7 research outputs found

    Characterization of tropical cattle production units: Effect of sanitary management

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    Objective: Characterize double-purpose bovine production units (PU), and identify the sanitary management used by producers in their herds. Design/methodology/approach: 60 cattle producers were interviewed, the questions were related to the characteristics of the PU and the health status. Four serum samples were sent to the laboratory of the largest herd. Results: All the cattle producers surveyed were males between the ages of 20 and 50. 40% have been engaged in the activity between 11 and 25 years. The PU have an average of 25 animals, 45% of the producers have between 21 to 30 cows, the highest percentage of animals are Gyr breed (35%) and Sardo Negro (30%). 65% of the producers take care of their sick animals. On the other hand, laboratory studies showed that three cows were positive for Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV), two positive cows for bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) or Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) and Parainfluenza 3 (PI3), finally all cows tested positive for Leptospira sp hardjo. Study limitations/implications: Under the conditions in which the study was conducted, it is expensive to send samples to the laboratory. The producer with the largest herd financed the laboratory tests of the sampled cows. This information is useful for local producers regarding the characteristics in which they produce. Findings/conclusions: Dual-purpose cattle producers in the tropics produce on a small scale; and one of the largest PUs has problems of abortive diseases.Objective: To characterize dual-purpose cattle production units (PUs) and to identify the sanitary management that producers use with their herds. Design/Methodology/Approach: Sixty (60) cattle producers were interviewed; the questions were related to the characteristics of the PU and the sanitary status. Four serum samples from the largest herd were sent to the laboratory to detect diseases. Results: All the cattle producers surveyed were men between 20 and 50 years old. Of them, 40% have been devoted to the activity for 11 to 25 years. The PUs have on average 25 animals, 45% of producers have between 21 and 30 cows, and the highest percentage of animals are breeds Gyr (35%) and Sardo Negro (30%). Of producers, 65% tend to their sick animals. On the other hand, the laboratory studies showed that three cows were positive for Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV), two cows were positive for type 1 bovine herpes virus (BoHV-1), or Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) and parainfluenza 3 (PI3), and finally all the cows were positive for Leptospira sp. Hardjo. Study Limitations/Implications: Under the conditions in which the study was conducted, it is costly to send samples to the laboratory. The producer with the largest herd financed the laboratory tests of the cows sampled. This information is useful for local producers with regards to the characteristics in which they produce them. Findings/Conclusions: Dual-purpose cattle producers in the tropics produce at a small scale; and one of the largest PUs presents problems of abortive diseases

    Actualidad y prospectiva de la investigación científica en el Centro Universitario Amecameca de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

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    Con responsabilidad, se organizó un programa cuya finalidad fuera publicitar con transparencia dichos avances, a través de un esfuerzo de rendición de cuentas a la comunidad inmediata, la universitaria, y a la comunidad abierta, la sociedad que la principal referencia para tal efecto. El programa se concretiza a través del presente libro, conformado con una inspiración de investigación multidisciplinaria; sin embargo, para llegar a tal fin, el reto es realizar el proceso de búsqueda y generación de conocimiento transitando hacia la colaboración de los cuerpos académicos, que puedan construir nuevos conocimientos fortalecidos por la convergencia de diferentes campos del saber. En consecuencia, la primera etapa de esta estrategia es la publicidad de los trabajos investigativos ejercidos, para hacer un balance al día, pero también proyectar el futuro de cada campo y área del conocimiento. La organización explicativa está organizada por tres bloques representativos del quehacer en la generación de conocimiento del Centro Universitario, un primer bloque centra el interés en las humanidades, educación y sustentabilidad; el segundo bloque lo integra la reflexión científica sobre la construcción democrática, derechos humanos y equidad de género; en el tercer segmento se destina a la seguridad alimentaria, salud pública y sistemas agropecuarios. La actualidad de la investigación eleva la producción lograda y lo que en el momento se encuentra en construcción y los alcances que produce para la docencia, la investigación misma, y para la sociedad en general. La prospectiva es un área que todos los capítulos desarrollan con el propósito de delinear los alcances innovadores por andar en teoría, metodología e incluso en los saberes mismo

    Ordenación territorial: una revisión desde los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible

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    Esta obra está integrad por diecisiete capítulos de libro que se organizan en tres partes: los servicios ecosistémicos; vulnerabilidad; y sostenibilidad, en el marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

    Management of urinary tract infection in solid organ transplant recipients: Consensus statement of the Group for the Study of Infection in Transplant Recipients (GESITRA) of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) and the Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI)

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