73 research outputs found

    Pitx2 is an upstream activator of extraocular myogenesis and survival

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    AbstractThe transcription factors required to initiate myogenesis in branchial arch- and somite-derived muscles are known, but the comparable upstream factors required during extraocular muscle development have not been identified. We show Pax7 is dispensable for extraocular muscle formation, whereas Pitx2 is cell-autonomously required to prevent apoptosis of the extraocular muscle primordia. The survival requirement for Pitx2 is stage-dependent and ends following stable activation of genes for the muscle regulatory factors (e.g. Myf5, MyoD), which is reduced in the absence of Pitx2. Further, PITX2 binds and activates transcription of the Myf5 and MyoD promoters, indicating these genes are direct targets. Collectively, these data demonstrate that PITX2 is required at several steps in the development of extraocular muscles, acting first as an anti-apoptotic factor in pre-myogenic mesoderm, and subsequently to activate the myogenic program in these cells. Thus, Pitx2 is the first demonstrated upstream activator of myogenesis in the extraocular muscles

    Inactivation of Fgf3 and Fgf4 within the Fgf3/Fgf4/Fgf15 gene cluster reveals their redundant requirement for mouse inner ear induction and embryonic survival

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    [Background]: Fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) are required for survival and organ formation during embryogenesis. Fgfs often execute their functions redundantly. Previous analysis of Fgf3 mutants revealed effects on inner ear formation and embryonic survival with incomplete penetrance. [Results]: Here, we show that presence of a neomycin resistance gene (neo) replacing the Fgf3 coding region leads to reduced survival during embryogenesis and an increased penetrance of inner ear defects. Fgf3neo/neo mutants showed reduced expression of Fgf4, which is positioned in close proximity to the Fgf3 locus in the mouse genome. Conditional inactivation of Fgf4 during inner ear development on a Fgf3 null background using Fgf3/4 cis mice revealed a redundant requirement between these Fgfs during otic placode induction. In contrast, inactivation of Fgf3 and Fgf4 in the pharyngeal region where both Fgfs are also co-expressed using a Foxg1-Cre driver did not affect development of the pharyngeal arches. However, these mutants showed reduced perinatal survival. [Conclusions]: These results highlight the importance of Fgf signaling during development. In particular, different members of the Fgf family act redundantly to guarantee inner ear formation and embryonic survival.Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León, Grant/Award Number: CSI143P20; Programa Estratégico Instituto de Biología y Genética Molecular (IBGM), Escalera de Excelencia, Junta de Castilla y León, Grant/Award Numbers: CCVC8485, CLU-2019-02; MEC, Grant/Award Number: BFU2004-00860/BF

    Generation and validation of novel conditional flox and inducible Cre alleles targeting fibroblast growth factor 18 (Fgf18)

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    Background: Fibroblast growth factor 18 (FGF18) functions in the development of several tissues, including the lung, limb bud, palate, skeleton, central nervous system, and hair follicle. Mice containing a germline knockout of Fgf18 (Fgf18−/−) die shortly after birth. Postnatally, FGF18 is being evaluated for pathogenic roles in fibrosis and several types of cancer. The specific cell types that express FGF18 have been difficult to identify, and the function of FGF18 in postnatal development and tissue homeostasis has been hampered by the perinatal lethality of Fgf18 null mice. Results: We engineered a floxed allele of Fgf18 (Fgf18flox) that allows conditional gene inactivation and a CreERT2 knockin allele (Fgf18CreERT2) that allows the precise identification of cells that express Fgf18 and their lineage. We validated the Fgf18flox allele by targeting it in mesenchymal tissue and primary mesoderm during embryonic development, resulting in similar phenotypes to those observed in Fgf18 null mice. We also use the Fgf18CreERT2 allele, in combination with a conditional fluorescent reporter to confirm known and identify new sites of Fgf18 expression. Conclusion: These alleles will be useful to investigate FGF18 function during organogenesis and tissue homeostasis, and to target specific cell lineages at embry- onic and postnatal time points

    Epiblastic Cited2 deficiency results in cardiac phenotypic heterogeneity and provides a mechanism for haploinsufficiency

