2,987 research outputs found

    When do tourists really enjoy authentic and exotic food experiences? Product adaptation and tourists’ attitudes

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    Gastronomy is an essential component of the travel experience.The current paper analyses the extent to which the perceived authenticity in the local food, the degree of adaptation and the cultural contrast determine tourist memorable experiences. Moreover, it proposes the moderating effect of searching for authenticity and adaptation ability. Results from a sample of international tourists in Segovia who tasted a typical dish “cochinillo” (roasted suckling pig) support the positive effect of authenticity and cultural contrast in the perceived experience, whereas the product adaptation reduces the perception of authenticity and cultural contrast. Authenticity has a greater effect on the experience perception when the tourists search for it and individuals are less influenced by the cultural contrast when they are unable to adapt themselves to different cultures.La gastronomía es un componente esencial de la experiencia de los viajeros. El presente trabajo analiza el efecto de la autenticidad percibida y del contraste cultural en la experiencia gastronómica de los turistas. Además, se propone el efecto moderador de la búsqueda de autenticidad y la capacidad de adaptación del turista en dicha relación. Los resultados obtenidos con una muestra de turistas internacionales que han probado la gastronomía típica (cochinillo) de una ciudad con un claro posicionamiento gastronómico-cultural (Segovia) apoya el efecto positivo de la autenticidad y el contraste cultural sobre la experiencia percibida mientras que la adaptación del producto reduce la autenticidad y el contraste cultural. Además, se prueba que la autenticidad posee un efecto mayor sobre la experiencia percibida cuando los turistas realmente la buscan mientras que los individuos con mayor capacidad de adaptación son menos sensibles al contraste cultural de la experiencia

    Metal Accumulation by Jatropha curcas L. Adult Plants Grown on Heavy Metal-Contaminated Soil

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    Jatropha curcas has the ability to phytoextract high amounts of heavy metals during its first months just after seeding. Notwithstanding, there is scarce information about metal uptake by adult J. curcas plants. To shed light on this issue, 4-year-old J. curcas L. plants were planted in a soil mixture of peat moss and mining soil (high metals content), and the biomass growth and metal absorption during 90 days were compared with those of plants growing in peat moss. The main metal found in the mining soil was Fe (31985 mg kg-1) along with high amounts of As (23717 mg kg-1). After the 90-day phytoremediation, the plant removed 29% of Fe and 44% of As from the soil mixture. Results revealed that J. curcas L. translocated high amounts of metals to its aerial parts, so that translocation factors were much higher than 1. Because of the high translocation and bioaccumulation factors obtained, J. curcas L. can be regarded as a hyperaccumulator plant. Despite the great capacity of J. curcas L. to phytoremediate heavy-metal-contaminated soils, the main drawback is the subsequent handling of the metal-contaminated biomass, although some potential applications have been recently highlighted for this biomass.University of Seville (VIPPIT-2019-I.5

    La contaminación lumínica. Aproximación al problema en el barrio de Sants (Barcelona)

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    Light pollution is excessive or defective artificial night lighting, mainly in cities. Its negative effects are: diffusion to the sky, which hampers astronomical observation; light intrusion or penetration of light through the windows, preventing sleep; glare; and energy overconsumption. Once presented the concepts of light pollution and analyzed the types of luminaires, the case of Sants quarter (Barcelona) was studied. Transects through 21 streets and squares were conducted, and an extensive photographic inventory was made. Problems with light intrusion were detected in 57.1% of the pathways analyzed.La contaminación lumínica es la iluminación artificial nocturna excesiva o defectuosa en las ciudades, principalmente. Sus efectos negativos son: la difusión hacia el cielo, que dificulta la observación astronómica; la intrusión lumínica, o penetración de la luz por las ventanas, dificultando el sueño; el deslumbramiento y el sobreconsumo energético. Una vez presentados los conceptos sobre la contaminación lumínica y analizados los tipos de luminarias, se estudia el caso del barrio de Sants en la ciudad de Barcelona. Se han realizado transectos por 21 calles y plazas, y un amplio inventario fotográfico, detectándose problemas de intrusión lumínica en el 57,1% de las vías analizadas

    Improving the welfare of a zoo-housed male drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus poensis) aggressive towards visitors

