in beginning climbers

    Estudio exploratorio sobre el lenguaje del azar en educación secundaria obligatoria

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    Nuestro estudio se orienta a la evaluación del conocimiento de los términos verbales asociados con los sucesos aleatorios y la probabilidad en una muestra de 56 alumnos de 1º y 2º curso de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Se observan carencias de vocabulario relativo al azar y dificultad en la búsqueda de sinónimos de expresiones relacionadas con la probabilidad a distintos niveles. Igualmente se perciben dificultades para proceder a valorar la probabilidad de diversas situaciones cotidianas con una especial confusión entre los términos “imposible” e “improbable” que tratan como sinónimos

    Characterization of the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp. isolated from extreme sulphureous water from Los Baños de la Hedionda (S Spain)

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    Los Baños de la Hedionda (Málaga, S Spain) is a natural sulphureous spa (150-200 µM sulphide). Although this high sulphide levels can affect the photosynthetic process, there are numerous photosynthetic microorganisms inhabiting the spa. Among them, we isolated a strain of the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp., a genus well known by its tolerance to sulphide. Objectives Firstly, to analyze the photosynthetic characteristics and growth rate of the isolated strain, as well as the effect of the presence of sulphide in both processes. Secondly, to determine the limit of genetic adaptation of this strain to sulphide. Methods The resistance of the isolated strain to sulphide was studied by analyzing the effect of increasing sulphide levels (up to 1600 µM) on photosynthetic performance and growth. The limit of genetic adaptation was explored using an evolutionary experimental design named as ratchet protocol. This design allows discerning the maximum capacity of genetic adaptation of Oscillatoria sp. to the exposure of increasing doses of sulphide Conclusions The strain showed maximum growth rates at 200 µM sulphide although reduced rates can be found up to 800 µM sulphide. A significant increase in resistance was achieved in all derived populations during the ratchet experiment (surviving at sulphide concentrations higher than 2 mM). Moreover, they showed different evolutionary potential to adapt to sulphide, depending on historical contingency.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through CGL2014-53682-P project. Predoctoral State Grant from Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation Plan, Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness I+D+i ECC/1402/2013, 201

    Plan de cuidados de un paciente con ACV hemorrágico

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    Este trabajo muestra el modelo de Virginia Henderson como referencia, realizándose un plan de cuidados a partir de las necesidades alteradas de un paciente al que se le ha diagnosticado un Accidente cerebral agudo. Como objetivos se pretende identificar las necesidades actuales del paciente y la familia y establecer un plan de cuidados individualizado, cubriendo y resolviendo sus problemas, constituyendo una estructura que cubra todas sus necesidades. El ACV afecta gravemente a nuestra población y al realizar unos cuidados individualizados en cada situación del paciente, conseguimos no añadir problemas derivados del tratamiento, reduciendo la estancia hospitalaria y el gasto sanitario. This project takes as reference Virginia Henderson’s model, carrying out a care plan starting from the altered needs of a patient who was diagnosed an Acute cerebral accident. The main objective of this project is to identify the present needs of the patient and his/her family and establish an individualized care plan, both covering and solving his/her problems and creating a framework to cover all his/her needs. Our population is seriously affected by CVA and setting up an individualized care plan in each situation of the patient enables us not to add problems derived from treatment and reduce the hospital stay an health spending

    Towards web-based visual training

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    Hasta cierto punto, la visión es una función que se puede aprender. En términos generales, este aprendizaje, denominado desarrollo perceptivo visual, tiene lugar espontáneamente. Sin embargo, no es el caso de un número significativo de niños que, debido a su discapacidad visual o perceptual, tienen dificultades para recibir o procesar estímulos visuales de su entorno. En este caso, los programas de estimulación visual se deben aplicar a estas personas para que sus funciones visuales se puedan desarrollar. Los avances desarrollados en las últimas dos décadas en las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, las TIC, no se reflejan en las herramientas de software existentes para el campo. Como una contribución para resolver este problema, hemos diseñado y desarrollado un Sistema Educativo Interactivo apoyado en una plataforma web con el objetivo principal de proporcionar a los profesionales los mecanismos necesarios para realizar las tareas básicas de Estimulación Visual. Al mismo tiempo, aprovecha las diversas oportunidades que ofrece Internet. En este trabajo, analizamos las limitaciones de herramientas anteriores existentes y presentamos EVIN (Estimulación Visual en Internet). El objetivo principal del proyecto EVIN es el desarrollo de una plataforma web que aproveche el potencial de las TIC junto con la experiencia adquirida por los profesionales acerca de la baja visión.To an extent, vision is a function that can be learned. Broadly speaking, this learning –named visual perceptive development, takes place spontaneously. Nevertheless, it is not the case of a significant number of children who, due to their visual or perceptual impairment, have difficulties either receiving or processing visual stimuli from their environment. In this case, Visual Stimulation programs should be applied to these people so that their visual functions can be developed. The advances developed in last two decades on information and communication technologies, ICT, are not reflected in the existing software tools for the field. As a contribution to solve this problem, we have designed and developed an Interactive Educational System supported on a web platform with the main aim to provide professionals the required mechanisms to perform the basic Visual Stimulation tasks. At the same time, it takes advantage of the several opportunities offered by the Internet. In this paper, we analyze the limitations of previous existing tools and present EVIN (Visual Stimulation on the Internet). The main objective of the EVIN project is the development of a web platform which exploits the potential of ICT along with the experience gained by low vision professionals.peerReviewe

