427 research outputs found


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    Information on the website is a matter that must be considered. The issue is important because if the information on a website accessible to people who are not responsible for the accuracy of such information would undoubtedly could even be misleading information. Activities to gather information on the web server needed a longer time to the system. This study did reconnaissance to obtain important information on the website, accunetix tool, nmap, nslookup, tcptraceroute can find information about the weaknesses of the website. From these results obtained some important information from the website using the tool. In order to know the complete information on the wireless network in the form of a simulation such as online.Keywords: Reconaissance, webserver, accuneti

    MASSIMO SELLA (1886 - 1959)

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    l n quest \u27articolo si riperco1rono la vita e parte dell \u27opera di Massimo Sella, lo scienziato che ne/ 1 924 divenne direttore dell\u27Istituto di Biologia Marina di Rovigno d \u27lstria. Sotto la sua direzione, l\u27Istituto venne potenziato, diventando un centro ricerche di riconosciuta importanza e di fama mondiale. l vent\u27anni passati a Rovigno furono ricchi di attività scientifiche, dalla ricerca in campo ittico, agli studi geologici e speleologici, dalla lotta alla malaria nelle campagne introducendo le gambusie, fino a scoprire campi di tartufi che verranno in seguito sfruttati e costituiranno un valore per !\u27!stria. Una delle attività a cui amava dedicarsi era l \u27arte della fotografia. Lo scoppio della seconda Guerra mondiale provocò una brusca e tragica interruzione che lo costrinse, ne/ 1 943, ad abbandonare Rovigno e l \u27lstituto. Morì a Biella ne/ 1 959.Massimo Sella roden je 1 886. godine u S. Gerolamo (Biella), gdj e zivi do 1 909. kada upisuje Fakultet prirodnih znanosti pri rimskome sveucilistu. Diplomirao je izvrsnim uspjehom 1 9 1 1 ., te n akon sto se nastanio u Rimu, zaposev i zanimljiv profesionalni itinerer. Godine 1 924. prihvatio je posao direktora rovinjskog Instituta za biologiju mora i tada ulazi u najznacajniju fazu zivota jednoga covjeka i znanstven ika. Pod njegovim vodstvom I nstitut j aca, postajuéi centar za istrazivanja od velike vaznosti i svjetskoga ugleda. Dvadeset godina provedenih u Rovinju bogate su znanstvenim aktivnostima. Tu su prije svega ihtioloska istrazivanja. Tome se pridodaju geoloske te speleoloske studije. Bori se protiv malarije u polj ima uvodeéi gambuzije. Otkrio je polja tartufa, koj a ée kasnije biti iskoristena i koj a ée predstavljati bogatstvo za lstru. Rovinjske godine podudaraju se s njegovim periodom afirmacije. Dolazak D rugog svjetskog rata prouzrokovao je tragican prekid koj i ga je 1 943. godine prisilio da napusti Rovinj i Institut. Massimov zivotni put kreée prema novoj fazi, tijekom koje se posveéuje raznim aktivnostima, sudjelujuéi u komisiji o razgranicenju teritorij alnih voda Jugoslavije i Italije, projektima koj i se odnose na vode u Veneciji, kao i uzgoju pastrvi u dolinama Bielle. No, prije svega posveéuje se umjetnosti. Glazba i dalje ima vaznu ulogu u njegovome zivotu, kao i fotografij a, s tonovima koj i su vise introspektivni u odnosu na ono sto se zbivalo u Rovinju. I tako sve do smrti (Biella, 1 959.)

    Uptake and effects of a mixture of widely used therapeutic drugs in Eruca sativa L. and Zea mays L. plants

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    Pharmaceutically active compounds (PACs) are continuously dispersed into the environment due to human and veterinary use, giving rise to their potential accumulation in edible plants. In this study, Eruca sativa L. and Zea mays L. were selected to determine the potential uptake and accumulation of eight different PACs (Salbutamol, Atenolol, Lincomycin, Cyclophosphamide, Carbamazepine, Bezafibrate, Ofloxacin and Ranitidine) designed for human use. To mimic environmental conditions, the plants were grown in pots and irrigated with water spiked with a mixture of PACs at concentrations found in Italian wastewaters and rivers. Moreover, 10 7 and 100 7 concentrations of these pharmaceuticals were also tested. The presence of the pharmaceuticals was tested in the edible parts of the plants, namely leaves for E. sativa and grains for Z. mays. Quantification was performed by liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy (LC/MS/MS). In the grains of 100 7 treated Z. mays, only atenolol, lincomycin and carbamazepine were above the limit of detection (LOD). At the same concentration in E. sativa plants the uptake of all PACs was >LOD. Lincomycin and oflaxacin were above the limit of quantitation in all conditions tested in E. sativa. The results suggest that uptake of some pharmaceuticals from the soil may indeed be a potential transport route to plants and that these environmental pollutants can reach different edible parts of the selected crops. Measurements of the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals in plant materials were used to model potential adult human exposure to these compounds. The results indicate that under the current experimental conditions, crops exposed to the selected pharmaceutical mixture would not have any negative effects on human health. Moreover, no significant differences in the growth of E. sativa or Z. mays plants irrigated with PAC-spiked vs. non-spiked water were observed

