632 research outputs found

    Teoría y práctica de la dignidad en cuidados paliativos: una revisión

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    A review study on human dignity is performed in order to theoretically understand this concept in the framework of palliative care, and in which extent these ideas have been developed on a practical level. Specifically, a review of those texts focused on human dignity from philosophy, law, religion, bioethics, health care and palliative care was carried out. This review also tried to find and report some similarities and differences among different approaches. Those differences are the basis of current debate on palliative care. Authors conclude that any approach to human dignity should be closer to the clinical practice in palliative care.Se realiza un estudio de revisión sobre la dignidad humana, con el objetivo de entender este concepto a nivel teórico en los cuidados paliativos, y además, saber en qué medida estas ideas están desarrolladas a nivel práctico. Se realiza un estudio de textos centrados en revisiones de la dignidad humana desde diferentes disciplinas: filosofía, derecho, religión, bioética, atención sanitaria y cuidados paliativos. También se realiza un trabajo consistente en hallar coincidencias entre los diferentes puntos de vista, encontrando algunas semejanzas entre todas las disciplinas pero también diferencias que en Cuidados Paliativos generan el debate actual. Los autores consideran que es necesaria una revisión del tema de la dignidad humana más cercana a la práctica clínica en Cuidados Paliativos

    FAIRMODE Spatial representativeness feasibility study

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    Within Fairmode, it is planned to organize an intercomparison exercise of methods for the assessment of the spatial representativeness of monitoring sites. It is expected that the outcomes of the proposed intercomparison exercise will substantially support future efforts towards a harmonized methodological framework to facilitate the reporting of spatial representativeness by the Member States. This report presents a feasibility study including a Bibliographical review of the studies done for experts published in scientific journals or technical reports , a tentative definition of the concept of spatial representativeness after reviewing the papers and reports found in the bibliographical review , the development of a questionnaire to get technical information of the methodologies used to estimate the area of representativeness of air quality monitoring stations by the main expert groups in Europe, an analysis of the survey results and a discussion about the feasibility of an intercomparison exercise for methodologies estimating the spatial representativeness of monitoring stations.JRC.H.2-Air and Climat

    Theory and praxis of dignity in palliative care: A review

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    A review study on human dignity is performed in order to theoretically understand this concept in the framework of palliative care, and in which extent these ideas have been developed on a practical level. Specifically, a review of those texts focused on human dignity from philosophy, law, religion, bioethics, health care and palliative care was carried out. This review also tried to find and report some similarities and differences among different approaches. Those differences are the basis of current debate on palliative care. Authors conclude that any approach to human dignity should be closer to the clinical practice in palliative care

    High Efficiency Power Amplifier Based on Envelope Elimination and Restoration Technique

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    Due to complex envelope and phase modulation employed in modern transmitters it is necessary to use power amplifiers that have high linearity. Linear power amplifiers (classes A, B and AB) are commonly used, but they suffer from low efficiency especially if the transmitted signal has high peak to average power ratio (PAPR). Kahn's technique based on envelope elimination and restoration (EER) is based on idea that high efficiency power supply (envelope amplifier) could be used to modulate the envelope of high efficient non linear power amplifiers (classes D or E). This paper presents solutions for power amplifier that performs envelope modulation and class E amplifier that is used as a non linear amplifier. The envelope amplifier is implemented as a multilevel converter in series with linear regulator and can provide up to 100 W of instantaneous power and reproduce 2 MHz sine wave. The implemented Class E amplifier can operate at 120 MHz with efficiency near to 85%. The envelope amplifier and class E amplifier have been integrated and efficiency and linearity of the implemented transmitter has been measured and presente

    Adaptación y validación al español del cuestionario de identificación paliativa SPICT-ESTM

