360 research outputs found

    Annelid functional genomics reveal the origins of bilaterian life cycles.

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    Indirect development with an intermediate larva exists in all major animal lineages1, which makes larvae central to most scenarios of animal evolution2-11. Yet how larvae evolved remains disputed. Here we show that temporal shifts (that is, heterochronies) in trunk formation underpin the diversification of larvae and bilaterian life cycles. We performed chromosome-scale genome sequencing in the annelid Owenia fusiformis with transcriptomic and epigenomic profiling during the life cycles of this and two other annelids. We found that trunk development is deferred to pre-metamorphic stages in the feeding larva of O. fusiformis but starts after gastrulation in the non-feeding larva with gradual metamorphosis of Capitella teleta and the direct developing embryo of Dimorphilus gyrociliatus. Accordingly, the embryos of O. fusiformis develop first into an enlarged anterior domain that forms larval tissues and the adult head12. Notably, this also occurs in the so-called 'head larvae' of other bilaterians13-17, with which the O. fusiformis larva shows extensive transcriptomic similarities. Together, our findings suggest that the temporal decoupling of head and trunk formation, as maximally observed in head larvae, facilitated larval evolution in Bilateria. This diverges from prevailing scenarios that propose either co-option9,10 or innovation11 of gene regulatory programmes to explain larva and adult origins

    Aluminum exposure at human dietary levels promotes vascular dysfunction and increases blood pressure in rats: a concerted action of NAD(P)H oxidase and COX-2

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    Abstract Aluminum (Al) is a non-essential metal and a significant environmental contaminant and is associated with a number of human diseases including cardiovascular disease. We investigated the effects of Al exposure at doses similar to human dietary levels on the cardiovascular system over a 60 day period. Wistar male rats were divided into two major groups and received orally: 1) Low aluminum level − rats were subdivided and treated for 60 days as follows: a) Untreated − ultrapure water; b) AlCl3 at a dose of 8.3 mg/kg bw for 60 days, representing human Al exposure by diet; and 2) High aluminum level − rats were subdivided and treated for 42 days as follows: C) Untreated − ultrapure water; d) AlCl3 at 100 mg/kg bw for 42 days, representing a high level of human exposure to Al. Effects on systolic blood pressure (SBP) and vascular function of aortic and mesenteric resistance arteries (MRA) were studied. Endothelium and smooth muscle integrity were evaluated by concentration-response curves to acetylcholine (ACh) and sodium nitroprusside. Vasoconstrictor responses to phenylephrine (Phe) in the presence and absence of endothelium and in the presence of the NOS inhibitor L-NAME, the potassium channels blocker TEA, the NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitor apocynin, superoxide dismutase (SOD), the non-selective COX inhibitor indomethacin and the selective COX-2 inhibitor NS 398 were analyzed. Vascular reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation and total antioxidant capacity, were measured. The mRNA expressions of eNOS, NAD(P)H oxidase 1 and 2, SOD1, COX-2 and thromboxane A2 receptor (TXA-2 R) were also investigated. Al exposure at human dietary levels impaired the cardiovascular system and these effects were almost the same as Al exposure at much higher levels. Al increased SBP, decreased ACh-induced relaxation, increased response to Phe, decreased endothelial modulation of vasoconstrictor responses, the bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO), the involvement of potassium channels on vascular responses, as well as increased ROS production from NAD(P)H oxidase and contractile prostanoids mainly from COX-2 in both aorta and mesenteric arteries. Al exposure increased vascular ROS production and lipid peroxidation as well as altered the antioxidant status in aorta and MRA. Al decreased vascular eNOS and SOD1 mRNA levels and increased the NAD(P)H oxidase 1, COX-2 and TXA-2 R mRNA levels. Our results point to an excess of ROS mainly from NAD(P)H oxidase after Al exposure and the increased vascular prostanoids from COX-2 acting in concert to decrease NO bioavailability, thus inducing vascular dysfunction and increasing blood pressure. Therefore, 60-day chronic exposure to Al, which reflects common human dietary Al intake, appears to pose a risk for the cardiovascular system

    Annelid methylomes reveal ancestral developmental and aging-associated epigenetic erosion across Bilateria

