1,802 research outputs found

    Recapitalization of Caixa Geral de Depósitos

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    This thesis presents a case study about the 2017 recapitalization of Portuguese bank Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD). The case starts by presenting CGD’s situation and what led to its urgent capital needs. Furthermore, the case presents an analysis of new capital regulations coming out of Basel III and how banks use a combination of hybrid securities such as Contingent Convertible and Perpetual Notes to comply with such regulations. Finally, there is an in depth analysis of the recent issuance of Additional Tier 1 Capital Write Down Notes by CGD, and what it represents to the state owned bank’s futur

    Four temptations against urban renewel: an approach to fur current urban processes

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    Comunicación presentada en 25 European Network housing Research International Conference. Tarragona 19 al 22 junio 2013The new paradigm of urban social and economic rehabilitation is replacing the current sprawl growth model. But four temptations must be considered: 1) The high-density. This process is possible in sprawl model, but its quantification does not seem to be clear, because after a certain threshold of occupancy per unit area, the city seems to collapse and social and environmental benefits disappear, appearing reversal processes city to country in search of a minimum quality of life standards. There is not a model for appropriate density. It depends on the way of life of population, the traditional city model. 2) The replacement. Architectonic and urban rehabilitation must be preferred to replacement, except for certain cases to be legally taxed. But as the city cannot be densified and orderly, without the prior replacement of the building, may fit this temptation. Even replacing the building can be made without considering high building standards 3) The gentrification. There is a wide doctrine and experience about this phenomenon with serious social consequences. It is very tempting to replace the building, due to improve requirement of broad levels of quality, entering a game of speculation, so common in our real estate market. 4) The eco-city. Comprehensive projects are building spaces with low levels of energy consumption. Fall into this temptation means to continue the extensive city model we have been developing, creating new cities far from the existing but incorporating saving measures, and continuing resource consumptio

    The Null Subject Parameter and Teaching Spanish as a foreign language. A Grammatical reflection

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    En este artículo se aborda la aplicación del Parámetro del Sujeto Nulo en el proceso de adquisición del español como L2. Una vez detectadas las dificultades que esta aplicación entraña, se postula la importancia de la reflexión gramatical en el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje. Finalmente, se presenta una propuesta de reflexión gramatical que sirva de material didáctico en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del fenómeno de la presencia/ausencia del sujeto en el aula de español como L2.Dans cet article, il est question de l'application du Paramètre du Sujet Nul dans le processus d'acquisition de l'Espagnol L2. Repérées les difficultés que cette application entraîne, on insiste sur l'importance de la réflexion grammaticale dans le processus d'enseignementapprentissage. Finalement, on présente une proposition de réflexion grammaticale qui sert de matériau didactique pour l'enseignement-apprentissage du phénomène de la présence/absence du sujet dans les cours d'Espagnol L2.This article is about the application of the Null Subject Parameter to the acquisition process of Spanish L2. Having detected the problems that this application involves, the importance of the grammatical reflection in the teaching-learning process is proposed. Finally, we present a proposal of grammatical reflection that is useful as teaching-learning material for teachinglearning the presence/absence of the subject phenomenon in the Spanish L2 classroom

    Differential evolution in shortest path problems

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    This paper proves that the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is valid to solve the Shortest Path (SP) problem in random, median sized networks. From the trials, we have obtained an 9% accuracy, in the worst case scenario.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of ENDURUNS Project:Autonomous Marine Vehicles

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    The autonomous marine vehicles development has a grow demand by offshore industries. The multiple facilities implemented in this environment requires the evolution of this devices for several task as survey, maintenance or monitorization. The technology complexity of this devices requires great efforts in economics and resources to innovate. In this line, the ENDURUNS project purposes to design an autonomous marine system capable to performance a long endurance during the missions due to the employment of renewable energies for its vehicles. The evaluation of the project life cycle represents an important task for the project management. In this article, it is exposed the three different project life cycle aspects. The aspect analyzed are the social life cycle assessment, the life cycle cost and the life cycle assessment. It has been applied the corresponding standards in the European context to develop each methodology and to obtain the results. Thus, this work brings an approach about the environment, economic and social impact of this project. The results presented from this study can be considered for practitioners for future research in marine mobility field, due to the sustainability characteristics of the project analyzed

    Further evidence for the hybrid status of the Brazilian native fern Hypolepis ×paulistana (Dennstaedtiaceae)

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    Hypolepis ×paulistana was described in 2016 as a putative hybrid, known from a single gathering. The hybrid status of these plants was based solely on the intermediate morphology of the sporophyte, when compared to its presumed parent species. These were thought to be H. stolonifera and H. rugosula, but, H. rigescens (Kunze) T. Moore could not be explicitly ruled out either. In the present work, we tested the hybrid status of Hypolepis ×paulistana adding palynological evidence and by using chloroplast sequences to unambiguously identify the maternal progenitor of the species. We find that sporangia of Hypolepis ×paulistana contain both well-formed spores, as well as spores with morphological and developmental anomalies. The size of the regular spores and the abnormal spores suggest that H. ×paulistana is likely a diploid, and probably infertile hybrid. The ornamentation of the regular spores of H. ×paulistana is similar to that of H. stolonifera. The chloroplast sequences of H. ×paulistana are identical to those of H. stolonifera, as well as their sister position within the global phylogeny of the genus. Thus, we provide new evidence for the hybrid status of H. ×paulistana, and we corroborate the earlier finding that H. stolonifera is the maternal parent.Fil: Yañez, Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; ArgentinaFil: Schwartsburd, Pedro B.. Universidade Federal de Viçosa.; BrasilFil: Marquez, Gonzalo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentin

    DANTE - The combination between an ant colony optimization algorithm and a depth search method

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    The ε-DANTE method is an hybrid meta-heuristic. In combines the evolutionary Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms with a limited Depth Search. This Depth Search is based in the pheromone trails used by the ACO, which allows it to be oriented to the more promising areas of the search space. Some results are presented for the multiple objective k-Degree Spanning Trees problem, proving the effectiveness of the method when compared with other already tested evolutionary methods. © 2008 IEEE

    Utilización de gallinaza para corregir la acidez y fertilidad del suelo

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    Crop production in tropical areas may be limited by soil acidity. The use of conventional liming sources is expensive for many developing countries. A possible alternative to correct soil acidity is the use of green and animal manure. An experiment was established to evaluate the effect of chicken manure on soil chemical properties. Six months after the establishment of this experiment, the soil was sampled at a 0 to 20 cm depth. Soil pH increased significantly from 4.92, in the control treatment, to 5.32 after the application of 15 t/ha of chicken manure. Potassium chforide (KCI) extractable aluminum decreased significantly from 0.38 to 0.20 cmolc/kg with the application of 15 t/ha of chicken manure. Aluminum saturation decreased by 7.71%, and available phosphorus increased significantly from 34.14 mg/kg, in the control treatment, to 178.04 mg/kg with the application of 15 t/ha of chicken manure.La producción de cosechas en áreas tropicales puede limitarse debido a problemas de acidez del suelo. Para los países en vías de desarrollo el uso de fuentes convencionales para encalar puede resultar muy caro. Una posible alternativa para disminuir la acidez del suelo es la utilización de residuos de cosecha y desperdicios de animales. Se realizó un experimento para evaluar el efecto de la gallinaza en las propiedades químicas del suelo. A los seis meses luego de establecerse el experimento se tomaron muestras de suelo a una profundidad de 0 a 20 cm. El pH del suelo aumentó significativamente de 4.92, en el tratamiento control, a 5.32 con la aplicación de 15 t/ha de gallinaza. En los mismos tratamientos el aluminio extraído con KCl disminuyó significativamente de 0.38 a 0.20 cmolc/kg, lo que representa una reducción de 7.71 en el porcentaje de saturación de aluminio. La disponibilidad de fósforo aumentó significativamente de 34.18 mg/kg, en el tratamiento control, a 178.04 mg/kg con la aplicación de 15 t/ha de gallinaza

    Management reporting: apoio à decisão

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    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Informática (Sistemas de Informação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014Este relatório reporta o trabalho realizado num estágio na empresa Deloitte Portugal, de Setembro de 2013 a Junho de 2014, no âmbito do projecto Reporting que teve como principal objectivo a produção de relatórios automáticos de apoio à decisão e de painéis interactivos ou dashboards a serem utilizados pela direcção e recursos humanos da empresa. O estágio começou com um estudo no contexto de trabalho, no qual apliquei um questionário para perceber as suas necessidades e dificuldades do cliente, e simultaneamente obter dados relevantes sobre a problemática da produção de relatórios de apoio à decisão e averiguar a receptividade dos colaboradores à sua automatização. Com base nos resultados obtidos neste estudo, construi relatórios de apoio à decisão sobre a rotação e avaliações/saídas de pessoal na empresa, e sobre formações realizadas pelos colaboradores. Para tal utilizei a ferramenta Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, que realiza operações de tratamento e filtragem de dados guardados nos vários sistemas de informação existentes na empresa. A produção destes relatórios permitiu ao cliente obter os resultados pretendidos de uma forma autónoma e automática, sem necessidade de tratar manualmente ou requisitar informação extra à equipa de desenvolvimento. Também criei painéis interactivos com dados analíticos, ou dashboards, com a ferramenta Microstrategy Analytics, para fornecer ao cliente representações gráficas da informação e para permitir a exploração dos dados de forma autónoma e versátil com base nas necessidades da direcção, não sendo necessária a consulta de vários sistemas de informação, como antes sucedia. O estágio permitiu aplicar e aprofundar os conhecimentos adquiridos durante a Licenciatura e Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, em particular o desenho técnico, o desenvolvimento e a gestão de projectos, assim como aumentar a capacidade de auto-aprendizagem, de gestão de tempo, de relações interpessoais e de compreensão do mundo empresarial.This report is about the work done in an internship at Deloitte Portugal, from September 2013 to June 2014, in the context of the Reporting project, which had as its main objective the production of automatic reports for decision support and dashboards to be used by the management and human resources of the company. The internship started with a study in the work context, for which I applied a questionnaire to understand the needs and difficulties of the client, and simultaneously obtain relevant data on the problem of producing reports for decision support and determine the receptiveness of the employees regarding the automatic generation of reports. Based on the results obtained in this study, I developed reports for decision support on staff turnover and performance, and on the training courses attended by employees of the company. For this I used the Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services to process and filter data stored in several existing enterprise information systems. The production of these reports allowed the client to obtain the desired results autonomously and automatically, without the need to manually handle or request extra information to the development team. I also developed business intelligence dashboards using MicroStrategy Analytics, to provide the client graphical representations of the information and to allow the exploration of data in an autonomous and versatile manner based on the needs of management, without the need to query various information systems, as happened before. The internship allowed me to use and deepen the knowledge acquired during the B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Science, particularly the technical design, development and project management, as well as to improve skills on self-learning, time management, interpersonal relations and understanding of the business world