356 research outputs found
Cinema de animação: um investimento educativo no ensino básico
No que toca às artes em Portugal, a sua pegada histórica tem vindo a dissiparse com as décadas, possível fruto de uma rendição às tendências da tradição, do convencional ou do medo. Enquanto o mundo cria, avança e descobre, este pequeno país gere uma identidade quase muda, levando as suas mentes mais criativas a procurar sucesso nos países vizinhos.
O documento de dissertação que se segue defende a ideia de que o investimento na animação, no ensino geral, pode vir a dar a volta a esta problemática.
Entre os capítulos presentes, desenvolvem-se as questões de investigação, teorias, hipóteses e aventa-se pelo menos uma solução possível, que levou à preparação, análise e processo de um projeto prático, com apoio na história do cinema de animação em geral, e, levando em conta o exemplo português, estudou-se também e brevemente a pedagogia associada. De seguida seguese o registo das atividades sob forma de análise dos resultados obtidos no projeto, que virá a dar provas do sucesso, ou não, das teorias postas em prática.
Este estudo e decorrente workshop de animação procura levar as artes visuais e os ensinamentos base a que tivemos acesso no nosso curso (Comunicação e Multimédia), ao encontro dos jovens, possivelmente incentivando mais cedo o seu interesse pela 7ªarte. Procurou-se contribuir para ajudar a impulsionar uma geração maior de indivíduos inovadores e criativos que consigam realçar as cores da presença cultural do nosso país.When it comes to the Arts in Portugal, its historical footprint has been fading throughout the decades, possibly the fruit of yielding to traditional tendencies, to the conventional or to fear. While the world creates, moves on and discovers, the small country generates an almost mute identity, driving its most creative minds to look for success in neighboring countries.
The following dissertation defends the idea that the investment in animation, in the general teaching program, could come to change the tide on this problem. In these chapters, we develop the research question, theories, and at least one possible solution, which will take us to the preparation and process of a practical project, with the support of the history of cinematic animation in general, and analyzing the portuguese example, as well as studying pedagogics briefly. Following that we will have the registry of activities as a means of analysis of the results collected during the project, which will prove the success, or consequential failure, of the applied theories.
This study and resulting animation workshop looks forward to bring visual arts and the basic teachings we have had access to during our course (Communication and Multimedia) to the young students, possibly encouraging an early interest towards the 7th art, and driving us into a larger generation of innovative and creative individuals that can bring back and restore the colors of the cultural presence of our country.Mestrado em Comunicação Multimédi
Insertion of USP nursing graduates into the job market: facilities and difficulties
Com o objetivo de caracterizar os egressos do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, no período de 2000 a 2005, realizou-se um estudo descritivo exploratório, numa abordagem quantitativa. Dos 465 egressos do período pesquisado, 175 (37,6%) responderam ao instrumento de coleta de dados. A inserção no mercado de trabalho se deu majoritariamente em instituições hospitalares privadas, por meio de processo seletivo, no município de São Paulo, na área de assistência. A maioria permaneceu nos primeiros empregos por um a seis meses. A faixa salarial predominante no primeiro emprego variou de US1,520.00. No momento da coleta de dados, grande parte dos participantes possuía um vínculo empregatício e estava inserida em instituições hospitalares privadas, com média salarial de US950.50 a US1,437.50. Los resultados de esta investigación colocan en evidencia que hubo una rápida inserción de los egresados en el mercado de trabajo.This descriptive, quantitative-based exploratory study was carried out between 2000 and 2005 and aimed at characterizing the profile of students who had completed the Nursing Course at the University of Sao Paulo. From the 465 graduates found in the period of the research, 175 (37.6%) provided responses for the data collection instrument. Their insertion in the job market occurred most of all into private hospitals by means of election processes in the city of Sao Paulo. The majority of the subjects remained in their first jobs from one to six months. The wage of the major part of the graduates ranged from US 1,520.00. In the data collection process, most of the researched participants had a formal job in private healthcare institutions, with average salaries of US$ 1,437.50. Results showed that there was a quick insertion of the graduates into the job market
Sistema luminoso automotivo indicativo de intensidade de frenagem : projeto, desenvolvimento e avaliação experimental
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, 2018.O sistema de freio automotivo tem vital importância no desempenho seguro dos veículos. Para
sinalizar seu acionamento, ele possui um sistema luminoso que indica, para quem está atrás,
que o veículo está freando ou está parado. No entanto, apesar da evolução tecnológica dos sistemas
envolvidos, o índice de acidentes do tipo colisão traseira é o maior em todo o Brasil.
Dentre os prováveis fatores responsáveis pelo alto índice, pode-se atribuí-lo também à falta de
informações sobre as ações do motorista à frente. Este trabalho propõe um sistema luminoso automotivo
indicativo de intensidade de frenagem inédito que se diferencia por informar as ações
de frenagem de forma gradativa, mediante dispositivos luminosos acionados sequencialmente.
