303 research outputs found

    Consistency and efficiency of ordinary least squares, maximum likelihood, and three type II linear regression models: A Monte-Carlo simulation study

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    Type I linear regression models, which allow for measurement errors only in the criterion variable, are frequently used in modeling research in psychology and the social sciences. Although there are frequently measurement errors and large natural variation both in the criterion and predictor variables, type II regression methods that account for these errors are seldom used in these fields of study. The consistency and efficiency of three type II regression methods (reduced major axis, Kendall’s robust line-fit and Bartlett’s three-group) were evaluated in comparison to ordinary least squares (OLS) and the maximum likelihood with known variance ratio used frequently in biometrics and econometrics. When predictors are measured with error, OLS slope estimates are biased toward zero, and the same bias was observed with both Kendall’s and Bartlett’s methods. Reduced major axis produced consistent estimates even for small sample sizes, whenever the measurement errors in X are similar in magnitude to measurement errors in Y, but there was a consistent bias when the measurement error in X was smaller/greater than in Y. Maximum likelihood estimates behaved erroneously for small sample sizes, but for larger sample sizes they converged to the expected values

    Strategic Orientations, Dynamic Capabilities, and Firm Performance: an Analysis for Knowledge Intensive Business Services

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    The strategic orientations of a firm are considered crucial for enhancing firm performance and their impact can be even greater when associated with dynamic capabilities, particularly in complex and dynamic environments. This study empirically analyzes the relationship between market, entrepreneurial and learning orientations, dynamic capabilities, and performance using an integrative approach hitherto little explored. Using a sample of 209 knowledge intensive business service firms, this paper applies structural equation modeling to explore both direct effects of strategic orientations and the mediating role of dynamic capabilities on performance. The study demonstrates that learning orientation and one of the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation have a direct positive effect on performance. On the other hand, dynamic capabilities mediate the relationships between some of the strategic orientations and firm performance. Overall, when dynamic capabilities are combined with the appropriate strategic orientations, they enhance firm performance. This paper contributes to a better understanding of the knowledge economy, given the important role knowledge intensive business services play in such a dynamic and pivotal sector

    Integração do R nos menus do PASW Statistics: Um exemplo de aplicação com o package 'polycor' do R

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    O Coeficiente de correlação policórica tem, recentemente, vindo a ter utilização crescente na estimação da associação entre variáveis de natureza ordinal (e.g. níveis sócio-económicos; severidade de diagnóstico médico; itens de tipo Likert em escalas psicométricas, etc...). Contudo, este tipo de correlação não está ainda disponível nos principais softwares user-friendly de análise estatística, nomeadamente no PASW Statistics (até à v. 18, inclusive). Neste artigo será apresentado o coeficiente de correlação policórica, a sua implementação no package „Polycor‟ do sistema R e a sua integração nos menus do PASW Statistics por recurso ao „PASW Custom Dialog Builder‟. Este aplicativo permite disponibilizar as bibliotecas do R nos menus do PASW, libertando assim o utilizador final da necessidade de dominar a programação em R

    What makes a good reader? Worldwide insights from PIRLS 2016

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    Using hierarchical linear models, this study probes into student, family, teacher, and schools’ variables that can explain the variation in Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2016 results. Students’ confidence in reading, early literacy tasks, and parents’ expectations are the strongest explanatory variables of reading literacy. Teachers’ perception of class instruction being limited by students’ needs is the strongest explanatory variable of PIRLS achievement, although this was not consistently verified among all countries. No teaching strategies or other related variables emerged consistently as explanatory variables in every country. A similar result was observed in schools where the percentage of economic disadvantage students was the most consistent explanatory variable of PIRLS results. The present analysis shows that although student variables are the most consistent explanatory variables among participating countries, a general conclusion of what makes a good reader worldwide must consider all student, teacher, and school variables conjointly, acknowledging the existence of between-country variation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Motivação interna e motivação externa para responder sem preconceito: Tradução, adaptação e validação das duas escalas para a população portuguesa

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    Neste artigo apresenta-se uma sugestão de versão portuguesa da escala de Motivação Interna para Responder sem Preconceito e da escala de Motivação Externa para Responder sem Preconceito (Plant & Devine, 1998). Estas medidas avaliam o impacto distinto das duas fontes de motivação nas respostas não-preconceituosas dos indivíduos. As qualidades psicométricas das escalas foram avaliadas numa amostra de 168 estudantes universitários. A análise factorial confirmatória da estrutura factorial original revelou que os dados obtidos com as versões portuguesas não apresentam uma total sobreposição aos obtidos com as versões americanas. Assim, adoptando estratégia exploratória, propôs-se, uma forma de melhorar a validade de constructo das escalas através da eliminação de alguns itens. As escalas constituem dois factores independentes, corroborando a ideia de que estas medidas reflectem duas fontes de motivação distintas para responder sem preconceito

    Qualidades psicométricas do inventário de envolvimento académico (USEI) em estudantes

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    Overlapping measures or constructs? An empirical study of the overlap between self-control, psychopathy, Machiavellianism and narcissism

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    Overlap between self-control and dark triad traits (i.e., psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism) is potentially problematic for efforts to distinguish dimensions associated with elevated risk for antisociality and crime. The aim of the present study is to examine the potential overlap between self-control and psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism, with a focus on the Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS) and the Dirty Dozen Dark Triad scale (DD). The sample consisted of 567 youth (M = 15.91 years, SD = 0.99 years, age range = 14-18 years) from Portugal. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis results from the pooled set of items of the BSCS and the DD measures revealed that both are valid and reliable measures of their respective constructs. However, consistent with previous research, the narcissism facet of the DD emerged as an independent factor. Our findings suggest that if such an eventual overlap is detected, it would be a question of problematic measures, not constructs.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Envolvimento e burnout no ensino superior em Portugal

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    Motivação interna e motivação externa para responder sem preconceito: Tradução, adaptação e validação das duas escalas para a população portuguesa

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    Neste artigo apresenta-se uma sugestão de versão portuguesa da escala de Motivação Interna paraResponder sem Preconceito e da escala de Motivação Externa para Responder sem Preconceito (Plant & Devine, 1998). Estas medidas avaliam o impacto distinto das duas fontes de motivação nas respostas não preconceituosas dos indivíduos. As qualidades psicométricas das escalas foram avaliadas numa amostra de 168 estudantes universitários. A análise factorial confirmatória da estrutura factorial original revelou que os dados obtidos com as versões portuguesas não apresentam uma total sobreposição aos obtidos com as versões americanas. Assim, adoptando estratégia exploratória, propôs-se, uma forma de melhorar a validade de constructo das escalas através da eliminação de alguns itens. As escalas constituem dois factores independentes, corroborando a ideia de que estas medidas reflectem duas fontes de motivação distintas para responder sem preconceito

    Medição das necessidades psicológicas da população portuguesa de estudantes universitários

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