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    Improving captive animal welfare and maintaining its behavioral competence for future conservation purposes is of highest priority for zoos. The behavior of an aggressive male drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus poensis) was assessed in Barcelona zoo. The two-year study presented in this article examines the effects of introducing changes in the exhibit of the drill in order to improve its welfare by analyzing scan behaviors. First, a partial visual barrier was applied which proved to be insufficient to decrease the long-term stress indicators assessed. After this a feeding enrichment program was implemented. The results obtained supported our hypothesis that feeding and explorative activities would increase whereas apathetic and stereotypic behavior would decrease. However, the visitor-directed aggression did not vary, indicating that more profound structural modifications were needed to reduce the negative impact of the agonistic interactions between the drill and the public. The study emphasizes the usefulness of environmental enrichment evaluations in assessing captive animal welfare

    Study of chemical modifications in acidified ignitable liquids analysed by GC-MS

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    In this work, mixtures of gasoline with sulphuric acid and diesel fuel with sulphuric acid were analysed by gas chromatography&-mass spectrometry (GC&-MS). The results showed considerable qualitative and semi-quantitative modifications in the chromatographic profiles of the ignitable liquids (ILs). In the case of acidified gasoline, the alteration of the abundances of aromatic compounds and the hydrolysis of an oxygenated compound such as methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), in addition to the immediate and unexpected appearance of tert-butylated compounds were observed. In the case of acidified diesel fuel, the alteration of aromatic compounds occurred. These sequential changes were then studied in detail in order to explain the chemical modifications taking place. These extensive chemical modifications may be considered as a new chromatographic profile distortion effect, the acidification of ILs. As such modifications are not generally taken into account in the criteria followed to assess the classification of an IL, we propose some recommendations helping to the identification of acidified ILs. This information can be especially useful to detect and identify non-burned ILs from seized or failed improvised incendiary devices made with mixtures of sulphuric acid&-IL, or ILs altered intentionally with the aim to modify their composition

    Experience Value or Satiety? The Effects of the Amount and Variety of Tourists’ Activities on Perceived Experience

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    Producción CientíficaIn recent years, destinations have moved from designing products to focusing on creating experiences that engage and involve the tourist. This study explores the role played by the value of tourist experience and of satiety as mediators between experience intensity and variety as well as future visitor behaviour. Although the intensity and variety of the experience leads tourists to feel their experience has been richer and to appraising it positively, it might also bring unwanted consequences such as a feeling of saturation. The empirical study reveals that the extensiveness of the experience improves the perceived experience value, whereas intensiveness reduces the value and causes satiety in the tourist. Moreover, while the experience value reinforces the intention to return, the intention to recommend and the intensification of the experience, the feeling of satiety, on the other hand, reduces the intention to return and even the intention to recommend the destination.Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA112P17)Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA085G18)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y competitividad (proyecto ECO 2017-85528-P

    Care plan for elderly people at nutritional risk

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    Introducción: La intervención de enfermería es determinante en la identificación de las personas en riesgo nutricional mediante la inclusión de pruebas de cribado dentro del plan de cuidados enfermero a personas de edad avanzada. Esto facilitaría la identificación precoz de individuos en riesgo nutricional, así como el enunciado de propuestas de intervención para reducir la morbimortalidad de este grupo poblacional. Desarrollo del plan de cuidados: Se han seleccionado dos escalas de cribado nutricional, entre las disponibles en la literatura especializada, para su aplicación por los profesionales de enfermería, y se han propuesto dos diagnósticos enfermeros para el diseño de un plan de cuidados sistematizado que sirva de guía para llevar a cabo una atención individualizada. Discusión: Se propone realizar, mediante intervenciones enfermeras, atención a la salud nutricional, en respuesta a la demanda de las instituciones europeas de luchar contra la desnutriciónIntroduction: Nursing intervention is a key determinant in identifiying people at nutritional risk by including screening tests within the nursing care plan for the elderly. This would facilitate early identification of individuals at nutritional risk, as well as the terms of reference of offers of intervention for to reducing the morbidity and mortality in this population group. Methodology: Select from the available literature two nutritional screening scales to use by the nursing staff. Additionally, add the nursing diagnosis and systematic care plan as a guideline for an individual care. Conclusion: The target is to attend nutritional health using nursing interventions, in response of the European institutions demand to fight against malnutritio