2,318 research outputs found

    Explaining the Diversification Path of Exporters in Brazil: How Similar and Sophisticated are New Products?

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    A stylised fact of the economic literature suggests that export diversification is good for economic growth and is associated with economic development. In addition, there is evidence suggesting that the level of sophistication of countries’ exports “matters” for growth and development. This paper contributes to this literature by analysing two unexplored dimensions of export diversification: the degree of relatedness (similarity) and sophistication of new products in relation to existing ones. The objective of this paper is to understand the mechanisms through which firms are able to diversify to less related and more sophisticated activities. We do so using a unique dataset that links data on exports, innovation and firms’ characteristics at the firm level in Brazil. The main findings suggest that i) diversification occurs in very closely related activities, where firms have some core competences, ii) most diversification occurs in new products with lower level of sophistication than existing exports, iii) the degree of diversification and innovativeness of the production basket, and the position that the firm has developed in the domestic market appear to matter for diversification towards more or less distant products.Diversification; Relatedness; Sophistication; Trade; Innovation; Brazil

    Understanding Sugarcane Yield Gap and Bettering Crop Management Through Crop Production Efficiency

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    The comparison among farming systems and regions would improve the understanding of how and what driving factors explains the crop yield variability over time and space. Very often, however, farm managers and policy makers fall in difficult to establish reliable indexes to compare farming systems plots and regions. Having a quantitate index, we could derive relationships regarding climate, soil and socioeconomic, as well as to determine which factors contribute or hinder the development in a given region and time. Monteith (1977) suggested agroecosystems as machines that utilize solar energy to maintain composition and organization. From a thermodynamic standpoint, the efficiency of any process can be expressed as the ratio of energy output to energy input. Since the 1970s, this concept has been applied to analyze the energy flow in agroecosystems, as well as to analyze the relation between biomass chemical energy and incident solar radiation. We could apply this approach to understand the regional agricultural development and crop yield gap, once it could elucidate biophysical factors, such as the pedoclimatic conditions, affecting crop yields at a local scale. However, for a broader evaluation, one should also include structural components, corresponding to the agricultural systems and management practices adopted; institutional effects, involving governmental actions affecting price, credit, commercialization, and incentives; and research and development, related to innovations to increase yield and solve problems that restrict agricultural-related activities (Carvalho, 2009). Also, to make this approach useful in an operational way, one could assume crop efficiency such as a quantitative indicator, helping to compare and evaluate in time and space, the farming development level. The efficiency of crop production can be assumed as the ratio between observed and attainable crop yield (Marin et al., 2008). In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this tool, the concept of crop efficiency was applied to study the sugarcane performance in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, the main region of this crop production, representing approximately 60% of the total Country's sugarcane production (IBGE, 2002)

    Firm behaviour and the introduction of new exports : evidence from Brazil

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    This paper contributes to understanding the process of export diversification by analysing firm level determinants in Brazil during the period 2000–2009. The first objective of the paper is to establish the set of firm characteristics and processes that are more conductive to new exports; the second, to identify different pathways to diversification regarding relatedness and sophistication and, which firm level behaviours can be associated to the different paths. We answer these questions using a unique dataset that links data on exports, innovation and firms characteristics at the firm level. The paper contributes to the literature on export diversification and on preparation for exporting by identifying firm level behaviours that contribute to the process of diversification. In particular, the findings suggest that firms prepare for diversification by first gaining power in the domestic market and more importantly that they do so by adopting specific innovation and learning efforts. Keywords: diversification; relatedness; sophistication; trade; innovation; Brazil JEL: F14; L2