    Protein extraction from grape tissues by two-dimensional electrophoresis

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    At the onset of proteomic studies protein samples have to be accurately separated by two dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE); subsequently polypeptides are identified. Grape tissues, in particular roots, can be very problematic due to their hardness and to the high content of compounds that interfere in classical protein extraction. We have used a phenol-based extraction method in the presence of a protease inhibitor and Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP). In this paper we demonstrate that this extraction method gives satisfactory and reproducible protein separation allowing the identification of some proteins by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS).

    Morphological and proteomic responses of Eruca sativa exposed to silver nanoparticles or silver nitrate

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    Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are widely used in commercial products, and there are growing concerns about their impact on the environment. Information about the molecular interaction of AgNPs with plants is lacking. To increase our understanding of the mechanisms involved in plant responses to AgNPs and to differentiate between particle specific and ionic silver effects we determined the morphological and proteomic changes induced in Eruca sativa (commonly called rocket) in response to AgNPs or AgNO3. Seedlings were treated for 5 days with different concentrations of AgNPs or AgNO3. A similar increase in root elongation was observed when seedlings were exposed to 10 mg Ag L-1 of either PVP-AgNPs or AgNO3. At this concentration we performed electron microscopy investigations and 2-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) proteomic profiling. The low level of overlap of differentially expressed proteins indicates that AgNPs and AgNO3 cause different plant responses. Both Ag treatments cause changes in proteins involved in the redox regulation and in the sulfur metabolism. These responses could play an important role to maintain cellular homeostasis. Only the AgNP exposure cause the alteration of some proteins related to the endoplasmic reticulum and vacuole indicating these two organelles as targets of the AgNPs action. These data add further evidences that the effects of AgNPs are not simply due to the release of Ag ions

    A multifaceted approach to reveal the very-fine root's response of Fagus sylvatica seedlings to different drought intensities

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    How temperate trees respond to drier summers strongly depends on the drought susceptibility and the starch reserve of the very-fine roots (<0.5 mm in diameter). We performed morphological, physiological, chemical, and proteomic analyses on very-fine roots of Fagus sylvatica seedlings grown under moderate- and severe drought conditions. Moreover, to reveal the role of the starch reserves, a girdling approach was adopted to interrupt the flux of photosynthates toward the downstream sinks. Results show a seasonal sigmoidal growth pattern without evident mortality under moderate drought. After the severe-drought period, intact plants showed lower starch concentration and higher growth than those subjected to moderate drought, highlighting that very-fine roots rely on their starch reserves to resume growth. This behaviour caused them to die with the onset of autumn, which was not observed under moderate drought. These findings indicated that extreme dry soil conditions are needed for significant root death in beech seedlings and that mortality mechanisms are defined within individual compartments. The girdling treatment showed that the physiological responses of very-fine roots to severe drought stress are critically related to the altered load or the reduced transport velocity of the phloem and that the changes in starch allocation critically alter the distribution of biomass. Proteomic evidence revealed that the phloem flux-dependent response was characterized by the decrease of carbon enzymes and the establishment of mechanisms to avoid the reduction of the osmotic potential. The response independent from the aboveground mainly involved the alteration of primary metabolic processes and cell wall-related enzymes

    The soluble proteome of tobacco Bright Yellow-2 cells undergoing H2O2-induced programmed cell death

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    Plant programmed cell death (PCD) is a genetically controlled process that plays an important role in development and stress responses. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are key inducers of PCD. The addition of 50 mM H2O2 to tobacco Bright Yellow-2 (TBY-2) cell cultures induces PCD. A comparative proteomic analysis of TBY-2 cells treated with 50 mM H2O2 for 30 min and 3 h was performed. The results showed early down-regulation of several elements in the cellular redox hub and inhibition of the protein repair–degradation system. The expression patterns of proteins involved in the homeostatic response, in particular those associated with metabolism, were consistently altered. The changes in abundance of several cytoskeleton proteins confirmed the active role of the cytoskeleton in PCD signalling. Cells undergoing H2O2-induced PCD fail to cope with oxidative stress. The antioxidant defence system and the anti-PCD signalling cascades are inhibited. This promotes a genetically programmed cell suicide pathway. Fifteen differentially expressed proteins showed an expression pattern similar to that previously observed in TBY-2 cells undergoing heat shock-induced PCD. The possibility that these proteins are part of a core complex required for PCD induction is discussed