2,890 research outputs found

    Las ideas de Felipe Picatoste sobre el vocabulario matemático en la undécima edición del diccionario de la Real Academia Española

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    [Resumen] El tecnicismo matemático (Madrid, 1873) de Felipe Picatoste supone una revisión exhaustiva del vocabulario matemático que contiene la undécima edición del Diccionario de la lengua castellana (DRAE, 1869). En la primera parte de su obra, ofrece los motivos por los que las voces matemáticas utilizadas desde hace siglos deben constar en el diccionario. Nuestro propósito es detenernos en las observaciones y reflexiones que Picatoste despliega sobre el lenguaje científico, primero; y analizar, seguidamente, los catálogos de voces que incluyó en las partes restantes con la pretensión de que estos términos fueran incorporados por la Academia a su repertorio

    The terminological consciousness of Mathematicians and Engineers of the Renaissance and their concern with scientific dissemination

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    Como han puesto de manifiesto los historiadores de la ciencia, el impulso de las actividades comerciales en los nuevos centros urbanos multiplica el interés por las ciencias aplicadas, en especial de las aritméticas prácticas, que dentro del grupo de las matemáticas conforman un subgrupo específico, pero diverso desde el punto de vista de los contenidos. Sin embargo, durante el Siglo de Oro también se cultivaron los contenidos geométricos, especialmente de carácter aplicado a la ingeniería civil y militar, y cuyas obras conforman el grupo de las geometrías aplicadas. La producción de tratados sobre estas temáticas corrobora la importancia de estas dos vertientes de la matemática española en el período renacentista. La finalidad de esta investigación es el estudio de los listados terminológicos que acogen algunas de las principales fuentes que ejemplifican esta corriente. Estos materiales léxicos, insertos en esta tratadística de especialidad, representan una fuente de análisis para los estudios lexicográficos de nuestra lengua.As it has been shown by historians of science, the promotion of business in the new urban centres multiplied the interest by applied sciences, especially the practical arithmetic, that within the group of mathematics constitute a specific subgroup, but different according to the contents. However, the geometrical contents were also cultivated during the Golden Age, especially those that were related to the civil and military engineering, and whose works institute the group of applied geometry. Production of treaties about these issues corroborates the importance of these two aspects of Spanish mathematics in the Renaissance. The aim of this research is the study of specialized vocabulary which is inserted in some of the main sources that exemplify this trend. These terminological appendices represent a source of analysis for the lexicographical studies in Spanish language.peerReviewe

    Lexicografía, traducción y terminología: relaciones a partir de Della Geometria di Orontio Fineo tradotte da Cosimo Bartoli (Venetia, 1587)

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    Los libros matemáticos compuestos por el matemático francés Oronce Finé gozaron de una importante difusión en el siglo XVI, como evidencian las traducciones de su obra sobre geometría, óptica, geografía y astronomía: Protomathesis. Opus varium. Nuestro interés, en esta ocasión, se centra en Della Geometria, el segundo de los libros del volumen Opere di Orontio Fineo del Delfinato, divise in cinque parti, traducida por Cosimo Bartoli (Venetia, Francesco Franceschi Senese, 1587). Realizamos un estudio terminológico comparado entre el texto fuente y esta traducción italiana, lo que nos permitirá observar los procesos de convergencias léxicas propios de este léxico de origen grecolatino, por un lado, así como estudiar los neologismos formales y semánticos en este ámbito, por otro. Finalmente, constataremos el empleo de idénticos mecanismos para la difusión de este vocabulario científico, tanto en latín como en italiano.The mathematical books composed by the French mathematician Oronce Finé gained a great prestige in the sixteenth century, as evidenced by the translations of his work about Geometry, Optics, Geography and Astronomy, Protomathesis: Opus varium. Now, our interest is focused on Della Geometria, the second book of Opere di Orontio Fineo del Delfinato, divise in cinque parti, translated by Cosimo Bartoli (Venetia, Francesco Franceschi Senese, 1587). We carry out a terminological study to compare both works, the source text and this Italian translation. This analysis allows us to examine the processes of lexical convergence which are characteristic in this lexicon of Greco- Roman origin, on the one hand, and to study the formal and the semantic neologisms in this specific field, on the other. Finally, we will verify the use of the same mechanisms to disseminate this technical vocabulary, both in Latin and Italian.Este trabajo se integra en la línea del proyecto de investigación FFI2010-16324/FILO, “El Diccionario de la ciencia y de la técnica del Renacimiento (DICTER): fases finales”, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

