1,964 research outputs found

    La "Alabanza de Aldea" en la narrativa de Juan Valera

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    El papiro 229 de la British Library. Transcripción, traducción y estudio de un documento de compraventa

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    En este trabajo, estudiamos y traducimos la escritura conservada en un papiro (el nº 229 de la British Library) que acredita la compraventa de un esclavo. Se trata de un documento que trata de aplicar a los papiros las reglas observadas en la confección de las tablillas de cera. Además de aportar los datos históricos y jurídicos que facilitan su comprensión, nos ocupamos del estudio de la lengua del texto desde la perspectiva del latín vulgar.In this paper, I analyse and translate the script preserved in a papyrus (number 229 in the British Library), attesting to the sale of a slave. It is a document which tries to apply on papyri the rules for the composition of wax tablets. Besides providing historical and legal data which facilitate its comprehension, I also deal with the study of the language of the text from the perspective of Vulgar Latin

    Las ‘controvertidas’ “Controversiae” del médico humanista Francisco Vallés: “Controversiarum medicarum et philosophicarum libri decem” 1556-1590

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    Producción CientíficaA mediados del siglo XVI, los doctores Cristóbal de Vega, Fernando Mena y Francisco Vallés representan el prototipo de médico docente y filólogo; los tres son punta de lanza del humanismo médico complutense. Formados en la Universidad de Alcalá, la misma en la que luego ejercen, pertenecen ya a la tercera generación de médicos renacentistas, la última, la de la asimilación y la madurez, la que recoge los frutos del humanismo ambiente que, sin embargo, no tiene su continuidad con la llegada del siglo XVII. El más joven de los tres, y discípulo de los anteriores, Vallés, fue también el más famoso y el que tuvo un ascenso más rápido. En él y en la más conocida de las obras que escribió vamos a centrar nuestra atención, adelantando los resultados de un trabajo de colación más prolijo que estamos acometiendo para mostrar cómo un texto, que, a todas luces, sufre la tensión entre tradición y renovación propia de su tiempo, puede resultar tan interesante por su historia interna como por la externa. [Texto extraído del artículo de Ana Isabel Martín Ferreira]

    La experiencia del exilio mexicano en el pensamiento y la obra de Juan Rejano

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    Emptio puellae Ravennae facta (Estudio y traducción de la tablilla editada por Cavenaile, CPL nº 193)

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    In this paper, we study and translate the document that certifies the buy and selling of a slave-woman, written in Latin with some Greek characters also included, preserved in a wax writing-tablet edited by Cavenaile (CPL 193). Apart from contributing with some conjectures that facilitate its understanding, we have also undertaken its dating and some particular judicial aspects, concluding with the linguistic commentary of the text from the perspective of Vulgar Latin

    British Library Papyrus 229 : transcription, translation and study of a slave sale document

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    En este trabajo, estudiamos y traducimos la escritura conservada en un papiro (el nº 229 de la British Library) que acredita la compraventa de un esclavo. Se trata de un documento que trata de aplicar a los papiros las reglas observadas en la confección de las tablillas de cera. Además de aportar los datos históricos y jurídicos que facilitan su comprensión, nos ocupamos del estudio de la lengua del texto desde la perspectiva del latín vulgar.In this paper, I analyse and translate the script preserved in a papyrus (number 229 in the British Library), attesting to the sale of a slave. It is a document which tries to apply on papyri the rules for the composition of wax tablets. Besides providing historical and legal data which facilitate its comprehension, I also deal with the study of the language of the text from the perspective of Vulgar Latin


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    This paper evaluates gains in efficiency produced by the use of efficient designs to analyze stated choice (SC) data. Based on a standard experiment used in a previous research, we compare the efficiency of this design with that of the efficient design obtained according to the minimization of the D-error, considering different modelling strategies. The experiment was conducted in the context of the choice between the plane and the new high speed train in the route Madrid-Barcelona. As the levels assigned to some attributes in the stated choice exercise were customized to each respondent experience, pivoting the information provided by preliminary revealed preference questions around the reference alternative (the plane, in this case), a different efficient design was created for every respondent in the sample. Results of the analysis demonstrate that substantial gains in the significance level of the parameter estimates could have been attained if the efficient design had been used to analyze SC data.Stated Choice Data, Efficient Designs, Discrete Choice Models

    The University in the Cloud Computing.

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    With the advancement of Information and Communication Technology ICT which favors increasingly fast, easy, and accessible communication for all and which can reach large groups of people, there have been changes, in recent years in our society that have modified the way we interact, communicate and transmit information. Access to this, it is possible, not only through computers situated in a fixed location, but new mobile devices make it available, wherever the user happens to be located. Now, information "travels" with the user. These forms of communication, transmission and access to information, have also affected the way to conceive and manage business. To these new forms of business that the Internet has brought, is now added the concept of companies in the Cloud Computing ClC. The ClC technology is based on the supply and consumption of services on demand and pay per use, and it gives a 180 degree turn to the business management concept. Small and large businesses may use the latest developments in ICT, to manage their organizations without the need for expensive investments in them. This will enable enterprises to focus more specifically within the scope of their business, leaving the ICT control to the experts. We believe that education can also and should benefit from these new philosophies. ?Due to the global economic crisis in general and each country in particular, economic cutbacks have come to most universities. These are seen in the need to raise tuition rates, which makes increasingly fewer students have the opportunity to pursue higher education?. In this paper we propose using ClC technologies in universities and we make a dissertation on the advantages that it can provide to both: universities and students. For the universities, we expose two focuses, one: ?to reorganize university ICT structures with the ClC philosophy? and the other one, ?to extend the offer of the university education with education on demand?. Regarding the former we propose to use public or private Clouds, to reuse resources across the education community, to save costs on infrastructure investment, in upgrades and in maintenance of ICT, and paying only for what you use and with the ability to scale according to needs. Regarding the latter, we propose an educational model in the ClC, to increase the current university offerings, using educational units in the form of low-cost services and where students pay only for the units consumed on demand. For the students, they could study at any university in the world (virtually), from anywhere, without travel costs: money and time, and what is most important paying only for what they consume. We think that this proposal of education on demand may represent a great change in the current educational model, because strict registration deadlines disappear, and also the problem of economically disadvantaged students, who will not have to raise large amounts of money for an annual tuition. Also it will decrease the problem of loss of the money invested in an enrollment when the student dropout. In summary we think that this proposal is interesting for both, universities and students, we aim for "Higher education from anywhere, with access from any mobile device, at any time, without requiring large investments for students, and with reuse and optimization of resources by universities. Cost by consumption and consumption by service?. We argue for a Universal University "wisdom and knowledge accessible to all

    Methodology for developing and application outsourcing in the cloud using SOA

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    New technologies such as, the new Information and Communication Technology ICT, break new paths and redefines the way we understand business, the Cloud Computing is one of them. The on demand resource gathering and the per usage payment scheme are now commonplace, and allows companies to save on their ICT investments. Despite the importance of this issue, we still lack methodologies that help companies, to develop applications oriented for its exploitation in the Cloud. In this study we aim to fill this gap and propose a methodology for the development of ICT applications, which are directed towards a business model, and further outsourcing in the Cloud. In the former the Development of SOA applications, we take, as a baseline scenario, a business model from which to obtain a business process model. To this end, we use software engineering tools; and in the latter The Outsourcing we propose a guide that would facilitate uploading business models into the Cloud; to this end we describe a SOA governance model, which controls the SOA. Additionally we propose a Cloud government that integrates Service Level Agreements SLAs, plus SOA governance, and Cloud architecture. Finally we apply our methodology in an example illustrating our proposal. We believe that our proposal can be used as a guide/pattern for the development of business applications