1,264 research outputs found

    Coordinate actions of BMPs, Wnts, Shh and noggin mediate patterning of the dorsal somite

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    Shortly after their formation, somites of vertebrate embryos differentiate along the dorsoventral axis into sclerotome, myotome and dermomyotome. The dermomyotome is then patterned along its mediolateral axis into medial, central and lateral compartments, which contain progenitors of epaxial muscle, dermis and hypaxial muscle, respectively. Here, we used Wnt-11 as a molecular marker for the medial compartment of dermomyotome (the ‘medial lip’) to demonstrate that BMP in the dorsal neural tube indirectly induces formation of the medial lip by up-regulating Wnt-1 and Wnt-3a (but not Wnt-4) expression in the neural tube. Noggin in the dorsal somite may inhibit the direct action of BMP on this tissue. Wnt-11 induction is antagonized by Sonic Hedgehog, secreted by the notochord and the floor plate. Together, our results show that the coordinated actions of the dorsal neural tube (via BMP and Wnts), the ventral neural tube/notochord (via Shh) and the somite itself (via noggin) mediates patterning of the dorsal compartment of the somite

    Neural tube-ectoderm interactions are required for trigeminal placode formation

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    Cranial sensory ganglia in vertebrates develop from the ectodermal placodes, the neural crest, or both. Although much is known about the neural crest contribution to cranial ganglia, relatively little is known about how placode cells form, invaginate and migrate to their targets. Here, we identify Pax-3 as a molecular marker for placode cells that contribute to the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal ganglion and use it, in conjunction with DiI labeling of the surface ectoderm, to analyze some of the mechanisms underlying placode development. Pax-3 expression in the ophthalmic placode is observed as early as the 4-somite stage in a narrow band of ectoderm contiguous to the midbrain neural folds. Its expression broadens to a patch of ectoderm adjacent to the midbrain and the rostral hindbrain at the 8- to 10-somite stage. Invagination of the first Pax-3-positive cells begins at the 13-somite stage. Placodal invagination continues through the 35-somite stage, by which time condensation of the trigeminal ganglion has begun. To challenge the normal tissue interactions leading to placode formation, we ablated the cranial neural crest cells or implanted barriers between the neural tube and the ectoderm. Our results demonstrate that, although the presence of neural crest cells is not mandatory for Pax-3 expression in the forming placode, a diffusible signal from the neuroectoderm is required for induction and/or maintenance of the ophthalmic placode

    Competence, specification and induction of Pax-3 in the trigeminal placode

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    Placodes are discrete regions of thickened ectoderm that contribute extensively to the peripheral nervous system in the vertebrate head. The paired-domain transcription factor Pax-3 is an early molecular marker for the avian ophthalmic trigeminal (opV) placode, which forms sensory neurons in the ophthalmic lobe of the trigeminal ganglion. Here, we use collagen gel cultures and heterotopic quail-chick grafts to examine the competence, specification and induction of Pax-3 in the opV placode. At the 3-somite stage, the whole head ectoderm rostral to the first somite is competent to express Pax-3 when grafted to the opV placode region, though competence is rapidly lost thereafter in otic-level ectoderm. Pax-3 specification in presumptive opV placode ectoderm occurs by the 8-somite stage, concomitant with robust Pax-3 expression. From the 8-somite stage onwards, significant numbers of cells are committed to express Pax-3. The entire length of the neural tube has the ability to induce Pax-3 expression in competent head ectoderm and the inductive interaction is direct. We propose a detailed model for Pax-3 induction in the opV placode

    Codage d'album et activité mathématique ?

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    International audienceAs part of an interdisciplinary research project, we proposed to pupils (4 to 6 years old) and future teachers to produce a graphic narrative of a tale (presented in text form). The story does not directly involve scientific knowledge, but we will highlight that the coding activity, of a graphical narrative leads to mobilize certain skills inherent to mathematical practice.Dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche interdisciplinaire, nous avons proposé à des élÚves d'école maternelle et primaire ainsi qu'à des futurs enseignant·e·s de produire un récit graphique à partir d'un conte présenté sous forme de texte. Si le récit ne met pas directement en jeu des connaissances scientifiques, nous mettrons en évidence que la production, via une activité de codage, d'un récit graphique conduit les élÚves à mobiliser certaines compétences inhérentes à la pratique mathématique

    Local measurements for the study of external loop airlift hydrodynamics

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    Hot-film anemometry and an optical biprobe are used to measure local flow characteristics in the riser of an external loop airlift reactor. Important flow asymmetries are observed above the sparger and developing flow persists through a large part of the riser. As gas flow rate increases, radial gas hold-up profiles change from relatively flat to parabolic while the shape of radial liquid velocity profiles remains constant and Sauter bubble diameter increases. At large gas superficial velocities, slip velocity is found to deviate considerably from the frequently used value of 0.25 m/s. Local measurements allow a better understanding of two-phase flow in airlift reactors and can be used for CFD-modeling development and validation

    Flux-Based Transport Enhancement as a Plausible Unifying Mechanism for Auxin Transport in Meristem Development

