348 research outputs found

    “I am a fisherman and that is why I protect the sea” Campaign for the education and sensitizing in order to favour the collaboration of professional fishermen and sports people on the coast of Andalucía in the protection of sea turtles

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    [Resumo] Entre os instrumentos sociais de intervención para xestionar con efectividade a atención a tartarugas mariñas feridas debido á súa captura accidental e optimizar a súa recuperación, é fundamental propiciar a colaboración e implicación do sector pesqueiro profesional e deportivo na conservación das tartarugas mariñas, practicando unha pesca sostible, e actuando en caso de enxergar exemplares feridos ou enfermos, ou de capturas accidentais de tartarugas mariñas. Para iso, a Aula do Mar de Málaga, en colaboración coa Consellaría de Medio Ambiente da Junta de Andalucía, puxo en marcha a campaña “Son pescador y por eso protejo el mar”. Na citada actuación celebráronse reunións de traballo e encontros formativos cos pescadores nos portos pesqueiros da costa andaluza, apoiadas con material divulgativo e formativo. É importante ter en conta a opinión dos pescadores sobre a problemática de conservación das tartarugas mariñas e do ámbito costeiro, pois moitas veces ignórase o valor da súa experiencia e a súa interacción habitual coas tartarugas mariñas. Así mesmo, para lograr unha colaboración efectiva dos pescadores co Centro de Recuperación de Especies Mariñas Ameazadas de Andalucía, é fundamental manter un continuo contacto persoal e un recoñecemento ás súas colaboracións, alén de lles facilitar esta tarefa ofrecéndolles formación e equipamento axeitado.[Abstract] Among the social instruments of intervention in order to effectively manage attention to sea turtles which have been injured alter being accidentally caught, and in order to optimize their recovery, it is of absolute importance to favour the collaboration and the implication of the sectors of professional and sports fishers in the protection od sea turtles, making use of sustainable fishing practices and taking action when sighting injured or sick animals, or when accidentally catching sea turtles. To such an end the Aula del Mar in Málaga, in collaboration with the Environmental Commission of the Junta de Andalucía, has started the campaign entitled “I AM A FISHERMAN AND THAT IS WHY I PROTECT THE SEA” in which various working meetings and educational encounters have been held with fishing people in the fishing ports along the coast of Andalucía, backed up by informative and educational material. It is important to bear in mind the opinion held by the fishing people with regards to the problem of the protection of sea turtles and the coastal areas, given that often the value of their experience and habitual interaction with sea turtles is ignored. At the same time, in order to reach an effective collaboration with the fishing people with the Centre for the Recovery of Threatened Marine Species of Andalucía, it is of utmost importance to maintain a continuous personal contact with, and recognition of, the collaborations, as well as making this easier for them by offering them suitable education and equipment

    Experimentación y evaluación de elementos museísticos como recurso para la educación ambiental

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    El presente trabajo consiste en describir la evaluación realizada a una exposición museística itinerante, experimentada por el Museo Acuario «Aula del Mar» de Málaga -centro de Educación Ambiental especializado en el medio marino- y en colaboración con la Universidad de Málaga. La experimentación y la evaluación se realizó entre los distintos centros educativos de Enseñanza Primaria y Secundaria de la ciudad de Málaga. Esta exposición está enmarcada dentro de una campaña de sensibilización más amplia titulada: «Salvemos Juntos las Especies Marinas», subvencionada por la Consejería de Me- dio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía y la Comunidad Europea a través de Proyectos INTERREG-II. Programa de colaboración entre fronteras, cuya misión consistía en recorrer multitud de centros educativos de Marruecos y Andalucía, con el objeto principal de promover la conservación de las especies marinas amenazadas situadas alrededor del Mar de Alborán.The present work consists of describing the evaluation made to a traveling Exhibitions Museums designed and experienced between the University of Malaga and the Museum Aquarius «Aula del Mar» of Malaga, specialized Center of Environmental Education in the average sailor. The experimentation and the evaluation were made between the dif erent educative centers of Primary and Secondary Education from the city of Malaga. This exhibition is framed within a campaign of titled ampler sensibilización»Salvemos Juntos las Especies Marinas», subsidized by the Consejo de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía and the European Community through Projects INTERREG-II. Program of collaboration between borders, whose mission consisted of crossing multitude of educative centers of Morocco and Andalusia, with the main object to promote the conservation of the located threatened marine species around the Sea of Alborán

    Evaluación del perfil competencial de alumnos universitarios respecto a la educación tecnológica

