1,872 research outputs found

    Huellas del joven Martínez Ruiz en el Azorín adulto: sobre el sistema ecléctico de la tetralogía crítica (1912-1915)

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    En este artículo se salvará la aparente distancia que separa al joven José Martínez Ruiz (1873-1967), simpatizante del anarquismo, del Azorín conservador en que se convirtió en su madurez. Para ello se presentará su tetralogía crítica, formada por Lecturas españolas (1912), Clásicos y modernos (1913), Los valores literarios (1914) y Al margen de los clásicos (1915), como el resultado de un anhelo juvenil por construir una historia de la literatura española. Se realizará un cotejo entre estas cuatro obras y el libro La evolución de la crítica, de 1899, con el objetivo de determinar qué influencia tuvieron las diversas escuelas teóricas examinadas en este opúsculo en su crítica literaria de madurez. De este análisis se concluirá que es posible apreciar una continuidad entre las metodologías críticas analizadas en La evolución de la crítica y las practicadas por el Azorín adulto. Asimismo, se propondrá que su labor crítica de madurez se sostiene sobre un sistema amplio y ecléctico heredado de estas teorías con las que se familiarizó en su juventud.This article expects to overcome the apparent distance noticed between the young José Martínez Ruiz (1873-1967), sympathizer of the anarchism, to the conservative author that later became known as Azorín. This way, his critical tetralogy (formed by Lecturas españolas, 1912, Clásicos y modernos, 1913, Los valores literarios, 1914, and Al margen de los clásicos, 1915) will be presented as a result of a young desire of writing a history of the Spanish literature. After this, the influence of his 1899 work La evolución de la crítica in the books mentioned above will be analyzed. In addition, it will be concluded that it is possible to appreciate continuity between the critical methodologies that Martínez Ruiz analyzed in La evolución de la crítica and those which he displayed to write his critical tetralogy. Finally, it will be proposed that his adult critical methodology is based on an eclectic system, which derives from the different theories of literary criticism that he learnt as a young writer

    An unexpected actor in ammonium assimilation in conifer trees

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    Conifers are tree species with enormous environmental and economic interests but with several characteristics that complicate their investigation (big size, secondary compounds, large long-life cycles, megagenomes…). However, they are well adapted to ammonium-rich soils being a good model to study ammonium assimilation in plants. Although they have a special feature, only two glutamine synthetase (GS, EC genes, GS1a and GS1b, coding for cytosolic proteins, have been identified. In angiosperms and in the gymnosperm Ginkgo biloba there are two types of this enzyme responsible of the ammonium assimilation: GS1 expressed in the cytosol and GS2 in the plastids. Until the date, the searches of new GS1 and GS2 genes in conifers have been made with classical biochemical and molecular biology techniques without satisfactory results. In the present context, the emergence of the next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques has open new opportunities in the resolution of old problems. They have allowed the whole sequencing of the massive conifer genomes and the analysis of their transcriptomes. Thus, in the framework of the European project ProCoGen, a gene expression atlas of the tissues of one-month seedlings was carried out using laser capture microdissection (LCM) and massive sequencing in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster), which is a conifer tree from the Southwestern Mediterranean region1. From the analysis of this work, a new gene coding for a new putative cytosolic GS has been identified, PpGS1c. 1Cañas, RA et al. (2017). Plant J, 91. 1064-1087Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Project funding by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2015-69285-R and MicroNUpE (BIO2015-73512-JIN; MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE

    Bosonization on a lattice: The emergence of the higher harmonics

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    6 págs.; 2 figs.A general and transparent procedure to bosonize fermions placed on a lattice is presented. Harmonics higher than kF in the one-particle Green function are shown to appear due to the compact character of real electron bands. Quantitative estimations of the role of higher harmonics are made possible by this bosonization technique. © 1995 The American Physical Society.J.F. was supported by DEYCIT Project No. PB93-1248.Peer Reviewe

