270 research outputs found

    Factores que contribuyen a la gestión humana basadas en la teoría de responsabilidad social empresarial y su relación con la cultura organizacional del grupo TRC en la ciudad de Trujillo, año 2019

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    La presente tesis de investigación se desarrolló con el fin de determinar la relación entre los factores que contribuyen a la gestión humana basadas en la teoría de responsabilidad social empresarial y la cultura organizacional del grupo TRC, en la ciudad de Trujillo año 2019. El problema de investigación es ¿Qué relación existe entre los factores que contribuyen a la gestión humana basadas en la teoría de responsabilidad social empresarial y la cultura organizacional del grupo TRC, en la ciudad de Trujillo año 2019?, cuya hipótesis es: “Existe una relación directa y significativa entre los factores que contribuyen a la gestión humana basadas en la teoría de responsabilidad social empresarial y la cultura organizacional del grupo TRC, en la ciudad de Trujillo año 2019. La población de estudio estuvo representada por los trabajadores del Grupo TRC de la ciudad de Trujillo año 2019. La muestra se consideró a 158 trabajadores del Grupo TRC. Los métodos utilizados fueron el: Inductivo, deductivo, analítico y estadístico; y para recolectar la información se utilizó la encuesta, la cual nos permitió determinar de qué manera se relaciona la gestión humana responsable con la cultura organizacional del Grupo TRC de la ciudad de Trujillo año 2019. Para la presentación de los resultados se usó gráficos de torta, facilitando así su interpretación: La gestión humana responsable se relaciona de manera significativa con la cultura organizacional del Grupo TRC de la ciudad de Trujillo año 2019, para probar la hipótesis se usó el estadígrafo “r” de Pearson, donde se obtuvo un nivel de significancia del 0.002, por lo que se concluye que si el Grupo TRC tiene una buena gestión humana responsable esta influirá de manera positiva en la cultura organizacional que perciban los trabajadores del Grupo TRC de la ciudad de Trujillo.The research problem is: What relationship exists between the factors that contribute to human management based on the theory of corporate social responsibility and the organizational culture of the TRC group, in the city of Trujillo in 2019?, Whose hypothesis is: “There is a direct and significant relationship between the factors that contribute to human management based on the theory of corporate social responsibility and the organizational culture of the TRC group, in the city of Trujillo in 2019. Pie charts were used to present the results, thus facilitating their interpretation: Responsible human management is significantly related to the organizational culture of the TRC Group in the city of Trujillo in 2019, to test the hypothesis the statistician was used “ r ”by Pearson, where a significance level of 0.002 was obtained, so it is concluded that if the TRC Group has good responsible human management, this will positively influence the organizational culture perceived by the workers of the TRC Group in the city from TrujilloTesi

    Back-track to the future, una experiencia de gamificación en la universidad

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    A pesar de nuestros esfuerzos como docentes para desarrollar material y herramientas que sean útiles para el aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos, venimos observando desmotivación por parte de los estudiantes hacia las asignaturas que impartimos. Algunos se limitan a hacer lo imprescindible para aprobar la asignatura y muchos otros abandonan ante el esfuerzo que les supone utilizar dichas herramientas. En el presente artículo presentamos nuestra experiencia al utilizar técnicas de gamificación para motivar a alumnos de segundo curso de grado universitario en el aprendizaje de asignaturas relacionadas con la programación de algoritmos.Despite our efforts as teachers to develop material and tools which are useful for our students to learn, we observe a great demotivation from them towards the subjects we teach. Some students just do the minimum to pass the course, and many others abandon due to the effort involved in using these tools. In this article we present our experience using gamification techniques to motivate second-year university students to learn subjects related to algorithm programming

    Una revisión a la práctica pedagógica

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    Este artículo muestra el resultado del autoanálisis de la práctica de tres docentes de las asignaturas de Lengua Castellana, Ciencias Naturales y Física, de la Escuela Normal Superior la Presentación (ENSLP) de Soatá. El estado de arte permitió abordar autores como Chirinos, Padrón, Castro, Caldera, García, quienes coinciden en la necesidad de reflexionar la práctica pedagógica desde la formación del maestro en cuanto al dominio de su disciplina, su eficiencia y su didáctica. Se adoptan como referentes a Bernstein y Díaz (1984) para validar la teoría de modelo pedagógico y práctica pedagógica. Se implementó un paradigma cualitativo y la investigación acción; por tanto, se procedió a la selección de la categoría acción pedagógica y cuatro subcategorías para recolectar datos y verificar la hipótesis de trabajo utilizando instrumentos como la encuesta, el diario de campo y la bitácora. En los resultados obtenidos, se encontró que la estructura de la práctica pedagógica de los 3 docentes distaba de lo que establece el modelo pedagógico activo vivencial (MPAV) de la ENSLP de Soatá, en cuanto a ambientes de aprendizaje (AA), apropiación de conceptos. Se propuso el diseño de una matriz para planear y ejecutar la práctica pedagógica (PP) acorde con las teorías que sustentan el modelo pedagógico

    Inhibition of the Maillard reaction by phytochemicals composing an aqueous coffee silverskin extract via a mixed mechanism of action