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    AIMS: Deletion of the transcription factor Cited2 causes penetrant and phenotypically heterogenous cardiovascular and laterality defects and adrenal agenesis. Heterozygous human CITED2 mutation is associated with congenital heart disease, suggesting haploinsufficiency. Cited2 functions partly via a Nodal-->Pitx2c pathway controlling left-right patterning. In this present study we investigated the primary site of Cited2 function and mechanisms of haploinsufficiency. METHODS AND RESULTS: A Cited2 conditional allele enabled its deletion in particular cell lineages in mouse development. A lacZ reporter cassette allowed indication of deletion. Congenic Cited2 heterozygous mice were used to investigate haploinsufficiency. Embryos were examined by magnetic resonance imaging, by sectioning and by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Epiblast-specific deletion of Cited2 using Sox2Cre recapitulated penetrant and phenotypically heterogenous cardiovascular and laterality defects. Neural crest-specific deletion using Wnt1Cre affected cranial ganglia but not cardiac development. Mesodermal deletion with Mesp1Cre resulted in low penetrance of septal defect. Mesodermal deletion with T-Cre resulted in adrenal agenesis, but infrequent cardiac septal and laterality defects. beta-Galatactosidase staining and qRT-PCR demonstrated the efficiency and location of Cited2 deletion. Murine Cited2 heterozygosity is itself associated with cardiac malformation, with three of 45 embryos showing ventricular septal defect. Cited2 gene expression in E13.5 hearts was reduced 2.13-fold in Cited2(+/-) compared with wild-type (P = 2.62 x 10(-6)). The Cited2 target gene Pitx2c was reduced 1.5-fold in Cited2(+/-) (P = 0.038) hearts compared with wild-type, and reduced 4.9-fold in Cited2(-/-) hearts (P = 0.00031). Pitx2c levels were reduced two-fold (P = 0.009) in Cited2(+/-) embryos, in comparison with wild-type. Cited2 and Pitx2c expression were strongly correlated in wild-type and Cited2(+/-) hearts (Pearson rank correlation = 0.68, P = 0.0009). Cited2 expression was reduced 7474-fold in Sox2Cre deleted hearts compared with controls (P = 0.00017) and Pitx2c was reduced 3.1-fold (P = 0.013). Deletion of Cited2 with Mesp1Cre resulted in a 130-fold reduction in cardiac Cited2 expression compared with control (P = 0.0002), but Pitx2c expression was not affected. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that phenotypically heterogenous and penetrant cardiac malformations in Cited2 deficiency arise from a primary requirement in epiblast derivatives for left-right patterning, with a secondary cell-autonomous role in the mesoderm. Cardiac malformation associated with Cited2 haploinsufficiency may occur by reducing expression of key Cited2 targets such as Pitx2c

    Sp6 and Sp8 transcription factors control AER formation and dorsal-ventral patterning in limb development

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    The formation and maintenance of the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is critical for the outgrowth and patterning of the vertebrate limb. The induction of the AER is a complex process that relies on integrated interactions among the Fgf, Wnt, and Bmp signaling pathways that operate within the ectoderm and between the ectoderm and the mesoderm of the early limb bud. The transcription factors Sp6 and Sp8 are expressed in the limb ectoderm and AER during limb development. Sp6 mutant mice display a mild syndactyly phenotype while Sp8 mutants exhibit severe limb truncations. Both mutants show defects in AER maturation and in dorsal-ventral patterning. To gain further insights into the role Sp6 and Sp8 play in limb development, we have produced mice lacking both Sp6 and Sp8 activity in the limb ectoderm. Remarkably, the elimination or significant reduction in Sp6;Sp8 gene dosage leads to tetra-amelia; initial budding occurs, but neither Fgf8 nor En1 are activated. Mutants bearing a single functional allele of Sp8 (Sp6-/-;Sp8+/-) exhibit a split-hand/foot malformation phenotype with double dorsal digit tips probably due to an irregular and immature AER that is not maintained in the center of the bud and on the abnormal expansion of Wnt7a expression to the ventral ectoderm. Our data are compatible with Sp6 and Sp8 working together and in a dose-dependent manner as indispensable mediators of Wnt/βcatenin and Bmp signaling in the limb ectoderm. We suggest that the function of these factors links proximal-distal and dorsal-ventral patterning

    An FGF3-BMP signaling sxis regulates caudal neural tube closure, neural crest specification and anterior-posterior axis extension

