2,708 research outputs found

    construcción y evidencias de validez de la escala de calidad marital

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    Este estudo buscou construir e verificar evidências de validade de uma escala de avaliação da qualidade conjugal (EQC) para a população brasileira. Os itens foram avaliados por juízes especialistas e leigos. A versão preliminar da EQC consistiu em 28 itens avaliando cinco dimensões: satisfação, compromisso, intimidade, sexualidade e afetividade. A escala foi aplicada em 655 pessoas que estavam em um relacionamento amoroso e em coabitação com o(a) companheiro(a) há no mínimo seis meses. Os participantes também responderam a instrumentos sobre dados sociodemográficos, ajustamento (RDAS-P), satisfação (RelAS), qualidade (Aquarela-R) e conflito conjugal (CRBQ). Foi realizada uma análise fatorial confirmatória, análises de consistência interna e de correlação. O modelo da EQC obteve bom ajuste aos dados, consistência interna adequada e correlações nas direções esperadas com as demais escalas. Conclui-se que o instrumento apresentou evidências de validade satisfatórias, baseadas no conteúdo, estrutura interna e relações com variáveis relacionadas, para aplicação no contexto brasileiro.This study aimed to build and verify validity evidence of a marital quality assessment scale (EQC) for the Brazilian population. The items were first evaluated by an expert panel and members of the target population. The preliminary version of the EQC consisted of 28 items evaluating five dimensions: satisfaction, commitment, intimacy, sexuality, and affection. Participants were 655 people who had been in a romantic relationship and in co-habitation with the partner for at least six months. The questionnaire also included instruments on sociodemographic data, and marital adjustment (RDAS-P), satisfaction (RelAS), quality (Aquarela-R), and conflict (CRBQ). Confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency, and correlation analyses were performed. The EQC model was well fitted to the data, had good internal consistency, and correlated with the other scales in the expected directions. We concluded that the instrument showed adequate validity evidence for administration in the Brazilian context.El objetivo del estudio fue construir y verificar evidencias de validez de una escala de evaluación de la calidad marital (EQC) para la población brasileña. Los ítems fueron analizados por expertos y legos. La versión preliminar del EQC consistió en 28 ítems que evaluaron cinco dimensiones: satisfacción, compromiso, intimidad, sexualidad y afectividad. La escala se aplicó a 655 personas que vivían con su pareja durante al menos seis meses. Los participantes también respondieron a instrumentos sobre datos sociodemográficos, ajuste (RDAS-P), satisfacción (RelAS), calidad (Aquarela-R) y conflicto conyugal (CRBQ). Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio, análisis de consistencia interna y correlación. El modelo de la EQC obtuvo un buen ajuste a los datos, una consistencia interna adecuada y correlaciones con las otras escalas en las direcciones esperadas. Se concluye que el instrumento presentó evidencias de validez satisfactorias, basadas en su contenido, estructura interna y relaciones con variables relacionadas, para su aplicación en el contexto brasileño

    A relação conjugal na perspectiva de casais

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    Marital relationships have been widely investigated. However, there is little clarity about the definition, theoretical contextualization, and the comprehensiveness of the concept of marital quality. Thus, this study aimed to clarify the marital quality construct by proposing dimensions that elucidate an intersection of themes related to the individual, the context, and the adaptive processes, from the perspective of couples. Eight couples answered a semi-structured interview on their marital relationship, which was examined through a thematic analysis. Twenty-one themes were identified, divided into four thematic axes based on the model: individual, context, adaptive processes, and marital quality. Adaptive processes played a central role, as the relationships between the individual and the context axes with the marital quality axis permeate these processes. The importance of adaptive processes in couple interventions is emphasized and further investigation of the adopted model in Brazil is recommended.Las relaciones conyugales han sido ampliamente investigadas, sin embargo, hay poca claridad sobre el alcance, definición y contextualización teórica del concepto de calidad conyugal. Así, este estudio buscó aclarar el constructo calidad conyugal proponiendo dimensiones que elucidan la intersección de temas relacionados con el individuo, el contexto y los procesos adaptativos, desde la perspectiva de las parejas. Ocho parejas respondieron a una entrevista semiestructurada sobre la relación matrimonial, la cual se sometió a un análisis temático. Se identificaron veintiún temas, divididos en cuatro ejes basados en el modelo: individuo, contexto, procesos de adaptación y calidad conyugal. Los procesos de adaptación jugaron un rol central, y las relaciones entre los ejes individuo y contexto y los ejes de calidad conyugal permean estos procesos. Se enfatiza la importancia de los procesos de adaptación en las intervenciones con parejas y se recomienda seguir investigando en Brasil el modelo adoptado debido a su relevancia.As relações conjugais têm sido amplamente estudadas, porém, há pouca clareza sobre a abrangência, a definição e a contextualização teórica do conceito de qualidade conjugal. Assim, este estudo buscou aclarar o construto de qualidade conjugal propondo dimensões que elucidem a intersecção de a temas relativos ao indivíduo, ao contexto e os processos adaptativos, na perspectiva de casais. Oito casais responderam a uma entrevista semiestruturada sobre o relacionamento conjugal que foi submetida a uma análise temática. Foram identificados 21 temas, divididos em 4 eixos constitutivos do modelo: indivíduo, contexto, processos adaptativos e qualidade conjugal. Os processos adaptativos tiveram papel central, sendo que as relações entre os eixos indivíduo e contexto e o eixo qualidade conjugal perpassam esses processos. Ressalta-se a importância dos processos adaptativos nas intervenções com casais e recomenda-se que a pertinência do modelo adotado continue sendo investigada no Brasil

