29 research outputs found

    Optical mirages from spinless beams

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    Spin-orbit interactions of light are ubiquitous in multiple branches of nanophotonics, including optical wave localization. In that framework, it is widely accepted that circularly polarized beams lead to spin-dependent apparent shifts of dipolar targets commonly referred to as optical mirages. In contrast, these optical mirages vanish when the illumination comes from a spinless beam such as a linearly polarized wave. Here we show that optical localization errors emerge for particles sustaining electric and magnetic dipolar response under the illumination of spinless beams. As an example, we calculate the optical mirage for the scattering by a high refractive index nanosphere under the illumination of a linearly polarized plane wave carrying null spin, orbital, and total angular momentum. Our results point to an overlooked interference between the electric and magnetic dipoles rather than the spin-orbit interactions of light as the origin for the tilted position of the nanosphere

    A mixed methods study using case studies prepared by nursing students as a clinical practice evaluation tool

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    To identify the presence of variability in the evaluation of case studies prepared by nursing students during their primary care rotations based on the existing evaluation rubric. To explore the difficulties experienced by link lecturers and students in preparing and evaluating case studies. A mixed methods study. The scores for the rubric items and the final grades for the case studies were collected from a sample of 132 cases. Qualitative information was collected by conducting open-ended interviews with lecturers and a focus group session with students. Statistically significant differences were identified between the lecturers' mean final grades [F(5.136) = 3.984, p= 0.002] and a variety of items in the evaluation rubric (p< 0.05). In addition, effect sizes [η2 (≈0.14)] of considerable magnitude were found. Two themes emerged from the qualitative data: (1). the challenge of preparing the case studies and (2). the variable nature of the evaluation

    Measuring electrical current during scanning probe oxidation

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    Electrical current is measured during scanning probe oxidation by performing force versus distance curves under the application of a positive sample voltage. It is shown how the time dependence of the current provides information about the kinetics of oxide growth under conditions in which the tip-surface distance is known unequivocally during current acquisition. Currentmeasurements at finite tip-sample distance, in particular, unveil how the geometry of the meniscus influences its electrical conduction properties as well as the role of space charge at very small tip-sample distances

    Nutrición enteral domiciliaria en España: registro Nadya del año 2011-2012

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    Objective: To describe the results of the home enteral nutrition (HEN) registry of the NADYA-SENPE group in 2011 and 2012. Material and methods: We retrieved the data of the patients recorded from January 1st 2011 to December 31st 2012. Results: There were 3021 patients in the registry during the period from 29 hospitals, which gives 65.39 per million inhabitants. 97.95% were adults, 51.4% male. Mean age was 67.64 ± 19.1, median age was 72 years for adults and 7 months for children. Median duration with HEN was 351 days and for 97.5% was their first event with HEN. Most patients had HEN because of neurological disease (57.8%). Access route was nasogastric tube for 43.5% and gastrostomy for 33.5%. Most patients had limited activity level and, concerning autonomy, 54.8% needed total help. Nutritional formula was supplied from chemist’s office to 73.8% of patients and disposables, when necessary, was supplied from hospitals to 53.8% of patients. HEN was finished for 1,031 patients (34.1%) during the period of study, 56.6% due to decease and 22.2% due to recovery of oral intake. Conclusions: Data from NADYA-SENPE registry must be explained cautiously because it is a non-compulsory registry. In spite of the change in the methodology of the registry in 2010, tendencies regarding HEN have been maintained, other than oral routeObjetivos: Describir los resultados del registro de nutrición enteral domiciliaria (NED) del grupo NADYASENPE de los años 2011 y 12. Material y métodos: Se recopilaron los datos introducidos en el registro desde el 1 de enero de 2011 al 31 de diciembre de 2012. Resultados: Hubo 3021 pacientes en el registro durante el periodo, procedentes de 29 hospitales, lo que da una prevalencia de 65,39 casos por millón de habitantes. 97.95% fueron adultos, 51,4% varones. La edad media fue 67,64 ± 19,1 años y la mediana 72 años para los adultos y 7 meses para los niños. La duración media de la NED fue 351 días y para el 97,5% fue el primer episodio con NED. La mayoría de pacientes tenían NED por una enfermedad neurológica (57,8%). La vía de acceso fue sonda nasogástrica para el 43,5% y gastrostomía para el 33,5%. La mayoría de pacientes tuvieron un nivel de actividad física limitado y, respecto a la autonomía, 54,8% necesitaba ayuda total. La fórmula de nutrición se suministró desde las oficinas de farmacia para el 73,8% y los fungibles, cuando fueron necesarios, desde los hospitales para el 53,8%. La NED se suspendió en 1.031 pacientes (34,1%) durante el periodo de estudio, 56,6% debido a fallecimiento y 22,2% debido a recuperación de la vía oral. Conclusiones: Los datos del registro NADYA-SENPE deben ser interpretados con precaución ya que se trata de un registro voluntario. A pesar del cambio de metodología del registro en 2010, las tendencias en NED se han mantenido, salvo la importancia cuantitativa de la vía ora

    Nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en España, 2019: informe del Grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria NADYA

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    RESUMEN Objetivo: comunicar los datos de nutrición parenteral domiciliaria (NPD) obtenidos del registro del grupo NADYA-SENPE (www.nadyasenpe.com) del año 2019. Material y métodos: análisis descriptivo de los datos recogidos de pacientes adultos y pediátricos con NPD en el registro NADYA-SENPE desde el 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2019. Resultados: se registraron 283 pacientes (51,9 %, mujeres), 31 niños y 252 adultos procedentes de 47 hospitales españoles, lo que representa una tasa de prevalencia de 6,01 pacientes/millón de habitantes/año 2019. El diagnóstico más frecuente en los adultos fue “oncológico paliativo” y “otros” (21,0 %). En los niños fue la enfermedad de Hirschsprung junto a la enterocolitis necrotizante, las alteraciones de la motilidad intestinal y la pseudoobstrucción intestinal crónica, con 4 casos cada uno (12,9 %). El primer motivo de indicación fue el síndrome del intestino corto tanto en los niños (51,6 %) como en los adultos (37,3 %). El tipo de catéter más utilizado fue el tunelizado tanto en los niños (75,9 %) como en los adultos (40,8 %). Finalizaron 68 episodios, todos en adultos: la causa más frecuente fue el fallecimiento (54,4 %). Pasaron a la vía oral el 38,2 %. Conclusiones: el número de centros y profesionales colaboradores con el registro NADYA va incrementándose. Se mantienen estables las principales indicaciones y los motivos de finalización de la NPD

    High incidence of clinical fragility fractures in postmenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis. A case-control study.

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    Objectives: To estimate the incidence of clinical fragility fractures in postmenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and analyze risk factors for fracture. Methods: Incidence of clinical fragility fractures in 330 postmenopausal women with RA was compared to that of a control population of 660 age-matched postmenopausal Spanish women. Clinical fractures during the previous five years were recorded. We analyzed associations with risk factors for fracture in both populations and with disease-related variables in RA patients. Results: Median age of RA patients was 64 years; median RA duration was eight years. Sixty-nine percent were in remission or on low activity. Eighty-five percent had received glucocorticoids (GCs); 85 %, methotrexate; and 40 %, ≥1 biologic DMARD. Fifty-four patients and 47 controls had ≥1 major osteoporotic fracture (MOF). Incidence of MOFs was 3.55 per 100 patient-year in patients and 0.72 in controls (HR: 2.6). Risk factors for MOFs in RA patients were age, previous fracture, parental hip fracture, years since menopause, BMD, erosions, disease activity and disability, and cumulative dose of GCs. Previous fracture in RA patients was a strong risk for MOFs (HR: 10.37). Conclusion: Of every 100 postmenopausal Spanish women with RA, 3-4 have a MOF per year. This is more than double that of the general population. A previous fracture poses a high risk for a new fracture. Other classic risk factors for fracture, RA disease activity and disability, and the cumulative dose of GCs are associated with fracture development

    Influence of non-osteoporotic treatments in patients on active anti-osteoporotic therapy: evidence from the OSTEOMED registry

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose To evaluate the effect of different non-osteoporotic drugs on the increase or decrease in the risk of incident fragility fractures (vertebral, humerus or hip) in a cohort of patients diagnosed with osteoporosis on active anti-osteoporotic therapy. Methods For this retrospective longitudinal study, baseline and follow-up data on prescribed non-osteoporotic treatments and the occurrence of vertebral, humerus or hip fractures in 993 patients from the OSTEOMED registry were analyzed using logistic regression models. The drugs evaluated with a possible beneficial effect were thiazides and statins, while the drugs evaluated with a possible harmful effect were antiandrogens, aromatase inhibitors, proton pump inhibitors, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, benzodiazepines, GnRH agonists, thyroid hormones, and oral and inhaled corticosteroids. Results Logistic regression analyses indicated that no treatment significantly improved fracture risk, with the only treatments that significantly worsened fracture risk being letrozole (OR = 0.18, p-value = 0.03) and oral corticosteroids at doses ≤ 5 mg/ day (OR = 0.16, p-value = 0.03) and > 5 mg/day (OR = 0.27, p-value = 0.04). Conclusion The potential beneficial or detrimental effects of the different drugs evaluated on fracture risk are masked by treatment with anabolic or antiresorptive drugs that have a more potent action on bone metabolism, with two exceptions: letrozole and oral corticosteroids. These findings may have important clinical implications, as patients receiving these treat- ments are not fully protected by bisphosphonates, which may imply the need for more potent anti-osteoporotic drugs such as denosumab or teriparatide.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    El reto de la inclusión de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en la formación inicial de profesores de secundaria: creación del MOOC curso cero sobre educación y ODS, inclusión en asignaturas y en trabajos fin de máster

