2,136 research outputs found

    La financiarización de las relaciones salariales. Una perspectiva internacional. Madrid, La Catarata, 2012

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    Para comprender las dimensiones económicas, políticas, ecológicas y, sobre todo, sociales, de la actual 'gran transformación' neoliberal en el sentido que Karl Polanyi le dio a este término, es necesario dar cuenta del proceso de financiarización, así como de sus múltiples y perniciosas consecuencias. En esta dirección se orienta la obra que aquí reseñamos La financiarización de las relaciones salariales. una perspectiva internacional

    The paradoxes of dairy farmers in Catalonia (Spain) : crisis and "double bind"

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAltres ajuts: Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) (CF616633)We want to thank Marta Terra for her contribution to the research. To Miren Etxezarreta and Luis Enrique Alonso for the comments on the text. This work was supported by the Departament d'Agricultura Ramaderia i Pesca de la Generalitat de Catalunya within the framework of an agreement between the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) and UAB: Project code CF616633The article analyses the crisis and 'double bind' situation to which Catalan dairy farmers find themselves subjected. Two contradictory commands are being imposed on them: 'act as if nature does not matter and increase production because, otherwise, the abandonment of livestock activity threatens you'; and 'reduce production and protect the environment to avoid an environmental catastrophe'. In the first part of the article, we study the socioeconomic crisis facing cattle farmers. In the second, we analyse farmers' discourse on the matter as a 'double bind'. Our conclusions indicate that in order to escape this paradoxical situation and gain some autonomy with respect to industry, farmers must establish a collective conscience and unite their interests: Although the path of producer cooperativism may be among the most realistic, it is not an easy one to follow

    La reinvención de la autenticidad en el contexto de la mercantilización neoliberal

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    Desde la últimas décadas del siglo pasado, la constatación empírica de que los límites naturales al crecimiento estaban siendo traspasados (García, 2004) supuso un incremento de la conciencia medioambiental y dio lugar a la búsqueda de respuestas de distinto tipo. El concepto de 'Parque Natural', como un intento de preservar determinados espacios, se inscribe en este contexto. En su versión neoliberal dicha preservación no implica ninguna modificación sustantiva de las reglas que impone el desarrollo económico capitalista. De este modo, se convierte en una aplicación del binomio 'desarrollo sostenible', un oxímoron (Latouche, 2006) donde se yuxtaponen dos significados contrapuestos, a saber, desarrollo económico capitalista y sostenibilidad medioambiental

    The importance of new technologies in the educational process. A didactic proposal based on the application of ICT in teaching Spanish as a foreign language: mELEndien7dias

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    El estudio que se ofrece a continuación se presenta dentro del marco de actuación del uso de las nuevas tecnologías en el campo educativo, ámbito en el que las diferentes investigaciones en curso y las importantes ayudas recibidas por parte de organismos tanto públicos como privados constatan su importancia, actualidad y necesaria continuación investigadora en el mundo académico. Por esta razón, se aspira a ofrecer nuevas posibilidades didácticas atendiendo a los últimos recursos tecnológicos, ofreciendo nuevas vías educativas que pueden y deben seguir siendo exploradas. Después de ofrecer una visión panorámica del marco teórico sobre el papel educativo de las TIC y del análisis de los distintos recursos utilizados (página web, correo electrónico, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Windows Movie Maker, Kahoot y Audacity), se propone una unidad didáctica dirigida a alumnos de español como lengua extranjera (ELE) en la que a través de la figura del cantante Melendi se explican y repasan los distintos contenidos. Se reivindica así la importancia de las TIC en el mundo educativo y se ofrece a los lectores una interesante propuesta didáctica moldeable según las necesidades docentes.This project deals with the use of new information and communication technologies in education. Ongoing research and public and private funding confirm the importance and the necessary continuity of research work in this academic field. We aim to offer new didactic possibilities taking advantage of the latest technological resources. In the theoretical framework, we describe the educational role of ICT and analyze the different resources that we have used in this study, such as websites, e-mail, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Windows Movie Maker, Kahoot and Audacity. Then, based on this theoretical framework, we present a proposal for teaching Spanish as a foreign language focused on the well-known singer Melendi. Finally, we conclude by highlighting the relevance of ICTs in education and the value of customizable tools to meet teachers’ didactic needs

    La alimentación y la nutrición infantil en el ámbito escolar: comedores escolares

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha elaborado para crear conciencia sobre la importancia de la buena alimentación y nutrición en los niños y niñas del segundo ciclo de infantil. Está compuesto por dos fases. La primera de ellas es el análisis del menú de una semana del comedor escolar del C.E.I.P. Alcalde Joaquín García (Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla) y la segunda es el estudio y la observación de los hábitos alimenticios de 32 niños y niñas del segundo ciclo de infantil, elegidos mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple, que acuden a dicho comedor. Para la primera fase hemos usado el menú de este comedor escolar y lo hemos comparado con menús ideales que hemos encontrado en bibliografía para ver su adecuación; mientras que para la segunda fase hemos usado una tabla observacional compuesta con diferentes ítems donde se recogía lo que queríamos observar. Por un lado, los resultados de la primera fase han sido positivos, ya que nos encontramos ante un menú nutricionalmente adecuado para estas edades. Mientras que, los resultados de la segunda fase, nos han proporcionado tanto datos que ya esperábamos, como otros que nos han sorprendido, pero en definitiva nos han hecho ver que aún queda bastante para que muchos niños y niñas tengan unos buenos hábitos alimenticios.This End-Of-Degree Project has been done to raising awareness about the importance of a good diet and nutrition in little kids of the second cycle of Childhood Education. The project has two phases. First of them is the analysis of the weekly menu of the Alcalde Joaquín García School, located in Alcalá de Guadaíra (Seville). The second one is the study and the observation of the eating habits of 32 children of the second cycle of Childhood Education, who eat in the school canteen, chosen by a random sampling. For the first part we have used the menu of this school canteen and we have compared it with other exemplaries menus that we have found on the bibliography, to observe their adequacy. While for the second part we had prepared an observation table with different items, where we noted all we could observe. On the one hand, the results of the first phase have been positives, because we have a situation where the menu is appropiate for this age category. On the other hand, the results of the second part of the project have provided us so many details that we expected, as others that have surprised us. Ultimately, the results have made us all aware that much remains to be done with respect to the food habits of the children.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Infanti

    Encuesta “Volvemos a clase”. El impacto del confinamiento en la educación. Resultados en una muestra de niños y niñas de 5º curso de E.P.