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    Considerando o desconhecimento do efetivo significado da vivência de estudantes de medicina ao serem inserido Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) em séries iniciais do curso por meio de estratégias de ensino baseadas na problematizaçao da realidade, propôs-se a compreender tal inserção na ótica dos egressos. Estudo qualitativo realizado por meio de entrevistas com egressos formados nos anos de 2009, 2010 e 2011. A análise dos dados teve como referência a técnica da hermenêutica-dialética. Os egressos consideram que essa inserção possibilitou o conhecimento da organização e funcionamento do serviço de saúde e do contexto de vida dos usuários, facilitou a relação médico paciente, o desenvolvimento do raciocínio clínico e o vínculo. Destacam, no entanto, que a imaturidade do estudante impede maior aproveitamento da vivência. Embora essa trajetória esteja permeada por avanços e desafios, conclui-se que ela se mostra capaz de sedimentar elementos imprescindíveis à formação médica.Considerando el desconocimiento del efectivo significado de la vivencia de estudiantes de medicina al ser inserido Estrategia Salud de la Familia (ESF) en series iniciales del curso por medio de estrategias de enseñanza basadas en la problematización de la realidad, se propuso a comprender tal inserción en la óptica de los egresos. Estudio cualitativo realizado por medio de entrevistas con egresos formados en los años de 2009, 2010 y 2011. El análisis de los datos tuvo como referencia la técnica de la hermenéutica-dialéctica. Los egresos consideran que esa inserción posibilitó el conocimiento de la organización y funcionamiento del servicio de salud y del contexto de vida de los usuarios, facilitó la relación médico paciente, el desarrollo del raciocinio clínico y el vínculo. Destacan, aunque, que la inmadurez del estudiante impide mayor aprovechamiento de la vivencia. Sin embargo esa trayectoria esté permeada por avances y desafíos, se concluye que ella se muestra capaz de sedimentar elementos imprescindibles a la formación médica.There is a lack of knowledge about the effective value of the experience gained by medical students who participate in the Family Health Strategy (Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF)) during the early stages of their medical training. This teaching strategy is based on learning by experiencing the problems that exist in real life. This study proposed to understand the value of this teaching strategy from the viewpoint of the students who had participated, after their graduation. The method adopted was a qualitative study conducted through interviews with students who graduated in the years 2009, 2010 and 2011. The data analysis used the hermeneutic dialectic technique as its model. The graduates considered that this experience enabled them to understand the organization and functioning of the health service and the context of the daily life of the users. This experience facilitated the doctor patient relationship, the development of clinical reasoning and the bond with the user. However the students emphasized that a lack of maturity prevented them gaining a higher level of benefit from the experience. Therefore, although the structure of the course is permeated by advances and challenges, it was concluded that this experience contributed to the student's learning of certain essential elements of medical training


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    En el capítulo uno se presenta un marco conceptual general sobre los proyectos de inversión, así como los estudios que se deben realizar para su formulación y evaluación; y los elementos que los integran: estudio de mercado (oferta, demanda, precios, canales de comercialización y agentes económicos que en ellos participan); estudio técnico (localización, tamaño e ingeniería del proyecto y organización); estudio económicofinanciero (amortización de los recursos financieros –decreciente, constante y decreciente-, presupuesto de inversión – inversión fija, inversión diferida y capital de trabajo- presupuesto de costos e ingresos y punto de equilibrio, estados financieros – balance general-); estudio financiero (estado de resultados: depreciación, amortización, flujo neto de efectivo, valor actual neto, tasa interna de retorno, período de recuperación de la inversión, relación beneficio/costo-), estudio económico-social (económico: generación de empleos, valor agregado, contribución al crecimiento económico, a la balanza de pagos, a la inversión, al ingreso per cápita, el desarrollo regional y al consumo; social: costo-beneficio, costo mínimo, costo impacto). En el segundo capítulo se expone el contexto general sobre el alquiler automotriz partiendo de sus antecedentes históricos y de los conceptos relacionados: transporte, arrendamiento, arrendatario. En la parte final se presentan los aspectos más importantes de la empresa RT-México Servicies & Propieties, la cual es el objeto de estudio del trabajo de tesis. En capítulo tercero se desglosa el proyecto de inversión “Proyecto de inversión para la expansión y la cobertura de mercado: caso práctico RT-México Services Properties, S.A. de C.V” derivado del análisis de pre-inversión encaminado a analizar las situación actual de la empresa, incrementar la cobertura de mercado y mejorar su competitividad. Los apartados de este capítulo comprenden el estudio de mercado a partir del cual se identificaron los elementos de mercado (oferta, demanda, precios y canales de comercialización); el estudio técnico que permitió determinar la ubicación macro y micro geográfica en la ciudad de México (CDMX) y en Querétaro; el estudio financiero a través del cual se obtuvieron los principales indicadores financieros para la evaluación (flujo neto de efectivo, valor actual neto, tasa interna de retorno, periodo de recuperación de la inversión, punto de equilibrio y análisis de sensibilidad); la evaluación económica y social INTRODUCCIÓN v a fin de determinar la contribución del proyecto al Producto Interno Bruto Estatal, la generación de empleos directos e indirectos y los beneficios al desarrollo económico de la región