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    Teachers should make use of the new technology to carry out effective work in today's society, where educational processes are based on an ever-increasing amount of information and knowledge.The initial training of these future teachers must be impregnated with experiences enriched with ICT.The study offered below aims to understand and analyze the perceptions of students of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Malaga, in relation to the acquisition of professional skills, concerning new technologies, necessary to the job performance of their profession.The research is descriptive and the collection of information is carried out through a questionnaire online performed and validated previously for students of different studies degree, degrees and masters official of postgraduate of Education Sciences.Data and results obtained are relevant to determine new strategies that will allow the adequacy between the labour demands and the academic and professional training acquired during the university studies. Los docentes deben hacer uso de las nuevas tecnología para poder realizar un trabajo eficaz en la actual sociedad, donde los procesos educativos están basados en una cada vez mayor cantidad de información y conocimientos.La formación inicial de estos futuros docentes debe estar impregnada de experiencias enriquecidas con las tic.El estudio que se ofrece a continuación pretende conocer y analizar la percepción del alumnado de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Málaga  en relación con la adquisición de las competencias profesionales, referentes a las nuevas tecnologías, necesarias para el desempeño laboral de su profesión.La investigación es descriptiva y la recogida de información se realiza a través de un cuestionario online realizado y validado previamente para los alumnos de los distintos estudios de grado, licenciaturas y Másteres Oficiales de Postgrado de  Ciencias de la Educación.Los datos y resultados obtenidos son relevantes para determinar nuevas estrategias que permitan la adecuación entre las demandas laborales y la formación académico-profesional adquirida durante los estudios universitario

    Environmental Education to Change the Consumption Model and Curb Climate Change

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    Environmental education plays a fundamental role in the fight against climate change and the transformation towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly socio-economic model. This study shows how to evaluate the effectiveness of a program for compulsory education students in Spain. The subject of the program focused on the effects of climate change in relation to our consumption model and the generation of waste. A mixed research methodology is proposed that combines a quantitative (10 items on the Likert scale, n = 714) and qualitative approach (category construction and analysis on open-ended questions). A study of the reliability and validity of the measure was carried out through a categorical principal component analysis (CATPCA). The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) correlates the gender and educational level of the students to the learning acquired in the program. For example, the results show how students are convinced that adopting minimal pro-environmental habits (turning off lights and unplugging electronics, choosing public transport to get around, or using solar and wind power to produce electricity) can help mitigate climate change. The conclusions show the difficulties and challenges of education for responsible consumption, emphasizing the development of environmental education programs for reducing the effects of climate change

    Waste to Energy from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants: A Science Mapping

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    Energy recovery, according to circular economy and sustainable principles, has established itself as an inevitable field of action in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Energy costs are forcing the optimization of processes and increases in the development of applicable waste-to-energy (WtE) technologies. This study aims to analyze the existing knowledge on WtE research in municipal WWTPs using a systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis from 1979 to 2021. For this purpose, Science Mapping Analysis Tool (SciMAT) and VosViewer, two softwares for analyzing performance indicators and visualizing scientific maps, were used to identify the most relevant figures in the research. The results show an exponential increase in the number of publications over time, which has yet to reach a stage of maturity. The analysis of the evolution of the topics exposes variability in the keywords over the years. The main field of WtE research has focused on sludge treatment, with technologies ranging from anaerobic digestion to more recently-emerging ones such as microalgae or membrane technologies. The analysis also identified the need for more publications on other wastes in WWTPs, which are necessary to achieve zero waste.EMASAGRA S.A 432

    Analyzing the production, quality, and potential uses of solid recovered fuel from screening waste of municipal wastewater treatment plants

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    Over time, wastewater management evolves into a circular model, producing energy and moving towards zero waste. The usual screening waste treatment is the elimination, with no energy recovery processes. As an alternative, the production of solid recovered fuel (SRF) from screening has been studied, both non-densified and densified, in pellet form. The densification was developed, taking as variables the input moisture and size of the die, obtaining 20 different samples. The optimum pelletizing conditions are an input moisture content of 10% and dies with a compression ratio of 6/20, 6/24 and 8/32. SRF properties have been evaluated based on a quality proposal presented in this paper, which has been developed given the lack of uniformity in the existing SRF standards. The SRF produced complies with fuel quality requirements, such as lower calorific value, with values between 13.37 and 25.65 MJ/kg; Cl and Hg content, with maximums of 0.066% and 1.0 × 10����� 5 mg/MJ, respectively; and ash content, between 7.22% and 9.85%. Energy from waste plants could be the destination for all the SRF produced. Its use in cement plants and gasification processes, more restrictive than the previous one, would require manufacturing processes with adequate moisture levels and die size.EMASAGRA 4325University of Granada / CBU