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    Abstract Background DNA methylation in the form of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) is the most abundant base modification in animals. However, 5mC levels vary widely across taxa. While vertebrate genomes are hypermethylated, in most invertebrates, 5mC concentrates on constantly and highly transcribed genes (gene body methylation; GbM) and, in some species, on transposable elements (TEs), a pattern known as “mosaic”. Yet, the role and developmental dynamics of 5mC and how these explain interspecies differences in DNA methylation patterns remain poorly understood, especially in Spiralia, a large clade of invertebrates comprising nearly half of the animal phyla. Results Here, we generate base-resolution methylomes for three species with distinct genomic features and phylogenetic positions in Annelida, a major spiralian phylum. All possible 5mC patterns occur in annelids, from typical invertebrate intermediate levels in a mosaic distribution to hypermethylation and methylation loss. GbM is common to annelids with 5mC, and methylation differences across species are explained by taxon-specific transcriptional dynamics or the presence of intronic TEs. Notably, the link between GbM and transcription decays during development, alongside a gradual and global, age-dependent demethylation in adult stages. Additionally, reducing 5mC levels with cytidine analogs during early development impairs normal embryogenesis and reactivates TEs in the annelid Owenia fusiformis. Conclusions Our study indicates that global epigenetic erosion during development and aging is an ancestral feature of bilateral animals. However, the tight link between transcription and gene body methylation is likely more important in early embryonic stages, and 5mC-mediated TE silencing probably emerged convergently across animal lineages. </jats:sec

    Study protocol of effectiveness of a biopsychosocial multidisciplinary intervention in the evolution of non-speficic sub-acute low back pain in the working population : cluster randomised trial

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    Background: Non-specific low back pain is a common cause for consultation with the general practitioner, generating increased health and social costs. This study will analyse the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary intervention to reduce disability, severity of pain, anxiety and depression, to improve quality of life and to reduce the incidence of chronic low back pain in the working population with non-specific low back pain, compared to usual clinical care. Methods/Design: A Cluster randomised clinical trial will be conducted in 38 Primary Health Care Centres located in Barcelona, Spain and its surrounding areas. The centres are randomly allocated to the multidisciplinary intervention or to usual clinical care. Patients between 18 and 65 years old (n = 932; 466 per arm) and with a diagnostic of a non-specific sub-acute low back pain are included. Patients in the intervention group are receiving the recommendations of clinical practice guidelines, in addition to a biopsychosocial multidisciplinary intervention consisting of group educational sessions lasting a total of 10 hours. The main outcome is change in the score in the Roland Morris disability questionnaire at three months after onset of pain. Other outcomes are severity of pain, quality of life, duration of current non-specific low back pain episode, work sick leave and duration, Fear Avoidance Beliefs and Goldberg Questionnaires. Outcomes will be assessed at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months. Analysis will be by intention to treat. The intervention effect will be assessed through the standard error of measurement and the effect-size. Responsiveness of each scale will be evaluated by standardised response mean and receiver-operating characteristic method. Recovery according to the patient will be used as an external criterion. A multilevel regression will be performed on repeated measures. The time until the current episode of low back pain takes to subside will be analysed by Cox regression. Discussion: We hope to provide evidence of the effectiveness of the proposed biopsychosocial multidisciplinary intervention in avoiding the chronification of low back pain, and to reduce the duration of non-specific low back pain episodes. If the intervention is effective, it could be applied to Primary Health Care Centres

    Visceral leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania infantum in a Spanish patient in Argentina: What is the origin of the infection? Case report

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    BACKGROUND: The question "Where have you been?" is a common one asked by doctors in Northern Europe and America when faced with clinical symptoms not typical of their country. This question must also arise in the clinics of developing countries in which non-autochthonous cases such as the one described here can appear. Important outbreaks of Leishmania infantum have been recorded in the last decade in several Latin American countries but its presence has not yet been recorded in Argentina. We report the first case of visceral leishmaniasis owing to L. infantum in this country. CASE PRESENTATION: A 71-year-old Spanish woman who has been living in Mendoza, Argentina, during the last 40 years presented with a history of high fever and shivering, anemia, leukopenia and splenomegaly over two years. Argentinian doctors did not suspect visceral leishmaniasis even when the histological analysis revealed the presence of "intracytoplasmatic spheroid particles compatible with fungal or parasitic infection". After a serious deterioration in her health, she was taken to Spain where she was evaluated and visceral leishmaniasis was established. Specific identification of the parasite was done by PCR-ELISA, isoenzyme electrophoresis and RAPD-PCR. CONCLUSION: We would like to point out that: i) cases such as the one described here, which appear in non-endemic areas, can pass unnoticed by the clinical physician. ii) in countries in which these introduced cases reside, in-depth parasitological studies are required into vectors and possible reservoirs to rule out the rare case of local infection and, once infection has taken place, to ensure that this does not spread by anthroponotic transmission or a competent reservoir

    An affordable, quality-assured community-based system for high-resolution entomological surveillance of vector mosquitoes that reflects human malaria infection risk patterns.

