23 research outputs found

    Chromosome banding patterns and localization of 5S and 45S rDNA sites in three shrub-tree species of Erythrina L. (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) from Brazil

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     Erythrina consists of 112 leguminous trees and shrubs, distributed throughout the tropical regions. Species of Erythrina are of great biological interest because they are pollinated by hummingbirds, which promote a high pollen flow and high chance of homogenization of recombinant forms. The karyotypes of E. speciosa, E. falcata and E. mulungu were cytogenetically analyzed in order to establish relationships among these three species of contrasting strategies. The chromosome count showed 2n = 42, with small chromosomes, prophasic condensation of the proximal type and non-reticulate to semi-reticulate nuclei with evident chromocenters. Chromosome banding showed AT-rich heterochromatic blocks in the pericentromeric region of most chromosomes and GC-rich regions in the terminal region of the largest pairs. In situ hybridization with 45S rDNA probes exhibited ten terminal signals in E. falcata and E. speciosa and eight in E. mulungu, while the 5S rDNA probe showed only two signals, also terminals in three species. The results show quite conserved karyotypes, with small variations in the size and number of 45S rDNA sites, which can be considered the only elements of karyotype differentiation, independent of plant size and strategies.Erythrina consists of 112 species distributed throughout the tropical and temperate regions. Species of Erythrina are of great biological interest because they are pollinated by hummingbirds, which promote a high pollen flow and high chance of homogenization of recombinant forms. The karyotypes of E. speciosa, E. falcata and E. mulungu were cytogenetically analyzed in order to establish relationships among these three species of contrasting habitats. The chromosome count showed 2n = 42, with small chromosomes, prophasic condensation of the proximal type and non-reticulate to semi-reticulate nuclei with evident chromocenters. