167 research outputs found

    Physical and remineralization processes govern the cobalt distribution in the deep western Atlantic Ocean

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    International audienceThe distributions of the bio-essential trace element dissolved cobalt (DCo) and the apparent particulate Co (PCo) are presented along the GEOTRACES-A02 deep section from 64° N to 50° S in the western Atlantic Ocean (longest section of international GEOTRACES marine environment program). PCo was determined as the difference between total cobalt (T Co, unfiltered samples) and DCo. DCo concentrations ranged from 14.7pM to 94.3 pM, and PCo concentrations from undetectable values to 18.8 pM. The lowest DCo concentrations were observed in the subtropical domains, and the highest in the low-oxygenated Atlantic Central Waters (ACW), which appears to be the major reservoir of DCo in the western Atlantic. In the Antarctic Bottom Waters, the enrichment in DCo with aging of the water mass can be related to suspension and redissolution of bottom sediments a well as diffusion of DCo from abyssal sediments. Mixing and dilution of deep water masses, rather than scavenging of DCo onto settling particles, generated the meridional decrease of DCo along the southward large-scale circulation in the deep western Atlantic. Furthermore, the apparent scavenged profile of DCo observed in the deep waters likely resulted from the persistence of relatively high concentrations in intermediate waters and low DCo concentrations in underlaying bottom waters. We suggest that the 2010 Icelandic volcanic eruption could have been a source of DCo that could have been transported into the core of the Northeast Atlantic Deep Waters. At intermediate depths, the high concentrations of DCo recorded in the ACW linearly correlated with the apparent utilization of oxygen (AOU), indicating that remineralization of DCo could be significant (representing up to 37% of the DCo present). Furthermore, the preferential remineralization of phosphate (P) compared to Co in these low-oxygenated waters suggests a decoupling between the deep cycles of P and Co. The vertical diffusion of DCo from the ACW appears to be a significant source of DCo into the surface waters of the equatorial domain. Summarizing, the dilution due to mixing processes rather than scavenging of DCo and the above-mentioned remineralization could be the two major pathways controlling the cycling of DCo into the intermediate and deep western Atlanti

    Lagdelt indholdsstruktur i selvstændige ytringer og direkte og indirekte ytringsgengivelse

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    Based in Danish Functionel Linguistics, this article presents a unified analysis of semantic similarities and differences between i) the Danish main-clause types declarative, interrogative and imperative, which are argued to code resp. assertions, polar questions and directive speech acts, and ii) independent main clauses and the two types of clauses – dependent main clauses and complement clauses – which are used to report utterances directly and indirectly, respectively. It is argued i) that independent main clauses possess the layers illocutionary neustic, illocutionary tropic, state-of-affairs, and – in the case of declaratives and interrogatives – proposition, ii) that dependent main clauses lack an illocutionary neustic, and iii) that complement clauses in addition lack an illocutionary tropic

    Oxygen evolution reaction: a perspective on a decade of atomic scale simulations

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    Multiple strategies to overcome the intrinsic limitations of the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) have been proposed by numerous research groups. Despite the substantial efforts, the driving force required for water oxidation is largely making the reaction inefficient. In the present work, we collected published studies involving DFT calculations for the OER, with the purpose to understand why the progress made so far, for lowering the overpotential of the reaction, is relatively small. The data revealed that the universal scaling relationship between HO* and HOO* intermediates is still present and robust, despite the variety in methods and structures used for calculating the binding energies of the intermediates. On the other hand, the data did not show a clear trend line regarding the O* binding. Our analysis suggested that trends in doped semiconducting oxides behave very differently from those in other oxides. This points towards a computational challenge in describing doped oxides in a realistic manner. We propose a way to overcome these computational challenges, which can be applied to simulations corresponding to doped semiconductors in general

    Distributions of dissolved trace metals (Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, Ag) in the southeastern Atlantic and the Southern Ocean

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    International audienceComprehensive synoptic datasets (surface water down to 4000 m) of dissolved cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), lead (Pb) and silver (Ag) are presented along a section between 34° S and 57° S in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean and the Southern Ocean to the south off South Africa. The vertical distributions of Cu and Ag display nutrient-like profiles similar to silicic acid, and of Cd similar to phosphate. The distribution of Mn shows a subsurface maximum in the oxygen minimum zone, whereas Pb concentrations are rather invariable with depth. Dry deposition of aerosols is thought to be an important source of Pb to surface waters close to South Africa, and dry deposition and snowfall may have been significant sources of Cu and Mn at the higher latitudes. Furthermore, the advection of water masses enriched in trace metals following contact with continental margins appeared to be an important source of trace elements to the surface, intermediate and deep waters in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Hydrothermal inputs may have formed a source of trace metals to the deep waters over the Bouvet Triple Junction ridge crest, as suggested by relatively enhanced dissolved Mn concentrations. The biological utilization of Cu and Ag was proportional to that of silicic acid across the section, suggesting that diatoms formed an important control over the removal of Cu and Ag from surface waters. However, uptake by dino- and nano-flagellates may have influenced the distribution of Cu and Ag in the surface waters of the subtropical Atlantic domain. Cadmium correlated strongly with phosphate (P), yielding lower Cd / P ratios in the subtropical surface waters where phosphate concentrations were below 0.95 μM. The greater depletion of Cd relative to P observed in the Weddell Gyre compared to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current could be due to increase Cd uptake induced by iron-limiting conditions in these high-nutrient-low-chlorophyll waters. Similarly, an increase of Mn uptake under Fe-depleted conditions may have caused the highest depletion of Mn relative to P in the surface waters of the Weddell Gyre. In addition, a cellular Mn-transport channel of Cd was possibly activated in the Weddell Gyre, which in turn may have yielded depletion of both Mn and Cd in these surface waters

    Description of the biogeochemical features of the subtropical southeastern Atlantic and the Southern Ocean south of South Africa during the austral summer of the International Polar Year

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    International audienceMeridional and vertical distributions of several biogeochemical parameters were studied along a section in the southeastern Atlantic and the Southern Ocean south of South Africa during the austral summer 2008 of the International Polar Year to characterize the biogeochemical provinces and to assess the seasonal net diatom production. Based on analyses of macro-nutrients, ammonium (NH4), chlorophyll a, (Chl a), phaeopigments, biogenic silica (BSi), particulate inorganic carbon (PIC), and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC and PON, respectively), four biogeochemical domains were distinguished along the section: the subtropical Atlantic, the confluence zone of the subtropical and subantarctic domains, the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), and the north-eastern branch of the Weddell Gyre. The subtropical region displayed extremely low nutrient concentrations featuring oligotrophic conditions, and sub-surface maxima of Chl a and phaeopigments never exceeded 0.5 µg L−1 and 0.25 µg L−1, respectively. The anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies crossed in the Cape Basin were characterized by a deepening and a rise, respectively, of the nutrients isoclines. The confluence zone of the subtropical domain and the northern side of the ACC within the subantarctic domain displayed remnant nitrate and phosphate levels, whereas silicate concentrations kept to extremely low levels. In this area, Chl a level of 0.4-0.5 µg L−1 distributed homogenously within the mixed layer, and POC and PON accumulated to values up to 10 µM and 1.5 µM, respectively, indicative of biomass accumulation along the confluence zone during the late productive period. In the ACC domain, the Polar Frontal Zone was marked by a post-bloom of diatoms that extended beyond the Polar Front (PF) during this late summer condition, as primarily evidenced by the massive depletion of silicic acid in the surface waters. The accumulation of NH4 to values up to 1.25 µM at 100 m depth centred on the PF and the accumulation of BSi up to 0.5 µM in the surface waters of the central part of the PFZ also featured a late stage of the seasonal diatom bloom. The silica daily net production rate based on the seasonal depletion of silicic acid was estimated to be 11.9 ± 6.5 mmol m−2 d−1 in the domain of the vast diatom post-bloom, agreeing well with the previously recorded values in this province. The Weddell Gyre occasionally displayed relative surface depletion of silicic acid, suggesting a late stage of a relatively minor diatom bloom possibly driven by iceberg drifting releases of iron. In this domain the estimated range of silica daily net production rate (e.g. 21.1 ± 8.8 mmol m−2 d−1) is consistent with previous studies, but was not significantly higher than that in the Polar Front region

    Imprint of a dissolved cobalt basaltic source on the Kerguelen Plateau

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    International audienceProcesses of cobalt (Co) entrainment from shelf sediments over the Kerguelen Plateau were studied during the KEOPS (Kerguelen Ocean Plateau compared Study) in order to explain the exceptionally high dissolved cobalt concentrations that have been measured in the surface waters above the Kerguelen Plateau, and in intermediate and deep waters above its eastern slope. Lateral advection and dissolution of Co contained in basalt sediments around Heard Island, a main source of lithogenic Co in the study area, were shown to imprint the process of surface enrichment over the plateau. Dissolved Co enrichment was strongest at the intercept of the eastern slope with intermediate and deep waters, probably due to more efficient mobilisation of the sediments in the slope current, in addition to advection of Co-enriched and low-oxygenated ocean water masses. In surface waters, the strong sedimentary Co inputs were estimated to be much higher than biological Co uptake in phytoplankton blooms, underlining the potential use of dissolved cobalt as tracer of the natural iron fertilization above the Kerguelen Plateau. Based on a simple steady-state balance equation of the external input of dissolved iron over the plateau, the fertilization of iron inferred by using dissolved Co as a tracer of basalt sources is estimated to be 28 × 102 ± 21 × 102 t yr−1 in surface waters of the Kerguelen Plateau. This estimate is consistent with preceding ones (Zhang et al., 2008; Chever et al., 2010), and the calculated iron supply matches with the phytoplankton demand (Sarthou et al., 2008)

    En sammenhængende overgang?

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    This paper examines play experiments during children’s transition from kindergarten to school. Empirically, the article relies on field observations from a pilot study in 2020 where play experiments were designed and unfolded as transition activities in a Danish school district. In a range of pedagogically framed play experiments at the local school, the oldest children from the local kindergartens participated together with school children from 3rd grade, and with pedagogical professionals from kindergartens and school. The play experiments are examined by shedding light the children’s pathways to school as they unfold in these activities, as well as by highlighting what potentials this activity format displays with regards to coherence during transition to school. A central finding is that the play experiments enable pathways into the school as a flexible participatory space. However, this poses different demands on the professionals’ participation than many other transition activities. The play experiments actualize transition as a process where readiness cannot be assigned to either the child, the kindergarten, or the school. Rather, all participants must mutually adjust to one another within the framing of play orders

    En sammenhængende overgang? Om legens fleksible deltagelsesrum i overgangen fra dagtilbud til skole

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    This paper examines play experiments during children’s transition from kindergarten to school. Empirically, the article relies on field observations from a pilot study in 2020 where play experiments were designed and unfolded as transition activities in a Danish school district. In a range of pedagogically framed play experiments at the local school, the oldest children from the local kindergartens participated together with school children from 3rd grade, and with pedagogical professionals from kindergartens and school. The play experiments are examined by shedding light the children’s pathways to school as they unfold in these activities, as well as by highlighting what potentials this activity format displays with regards to coherence during transition to school. A central finding is that the play experiments enable pathways into the school as a flexible participatory space. However, this poses different demands on the professionals’ participation than many other transition activities. The play experiments actualize transition as a process where readiness cannot be assigned to either the child, the kindergarten, or the school. Rather, all participants must mutually adjust to one another within the framing of play orders