246 research outputs found

    Investigating mechanisms of axon-oligodendrocyte precursor cell communication in vivo

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    Myelination of axons can adaptively change in response to nervous system activity, with implications for structure and function of neural circuits. New myelin is made by the differentiation of specified oligodendrocyte precursors cells (OPCs). OPCs constitute an abundant population throughout the central nervous system (CNS) lifelong, but only some of these cells differentiate to myelinating oligodendrocytes at any given time. It is known that OPCs express neurotransmitter receptors through which they can sense neuronal activity, which affects OPC proliferation as well as their differentiation to myelinating oligodendrocytes. However, it remained unclear whether all OPCs communicate with axons in the same way, or whether differences exist between OPCs to integrate and respond to nervous system activity. Therefore, the aim of my PhD work was to investigate mechanisms of axon-OPC interactions to understand whether all OPCs similarly integrate neural activity and if they all contribute to myelination. I used existing transgenic lines and I generated new transgenic reagents to specifically label OPCs and axons with fluorescent reporters and genetically encoded calcium indicators in zebrafish. This approach allowed me to visualise these two cell types in the CNS and to study their calcium signatures to investigate their interaction. Two subpopulations of OPCs with distinct cellular behaviours and fates have been identified in the spinal cord. One OPC subgroup was primed to differentiate, while the other one not. Therefore, I wondered whether OPCs also differentially communicate with axons. I have generated lines that allowed me for the first time to perform in vivo calcium imagining of OPCs at high resolution from subcellular domains to whole tissue population levels using the genetically encoded calcium sensor GCaMP6. My analysis of OPC calcium signatures at the single cell and population level using light-sheet imaging revealed different types of GCaMP signals. Most OPCs exhibited GCaMP transients in process microdomains. However, in some OPCs, calcium transients spread throughout the entire cell. Dual colour imaging using GCaMP in OPCs and the red shifted calcium indicator RGECO in neurons showed that whole cell calcium transients in OPCs frequently occurred in response to neuronal calcium rises. I used pharmacological approaches to manipulate neural activity and found that the frequency of OPC GCaMP signals was increased and decreased when neuronal activity was enhanced and blocked, respectively. I investigated OPC calcium signatures at the population level using volumetric timelapse imaging in animals where all OPCs express GCaMP. These experiments revealed that whole cell GCaMP signals could appear in different patterns, in which only single cells, groups of cells, or the entire OPC population within a field of view light up. In order to investigate these signals over even larger distances, I developed assays for whole animal analysis of the OPC calcium signatures using encoded Calcium Modulated Photoactivatable Ratiometric Integrator (CaMPARI). Using this additional approach, I could detect characteristic boundaries between neighbouring OPCs which displayed similar intracellular calcium level. Together, my single cell and population analysis of OPC calcium signatures showed that the probability and amplitude of somatic calcium transients was significantly higher in non-myelinating OPCs when compared to OPCs that are primed to differentiate. In order to further explore possible functions of these OPCs calcium signatures, I manipulated neural activity using 4-Aminopyridine (4-AP), which specifically increased proliferation of OPCs that do not directly differentiate. Furthermore, by expressing a calcium exporting pump in OPCs, I could demonstrate that OPC divisions triggered by 4-AP required intracellular calcium signaling. In summary, my studies show that OPCs exhibit different types of calcium transients and that OPCs with different properties and fates differentially communicate with axons. This provides new insights into mechanisms of axon-OPC communication and the mechanisms by which oligodendrogenesis is regulated by distinct OPC subpopulations in response to neural activity


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    Writing has been regarded as the most difficult language skills since students in Indonesia were not familiar with this skill in the early and middle education level. On the other hand, in higher education level the students should produce a thesis to complete their study. Facilitating the students to ready for the thesis writing, English for Academic Writing course was delivered to the students. Research-based teaching method was implemented in the course in order to help the students improved their writing skills. The purpose of this research was to investigate the implementation of the research-based teaching method in the English for Academic Writing course. Case study was implemented to reach the conclusion. Thirty seven (37) Global Class students majoring in Information Technology were observed to gain the data. Questionnaire result was also used to support the observation data. The result showed that the students had improvement in writing skills after implementing the research-based teaching-learning method, especially the skills in citation, referencing, quoting, and paraphrasing. Besides, the feedback from the lecturer had a significant role in the implementation of research-based teaching method. This method also could facilitate the students to gain the knowledge and skills related to their field of study, in this case in the information technology field. This method also helped the students to improve and implement the 21st century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, information literacy, technology literacy, initiative, and productivity