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    Plants continuously generate new organs through the activity of populations of stem cells called meristems. The shoot apical meristem initiates leaves, flowers, and lateral meristems in highly ordered, spiralled, or whorled patterns via a process called phyllotaxis. It is commonly accepted that the active transport of the plant hormone auxin plays a major role in this process. Current hypotheses propose that cellular hormone transporters of the PIN family would create local auxin maxima at precise positions, which in turn would lead to organ initiation. To explain how auxin transporters could create hormone fluxes to distinct regions within the plant, different concepts have been proposed. A major hypothesis, canalization, proposes that the auxin transporters act by amplifying and stabilizing existing fluxes, which could be initiated, for example, by local diffusion. This convincingly explains the organised auxin fluxes during vein formation, but for the shoot apical meristem a second hypothesis was proposed, where the hormone would be systematically transported towards the areas with the highest concentrations. This implies the coexistence of two radically different mechanisms for PIN allocation in the membrane, one based on flux sensing and the other on local concentration sensing. Because these patterning processes require the interaction of hundreds of cells, it is impossible to estimate on a purely intuitive basis if a particular scenario is plausible or not. Therefore, computational modelling provides a powerful means to test this type of complex hypothesis. Here, using a dedicated computer simulation tool, we show that a flux-based polarization hypothesis is able to explain auxin transport at the shoot meristem as well, thus providing a unifying concept for the control of auxin distribution in the plant. Further experiments are now required to distinguish between flux-based polarization and other hypotheses

    The influence of above-ground herbivory on the response of arctic soil methanotrophs to increasing ch4 concentrations and temperatures

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    Rising temperatures in the Arctic affect soil microorganisms, herbivores, and peatland vegetation, thus directly and indirectly influencing microbial CH4 production. It is not currently known how methanotrophs in Arctic peat respond to combined changes in temperature, CH4 concentration, and vegetation. We studied methanotroph responses to temperature and CH4 concentration in peat exposed to herbivory and protected by exclosures. The methanotroph activity was assessed by CH4 oxidation rate measurements using peat soil microcosms and a pure culture of Methylobacter tundripaludum SV96, qPCR, and sequencing of pmoA transcripts. Elevated CH4 concentrations led to higher CH4 oxidation rates both in grazed and exclosed peat soils, but the strongest response was observed in grazed peat soils. Furthermore, the relative transcriptional activities of different methanotroph community members were affected by the CH4 concentrations. While transcriptional responses to low CH4 concentrations were more prevalent in grazed peat soils, responses to high CH4 concentrations were more prevalent in exclosed peat soils. We observed no significant methanotroph responses to increasing temperatures. We conclude that methanotroph communities in these peat soils respond to changes in the CH4 concentration depending on their previous exposure to grazing. This “conditioning” influences which strains will thrive and, therefore, determines the function of the methanotroph community

    Test-retest reliability of diffusion measures extracted along white matter language fiber bundles using HARDI-based tractography

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    High angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI)-based tractography has been increasingly used in longitudinal studies on white matter macro- and micro-structural changes in the language network during language acquisition and in language impairments. However, test-retest reliability measurements are essential to ascertain that the longitudinal variations observed are not related to data processing. The aims of this study were to determine the reproducibility of the reconstruction of major white matter fiber bundles of the language network using anatomically constrained probabilistic tractography with constrained spherical deconvolution based on HARDI data, as well as to assess the test-retest reliability of diffusion measures extracted along them. Eighteen right-handed participants were scanned twice, one week apart. The arcuate, inferior longitudinal, inferior fronto-occipital, and uncinate fasciculi were reconstructed in the left and right hemispheres and the following diffusion measures were extracted along each tract: fractional anisotropy, mean, axial, and radial diffusivity, number of fiber orientations, mean length of streamlines, and volume. All fiber bundles showed good morphological overlap between the two scanning timepoints and the test-retest reliability of all diffusion measures in most fiber bundles was good to excellent. We thus propose a fairly simple, but robust, HARDI-based tractography pipeline reliable for the longitudinal study of white matter language fiber bundles, which increases its potential applicability to research on the neurobiological mechanisms supporting language

    Les premiers mots de l’enfant libanais en contexte plurilingue : que nous apprend l’utilisation d’un compte rendu parental trilingue ?

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    peer reviewedVocabulary is an extremely important indicator of language development. In Lebanon, a multilingual country, speech therapists still lack to this day the necessary tools, adapted and calibrated, to bilingual children aged less than 3 years old. For this reason, a project was launched in order to adapt the long version of the parental questionnaire « MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: words and gestures » or CDI-I (Fenson et al., 1993) in three languages (Arabic, French and English). In this study, the vocabulary of 112 bilingual Lebanese children aged 8 to 16 months was analyzed. No statistically significant differences in word numbers were found between girls and boys in comprehension and in production. In addition, child’s birth order did not seem to affect vocabulary growth. Furthermore, the analysis showed that the category “social words” is the most developed at this age (8 to 16 months) in comprehension and production. Finally, the analysis of vocabulary confirmed that language exposure plays an important role for the development of lexicons in different languages