    Chasing the reader across the transmedia universe of the Middle Earth

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    [EN]In recent times, technology has been developing rapidly producing new forms of literature. Consequently, a considerable debate concerning the nomenclature of these new phenomena has been initiated by some scholars. The flow of stories across media, such as television, computer or videogames is one of the consequences of this convergence between literature and technology which has been named transmediality. Building on the transmedia universe of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, the different changes undergone by the reader across this transmedia universe can be revealed in addition to the difference between the concepts of adaptation and Henry Jenkin’s Transmedia Storytelling. In particular, this essay discloses the conversion of the passive reader into the active participant who contributes to the transmedia universe.[ES]A medida que la tecnología se ha ido desarrollando, nuevas formas de producir literatura están emergiendo. Consecuentemente, hay una gran controversia acerca de los nuevos conceptos de estos fenómenos. El paso de las historias a través de nuevas plataformas como la televisión, el ordenador o el videojuego es una de las consecuencias de esta convergencia entre la literatura y la tecnología que se ha llamado transmedialidad. Basándonos en el mundo transmedia de El Señor de los Anillos de J.R.R. Tolkien se podrán demostrar las transformaciones realizadas por lector a través de este universo transmedia, además de la diferencia entre el concepto de adaptación y el de narrativa transmedia de Henry Jenkins. Así pues, se confirma que el lector pasa de tener un papel pasivo en la obra a tener un papel activo a través del cual este puede contribuir al universo transmedia

    La metrología en el primer tratado de sastrería español del siglo XVI: cuestiones terminológicas sobre la voz vara

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    In this work we intend to show the importance of the geometric book of Juan de Alcega, that is dedicated to a particular aspect of the handicraft activity: sartorial industry. The use of metrological terminology is the most important feature of the first Spanish book about this subject, as is an essential characteristic of Renaissance treaties relating to applied geometry. In particular, we focus on the analysis of lexical and semantic aspects of the term vara, and the processes of terminologization, experienced by the words media, tercia, cuarta, sexma, ochava and dozavo, divisors of that measure

    NLR immune receptors and diverse types of non-NLR proteins control race-specific resistance in Triticeae

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    Recent progress in large-scale sequencing, genomics, and rapid gene isolation techniques has accelerated the identification of race-specific resistance (R) genes and their corresponding avirulence (Avr) genes in wheat, barley, rye, and their wild relatives. Here, we describe the growing repertoire of identified R and Avr genes with special emphasis on novel R gene architectures, revealing that there is a large diversity of proteins encoded by race-specific resistance genes that extends beyond the canonical nucleotide-binding domain leucine-rich repeat proteins. Immune receptors with unique domain architectures controlling race-specific resistance possibly reveal novel aspects on the biology of host-pathogen interactions. We conclude that the polyploid cereal genomes have a large evolutionary potential to generate diverse types of resistance genes

    Energy-tunable sources of entangled photons: a viable concept for solid-state-based quantum relays

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    We propose a new method of generating triggered entangled photon pairs with wavelength on demand. The method uses a micro-structured semiconductor-piezoelectric device capable of dynamically reshaping the electronic properties of self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) via anisotropic strain-engineering. Theoretical models based on kp theory in combination with finite-element calculations show that the energy of the polarization-entangled photons emitted by QDs can be tuned in a range larger than 100 meV without affecting the degree of entanglement of the quantum source. These results pave the way towards the deterministic implementation of QD entanglement resources in all-electrically-controlled solid-state-based quantum relays

    Short simulation activity to improve the competences in the Fluid-mechanical Engineering classroom using Solidworks ® Flow Simulation

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    7 p.In this paper, a short simulation activity based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is raised in the context of the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor degree as an effective support to the theoretical lessons, in order to improve the competences of the Fluid-Mechanical course. The activity provides both visual and numerical information that the student must compare critically with respect the results obtained analytically, using the equations explained in the theoretical classroom. The activity is designed so that it can be integrated quickly (due to the shortage of times in the academic calendars). In this manner its total completion does not exceed four hours of simulation class. This is achieved by optimizing the resources, proposing meshing and simulation strategies that consume little computational time and using the package Solidworks® Flow Simulation, that takes advantage of the geometry parametrically modelled with the software itself to automatically establish the computational domain of the fluid for the based-on CFD analysis, saving excessive preparation times and long computational process.S

    Una mirada al neopolicial latinoamericano: Mempo Giardinelli, Leonardo Padura y Paco Ignacio Taibo II

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    Mempo Giardinelli, Leonardo Padura and Paco Ignacio Taibo II are three of the most outstanding representatives of Latin-American fiction called neopolical. In spite of belonging to different national traditions, their works belong to the big space of neopolicial. Social and realistic, the novels written by Giardinelli, Padura and Taibo II form a critical view of Latin-American present. So, these three writers are doing a contracultural speech capable to show the reality of Argentina, Cuba and Mexico