    Antistatic-antistatic-light-light potentials from lattice QCD

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    We present results for tetraquark potentials of two static anti-quarks bˉbˉ\bar b \bar b in the presence of two light quarks uu and/or dd. We improve on existing results by computing the static potential also for off-axis separations, which increases the number of data points significantly. Moreover, we compute for the first time bˉbˉus\bar b \bar b u s potentials.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, parallel talk given at the 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2023), July 31st - August 4th 2023, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Naperville, Illinois, US

    Alditol-profirinas o-acetiladas : modulação de regioquímica e grau de acetilação através do uso de lipases

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    Orientador : Profª. Drª. Alan Guilherme GonçalvesCoorientadora : Profª. Drª. Sandra M. W. BarreiraCoorientadora : Profª. Drª. Stephanie Melissa Siu LóDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas. Defesa: Curitiba, 11/06/2016Inclui referências : f. [100-107]Área de concentração: Insumos, medicamentos e correlatosResumo: Porfirinas são moléculas que constituem uma das principais classes de fotossensibilizadores, os quais têm utilização na clínica, especialmente na Terapia Fotodinâmica (TFD). O presente trabalho baseou-se na síntese quimioenzimática de glicoporfirinas (especificamente alditol-porfirinas) apresentando diferentes graus de O-acetilação da porção glicídica, bem como no controle regioquímico da introdução dos grupos O-acetila. Esta abordagem sintética pode proporcionar a melhoria das características fotofísicas destas moléculas, favorecendo a utilização das mesmas na TFD. No presente estudo, as reações de acetilação ou desacetilação química foram utilizadas para gerar glicoporfirinas completamente protegidas ou desprotegidas. Além disso, foram realizadas reações de acetilação ou desacetilação enzimática, através do uso da lipase imobilizada de Candida antarctica B (CAL-B, Novozym 435 ? Novozymes®), para geração de graus intermediários de acetilação. As reações de acetilação enzimática mostraram-se regiosseletivas, gerando uma única porfirina (diacetilada - posições 5 da porção glicídica) parcialmente acetilada. Já as reações de hidrólise enzimática originaram uma mistura de produtos, evidenciando uma baixa seletividade enzimática. As porfirinas sintetizadas neste trabalho foram: porfirina 5 (completamente acetilada, contendo dez grupamentos O-acetila); porfirina 6 (porfirina completamente desacetilada); porfirina 37 (contendo dois grupamentos O-acetila, regiosseletivamente inseridos nas hidroxilas primárias da porção glicídica). Também foi obtida uma mistura de porfirinas, contendo principalmente nove grupamentos O-acetila. As propriedades fotofísicas das porfirinas obtidas (fotoestabilidade e produção de 1O2) foram avaliadas, indicando que o grau de acetilação influencia significativamente estas propriedades. Palavras-chave: porfirina, glicoporfirina, reação enzimática.Abstract: Porphyrins constitute one of the main classes of photosensitizers, which are used clinically in photodynamic therapy (PDT). The present study was based on the chemoenzymatic synthesis of glycoporphyrins (specifically alditol-porphyrins) in order to generate porphyrins having different degrees of O-acetylation of the glycidic moiety through regiochemical reactions. This approach can be considered a tool to obtain porphyrins with improved photophysical characteristics, favoring their usage in PDT. In the present study, chemical acylation and deacylation reactions were used to obtain completely protected or unprotected porphyrins, which served as starting materials for the enzymatic acylation reactions. The starting materials were then submitted to enzymatic acylation or deacylation using Candida antarctica lipase B (CAL-B, Novozym 435 - Novozymes®) for the generation of porphyrins having distinct degrees of acylation. Enzimatic acylation reactions showed regioselectivity, specifically originating a diacylated glycoporphyrin, while the enzymatic hydrolysis presented low regioselectivity, providing a porphyrin mixture. In sum, the porphyrins herein synthesize were: porphyrin 5 (completely acylated, with ten O-acyl groups); porphyrin 6 (completely deacylated); porphyrin 37 (with two O-acyl groups, placed at the primary hydroxyls of the sugar moiety). The mixture of porphyrins obtained through the deacylation reaction was predominantly compose by products with nine O-acyl groups. The photophysical properties of these compounds, including photostability evaluation and singlet oxygen production, were measured. It was found that the different acylation degrees shown by the porphyrins evaluated reflect into distinct photophysical properties. Key-words: porphyrin, glicoporphyrin, enzymatic reaction