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    Objective: to compare therapy response between 20% PRP and AS 20% on cornea post sodium hydroxide exposure on collagen structure. Methods: this is a true experimental study with post test only design on 18 New Zealand white rabbits. Sample were divided randomly to two groups, each with 9 rabbits. The right eye of each rabbit were exposed to alkali injury with 1N NaOH under general anesthesia. First group was given 20% PRP eyedrops and 20% AS for the second group. And the end of the 7 day periode, all rabbits were euthanized and enucleated to obtain histopthological data. Collagen density, collagen thickness and keratosit cell were evaluated. The result will be analyzed, ratio scale data will be tested with independent T- test, and ordinal scaled data will be tested with Mann-Whitney test. Result: The collagen density in the 20% PRP group shows 88.9% grade 2 and 44.4 % grade 2 for the 20% AS group. The collagen thickness in the 20% PRP group is 55.41 and 67.62 for the 20% AS group. The keratosit cell count in the 20% PRP group are 54.56 and 45.47 in the 20% AS group. There is significant difference in the collagen density between 20% PRP and 20% AS treatment (p= 0.066). There is significant difference in the collagen thickness between 20% PRP and 20% AS treatment (p= 0,224). There is significant difference in the keratosit cell count between 20% PRP and 20% AS treatment (p= 0,227). Conclusion: From the statistik analysis shows that there is no significant difference in corneal collagen structure between 20% PRP and 20% AS therapy post natrium hidroksida exposure, from our study there is no significant better corneal healing parameters in post alkali chemical ocular injury with 20% PRP eyedrops compare to 20% AS eyedrops

    Prosedur kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dengan angka kejadian covid-19

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    Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) is a disease that causes respiratory distress and pneumonia. This disease is caused by infection with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2). WHO encourages all countries to develop COVID-19 vaccines with the aim of forming herd immunity. This study aims to determine the relationship between occupational health and safety procedures and the incidence of COVID-19 in employees at Sandi Karsa Hospital Makassar. The type of research used is analytical with a cross-sectional study method. The number of samples of 200 people was obtained by total sampling technique. Data collection by filling out questionnaires and data tested with the Pearson test. The results of the correlation analysis test between occupational health and safety procedures and the incidence of COVID-19 in employees at Sandi Karsa Hospital Makassar obtained a value of p = 0.000 (p < 0.005). Therefore, the conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between occupational health and safety procedures and the incidence of COVID-19 in employees at Sandi Karsa Hospital Makassar


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    Communication is the most important part in improving child's achievement, because if there is no communication, we cannot know how the child's condition is. Good and effective interpersonal communication skills are needed by humans so that they can carry out all their activities well. The problem that occurs is communication barriers that occur due to the absence of openness in communication in improving children's achievements. The purpose of this research is to find out how big the role of communication in improvingchildren's achievement. The research method used is a qualitative approach, the researcher conducted interviews with 5 informants. The results of this study indicate that the importance and necessity of interpersonal communication between mother and child to improve child achievement. In conclusion, it can be said that communication is important not only in improving children's achievement but also in interacting with one another

    Konsep Penyelesaian Perambahan Kawasan Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Holiday Resort di Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Selatan Provonsi Sumatera Utara

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    The rising population has the potential to increase the need for land, on the other hand faced with the fact that the land is not increased. The most accessible target is forest area. This is what opens up opportunities for forest encroachment. The TWA Holiday Resort Forest area initially includes production forests. Part of the area has been converted into plantation area. To save some of it again, the Minister of Forestry issued Decree No. 695/Kpts-II/1990 which establishes its transition function to TWA (Holiday Resort). The condition of TWA Holiday Resort area is now very worrying. The purpose of this study is to examine, analyze the implementation of forest protection principles in the case of the TWA Holiday Ressort Expansion Area in Labuhan Batu Selatan Regency and to mnyusun Concept of Settlement of TWA Holiday Resort in Labuhan Batu Selatan Regency. The type of research used is empirical juridical consisting of primary data and secondary data. Primary data was conducted with field research at TWA Labuhan Batu Selatan. The result of the research shows that Implementation of forest protection in Labuhan Batu Selatan Regency has not run well because of the lack of firmness of local government apparatus and law enforcement officers in overcoming the encroachment of TWA forest area, so there are still many activities of encroachment done by society even there which established private elementary and junior high schools, village head offices and other buildings. The concept of completing the encroachment of TWA Holiday Resort in the future is to renew the law by improving Law No. 41 of 1999 on forestry, because in article 78 of the Forestry Law the criminal offense starts from letter d, article 78 a, b, and c not mentioned sanctions, In addition to legal reforms, which need to be improved such as law enforcers, the parties that form and apply the law must be good, facilities or facilities that support law enforcement must also be good, the community or the environment in which the law is applied must support, this is so that efforts in tackling the encroachment of TWA area can be more effective

    Learning to Reconstruct Missing Data from Spatiotemporal Graphs with Sparse Observations

