1,367 research outputs found

    Utilização de sondas de alimentação em gatos hospitalizados com doença renal crónica : estudo retrospetivo de 63 casos clínicos (2018-2023)

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária, área científica de ClínicaA Doença Renal Crónica (DRC) caracteriza-se por uma perda progressiva e irreversível da função renal e trata-se da doença metabólica mais prevalente em gatos domésticos. O diagnóstico de DRC é realizado através dos sinais físicos, sinais laboratoriais e dos exames complementares de diagnóstico. A inapetência é dos sinais clínicos mais frequente, está principalmente associada à náusea e ao vómito e leva a uma perda de condição corporal nos animais. Por sua vez, uma condição corporal baixa representa um pior prognóstico e um menor tempo de sobrevivência. O tratamento de gatos com DRC tem como principais objetivos terapêuticos atrasar a progressão da doença e melhorar a qualidade de vidas dos animais. O estudo realizado teve como principais objetivos a avaliação da influência da utilização de sondas de alimentação na evolução clínica dos animais, a perceção se o momento da colocação da sonda interfere com esta evolução clínica e a análise de possíveis indicadores de prognóstico para o desfeche clínico de gatos hospitalizados com DRC. Foi utilizada como amostragem gatos diagnosticados com DRC (n=63), que foram hospitalizados no HEV-FMV e que apresentavam um estímulo iatotrópico de inapetência (100%). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a utilização da sonda de alimentação não influenciou a evolução clínica, nomeadamente na alteração dos valores de creatinina (p=0,79) e na retoma da ingestão de alimento (p=0,55), nem a sobrevivência dos animais (p=0,92). Os resultados também não evidenciaram diferenças relativamente ao momento de colocação das sondas de alimentação relativamente à alteração dos valores de creatinina (p=1), à retoma da ingestão de alimento (p=0,88) e à sobrevivência dos animais (p=0,64). No entanto, observou-se que a duração do período de hospitalização foi superior em gatos que foram submetidos à colocação de sondas de alimentação (p<0,05). Foi também evidenciado que, na ausência da utilização de métodos de alimentação assistida, nenhum animal retomou a ingestão voluntária de alimento após um período de 3 dias de hospitalização. A concentração sérica de creatinina (p<0,05), a alteração dos valores de creatinina durante o período hospitalar (p<0,05), a concentração sérica de fósforo (p<0,05) e o retomar da ingestão voluntária de alimento (p<0,05) foram identificados como indiciadores de prognóstico para o desfeche clínicoABSTRACT - Use of feeding tubes in hospitalised cats with Chronic Kidney Disease: a retrospective study of 63 clinical cases (2018-2023) - Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is characterised by a progressive and irreversible loss of renal function and is the most common metabolic disease of domesticated cats. The diagnosis of CKD is based on the physical signs, laboratory signs and complementary diagnostic tests. Inappetence is one of the most frequent clinical signs, it is mainly associated with nausea and vomiting and leads to a loss of body condition. On the other hand, a low body condition represents a worse prognosis and a shorter survival time for the animals. The treatment of cats with CKD has as its main therapeutic goals to delay disease progression and improve the quality of life of the animals. The main objectives of the study were to evaluate the influence of the use of feeding tubes on the clinical evolution of the animals, to understand whether the timing of tube placement interferes with this clinical outcome and to analyse possible prognostic indicators for the clinical outcome of cats hospitalised with CKD. The study included cats diagnosed with CKD (n=63), that were hospitalised in the HEV-FMV and that had nappetence (100%). The results obtained showed that the use of the feeding tube did not influence the clinical evolution, namely in the alteration of creatinine values (p=0.79) and the resumption of food intake (p=0.55), nor the survival of the animals (p=0.92). The results also showed no differences regarding the time of insertion of the feeding tube in relation to changes in the creatinine values (p=1), resumption of food intake (p=0.88) and survival of the animals (p=0.64). However, it was observed that the length of hospital stay was longer in cats that underwent feeding tubes (p<0.05). It was also evidenced that in the absence of the use of assisted feeding methods, no animal resumed voluntary food intake after a 3-day period of hospitalisation. Serum creatinine concentration (p<0.05), alteration of creatinine values during the hospitalization period (p<0.05), serum phosphorus concentration (p<0.05) and resumption of voluntary food intake (p<0.05) were identified as prognostic indicators for clinical outcomeN/