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    Memoria ID-041. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2021-2022

    Perfil de los pacientes que acuden al médico internista para valoración de osteoporosis: registro OSTEOMED

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    Producción CientíficaAntecedentes y objetivo: La osteoporosis se considera un trastorno generalizado del esqueleto en el que existe una alteración de la resistencia ósea que predispone a la persona a un mayor riesgo de fractura. Este estudio transversal pretende recoger y presentar las principales características clínicas de los pacientes que acuden a la consulta de los médicos internistas en Espa˜na. Conocer estas características podría facilitar la puesta en marcha de planes de actuación para mejorar la atención de estos pacientes de manera más eficaz y eficiente. Material y métodos: A través del análisis del registro OSTEOMED (Osteoporosis en Medicina Interna), este trabajo presenta las principales características clínicas de los pacientes con osteoporosis que acudieron a las consultas de Medicina Interna en 23 centros hospitalarios espa˜noles entre 2012 y 2017. Se han analizado los motivos de consulta, los valores densitométricos, la presencia de comorbilidades, el tratamiento prescrito y otros factores relacionados con el estilo de vida. Resultados: En total se evaluó a 2.024 pacientes con osteoporosis (89,87% mujeres, 10,13% hombres). La edad media de los pacientes fue de 64,1 ± 12,1 a˜nos (mujeres, 64,7 ± 11,5 a˜nos; hombres, 61,2 ± 14,2 a˜nos). No hubo diferencia entre sexos en la historia de caídas recientes (9,1-6,7%), mientras que sí se apreció en la ingesta diaria de calcio de lácteos (553,8 ± 332,6 mg en mujeres vs. 450,2 ± 303,3 mg en hombres; p < 0,001) y en causas secundarias de osteoporosis(13% de hombres vs. 6,5% de mujeres; p < 0,001). En la muestra se observaron un total de 404fracturas (20%), destacando el número de fracturas vertebrales confirmadas (17,2%, 35,6% enhombres vs. 15,2% de las mujeres; p < 0,001). Una gran parte de los pacientes no recibía eltratamiento indicado y presentaba bajos niveles de actividad física y exposición solar. Un por-centaje importante de pacientes presentó comorbilidades asociadas, siendo las más frecuentesla hipertensión (32%) y la dislipidemia (28%).Conclusiones: Estos resultados definen el perfil del paciente con osteoporosis que acude a laconsulta de Medicina Interna en Espa˜na. Además, ponen de manifiesto el carácter multisistémicode esta entidad que junto con su elevada prevalencia determinan que las consultas específicasde Medicina Interna dedicadas a su manejo son el lugar adecuado para la atención de estos pacientes

    Dispositivos lingüísticos de acogida, aprendizaje expansivo e interculturalidad: Contribuciones para la inclusión educativa de estudiantes extranjeros

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    Indexación: Scopus.In the context of the progressive increase of foreigners in public schools in Chile and the recent changes in migratory patterns, the presence of students who do not master the working language of the educational system has systematically incremented in recent years. In a scenario marked by the absence of educational policies that respond to this new linguistic diversity, the purpose of our research was to understand how schools have responded to the arrival of foreign students and what educational practices they have implemented to tackle this challenge. Through a two-year school ethnography in four public schools with high enrollment of foreigners, institutional documents were analyzed and field observation, interviews and focus groups were conducted with different actors amidst the educational communities. Through an analysis of thematic content, the results reveal the implementation of ten devices to manage educational responses to foreign students. We have analyzed three of these devices with a focus on linguistics based on the tensions and contradictions that occur within the educational institutions of which they are part, identifying significant elements and dimensions to drive forward expansive learning. Finally, we discuss these findings in light of the advances and challenges of the intercultural approach in our Latin American region.https://www.scielo.br/j/ep/a/NhL67jbv7H7VpZtQYjtHVFt/?lang=e