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    OBJETIVO Adaptar culturalmente al español y validar el SPICTTM, una herramienta breve y sencilla para apoyar una mejor identificación de pacientes crónicos que presentan necesidades de atención paliativa. MÉTODOS Para este estudio se diseñó un proyecto multicéntrico y nacional entre centros de Galicia, Islas Baleares y Andalucía. Para el proceso de traducción y adaptación transcultural del SPICTTM al castellano, se siguieron los pasos propuestos por Beaton et al. con sucesivas traducciones y posterior consenso de expertos mediante la metodología debriefing. Tras finalizar la validación de contenido se procedió a la validación de las propiedades psicométricas. Se diseñó un estudio longitudinal prospectivo en 188 pacientes de Galicia, Baleares y Andalucía. Fue analizada la consistencia interna y la fiabilidad test-retest a los 10 días por el mismo investigador. RESULTADOS A más del 90% de los participantes SPICT-ESTM les parece sencillo cumplimentarlo, y consideran que está escrito en un lenguaje comprensible. El tiempo medio para aplicar el cuestionario sin conocimiento previo fue de 4 minutos y 45 segundos. Para la evaluación de la consistencia interna del instrumento, se ha utilizado la fórmula Kuder Richardson 20. La consistencia interna es de 0,71. El índice de concordancia del test Kappa se encuentra entre 0,983 y 0,797 para los distintos ítems. CONCLUSIONES En este estudio se ha demostrado la equivalencia de contenido con el original. Además, la validación de las propiedades psicométricas establece que SPICT-ESTM mantiene una adecuada fiabilidad y estabilidad. Si añadimos la satisfacción mostrada por los profesionales y la facilidad de uso, SPICT-ESTM es una herramienta adecuada para la identificación de pacientes paliativos con enfermedades crónicas y necesidad de cuidados paliativos.OBJECTIVE To culturally adapt and validate the SPICTTM to Spanish, which is a brief and simple tool to support a better identification of chronic patients who have palliative care needs. METHODS For this study, we designed a multicenter and national project between the centers of Galicia, Balearic Islands, and Andalusia. For the process of translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the SPICTTM to Spanish, we followed the steps proposed by Beaton et al. with successive translations and subsequent consensus of experts using the debriefing methodology. After the content validation was completed, the psychometric properties were validated. A prospective longitudinal study was designed with 188 patients from Galicia, the Balearic Islands, and Andalusia. The internal consistency and reliability of the test and retest was analyzed for 10 days by the same researcher. RESULTS For more than 90% of the participants of the SPICT-ESTM, it seems simple to be filled out, and they consider it written in an understandable language. The average time to apply the questionnaire without prior knowledge was 4 minutes and 45 seconds. To evaluate the internal consistency of the instrument, we used the Kuder-Richardson formula 20. Internal consistency is 0.71. The agreement index of the Kappa test is between 0.983 and 0.797 for the different items. CONCLUSIONS In this study, we demonstrate the equivalence of content with the original. In addition, the validation of the psychometric properties establishes that the SPICT-ESTM maintains adequate reliability and stability. If we add the satisfaction shown by the professionals and the ease of use, the SPICT-ESTM is an adequate tool for the identification of palliative patients with chronic diseases and palliative care needs

    FAIRMODE Intercomparison exercise - Dataset to assess the area of representativeness of Air Quality Monitoring Stations

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    A feasibility study for organizing an intercomparison exercise (IE) of the methods used for estimating of the area of representativeness of the Air Quality Monitoring Stations (SR) in Europe has been carried out. It showed that it should be possible to compare the extent of SR determined by the different methods. Moreover, at the FAIRMODE-Aveiro meeting in 2015, the participants agreed to carry out the intercomparison exercise assessing the SR estimates for PM10 and NO2 at one traffic station, and for PM10, NO2 and O3 at two urban background stations. This report presents a dataset suitable for the FAIRMODE IE of the area of representativeness of Air Quality Monitoring Stations in the urban area of Antwerp (Belgium) for the year 2012. Three monitoring stations, Borgerhout-Straatkant, Antwerpen-Linkeroever and Schoten, have been selected for the evaluation. The dataset includes the model results for interpolated annual means on a fine regular grid, hourly time series at a number of 341 virtual receptor points to which random noise have been added, data from measurements of the Antwerp automatic monitoring stations, individual sampling campaigns, emissions, traffic, population density, building information, gridded CORINE land cover data, a short summary of PM10 speciated data and daily time profiles for traffic.JRC.C.5-Air and Climat

    Are sexist attitudes and gender stereotypes linked?: A critical feminist approach with a spanish sample

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    This study aims to verify the psychometric properties of the Spanish versions of the Social Roles Questionnaire (SRQ; Baber and Tucker, 2006), Modern Sexism Scale (MS), and Old-Fashioned Sexism Scale (OFS; Swim et al., 1995; Swim and Cohen, 1997). Enough support was found to maintain the original factor structure of all instruments in their Spanish version. Differences between men and women in the scores are commented on, mainly because certain sexist attitudes have been overcome with greater success in the current Spanish society, while other issues, such as distribution of power in organizational hierarchies or distribution of tasks in the household, where traditional unequal positions are still maintained. In all cases, it was found that men showed greater support for sexist attitudes. The correlations between the three instruments were as expected in assessing sexist attitudes that tend to relate to each other. Eventually, we found no empirical evidence for the postulated link between sexist attitudes and traditional gender stereotypes. Our results call for the validity and effectiveness of the classic theories of gender psychology, such as gender schema theories (Bem, 1981; Markus et al., 1982) and the notion of a gender belief system (Deaux and Kite, 1987; Kite, 2001

    Cineforum como recurso docente en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Farmacología