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    Modeling multivariate time series as temporal signals over a (possibly dynamic) graph is an effective representational framework that allows for developing models for time series analysis. In fact, discrete sequences of graphs can be processed by autoregressive graph neural networks to recursively learn representations at each discrete point in time and space. Spatiotemporal graphs are often highly sparse, with time series characterized by multiple, concurrent, and long sequences of missing data, e.g., due to the unreliable underlying sensor network. In this context, autoregressive models can be brittle and exhibit unstable learning dynamics. The objective of this paper is, then, to tackle the problem of learning effective models to reconstruct, i.e., impute, missing data points by conditioning the reconstruction only on the available observations. In particular, we propose a novel class of attention-based architectures that, given a set of highly sparse discrete observations, learn a representation for points in time and space by exploiting a spatiotemporal propagation architecture aligned with the imputation task. Representations are trained end-to-end to reconstruct observations w.r.t. the corresponding sensor and its neighboring nodes. Compared to the state of the art, our model handles sparse data without propagating prediction errors or requiring a bidirectional model to encode forward and backward time dependencies. Empirical results on representative benchmarks show the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: Accepted at NeurIPS 202

    Analisis Perbedaan Abnormal Return Sebelum dan Sesudah Pengumuman Kenaikan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) Di Perusahaan LQ 45

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan harga saham LQ 45 di BEI sebelum dan sesudah pengumuman kenaikan harga BBM pada 21 Juni 2013. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan data kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini perusahaan LQ 45 sebelum dan sesudah pengumuman terdapat perbedaan yang sangat signifikan dan menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengumuman kenaikan harga BBM sangat berpengaruh pada aktivitas perdagangan saham baik pada hari-hari menjelang pelaksanaan pengumuman maupun pada hari-hari sesudah pengumuman harga BBM


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    There were problems that the researcher found in the teaching and learning process of English Structure class of Bandar Lampung University related to the learners’ assumption, method, and medium used. Based on the problems found in English Structure class of Bandar Lampung University, the writer chose the media using Kahoot! as a solution.  Kahoot! is one of techniques that can can be applied to the learners which is expected to affect the classroom dynamics and facilitate the learning process. The objectives of this research are to know how aplication of kahoot! Affect classroom dynamics and facilitating learning prices. The research method used in this research was classroom action research. One of the functions of classroom action research is to find the learners’ main problem and give solution for the problem. The research was carried out in two cycles. Every cycle include plan, action, observation, and reflection. The data of the research were qualitative. The qualitative data obtained by observing the teaching and learning process and interviewing the learners of Structure I class. The data were also obtained by giving questionnaire to support the data. Based on the observation in the classroom and interview the learners, they showed a great enthusiasm even though some problems appeared because of the capacity of internet connection. When observation was carried out, the learners enjoyed their activities using Kahoot! in the classroom. The atmosphere in the classroom was positive where they felt comfortable and relaxed to communicate with other learners and also with the researcher. It also can be seen from the result of the questionnaire.  The result of the research showed that the application of Kahoot! affected the classroom dynamics and facilitated the learning process in the teaching and learning activity. The researcher also expects that Kahoot! can assist English teacher in preparing interesting learning material and making it as alternative in creative learning

    Pengaruh Hypnobreastfeeding Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Menyusui Pada Ibu Post Partum Sectio Caesarrea Dalam Meningkatkan Produksi ASI Di RS. Simpangan Depok

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    Introduction: This study highlights the level of anxiety of breastfeeding mothers in post partum caesarean section mothers. The cause that can influence the success of breastfeeding is the mother's psychological changes, mothers who give birth using the Sectio Caesarea method have a higher level of anxiety than mothers who give birth spontaneously. The importance of breast milk for babies contains the most optimal nutritional content to provide immune protection for the baby, for this reason hypnobreastfeeding intervention is given which is expected to reduce the level of maternal packaging. Objective: The aim of this research is to determine the effect of Hypnobreastfeeding on the level of anxiety of breastfeeding mothers in post partum sectio caessarea mothers in increasing breast milk production in hospitals. Depok intersection. Method: This research uses a quasi-experimental design with a one group pretest-posttest design without control group. The data collection method involved using the Hamilton Rating Scale For Anxiety (HARS) questionnaire to measure students' anxiety levels before and after the hypnobreastfeeding intervention. This study aims to assess the effect of hypnobreastfeeding on the anxiety level of breastfeeding mothers in post partum mothers. Results: The results of the research obtained a P-valeu value of 0.000 p < 0.05 which states that the Ha hypothesis was accepted and H0 was rejected, thus there was a significant change between before and after the hypnobreastfeeding intervention on changes in anxiety levels. &nbsp
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