    Contributions of enviromental centers to formal education in Andalusia

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    Los Centros Educativos de Educación Ambiental pueden colaborar con los Centros Escolares, como profesionales especializados que ofrecen sus recursos y experiencias para servir de soporte a los docentes. En este sentido, Andalucía está desarrollando muchas iniciativas –ya sea desde la administración pública como desde otras entidades- para dar posibilidad a esa convergencia entre la educación formal y la no formal. Los Centros de Educación Ambiental ofrecen en la actualidad programas de actividades con una corta duración, pero conectándose curricularmente con la educación formal, sus actividades podrían incluirse en un programa de larga duración destinado al alumnado de los centros educativos.Para favorecer dicha conexión, desde los Centros de Educación Ambiental se pueden generar modelos, ofertar pautas metodológicas y guías de actividades.Es por ello, que se pretende hacer conocer distintas concepciones de la Educación Ambiental que se llevan a cabo en centros educativos, así como su necesidad.The Environmental Education Centers can collaborate with schools, as professionals who offer their resources and experiences to provide support to teachers. In this sense, Andalusia is developing many initiatives -whether from the public administration like from other organizations-, to give chance to this convergence between formal and non-formal education. Environmental Education Centers currently offer programs of activities with a short duration, but connecting curriculum with formal education, their activities could be included in a long-term program aimed at students in schools. To facilitate the connection, from the Environmental Education Center can provide models, offering methodological and activity guides. Therefore, this paper show different conceptions of environmental education there are in schools, as well as his necessit

    Aplicación de la técnica NAH a la docencia en ingeniería acústica

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    La técnica Holografía Acústica de Campo Cercano (NAH), es una técnica conocida en el ámbito de la ingeniería acústica que permite reconstruir el campo sonoro y la velocidad de vibración de una fuente sonora a partir de medidas con micrófonos, en un plano paralelo y cercano a la fuente. La técnica se presenta como una alternativa a las medidas de intensidad estándar. En la presente comunicación se explica la metodología seguida para visualizar el efecto sobre la respuesta en frecuencia de un altavoz coaxial de un cambio en el filtro de cruce y comprobar el efecto de un cambio en las condiciones de contorno del panel que forma un altavoz de modos distribuidos (DML). Esta práctica o lección magistral puede llevarse a cabo en una carrera técnica después de haber recibido un curso de acústica y tener nociones básicas sobre transductores acústicos y procesado de señal. Los resultados facilitan el aprendizaje del alumnado y la asimilación de conceptos que se han impartido en etapas anteriores

    Virtual reality and process mining applied to operator training in complex assembly tasks

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    One of the proposals of Industry 4.0 is the integration of machines and operators through network connections and information management. One of the challenges that can be addressed following this approach is the management of knowledge in the industry or, in other words, the transmission of knowledge from the expert operators to the new ones. This work has been developed a system that combines Virtual Reality and Process Mining to allow this knowledge transmission in the particular case of assembly tasks. Virtual Reality allows to create work environments that reproduce the real ones and interact with them without detracting resources of other processes or facing the risks of working with real systems. Process Mining allows to acquire the knowledge of experts, store it in models and then transmit it to novices. The developed system has been tested by means of several examples of assemblies with Lego

    Multi-Robot Interfaces and Operator Situational Awareness: Study of the Impact of Immersion and Prediction

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    Multi-robot missions are a challenge for operators in terms of workload and situational awareness. These operators have to receive data from the robots, extract information, understand the situation properly, make decisions, generate the adequate commands, and send them to the robots. The consequences of excessive workload and lack of awareness can vary from inefficiencies to accidents. This work focuses on the study of future operator interfaces of multi-robot systems, taking into account relevant issues such as multimodal interactions, immersive devices, predictive capabilities and adaptive displays. Specifically, four interfaces have been designed and developed: a conventional, a predictive conventional, a virtual reality and a predictive virtual reality interface. The four interfaces have been validated by the performance of twenty-four operators that supervised eight multi-robot missions of fire surveillance and extinguishing. The results of the workload and situational awareness tests show that virtual reality improves the situational awareness without increasing the workload of operators, whereas the effects of predictive components are not significant and depend on their implementation