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: More sensitive and scalable entomological surveillance tools are required to monitor low levels of transmission that are increasingly common across the tropics, particularly where vector control has been successful. A large-scale larviciding programme in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania is supported by a community-based (CB) system for trapping adult mosquito densities to monitor programme performance. Methodology An intensive and extensive CB system for routine, longitudinal, programmatic surveillance of malaria vectors and other mosquitoes using the Ifakara Tent Trap (ITT-C) was developed in Urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and validated by comparison with quality assurance (QA) surveys using either ITT-C or human landing catches (HLC), as well as a cross-sectional survey of malaria parasite prevalence in the same housing compounds. RESULTS: Community-based ITT-C had much lower sensitivity per person-night of sampling than HLC (Relative Rate (RR) [95% Confidence Interval (CI)] = 0.079 [0.051, 0.121], P < 0.001 for Anopheles gambiae s.l. and 0.153 [0.137, 0.171], P < 0.001 for Culicines) but only moderately differed from QA surveys with the same trap (0.536 [0.406,0.617], P = 0.001 and 0.747 [0.677,0.824], P < 0.001, for An. gambiae or Culex respectively). Despite the poor sensitivity of the ITT per night of sampling, when CB-ITT was compared with QA-HLC, it proved at least comparably sensitive in absolute terms (171 versus 169 primary vectors caught) and cost-effective (153USversus187US versus 187US per An. gambiae caught) because it allowed more spatially extensive and temporally intensive sampling (4284 versus 335 trap nights distributed over 615 versus 240 locations with a mean number of samples per year of 143 versus 141). Despite the very low vectors densities (Annual estimate of about 170 An gambiae s.l bites per person per year), CB-ITT was the only entomological predictor of parasite infection risk (Odds Ratio [95% CI] = 4.43[3.027,7. 454] per An. gambiae or Anopheles funestus caught per night, P =0.0373). Discussion and conclusion CB trapping approaches could be improved with more sensitive traps, but already offer a practical, safe and affordable system for routine programmatic mosquito surveillance and clusters could be distributed across entire countries by adapting the sample submission and quality assurance procedures accordingly

    Psychometric characteristics of the Spanish version of instruments to measure neck pain disability

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    Background: The NDI, COM and NPQ are evaluation instruments for disability due to NP. There was no Spanish version of NDI or COM for which psychometric characteristics were known. The objectives of this study were to translate and culturally adapt the Spanish version of the Neck Disability Index Questionnaire (NDI), and the Core Outcome Measure (COM), to validate its use in Spanish speaking patients with non-specific neck pain (NP), and to compare their psychometric characteristics with those of the Spanish version of the Northwick Pain Questionnaire (NPQ). Methods: Translation/re-translation of the English versions of the NDI and the COM was done blindly and independently by a multidisciplinary team. The study was done in 9 primary care Centers and 12 specialty services from 9 regions in Spain, with 221 acute, subacute and chronic patients who visited their physician for NP: 54 in the pilot phase and 167 in the validation phase. Neck pain (VAS), referred pain (VAS), disability (NDI, COM and NPQ), catastrophizing (CSQ) and quality of life (SF-12) were measured on their first visit and 14 days later. Patients' self-assessment was used as the external criterion for pain and disability. In the pilot phase, patients' understanding of each item in the NDI and COM was assessed, and on day 1 test-retest reliability was estimated by giving a second NDI and COM in which the name of the questionnaires and the order of the items had been changed. Results: Comprehensibility of NDI and COM were good. Minutes needed to fill out the questionnaires [median, (P25, P75)]: NDI. 4 (2.2, 10.0), COM: 2.1 (1.0, 4.9). Reliability: [ICC, (95%CI)]: NDI: 0.88 (0.80, 0.93). COM: 0.85 (0.75,0.91). Sensitivity to change: Effect size for patients having worsened, not changed and improved between days 1 and 15, according to the external criterion for disability: NDI: -0.24, 0.15, 0.66; NPQ: -0.14, 0.06, 0.67; COM: 0.05, 0.19, 0.92. Validity: Results of NDI, NPQ and COM were consistent with the external criterion for disability, whereas only those from NDI were consistent with the one for pain. Correlations with VAS, CSQ and SF-12 were similar for NDI and NPQ (absolute values between 0.36 and 0.50 on day 1, between 0.38 and 0.70 on day 15), and slightly lower for COM (between 0.36 and 0.48 on day 1, and between 0.33 and 0.61 on day 15). Correlation between NDI and NPQ: r = 0.84 on day 1, r = 0.91 on day 15. Correlation between COM and NPQ: r = 0.63 on day 1, r = 0.71 on day 15. Conclusion: Although most psychometric characteristics of NDI, NPQ and COM are similar, those from the latter one are worse and its use may lead to patients' evolution seeming more positive than it actually is. NDI seems to be the best instrument for measuring NP-related disability, since its results are the most consistent with patient's assessment of their own clinical status and evolution. It takes two more minutes to answer the NDI than to answer the COM, but it can be reliably filled out by the patient without assistance