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    This work aimed to evaluate the contribution of isoflavones and melatonin to the aqueous extract obtained from the coffee silverskin (CSE) antiglycative properties, which has not been previously studied. To achieve this goal, two model systems constituted by bovine serum albumin (BSA) and reactive carbonyls (glucose or methylglyoxal) in the presence or absence of pure phytochemicals (chlorogenic acid (CGA), genistein, and melatonin) and CSE were employed. Glucose was used to evaluate the effect on the formation of glycation products formed mainly in the early stage of the reaction, while methylglyoxal was employed for looking at the formation of advanced products of the reaction, also called methylglyoxal-derivative advanced glycation end products (AGE) or glycoxidation products. CGA inhibited the formation of fructosamine, while genistein and melatonin inhibited the formation of advanced glycation end products and protein glycoxidation. It was also observed that phenolic compounds from CSE inhibited protein glycation and glycoxidation by forming BSA-phytochemical complexes. CSE showed a significant antiglycative effect (p < 0.05). Variations in the UV-Vis spectrum and the antioxidant capacity of protein fractions suggested the formation of protein-phytochemical complexes. Fluorescence quenching and in silico analysis supported the formation of antioxidant-protein complexes. For the first time, we illustrate that isoflavones and melatonin may contribute to the antiglycative/antiglycoxidative properties associated with CSE. CGA, isoflavones, and melatonin composing CSE seem to act simultaneously by different mechanisms of actionM.R.H thanks the JAE Intro fellowship (JAEINT_15_00086) and the FPU predoctoral program of the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (FPU15/04238

    Breast Cancer Care Quality Indicators in Spain: A Systematic Review

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    Khalid S. Khan is a distinguished investigator funded by a Beatriz Galindo (senior modality) grant given to the University of Granada by the Spanish Ministry of Education.Breast cancer (BC) management care requires an increment in quality. An initiative to improve the BC quality care is registered, and quality indicators (QIs) are studied. We appraised the appearance of QIs and their standards systematically in Spain. A prospective systematic search (Prospero no: CRD42021228867) for clinical pathways and integrated breast cancer care processes was conducted through databases and the World Wide Web in February 2021. Duplicate data extraction was performed with 98% reviewer agreement. Seventy-four QIs (QI per document mean: 11; standard deviation: 10.59) were found in 15 documents. The Catalonian document had the highest number of QIs (n = 30). No QI appeared in all the documents. There were 9/74 QIs covering structure (12.16%), 53/74 covering process (71.62%), and 12/74 covering outcome (16.22%). A total of 22/66 (33.33%) process and outcome QIs did not set a minimum standard of care. QIs related to primary care, patient satisfaction, and shared decision making were deficient. Most of the documents established a BC QI standard for compliance, but the high variability hinders the comparison of outcomes. Establishing a consensus-based set of QIs needs urgent attention.Spanish Governmen

    Radiographic and histopathological study of gastrointestinal dysmotility in lipopolysaccharide-induced sepsis in the rat

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    AbstractSepsis is a highly incident condition in which a cascade of proinflammatory cytokines is involved. One of its most frequent consequences is ileus, which can increase mortality. Animal models such as that induced by systemic administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are useful to deeply evaluate this condition. The effects of sepsis on the gastrointestinal (GI) tract have been explored but, to our knowledge, in vivo studies showing the motor and histopathological consequences of endotoxemia in an integrated way are lacking. Our aim was to study in rats the effects of sepsis on GI motility, using radiographic methods, and to assess histological damage in several organs.MethodsMale rats were intraperitoneally injected with saline or E. coli LPS at 0.1, 1, or 5 mg kg−1. Barium sulfate was intragastrically administered, and X‐rays were performed 0–24 h afterwards. Several organs were collected for organography, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry studies.Key ResultsAll LPS doses caused gastroparesia, whereas changes in intestinal motility were dose‐and time‐dependent, with an initial phase of hypermotility followed by paralytic ileus. Lung, liver, stomach, ileum, and colon (but not spleen or kidneys) were damaged, and density of neutrophils and activated M2 macrophages and expression of cyclooxygenase 2 were increased in the colon 24 h after LPS 5 mg kg−1.Conclusions and InferencesUsing radiographic, noninvasive methods for the first time, we show that systemic LPS causes dose‐, time‐, and organ‐dependent GI motor effects. Sepsis‐induced GI dysmotility is a complex condition whose management needs to take its time‐dependent changes into account

    Modulating factors of fibromyalgia in women during the COVID-19 pandemic: a protocol for systematic review

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    Background: Fibromyalgia is a disease that affects mostly women and is related to stressors. The aim of this study was to assess how the Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has affected women with fibromyalgia. Methods: A systematic review was conducted in the PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Springer Link databases, following the recommendations of the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses statement. The methodological quality was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal tools for non-randomized studies. Results: A total of 6 studies were included. Most results indicated a worsening in the mental health of women with fibromyalgia during the pandemic, and this in turn impacted on physical health. Conclusion: The mental health of women with fibromyalgia was more affected during the Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic period than that of non-fibromyalgia sufferers. This was also reflected in the worsening of symptoms and weakness in performing daily activities

    Sol-Gel Glass Coating Synthesis for Different Applications: Active Gradient-Index Materials, Microlens Arrays and Biocompatible Channels

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    The intent of this chapter is to review the use of sol-gel processing of silica and silica-titania optical coatings in recent research by the authors in three different areas: the synthesis of active gradient-index (GRIN) materials by multilayer deposition of erbium- and ytterbium-doped silica-titania films, the improvement of the optical and morphological qualities of microlens arrays fabricated by laser ablation and the functionalization of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) channel preclinical devices. Through the use of sol-gel, layers with specific properties can be produced. In this regard, undoped and erbium- and ytterbium-doped SiO2-TiO2 films have been produced and characterized using atomic force microscopy (surface topography evaluation) and spectral ellipsometry (determination of optical constants, thickness and porosity of the films). In a second application, a silica sol has been synthesized to coat microlens arrays fabricated by laser ablation. The deposited layer reduces the surface roughness of the microlens array, which yields the improvement of the contrast and the homogeneity of the foci. Finally, PDMS channels fabricated with laser technologies and soft-lithography methods are coated with a sol-gel-derived silica film to avoid the degradation of the material with organic solvents, and their biocompatibility is studied

    Effectiveness of online psychological and psychoeducational interventions to prevent depression:Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    Although evidence exists for the efficacy of interventions to prevent depression, little is known about its prevention through online interventions. We aim to assess the effectiveness of online psychological and psychoeducational interventions to prevent depression in heterogeneous populations. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was conducted based on literature searches in eight electronic data bases and other sources from inception to 22 July 2019. Of the 4181 abstracts reviewed, 501 were selected for full-text review, and 21 RCTs met the inclusion criteria, representing 10,134 participants from 11 countries and four continents. The pooled SMD was −0·26 (95%CI: −0·36 to −0·16; p < 0.001) and sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of this result. We did not find publication bias but there was substantial heterogeneity (I2 = 72%; 95%CI, 57% to 82%). A meta-regression including three variables explained 81% of the heterogeneity. Indicated prevention and interactive website delivery were statistically associated with higher effectiveness, and no association was observed with risk of bias. Online psychological and psychoeducational interventions have a small effect in reducing depressive symptoms in non-depressed and varied populations, and the quality of evidence is moderate. Given that these types of interventions are very accessible and can be applied on a wide scale, they should be further developed and implemented. Registration details: Registration number (PROSPERO): CRD42014014804

    Epidemiología Genética de la Hipertensión Arterial en el Noreste de México. I. Determinación del Tamaño de Muestra

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    El propósito del presente estudio fue determinar a partir de un muestreo piloto el número de familias nucleares (progenitores-descendientes) adecuado para realizar un estudio de epidemiología genética de la hipertensión arterial (HTA) en el Noreste de México. Material y métodos: Como muestra piloto, participaron 14 familias. Los cuatro abuelos de los progenitores nacieron en alguno de los cinco estados del Noreste de México. La muestra quedo distribuidas en: Familia I. Ambos progenitores sin HTA (n = 3), Familia II. Un progenitor con HTA y el otro sin HTA (n = 5) y Familia III. Ambos progenitores con HTA (n = 6). La información progenitores-descendientes se recolectó previo consentimiento informado para cada integrante, el cual consistió en 10 variables cuantitativas: edad, presión sistólica, presión diastólica, estatura, peso, glucosa, colesterol, triglicéridos, HDL y LDL. El tamaño de muestra se determino mediante dos procedimientos: 1. Para cada una de las variables cuantitativas de progenitores y descendientes, se determino el tamaño de muestra mediante el paquete MINITAB V15.0 (modulo ANOVA unifactorial) y 2. Para la asociación de los 3 tipos de familias con los tipos de descendientes (con y sin HTA) se hizo una tabla de contingencia de 3x2 mediante el paquete N´Query Advisor v4.0. Resultados: Procedimiento 1. En los progenitores la variable peso dio el mayor tamaño de muestra = 105 (35 por tipo de familia) mientras que en los descendientes la variable estatura dio el mayor tamaño de muestra = 201 (67 por tipo de familia). Los cálculos se hicieron con un valor de significancia (Alfa) de 0.05 y un potencial (1-Beta) del 80%. Procedimiento 2. A partir de la tabla 3x2 se obtuvo un tamaño de efecto (Delta al cuadrado) del 0.1773. La cual sirvió para crear una tabla de tamaño de muestra con valores de significancia del 0.05 al 0.001 y potenciales del 80 al 99%. El número mínimo de familias obtenido fue de 19 (Alfa = 0.05 y 1-Beta = 80%) y el máximo de 67 (Alfa = 0.001 y 1-Beta = 99%). Considerando a la Familia I como el grupo control se encontró una tendencia de mayor riesgo (OR) para las Familias II (3.00) y III (8.57). Conclusión. Consideramos que un tamaño de muestra de 201 familias nucleares (67 por grupo de familia) nos brindara la significancia y representatividad para continuar con el estudio multicentrico y multidisciplinario de la epidemiología genética de la HTA en el Noreste de México