855 research outputs found

    Note sur les formations dunaires actuelles et fossiles des environs de Lisbonne

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    [Resumé] Des formations dunaires qui surviennent tout le long du littoral entre Ericeira, au nord, et Ri bei ra das Lages, pres du Cap Espi che1, au sud, ont efe observees. On admet que ces formations puissent se distribuer chronologiquement depuis le Riss(?) jusqu1a nos jours. Cette etude a commence par une prospection generale des sables dunaires et des dunes consolidees, par rapport aux formes du relief sur lesquelles elles surviennent et leur evolution posterieure. Des echantillons qui ont ete recueillis, sont en train d'etre objet d'une etude en laboratoire. On essaie, aussi, d10btenir avec cette analyse, quelques donnees qui puissent contribuer pour une meilleure comprehension de 1'evolution climatique survenue pendant le Pleistocene superieur et 1'Holocene, dans la region de Lisbonne. On admet, en principe: a) Que les dunes consolides pourrant avoir ete formees pendant deux periodes glaciaires. b) Que, pendant 1 IHolocene, des conditions pour la formation de dunes ont continue a exister jusqu'a nos jours; il est probable, que leur position topographique soit mise en rapport avec les differentes phases de depositio

    Yosida–Moreau Regularization of Sweeping Processes with Unbounded Variation

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    AbstractLett↦C(t) be a Hausdorff-continuous multifunction with closed convex values in a Hilbert spaceHsuch thatC(t) has nonempty interior for allt. We show that the Yosida–Moreau regularizations of the sweeping process with moving setC(t), i.e., the solutions of[formula]are strongly pointwisely convergent asλ→0+to the solution of the corresponding sweeping process, formally written as[formula

    Nuclear processes associated with plant immunity and pathogen susceptibility

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    Plants are sessile organisms that have evolved exquisite and sophisticated mechanisms to adapt to their biotic and abiotic environment. Plants deploy receptors and vast signalling networks to detect, transmit and respond to a given biotic threat by inducing properly dosed defence responses. Genetic analyses and, more recently, next-generation -omics approaches have allowed unprecedented insights into the mechanisms that drive immunity. Similarly, functional genomics and the emergence of pathogen genomes have allowed reciprocal studies on the mechanisms governing pathogen virulence and host susceptibility, collectively allowing more comprehensive views on the processes that govern disease and resistance. Among others, the identification of secreted pathogen molecules (effectors) that modify immunity-associated processes has changed the plant–microbe interactions conceptual landscape. Effectors are now considered both important factors facilitating disease and novel probes, suited to study immunity in plants. In this review, we will describe the various mechanisms and processes that take place in the nucleus and help regulate immune responses in plants. Based on the premise that any process required for immunity could be targeted by pathogen effectors, we highlight and describe a number of functional assays that should help determine effector functions and their impact on immune-related processes. The identification of new effector functions that modify nuclear processes will help dissect nuclear signalling further and assist us in our bid to bolster immunity in crop plants

    Contribuição geomorfológica para o estudo da génese, evolução e conservação dos solos em Portugal. 1 - Primeiras observações sobre a superfície de Santiago do Escoural

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    Este estudo preliminar da superfície de Santiago do Escoural (Alto Alentejo) pretende demonstrar a existência dum nível original (180/190-230/240 m) desenvolvido a partir do sopé da Serra de Monfurado e modelado através dum processo dinâmico de ablação próprio de clima semiárido ou mesmo árido. Tal clima explicaria também a génese do depósito de material mal usado e com toque saponáceo observado sobre aquele nível, bem como a arenização e a fracturação das rochas do substratoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Differential equations with maximal monotone operators

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    The paper deals with multivalued differential equations in abstract spaces. Nonlocal conditions are assumed. The model includes an m-dissipative multioperator which generates an equicontinuous, not necessarily compact, semigroup. The regularity of the nonlinear term also depends on the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness. The existence of integral solutions is discussed, with a topological index argument. A transversality condition is required. The results are applied to a partial differential inclusion in a bounded domain in R n with nonlocal integral conditions. The model also includes an m-dissipative but not necessarily compact semigroup generated by a suitable subdifferential operator. (c) 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:// creativecommons .org /licenses /by -nc -nd /4 .0/)

    Testemunhos de couraças ferruginosas quaternárias no sudoeste de Portugal (nota preliminar)

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    Volume de Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Carlos TeixeiraNesta nota assinala-se a presença de fragmentos de couraças sílico-ferruginosas, conglomerático-brechóides, no Sudoeste de Portugal (região de Vila do Bispo-Aljezur). Expõe-se muito sucintamente o estado actual dos conhecimentos e comparam-se, dos pontos de vista macroscópico, químico e mineralógico, amostras destes fragmentos com amostras de «zorra» e de couraças já estudadas provenientes de Angola, S. Tomé e Príncipe. Como factor importante que servirá de futuro como referência de datação, assinala-se a presença de um raspador sobre lasca, no seio de fragmento de couraça colhido na área de Torre de Aspa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Grids of stellar evolution models for asteroseismology (CESAM + POSC)

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    In this paper we present a grid of stellar evolution models, computed with an up-to-date physical description of the internal structure, using the Code d'Evolution Stellaire Adaptatif et Modulaire (CESAM). The evolutionary sequences span from the pre-main sequence to the beginning of the Red Giant Branch and cover an interval of mass typical for low and intermediate mass stars. The chemical composition (both helium and metal abundance) is the solar one. The frequencies of oscillation, computed for specific stellar models of the grid using the Porto Oscillations Code (POSC), are also provided. This work was accomplished in order to support the preparation of the CoRoT mission within the Evolution and Seismic Tools Activity (CoRoT/ESTA). On the other hand, the grid can also be used, more generally, to interpret the observational properties of either individual stars or stellar populations. The grids (data and documentation) can be found at http://www.astro.up.pt/corot/models/cesamComment: Paper accepted for publication by Astrophysics and Space Scienc
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