Seu principal objetivo é informar as ações de frenagem através de um painel luminoso. Luzes
indicativas acusarão se o carro está reduzindo muito ou pouco sua velocidade, pois acenderão
proporcionalmente ao que está ocorrendo. Desta forma, uma bancada experimental multidisciplinar
foi desenvolvida para simular tais ações de frenagem. Utilizando um sensor acoplado a
um pedal de freio e associando seus dados angulares a velocidades simuladas do veículo foi
possível alterar o estado dos indicativos luminosos de forma gradativa à medida que o pedal é
solicitado. O desempenho do módulo acelerômetro e giroscópio utilizado foi eficaz, pois forneceu
dados com boa acurácia e estabilidade. Assim, o trabalho alcançou seu propósito fornecendo
através de um painel luminoso informações mais detalhadas sobre a desaceleração de um
veículo. Concluiu-se que esse sistema desenvolvido é bastante útil e pode contribuir na redução
do índice de acidentes automotivos do tipo colisão traseira
Optimization of extraction, characterization, and stability of the natural pigment from sorghum genotype SC 319
Darker pericarp sorghum genotypes have high levels of anthocyanins: natural pigments that have antioxidant potential and may serve as a natural alternative dye to replace synthetic colorants. Thus, the objective of this work was to obtain a powder dye from sorghum pericarp genotype SC 319, quantifier total phenolic compounds, total anthocyanins, and color. In addition, evaluate the stability during storage at room temperature for 30 days and test an application in gelatin gummies. There was no significant difference for total phenolic compounds during all days of storage, with values between 36.80 and 37.97 mg GAE.g-1. For total anthocyanins, despite the variation in levels during storage, the values obtained on the first day (2.407 mg Eq. Lut.g-1) and on the last day (2.379 mg Eq. Lut.g-1) did not differ. There was a significant difference in all colorimetric axes and the reddish hue increased during storage, ranging from 7.04 to 9.11. For the gelatin gummies, compared to the powder dye, the anthocyanins and phenolic contents were lower, but the red hue presented a high value (28.9). Therefore, it was possible to obtain a stable powder natural dye from sorghum pericarp that can provide color and bioactive compounds to foods
Pulmonar Granular Cell Tumor in a Horse
Background: The occurrence of neoplasms in horses is relatively low. Granular cell tumor is a seldom diagnosed neoplasm, usually benign, of mesenchymal origin. Controversies exist regarding its origin, which is possibly from Schwann cells or cells with neuroendocrine differentiation. Despite being one of the main primary neoplasms in the lungs of horses, the number of cases is low in comparison to that of secondary lung tumors. Thus, this study proposes to report the anatomopathological aspects in a horse with granular cell tumor of primary pulmonary origin. Case: An 11-year-old female Quarter Horse breed underwent exploratory right lateral thoracotomy after presenting with chronic respiratory changes. During the operation, tumor masses were found in the right and left caudal pulmonary lobes. Due to the severity of clinical respiratory signs and the extent of the lesions, the animal was subjected to euthanasia and anatomopathological examination. Upon necroscopic examination, a tumor mass was found in the middle third of the left caudal lobe, rounded to flattened, measuring 10.0 × 8.0 cm in height and length, white in color, of firm consistency, smooth and regular surface and rising to the lung surface. When sectioned, the mass showed to be composed of multiple firm and dense circular lobes, separated by a thin layer of connective tissue. The tumor invaded the lumen of nearby segmental and subsegmental bronchi, which were partially or totally obstructed by the mass. In the right lung, multiple similar nodules were observed, accompanied by peritumoral hemorrhage. Histopathological analysis of the new formation revealed a dense cluster of cells that expanded over the lung parenchyma. The neoplastic cells were pleomorphic, moderately cohesive, without defined borders, with abundant cytoplasm, densely eosinophilic and finely granular. Intracytoplasmic granules were well evidenced by periodic acid Schiff staining (PAS). The cell nucleus was rounded to oval, excentric, markedly basophilic and with dense chromatin. There was moderate anisocytosis and mild anisokaryosis, with rare mitotic figures. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed positive staining for anti-vimentin and anti-S100 antibodies, confirming the diagnosis of granular cell tumor.Discussion: Granular cell tumors have no predisposition as to breed, sex or age. However, most of the described cases are reported in female horses aged around 13 years. The advanced age of the diagnosed animals may be related to late definitive diagnosis, since the clinical signs are nonspecific and treated palliatively like other respiratory diseases. Macroscopically, this tumor is more common in the multinodular form and, as observed in this case, it has a greater capacity for infiltration. Histologically, the visualization of large, polygonal cells, with a wide cytoplasm containing eosinophilic granules leads to the diagnosis of granular cell tumor. However, PAS staining and immunohistochemical tests were essential for the diagnostic conclusion in this report, confirming the presence of cytoplasmic granules and the mesenchymal and neuroectodermal origin of this neoplasm, respectively. Thus, considering the low occurrence of pulmonary granular cell tumor, the description of this case contributes to the basis of the knowledge of medical-veterinary professionals about this tumor in its clinical and diagnostic aspects.Keywords: Schwann cells, immunohistochemistry, neoplasia, lung.Descritores: células de Schwann, imuno-histoquímica, neoplasia, pulmão.Título: Tumor de células granulares pulmonar em um equino