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    Introducción: El confinamiento, como consecuencia de la pandemia del coronavirus, ha afectado al rendimiento escolar de los niños que se encuentran en la etapa de educación primaria debido a los casi 8 meses que estos estuvieron sin asistir al centro educativo. Objetivo: Encontrar y analizar qué factores han incidido académicamente en el alumnado de educación primaria, tanto durante el confinamiento como los primeros meses de la “nueva normalidad” dentro de las aulas. Metodología: Se adaptó una encuesta que se administró a una muestra de estudiantes de 5º curso de educación primaria (N=22). Resultados: El 82% de los alumnos tuvieron una habitación propia para realizar las actividades de aprendizaje sin que nadie le molestara. Todo el alumnado ha podido disponer de un aparato electrónico con el que seguir las clases y estudiar y todos han tenido acceso a internet. Más del 50% del estudiantado dedicó entre 1 y 3 horas diarias a las actividades de aprendizaje. Conclusiones: Para la consecución de aprendizajes escolares es indispensable que la familia brinde apoyo emocional y ejercite las habilidades cognitivas de sus hijos. La nueva normalidad puede haber afectado en otros aspectos a los niños además de cognitivamente, cómo emocional o psicológicamente. Se ha demostrado que las asignaturas más infravaloradas cómo la educación plástica y la música, han sido en las que el alumnado más ha aumentado sus calificaciones.Introduction: Confinement, as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic, has affected the school performance of children in the primary education stage due to the almost 8 months that they were without attending school. Objective: To find and analyze what factors have had an academic impact on primary school students, both during the confinement and the first months of the "new normality" in the classroom. Methodology: A survey was adapted and administered to a sample of 5th year primary school students (N=22). Results: 82% of the students had their own room to carry out learning activities without being disturbed. All students had access to an electronic device with which to follow the classes and study and all had access to the Internet. More than 50% of the student body spent between 1 and 3 hours per day on learning activities. Conclusions: For the achievement of school learning, it is indispensable that the family provides emotional support and exercises the cognitive skills of their children. The new normality may have affected the children in other aspects besides cognitively, such as emotionally or psychologically. It has been shown that the most undervalued subjects, such as plastic education and music, have been the ones in which the students have increased their grades the most

    Direct and indirect economic impacts of drought in the agri-food sector in the Ebro River basin (Spain).

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    The economic evaluation of drought impacts is essential in order to define efficient and sustainable management and mitigation strategies. The aim of this study is to evaluate the economic impacts of a drought event on the agricultural sector and measure how they are transmitted from primary production to industrial output and related employment. We fit econometric models to determine the magnitude of the economic loss attributable to water storage. The direct impacts of drought on agricultural productivity are measured through a direct attribution model. Indirect impacts on agricultural employment and the agri-food industry are evaluated through a nested indirect attribution model. The transmission of water scarcity effects from agricultural production to macroeconomic variables is measured through chained elasticities. The models allow for differentiating the impacts deriving from water scarcity from other sources of economic losses. Results show that the importance of drought impacts are less relevant at the macroeconomic level, but are more significant for those activities directly dependent on water abstractions and precipitation. From a management perspective, implications of these findings are important to develop effective mitigation strategies to reduce drought risk exposure

    Supercyclicity of weighted composition operators on spaces of continuous functions

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    [EN] Our study is focused on the dynamics of weighted composition operators defined on a locally convex space E similar to. (C( X), tp) with X being a topological Hausdorff space containing at least two different points and such that the evaluations {dx : x. X} are linearly independent in E similar to. We prove, when X is compact and E is a Banach space containing a nowhere vanishing function, that a weighted composition operator Cw,. is never weakly supercyclic on E. We also prove that if the symbol. lies in the unit ball of A(D), then every weighted composition operator can never be tp-supercyclic neither on C( D) nor on the disc algebra A(D). Finally, we obtain Ansari-Bourdon type results and conditions on the spectrum for arbitrary weakly supercyclic operators, and we provide necessary conditions for a composition operator to be weakly supercyclic on the space of holomorphic functions defined in non necessarily simply connected planar domains. As a consequence, we show that no composition operator can be weakly supercyclic neither on the space of holomorphic functions on the punctured disc nor in the punctured plane.The authors are very thankful to the referee for his/her careful reading of the manuscript and his/her valuable comments and observations. The first and the second author were supported by MEC, MTM2016-76647-P. The third author was supported by MEC, MTM2016-75963-P and GVA/2018/110.Beltrán-Meneu, MJ.; Jorda Mora, E.; Murillo Arcila, M. (2020). Supercyclicity of weighted composition operators on spaces of continuous functions. Collectanea mathematica. 71(3):493-509. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13348-019-00274-1493509713Albanese, A., Jornet, D.: A note on supercyclic operators in locally convex spaces. Mediterr. J. Math. 16, 107 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-019-1386-yAleman, A., Suciu, L.: On ergodic operator means in Banach spaces. Integr. Equ. Oper. 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