    Privacidade no ciclo de vida do desenvolvimento seguro

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    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Engenharia Informática (Engenharia de Software) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019Nos dias de hoje, as aplicações de software desempenham um papel crítico para as organizações. À medida que as empresas dependem cada vez mais da integração destas aplicações no desempenho do seu negócio, levantam-se diversas questões relativas à segurança da informação. Empresas que nunca se preocuparam com a segurança das suas aplicações começam agora a ter de considerar os riscos que estas podem representar, uma vez que demonstrar a capacidade de proteger os dados digitais, tanto proprietários como de clientes, é cada vez mais uma necessidade para o negócio ao mesmo tempo que garante vantagem competitiva. A maior parte dos processos de negócio de hoje em dia são suportados por aplicações de software, no entanto, os investimentos que têm vindo a ser feitos assentam mais na infraestrutura, deixando a segurança ao nível aplicacional para segundo plano. Em Portugal, uma grande parte das empresas estão ainda atrasadas no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de software seguro e devem mudar a forma como endereçam o ciclo de vida de desenvolvimento, nomeadamente ao nível de processos, que devem agora estar alinhados com o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados, e ao nível de controlos técnicos, descritos em diversas normas de segurança e também agora na Resolução de Conselho de Ministros nº41/2018 obrigatória para os serviços públicos a partir de Outubro de 2019. Esta tese propõe uma framework para endereçar o problema supracitado, na medida em que fornece diretrizes para que as organizações alterem a forma como desenvolvem software, integrando a segurança nas suas aplicações, em todas as fases do seu ciclo de vida. A partir do trabalho desenvolvido, é possível que uma organização adapte os seus processos, métodos e ferramentas, para que os conceitos Security by Design e Privacy by Design passem a fazer parte as metodologias de desenvolvimento, e desta forma as organizações consigam obter um maior nível de segurança nas suas aplicações. A framework proposta consiste num processo de desenvolvimento de um sistema de software, e uma metodologia de segurança a ser integrada nos processos de desenvolvimento. O resultado final do trabalho pode ser visto como uma solução particular de uma metodologia de segurança, com o seu próprio conjunto de funcionalidades benéficas. A metodologia proposta fornece diretrizes sobre quais as medidas de segurança que devem ser consideradas, sem que sejam sobrecarregados os processos de desenvolvimento utilizados. Em complemento, a metodologia proposta promove a utilização de repositórios de informação de segurança, relacionando soluções, ameaças, vulnerabilidades e políticas de segurança e encorajando a incorporação das melhores práticas nos processos de desenvolvimento.Nowadays, software applications play a critical role for organizations. Since companies increasingly rely on the integration of these applications to assure the performance of their business, more and more information security issues are being raised. Companies that have never cared about the security of their applications are now beginning to consider the risks they may pose, since demonstrating the ability to protect digital data, both proprietary and customer, is increasingly business need while ensuring competitive advantage. While it is known that security measures need to be taken to protect applications, it is not always so obvious how to implement them. The truth is that most business processes today are supported by software applications. However, the investments that have been made are based more on the infrastructure, leaving security at the application level to the background. In Portugal, many companies are still behind in software development and should change the way they address the software development lifecycle, particularly at the process level, which should now be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation, and at the level of technical controls, described in various safety standards and also now in Council of Ministers Resolution No. 41/2018, mandatory for public services from October 2019. This thesis proposes a framework to address the above problem, It provides guidelines for organizations to change the way they develop software by integrating security into their applications at all stages of their life cycle. From the work developed, it is possible for an organization to adapt its processes, methods and tools, so that the concepts Security by Design and Privacy by Design become part of the development methodologies, and in that way organizations can achieve a higher level of security in their applications. The proposed framework consists of a development approach for software systems, and a security methodology to be integrated into the development processes. The final result of the work can be seen as a particular solution of a security methodology, with its own set of beneficial features. The proposed methodology provides guidelines on which security measures should be considered, without overburdening the development processes used. It promotes the use of security information repositories, relating solutions, threats, vulnerabilities and security policies and encouraging the incorporation of best practices in development processes


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    A expansão global do processo de internacionalização das instituições de ensino superior (IES) está intrinsecamente relacionada à implementação de políticas linguísticas institucionais que funcionem duplamente como elemento de sustentação e de potencialização desse processo

    Emotional responses to motion sickness in autonomous driving

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    In future autonomous cars, users, free from the primary task of driving, will have time and space to engage in other activities while traveling, such as reading a book, working on a laptop or watching a movie. Although the option for these activities are one of the great advantages of autonomous cars, this will also likely increase motion sickness (MS) inside the car. MS affects numerous individuals, and it occurs when the information received through the eyes differs from what is perceived by the body and the inner ear. Plus, MS can have an impact on the emotional component of the individuals experiencing it, making the experience of traveling in autonomous cars uncomfortable and difficult. Emotional design studies focus on the emotional response of individuals to a product or service. These studies typically employ self-report scales as assessment tools, such as SAM (Self-Assessment Manikin) and PrEmo (Product Emotion Measurement instrument). We present the first study measuring emotional responses to MS using both SAM and PrEmo scales. In our study, we induced MS by asking participants to watch a highly dynamic video of a first-person car trip. We also asked subjects to answer to SAM and PrEmo before and after the visualization of the video. Our results showed a change in the answers in time, that is, before vs. after the experience of MS. MS significantly altered individuals' emotional responses, worsening their condition. These results support the need for studies that reduce MS to improve the experience and well-being of individuals in autonomous cars.Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory (Lab2PT), Ref. UID/04509/2020, financed by national funds (PIDDAC) through the FCT/MCTES and the European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project n° 039334; Funding Reference: POCI- 01-0247-FEDER-039334]

    Indústria frigorífica no Brasil: uma análise exploratória da concentração espacial.