    Incontinence in persons with tuberous sclerosis complex

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    Aims Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a multisystem genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the TSC1 or TSC2 gene with a broad spectrum of physical and psychological manifestations. The aim of the study was to examine incontinence, psychological problems, and adaptive behavior skills in patients with TSC. Methods Through a worldwide TSC support group, 26 children (4‐17 years) and 15 adults (18‐50 years) with TSC were recruited (38.1% male, mean age 16.4 years). Parents or care‐givers completed the Developmental Behavior Checklist (DBC), the Parental Questionnaire: Enuresis/urinary Incontinence, and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (3rd edition). Results A total of 60.0% of the participants had nocturnal enuresis (NE), 51.3% daytime urinary incontinence (DUI) and 52.4% fecal incontinence (FI). 65.4% of children and 50.0% of adults had a clinically relevant DBC score. Psychological symptoms were associated with at least one subtype of incontinence. The mean adaptive behavior composite (ABC) score of the patients was 57.2 (SD = 26.1), with 38.1% in the average or below‐average range (IQ >70), 26.2% with a mild, 11.9% with a moderate and 23.8% with a severe/profound intellectual disability. The incontinence rate was significantly higher in the groups with a lower ABC score. Conclusion A substantial proportion of patients with TSC are affected by incontinence and psychological symptoms. Incontinence was higher in persons with lower adaptive skills and those with at least one type of incontinence showed a significantly higher DBC score. As incontinence and psychological problems affect daily functioning and well‐being, assessment, and treatment are recommended

    Conflito conjugal: evidências de validade de uma escala de resolução de conflitos em casais do sul do Brasil

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    This study aimed to evaluate the factor structure of the Conflict Resolution Styles Inventory (CRSI) to a Southern Brazilian population. It also aimed to relate the four dimensions of conflict resolution (positive problem solving, conflict engagement, withdrawal and compliance) in the scale with sociodemographic variables in order to understand how couples handle their conflicts. Participants in the study were 750 married women and 750 married men with a mean age of 40.9 years. They were living with the current partner an average of 15.78 years. Participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and the CRSI. The data revealed a componential structure similar to the original scale. The positive problem solving style was the most used by both men and women, even though the data evidenced a pattern of demand by the women and withdrawal by the men. Adaptations are recommended for the use of the portuguese version of the scaleEste estudio tuvo como objetivo adaptar la estructura factorial del Conflict Resolution Styles Inventory (CRSI) para la población del sur de Brasil, además de relacionar las cuatro dimensiones de resolución de conflictos (resolución positiva, distanciamiento, sumisión y participación en el conflicto) medidas por la escala con variables sociodemográficas, con el fin de comprender cómo las parejas manejas sus conflictos. Participaron en la investigación 750 mujeres y 750 hombres casados, con edad promedio de 40,9 años y que cohabitaban con el compañero actual en promedio hace 15,78 años. Los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos y al CRSI. Los datos revelan una estructura componencial de la escala semejante a la original. La resolución positiva fue la más empleada tanto por los hombres como por las mujeres, a pesar de que los datos evidenciaron un patrón de demanda por parte de las mujeres y retroceso por parte de los hombres. Se recomiendan adaptaciones en la utilización de la escala en portugués.Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a estrutura fatorial do Conflict Resolution Styles Inventory (CRSI) para a população do sul do Brasil, além de relacionar as quatro dimensões de resolução de conflitos (resolução positiva, afastamento, submissão e envolvimento no conflito) medidas pela escala com variáveis sociodemográficas, a fim de compreender como os casais manejam seus conflitos. Participaram da pesquisa 750 mulheres e 750 homens casados, com idade média de 40,9 anos e que coabitavam com o companheiro atual em média há 15,78 anos. Os participantes responderam a um questionário de dados sociodemográficos e ao CRSI. Os dados revelam uma estrutura componencial da escala semelhante à original. A resolução positiva foi a mais empregada tanto por homens como pelas mulheres, apesar dos dados evidenciarem um padrão de demanda por parte das mulheres e recuo por parte dos homens. Recomendam-se adaptações na utilização da escala em português