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    El cine ha demostrado ser una herramienta educativa muy útil cuando sus características lúdicas, versátiles y multi-sensoriales se utilizan adecuadamente y con unos objetivos claros de aprendizaje. Es necesario dirigir al alumno mediante la ilustración del tema, el planteamiento de preguntas, la invitación a la reflexión y a la crítica, fomentando el debate, la participación y la implicación de los alumnos en la asignatura. Es entonces cuando el cine se convierte en un instrumento de formación que permite la adquisición tanto de competencias específicas como transversales. Se utilizaron 2 películas comerciales (“Contagio” y “Despertares”) de temática centrada en el ámbito de las ciencias de la salud. Aunque las películas son de naturaleza y temática muy diferentes, los aspectos narrativos y los personajes en los que se sumergen los temas farmacológicos de interés formativo muestran que, tras cada enfermedad, tras cada tratamiento farmacológico, tras cada reacción adversa… hay muchas historias humanas. Los alumnos toman conciencia de que su actual formación educativa y profesional como farmacéuticos tendrá indefectiblemente un impacto en la vida de otras personas. Los alumnos valoraron diferentes aspectos de la incidencia formativa de la experiencia Cineforum. Los resultados de la valoración global del proyecto Cineforum por parte de los alumnos fue muy positiva, obteniéndose una calificación global de 8,3 sobre 10 es decir entre “Muy buena” y “Excelente”. Las calificaciones más bajas correspondieron a valores entre 7,4 y 7,9, entre “Buena y “Muy buena”. No obstante, la valoración global para cada película por separado fue también muy positiva indicando que, aunque con pequeñas diferencias, es la experiencia formativa del Cineforum en sí misma, y no la película en particular, la que ha sido valorada positivamente por los alumnos

    Enterorragia masiva en paciente con enfermedad de Von Hippel Lindau

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    The Von Hippel Lindau disease is an autosomic-dominant neoplasia syndrome produced by a delection or mutation of tumor suppressor gene of chromosome 3p25. It was descripted by the German pathologist Arvid Lindau and the ophthalmologist Eugene Von Hippel, and it is considered also one of 7 000 hereditary disorders known up to the present. Our patient was submitted to a genetic study in 1990 to determine, who relatives had suffered this syndrome (by making a genealogical tree). As the antecedent was taking an operation of renal carcinoma made a year before, and this time, the patient is admitted cause presented a massive enterorrhagia, which motivated a research about him and a surgical intervention as well. The histological study demonstrated the existence of a methastasis of Clear-Cell renal carcinoma, which is a characteristic lesion, when Occurs this Syndrome.La enfermedad de Von Hippel Lindau es un síndrome neoplásico autosómico-dominante provocado por la delección o mutación del gen tumor supresor del cromosoma 3p25. Fue descrito por el oftalmólogo alemán Eugen Von Hippel y el patólogo Arvid Lindau y es uno de los 7 000 trastornos hereditarios conocidos en la actualidad. Nuestro paciente fue estudiado genéticamente en el año 1990 para determinar qué familiares padecían el síndrome mediante la confección de un árbol genealógico, el antecedente fue una operación de un carcinoma renal hace un año aproximadamente y en esta oportunidad ingresa por presentar una enterorragia masiva que motivó su estudio y la intervención quirúrgica. El resultado histológico fue una metástasis de un carcinoma renal de células claras, lesión característica de este síndrome

    Male-specific features are reduced in Mecp2-null mice: analyses of vasopressinergic innervation, pheromone production and social behaviour

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Brain Structure and Function. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-020-02122-6Deficits in arginine vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT), two neuropeptides closely implicated in the modulation of social behaviours, have been reported in some early developmental disorders and autism spectrum disorders. Mutations in the X-linked methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene are associated to Rett syndrome and other neuropsychiatric conditions. Thus, we first analysed AVP and OT expression in the brain of Mecp2-mutant mice by immunohistochemistry. Our results revealed no significant differences in these systems in young adult Mecp2-heterozygous females, as compared to WT littermates. By contrast, we found a significant reduction in the sexually dimorphic, testosterone-dependent, vasopressinergic innervation in several nuclei of the social brain network and oxytocinergic innervation in the lateral habenula of Mecp2-null males, as compared to WT littermates. Analysis of urinary production of pheromones shows that Mecp2-null males lack the testosterone-dependent pheromone darcin, strongly suggesting low levels of androgens in these males. In addition, resident-intruder tests revealed lack of aggressive behaviour in Mecp2-null males and decreased chemoinvestigation of the intruder. By contrast, Mecp2-null males exhibited enhanced social approach, as compared to WT animals, in a 3-chamber social interaction test. In summary, Mecp2-null males, which display internal testicles, display a significant reduction of some male-specific features, such as vasopressinergic innervation within the social brain network, male pheromone production and aggressive behaviour. Thus, atypical social behaviours in Mecp2-null males may be caused, at least in part, by the effect of lack of MeCP2 over sexual differentiation