    Coevolution of dynamical states and interactions in dynamic networks

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    We explore the coupled dynamics of the internal states of a set of interacting elements and the network of interactions among them. Interactions are modeled by a spatial game and the network of interaction links evolves adapting to the outcome of the game. As an example we consider a model of cooperation, where the adaptation is shown to facilitate the formation of a hierarchical interaction network that sustains a highly cooperative stationary state. The resulting network has the characteristics of a small world network when a mechanism of local neighbor selection is introduced in the adaptive network dynamics. The highly connected nodes in the hierarchical structure of the network play a leading role in the stability of the network. Perturbations acting on the state of these special nodes trigger global avalanches leading to complete network reorganization.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, for related material visit http:www.imedea.uib.es/physdept

    Scission configuration in self-consistent calculations with neck constraints

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    The calculations of the potential-energy surface are essential in the theoretical description of the fission process. In the constrained self-consistent approach, the smooth evolution of nuclear shape is described from the ground state until a very elongated one with a narrow neck. In all microscopic calculations, the rupture of the neck at scission is associated with a substantial change of nuclear matter density distribution and rapid energy decrease. In this paper, we show that there is no discontinuity of the potential-energy surface at scission when multiconstrained calculations are applied with the neck constraint. An early rupture of the neck at lower quadrupole and octupole moments is discussed as competitive with the conventional fission path. We discuss the neck properties in the scission configuration. We find that the neck radius in the asymmetric fission mode cannot decrease below 2 fm, and the nuclear matter density cannot decrease below the saturation density. In the compact fission mode, nuclear density may go down to half of the saturation density before the rupture of the nec

    Morphological and molecular characterization of two trematode worms in the gastropod Asolene pulchella (Anton, 1859)

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    Asolene pulchella (Anton, 1859) Asolene pulchella (Caenogastropoda, Ampullariidae) is a native gastropod from La Plata River. In a previous study we reported the presence of parasite forms of Trematoda (Plathyhelminthes) in the digestive gland of adult snails from Regatas Lake (Buenos Aires). In this work identified two parasites with a morphological and molecular approach. The digestive gland of A. pulchella showed a large amount of larval forms (sporocysts and rediae) with internal cercariae in diverse degree of development.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Morphological and molecular characterization of two trematode worms in the gastropod Asolene pulchella (Anton, 1859)

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    Asolene pulchella (Anton, 1859) Asolene pulchella (Caenogastropoda, Ampullariidae) is a native gastropod from La Plata River. In a previous study we reported the presence of parasite forms of Trematoda (Plathyhelminthes) in the digestive gland of adult snails from Regatas Lake (Buenos Aires). In this work identified two parasites with a morphological and molecular approach. The digestive gland of A. pulchella showed a large amount of larval forms (sporocysts and rediae) with internal cercariae in diverse degree of development.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Onset of microglial entry into developing quail retina coincides with increased expression of active caspase-3 and is mediated by extracellular ATP and UDP

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    Microglial cell precursors located in the area of the base of the pecten and the optic nerve head (BP/ONH) start to enter the retina of quail embryos at the 7 th day of incubation (E7), subsequently colonizing the entire retina by central-to-peripheral tangential migration, as previously shown by our group. The present study demonstrates a precise chronological coincidence of the onset of microglial cell entry into the retina with a striking increase in death of retinal cells, as revealed by their active caspase-3 expression and TUNEL staining, in regions dorsal to the BP/ONH area, suggesting that dying retinal cells would contribute to the microglial cell inflow into the retina. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in this inflow are currently unclear. Extracellular nucleotides, such as ATP and UDP, have previously been shown to favor migration of microglia towards brain injuries because they are released by apoptotic cells and stimulate both chemotaxis and chemokinesis in microglial cells via signaling through purinergic receptors. Hence, we tested here the hypothesis that ATP and UDP play a role in the entry and migration of microglial precursors into the developing retina. For this purpose, we used an experimental model system based on organotypic cultures of E6.5 quail embryo retina explants, which mimics the entry and migration of microglial precursors in the in situ developing retina. Inhibition of purinergic signaling by treating retina explants with either apyrase, a nucleotide-hydrolyzing enzyme, or suramin, a broad spectrum antagonist of purinergic receptors, significantly prevents the entry of microglial cells into the retina. In addition, treatment of retina explants with either exogenous ATP or UDP results in significantly increased numbers of microglial cells entering the retina. In light of these findings, we conclude that purinergic signaling by extracellular ATP and UDP is necessary for the entry and migration of microglial cells into the embryonic retina by inducing chemokinesis in these cells