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    During vertebrate axis extension, adjacent tissue layers undergo profound morphological changes: within the neuroepithelium, neural tube closure and neural crest formation are occurring, while within the paraxial mesoderm somites are segmenting from the presomitic mesoderm (PSM). Little is known about the signals between these tissues that regulate their coordinated morphogenesis. Here, we analyze the posterior axis truncation of mouse Fgf3 null homozygotes and demonstrate that the earliest role of PSM-derived FGF3 is to regulate BMP signals in the adjacent neuroepithelium. FGF3 loss causes elevated BMP signals leading to increased neuroepithelium proliferation, delay in neural tube closure and premature neural crest specification. We demonstrate that elevated BMP4 depletes PSM progenitors in vitro, phenocopying the Fgf3 mutant, suggesting that excessive BMP signals cause the Fgf3 axis defect. To test this in vivo we increased BMP signaling in Fgf3 mutants by removing one copy of Noggin, which encodes a BMP antagonist. In such mutants, all parameters of the Fgf3 phenotype were exacerbated: neural tube closure delay, premature neural crest specification, and premature axis termination. Conversely, genetically decreasing BMP signaling in Fgf3 mutants, via loss of BMP receptor activity, alleviates morphological defects. Aberrant apoptosis is observed in the Fgf3 mutant tailbud. However, we demonstrate that cell death does not cause the Fgf3 phenotype: blocking apoptosis via deletion of pro-apoptotic genes surprisingly increases all Fgf3 defects including causing spina bifida. We demonstrate that this counterintuitive consequence of blocking apoptosis is caused by the increased survival of BMP-producing cells in the neuroepithelium. Thus, we show that FGF3 in the caudal vertebrate embryo regulates BMP signaling in the neuroepithelium, which in turn regulates neural tube closure, neural crest specification and axis termination. Uncovering this FGF3-BMP signaling axis is a major advance toward understanding how these tissue layers interact during axis extension with important implications in human disease.This work was supported by the Center for Cancer Research of the Intramural Research Program of the National Institutes of Health through the National Cancer Institute.Peer Reviewe

    Limb Development: The Rise and Fall of Retinoic Acid

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    SummaryRetinoic acid was thought to play a key instructive role during limb bud initiation and subsequent patterning. New results argue instead that its role is permissive: retinoic acid is essential only to antagonize early axial Fgf signals that otherwise inhibit the limb field

    The Fgf8 subfamily (Fgf8, Fgf17 and Fgf18) is required for closure of the embryonic ventral body wall

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    The closure of the embryonic ventral body wall in amniotes is an important morphogenetic event and is essential for life. Defects in human ventral wall closure are a major class of birth defect and a significant health burden. Despite this, very little is understood about how the ventral body wall is formed. Here, we show that fibroblast growth factor (FGF) ligands FGF8, FGF17 and FGF18 are essential for this process. Conditional mouse mutants for these genes display subtle migratory defects in the abdominal muscles of the ventral body wall and an enlarged umbilical ring, through which the internal organs are extruded. By refining where and when these genes are required using different Cre lines, we show tha

    GLIS3, a novel member of the GLIS subfamily of Krüppel-like zinc finger proteins with repressor and activation functions

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    In this study, we describe the identification and characterization of a novel transcription factor GLI-similar 3 (GLIS3). GLIS3 is an 83.8 kDa nuclear protein containing five C(2)H(2)-type Krüppel-like zinc finger motifs that exhibit 93% identity with those of GLIS1, however, little homology exists outside their zinc finger domains. GLIS3 can function as a repressor and activator of transcription. Deletion mutant analysis determined that the N- and C-termini are required for optimal transcriptional activity. GLIS3 binds to the GLI-RE consensus sequence and is able to enhance GLI-RE-dependent transcription. GLIS3(ΔC496), a dominant-negative mutant, inhibits transcriptional activation by GLIS3 and GLI1. Whole mount in situ hybridization on mouse embryos from stage E6.5 through E14.5 demonstrated that GLIS3 is expressed in specific regions in developing kidney and testis and in a highly dynamic pattern during neurulation. From E11.5 through E12.5 GLIS3 was strongly expressed in the interdigital regions, which are fated to undergo apoptosis. The temporal and spatial pattern of GLIS3 expression observed during embryonic development suggests that it may play a critical role in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes during development. Both the repressor and activation functions of GLIS3 may be involved in this control