    Precision nutrition to activate thermogenesis as a complementary approach to target obesity and associated-metabolic-disorders

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    Obesity is associated to increased incidence and poorer prognosis in multiple cancers, contributing to up to 20% of cancer related deaths. These associations are mainly driven by metabolic and inflammatory changes in the adipose tissue during obesity, which disrupt the physiologic metabolic homeostasis. The association between obesity and hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is well known. Importantly, the retrospective analysis of more than 1000 epidemiological studies have also shown the positive cor-relation between the excess of fatness with the risk of cancer. In addition, more important than weight, it is the dysfunctional adipose tissue the main driver of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and all cause of mortality and cancer deaths, which also explains why normal weight individuals may behave as “metabolically unhealthy obese” individuals. Adipocytes also have direct effects on tumor cells through paracrine signaling. Downregulation of adiponectin and upregula-tion of leptin in serum correlate with markers of chronic inflammation, and crown like structures (CLS) associated to the adipose tissue disfunction. Nevertheless, obesity is a preventable risk factor in cancer. Lifestyle interventions might contribute to reduce the adverse effects of obesity. Thus, Mediterranean diet interventional studies have been shown to reduce to circulation inflammatory factors, insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular function, with durable responses of up to 2 years in obese patients. Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra‐virgin olive oil reduced the incidence of breast cancer compared with a control diet. Physical activity is another important lifestyle factor which may also contribute to reduced systemic biomarkers of metabolic syndrome associated to obesity. In this scenario, precision nutrition may provide complementary approaches to target the metabolic inflammation associated to “unhealthy obesity”. Herein, we first describe the different types of adipose tissue ‐thermogenic active brown adipose tissue (BAT) versus the energy storing white adipose tissue (WAT). We then move on precision nutrition based strategies, by mean of natural extracts derived from plants and/or diet derived ingredients, which may be useful to normalize the metabolic inflammation associated to “unhealthy obesity”. More specifically, we focus on two axis: (1) the activation of thermogenesis in BAT and browning of WAT; (2) and the potential of augmenting the oxidative capacity of muscles to dissipate energy. These strategies may be particu-larly relevant as complementary approaches to alleviate obesity associated effects on chronic in-flammation, immunosuppression, angiogenesis and chemotherapy resistance in cancer. Finally, we summarize main studies where plant derived extracts, mainly, polyphenols and flavonoids, have been applied to increase the energy expenditur

    TLR4-induced IFN-γ production increases TLR2 sensitivity and drives Gram-negative sepsis in mice

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    Gram-negative bacterial infection is a major cause of sepsis and septic shock. An important inducer of inflammation underlying both syndromes is the cellular recognition of bacterial products through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), including Toll-like receptors (TLRs). We identified a novel antagonistic mAb (named 1A6) that recognizes the extracellular portion of the TLR4–MD-2 complex. If applied to mice before infection with clinical isolates of Salmonella enterica or Escherichia coli and subsequent antibiotic therapy, 1A6 prevented otherwise fatal shock, whereas application of 1A6 after infection was ineffective. In contrast, coapplication of 1A6 and an anti-TLR2 mAb up to 4 h after infection with Gram-negative bacteria, in combination with the start of antibiotic therapy (mimicking clinical conditions), provided robust protection. Consistent with our findings in mice, dual blockade of TLR2 and TLR4 inhibited TNF-α release from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells upon Gram-negative bacterial infection/antibiotic therapy. Both murine splenocytes and human PBMCs released IFN-γ in a TLR4-dependent manner, leading to enhanced surface TLR2 expression and sensitivity for TLR2 ligands. Our results implicate TLR2 as an important, TLR4-driven sensor of Gram-negative bacterial infection and provide a rationale for blockade of both TLRs, in addition to antibiotic therapy for the treatment of Gram-negative bacterial infection