    Determinantes de comércio electrónico em PMEs: identificação, estruturação e análise

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    A crescente aplicação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) no quotidiano das empresas levou a que estas utilizassem novos modelos para operar os seus negócios, como, por exemplo, o comércio eletrónico. Porém, empresas com menores recursos – como as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) – têm mostrado alguma relutância em adotar os canais eletrónicos nas suas transações. Esta aversão aos novos modelos de negócio é motivada pela falta de conhecimento e de capacidades na implementação de práticas de comércio eletrónico. Posto isto, de forma a melhorar o seu negócio, parece evidente que os decisores das PMEs beneficiariam de uma nova abordagem que facultasse uma melhor compreensão dos determinantes de comércio eletrónico. De forma a promover essa compreensão, a presente dissertação propõe a utilização de técnicas de mapeamento cognitivo difuso. Com base no conhecimento e na experiência de um painel de especialistas em comércio eletrónico, os resultados mostram que o perfil do empreendedor, o mercado, a gestão operacional, o marketing e promoção, o website e plataforma digital, assim como o produto são os determinantes que apresentam maiores graus de centralidade na estrutura cognitiva desenvolvida, permitindo uma melhor compreensão das suas relações de causalidade. As vantagens e limitações desta abordagem construtivista e a formulação de recomendações para investigação futura são também discutidas.The increasing use of information technology in enterprises’ daily operations has led to multiple innovative ways to run a business, including electronic commerce (or e-commerce). However, firms with fewer resources, such as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are more reluctant to use electronic channels during transactions. This aversion to contemporary business models is a result of these companies’ lack of knowledge and capabilities regarding e-commerce. To improve their businesses, SMEs’ managers and decision makers could benefit from a methodological framework that fosters a deeper understanding of the determinants of e-commerce. This study sought to explore the use of fuzzy cognitive mapping to address this need. The results are grounded in the knowledge and experience of a panel of experts in e-commerce. The fuzzy cognitive map developed shows that entrepreneur profile, market, operational management, marketing and promotions, website and digital platform, and products present the highest centrality indices as determinants of SME e-commerce. The findings offer a better understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships between these determinants. The advantages, limitations, and shortcomings of our constructivist proposal are also discussed

    Exploring Molecular Dynamics of Adsorbed CO2 Species in Amine-Modified Porous Silica by Solid-State NMR Relaxation