Flowering and production of Palmer mango trees under organic compound and paclobutrazol application
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of applications of humified organic compound rates combined with paclobutrazol (PBZ) rates on the flowering, production, and fruit quality of Palmer mango trees grown in two production seasons (Seasons 1 and 2). Two experiments were conducted in different production seasons and areas in Matias Cardoso, MG, Brazil. A randomized block experimental design with four replications was used, in a 4×2+1 factorial arrangement, consisted of 4 humidified organic compound rates (10, 15, 20, and 25 mL plant-1), 2 PBZ rates (0.7 and 0.85 g per meter of canopy diameter), and a control (application of PBZ at 0.85 g per meter of canopy diameter). Vegetative, physiological, reproductive, production, and post-harvest fruit quality characteristics were evaluated. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and regression or mean tests. The treatments had significant effects on some characteristics in Season 1. Plants treated with the organic compound combined with PBZ had higher chlorophyll contents than those in the control. The increase in the organic compound rate linearly increased the total number of flowers and number of male flowers per axillary panicle, but decreased soluble solids content. The application of the lowest PBZ rate resulted in higher soluble solids content and titratable acidity in mango fruits. The treatments did not affect the evaluated characteristics in Season 2. The application of humidified organic compound combined with paclobutrazol showed no benefits for the management of floral induction in Palmer mango trees.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of applications of humified organic compound rates combined with paclobutrazol (PBZ) rates on the flowering, production, and fruit quality of Palmer mango trees grown in two production seasons (Seasons 1 and 2). Two experiments were conducted in different production seasons and areas in Matias Cardoso, MG, Brazil. A randomized block experimental design with four replications was used, in a 4×2+1 factorial arrangement, consisted of 4 humidified organic compound rates (10, 15, 20, and 25 mL plant-1), 2 PBZ rates (0.7 and 0.85 g per meter of canopy diameter), and a control (application of PBZ at 0.85 g per meter of canopy diameter). Vegetative, physiological, reproductive, production, and post-harvest fruit quality characteristics were evaluated. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and regression or mean tests. The treatments had significant effects on some characteristics in Season 1. Plants treated with the organic compound combined with PBZ had higher chlorophyll contents than those in the control. The increase in the organic compound rate linearly increased the total number of flowers and number of male flowers per axillary panicle, but decreased soluble solids content. The application of the lowest PBZ rate resulted in higher soluble solids content and titratable acidity in mango fruits. The treatments did not affect the evaluated characteristics in Season 2. The application of humidified organic compound combined with paclobutrazol showed no benefits for the management of floral induction in Palmer mango trees
Tratamento de cisto congênito em anexos oculares
A formação de cisto de glândula lacrimal é uma comorbidade rara em animais domésticos. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de um cão com cisto de glândula lacrimal. Um cão, macho, sem raça definida, com onze meses de idade, foi atendido com histórico de formação vesicular subpalpebral direita com evolução de três meses. Realizou-se exames complementares como citologia do conteúdo da vesícula e radiografia do crânio do animal. De acordo com a localização topográfica, idade e histórico do animal, suspeitou-se de cisto de glândula lacrimal, sendo encaminhado para exérese cirúrgica e realização de exame histopatológico da peça cirúrgica, onde se confirmou o diagnóstico de cisto de glândula lacrimal. A ressecção cirúrgica da glândula e do cisto lacrimal mostrou-se ser uma medida terapêutica curativa neste caso, sem haver comprometimento na secreção lacrimal
Este artigo discute a noção de sujeito como campo de problematização e sua relação com a constituição do saber psicológico. A partir da filosofia da diferença, sustenta-se que essa noção ocupa lugar emblemático na ordem discursiva contemporânea. Foucault e Deleuze, quando reposicionam o sujeito de sua origem nobre - ora pela sua condição de efeito, ora pela sua exterioridade-, suspendem as certezas em torno de sua condição de reduto das explicações de natureza psicológica. Desse modo, abordar-se-á a conexão entre a produção de saberes-poderes, as práticas de si na antiguidade, a invenção do indivíduo, as noções de dobra e resistência
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