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    O presente estudo faz uma análise da distribuição espacial da indústria frigorífica e dos rebanhos bovinos no Brasil para os anos de 2006, 2010 e 2014. Para isso, foram utilizadas técnicas de análise exploratória de dados espaciais ? AEDE, realizando-se assim, análise univariada para o número de empregos na indústria frigorífica existente nos municípios brasileiro, e também, a mesma análise para os efetivos de rebanho bovino dos municípios do Brasil. Os resultados revelam que existe dependência espacial, assim, observa-se tanto nos mapas de clusters quanto no mapa de dispersão, padrões de alta concentração dessas atividades, principalmente na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Conclui-se que existem evidências de que a localização dos rebanhos bovinos pode exercer influência sobre a instalação de frigoríficos no Brasil, sugerindo-se estudos futuros que testem essa hipótese

    Sunflower nutrition irrigated with domestic sewage treated

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    This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional status of the sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) irrigated with domestic effluents. The study was performed in a pilot sewage treatment plant, where the treatments were composed by the combination of two factors: types of water (A1 - effluent treated by UASB reactor; A2 – effluent treated with digester decant and anaerobic filtering; A3 – effluent treated with anaerobic filtering; and A4 – water supply) and irrigation depths (L1 - equal to the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and L2 – 1.2 ETc. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in a 4 x 2 factorial scheme, with four replications. At 96 days after sowing, the leaves, capitulum, and achenes were collected for the concentration evaluation of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. The analyses of variance were performed based on the concentration of the nutrients in the respective organs; when significant, they were analyzed by orthogonal contrasts. The sunflower nutritional status was influenced by the types of treatment for the domestic sewage, especially regarding N, Ca and S, and by the irrigation depths; the sunflower crop presented a better nutritional balance when irrigated with treated domestic effluents; with the application of the water supply only, the nutritional supply of the P and S, is necessary.This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional status of the sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) irrigated with domestic effluents. The study was performed in a pilot sewage treatment plant, where the treatments were composed by the combination of two factors: types of water (A1 - effluent treated by UASB reactor; A2 – effluent treated with digester decant and anaerobic filtering; A3 – effluent treated with anaerobic filtering; and A4 – water supply) and irrigation depths (L1 - equal to the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and L2 – 1.2 ETc. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in a 4 x 2 factorial scheme, with four replications. At 96 days after sowing, the leaves, capitulum, and achenes were collected for the concentration evaluation of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. The analyses of variance were performed based on the concentration of the nutrients in the respective organs; when significant, they were analyzed by orthogonal contrasts. The sunflower nutritional status was influenced by the types of treatment for the domestic sewage, especially regarding N, Ca and S, and by the irrigation depths; the sunflower crop presented a better nutritional balance when irrigated with treated domestic effluents; with the application of the water supply only, the nutritional supply of the P and S, is necessary

    Atypical Phenotype in Two Patients with LAMA2 Mutations

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    Congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A is caused by mutations in the LAMA2 gene, which encodes the a2-chain of laminin. We report two patients with partial laminin-a2 deficiency and atypical phenotypes, one with almost exclusive central nervous system involvement (cognitive impairment and refractory epilepsy) and the second with marked cardiac dysfunction, rigid spine syndrome and limb-girdle weakness. Patients underwent clinical, histopathological, imaging and genetic studies. Both cases have two heterozygous LAMA2 variants sharing a potentially pathogenic missense mutation c.2461A>C (p.Thr821Pro) located in exon 18. Brain MRI was instrumental for the diagnosis, since muscular examination and motor achievements were normal in the first patient and there was a severe cardiac involvement in the second. The clinical phenotype of the patients is markedly different which could in part be explained by the different combination of mutations types (two missense versus a missense and a truncating mutation)

    Exploration of the Eucalyptus globulus gene pool

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    The first Europeans to discover Eucalyptus globulus were French explorers in 1792. Its seed was rapidly spread throughout the world in the 19th century and this was the species by which much of the world first knew the genus. However, it was in the industrial forests of the 20th century that this species, once considered the ‘Prince of Eucalypts’, achieved greatest prominence due to its fast growth and superior pulp qualities. Formal breeding first commenced in 1966 in Portugal and in the late 1980’s large base population trials from open-pollinated seed collections from native stands were established in many countries. These trials have provided unprecedented insights into the quantitative genetic control of numerous traits of economic and ecological importance and how this variation is spatially distributed in the native range of the species. However with large, fully pedigreed breeding populations becoming available for quantitative analysis and the rapidly expanding knowledge of DNA sequence variation, we are now at the threshold of a new understanding of this important eucalypt gene pool. Indications of the significance of non-additive genetic effects are becoming available. The E. globulus chloroplast genome has now been sequenced and several genome maps have been published. Studies of the variation in nuclear microsatellites and the lignin biosynthesis gene CCR confirm the complex, spatially structured nature of the native gene pool. Strong spatial structuring of the chloroplast genome has provided a tool for tracking seed migration and the geographic origin of exotic landraces. Highly divergent lineages of chloroplast DNA have been discovered and studies of the hypervariable JLA+ region argue that some components of the E. globulus gene pool have been assimilated from other species following hybridisation