    Different Susceptibility to Neurodegeneration of Dorsal and Ventral Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus: A Study with Transgenic Mice Overexpressing GSK3β

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    Dorsal hippocampal regions are involved in memory and learning processes, while ventral areas are related to emotional and anxiety processes. Hippocampal dependent memory and behaviour alterations do not always come out in neurodegenerative diseases at the same time. In this study we have tested the hypothesis that dorsal and ventral dentate gyrus (DG) regions respond in a different manner to increased glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK3β) levels in GSK3β transgenic mice, a genetic model of neurodegeneration. Reactive astrocytosis indicate tissue stress in dorsal DG, while ventral area does not show that marker. These changes occurred with a significant reduction of total cell number and with a significantly higher level of cell death in dorsal area than in ventral one as measured by fractin-positive cells. Biochemistry analysis showed higher levels of phosphorylated GSK3β in those residues that inactivate the enzyme in hippocampal ventral areas compared with dorsal area suggesting that the observed susceptibility is in part due to different GSK3 regulation. Previous studies carried out with this animal model had demonstrated impairment in Morris Water Maze and Object recognition tests point out to dorsal hippocampal atrophy. Here, we show that two tests used to evaluate emotional status, the light–dark box and the novelty suppressed feeding test, suggest that GSK3β mice do not show any anxiety-related disorder. Thus, our results demonstrate that in vivo overexpression of GSK3β results in dorsal but not ventral hippocampal DG neurodegeneration and suggest that both areas do not behave in a similar manner in neurodegenerative processes

    Colgajo de vasto lateral de pedículo distal para cobertura de lesiones complejas de rodilla

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    El tratamiento de las heridas complejas articulares se muestra siempre complicado, el abordaje razonable conjunto por traumatólogos y cirujanos plásticos mejora el resultado clínico, funcional y estético. Presentamos el caso de un paciente politraumatizado con pérdida de sustancia a nivel de la rodilla secundaria a artritis séptica, necrosis de patela y exposición de cóndilos femorales que fue tratado mediante colgajo muscular de vastus lateralis de pedículo distal. El vastus lateralis permite la cobertura eficiente de l articulación expuesta sin afectar la extensión de la rodilla y dejando mínima secuela estética.The treatment of the joint complex wounds is difficult. A good clinic, functional and aesthetic outcome is possible when multidisciplinary approach by orthopaedics and plastic surgeons is carried out. We report a case of a patient with multiple fractures who presents a severe loss of soft tissue at the knee. This lesion was due to a septic arthritis with patellar necrosis and condillar exposition. The treatment was made by a distally pedicled vastus lateralis muscular flap. This flap lets efficient coverage for the exposed joint as well as the integrity of the extensión knee function without aesthetic seque

    High resolution and fidelity 3D printing of Laponite and alginate ink hydrogels for tunable biomedical applications

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    The formulation of hydrogels that meet the necessary flow characteristics for their extrusion-based 3D printing while providing good printability, resolution, accuracy and stability, requires long development processes. This work presents the technological development of a hydrogel-based ink of Laponite and alginate and evaluates its printing capacity. As a novelty, this article reports a standardizable protocol to quantitatively define the best printing parameters for the development of novel inks, providing new printability evaluation parameters such as the Printing Accuracy Escalation Index. As a result, this research develops a printable Laponite-Alginate hydrogel that presents printability characteristics. This ink is employed for the reproducible manufacture of 3D printed scaffolds with versatile and complex straight or curved printing patterns for a better adaptation to different final applications. Obtained constructs prove to be stable over time thanks to the optimization of a curing process. In addition, the study of the swelling and degradation behavior of the Laponite and alginate 3D printed scaffolds in different culture media allows the prediction of their behavior in future in vitro or in vivo developments. Finally, this study demonstrates the absence of cytotoxicity of the printed formulations, hence, setting the stage for their use in the field of biomedicine.This project has been partially supported by Spanish government Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Grant PID2021-122577OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. Grant IT1448-22 funded by Basque Government and Fundación Vital Fundazioa (vital21/28). Elena Munoz-Perez thanks the Basque Government for the predoctoral grant (PRE_2022_2_0115). Arantza Perez-Valle thanks the Spanish Government for the postdoctoral grant (MARSA55/21)