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    Previous studies on CO2 adsorbents have mainly addressed the identification and quantification of adsorbed CO2 species in amine-modified porous materials. Investigation of molecular motion of CO2 species in confinement has not been explored in depth yet. This work entails a comprehensive study of molecular dynamics of the different CO2 species chemi- and physisorbed at amine-modified silica materials through the determination of the rotating frame spin-lattice relaxation times (T 1ρ) by solid-state NMR. Rotational correlation times (τC) were also estimated using spin relaxation models based on the Bloch, Wangsness, and Redfield and the Bloembergen-Purcell-Pound theories. As expected, the τC values for the two physisorbed CO2 species are considerably shorter (32 and 20 μs) than for the three identified chemisorbed CO2 species (162, 62, and 123 μs). The differences in molecular dynamics between the different chemisorbed species correlate well with the structures previously proposed. In the case of the physisorbed CO2 species, the τC values of the CO2 species displaying faster molecular dynamics falls in the range of viscous liquids, whereas the species presenting slower dynamics exhibit T 1ρ and τC values compatible with a CO2 layer of weakly interacting molecules with the silica surface. The values for chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) and 1H-13C heteronuclear dipolar couplings have also been estimated from T 1ρ measurements, for each adsorbed CO2 species. The CSA tensor parameters obtained from fitting the relaxation data agree with the experimentally measured CSA values, thus showing that the theories are well suited to study CO2 dynamics in silica surfaces.publishe

    Knowledge And Attitudes Of Latin American Gynecologists Regarding Unplanned Pregnancy And Use Of Combined Oral Contraceptives.

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    Unintended pregnancy is a public health problem and unmet medical need worldwide. It is estimated that in the year 2012, almost 213 million pregnancies occurred, and the global pregnancy rate decreased only slightly from 2008 to 2012. It was also estimated that 85 million pregnancies (40% of all pregnancies) were unintended and that 38% ended in an unintended birth. To assess knowledge and attitudes of Latin American (LA) obstetricians and gynecologists (OBGYNs) regarding unintended pregnancies and aspects of combined oral contraceptive (COC) use. A survey was conducted during a scientific meeting about contraception in 2014, in which OBGYNs from 12 LA countries who provide attention in contraception were invited to respond to a multiple-choice questionnaire to assess their knowledge and attitudes regarding unplanned pregnancy and some aspects regarding COC use. A total of 210 OBGYNs participated in the study. Their knowledge regarding COC failure was low. The participants reported they believed that their patients habitually forgot to take a pill and that their patients did not know what to do in these situations. They were aware of the benefits of COC use; however, they were less prone to prescribe COCs for the purpose of protecting against ovarian and endometrial cancer, and one-quarter of them had doubts about the association between COC use and cancer risk. The interviewed LA OBGYNs showed some flaws in terms of knowledge of COC failure rates and the non-contraceptive benefits and risks of COCs. To adequately counsel their patients regarding COC intake, OBGYNs must be updated regarding all aspects of COC use.7485-49

    Validation of the Spanish Version of the Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) Scale in Chilean Adolescents and Its Association with School-Related Outcomes and Substance Use.

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    School membership appears to be an important factor in explaining the relationship between students and schools, including school staff. School membership is associated with several school-related outcomes, such as academic performance and expectations. Most studies on school membership have been conducted in developed countries. The Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) scale (18 items: 13 positively worded items, 5 negatively worded items) has been widely used to measure this construct, but no studies regarding its validity and reliability have been conducted in Spanish-speaking Latin American countries. This study investigates the psychometric properties, factor structure and reliability of this scale in a sample of 1250 early adolescents in Chile. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses provide evidence of an excellent fit for a one-factor solution after removing the negatively worded items. The internal consistency of this new abbreviated version was 0.92. The association analyses demonstrated that high school membership was associated with better academic performance, stronger school bonding, a reduced likelihood of school misbehavior, and reduced likelihood of substance use. Analyses showed support for the reliability and validity of the PSSM among Chilean adolescents

    Exploring the Relevance of Search Engines: An Overview of Google as a Case Study

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    The huge amount of data on the Internet and the diverse list of strategies used to try to link this information with relevant searches through Linked Data have generated a revolution in data treatment and its representation. Nevertheless, the conventional search engines like Google are kept as strategies with good reception to do search processes. The following article presents a study of the development and evolution of search engines, more specifically, to analyze the relevance of findings based on the number of results displayed in paging systems with Google as a case study. Finally, it is intended to contribute to indexing criteria in search results, based on an approach to Semantic Web as a stage in the evolution of the Web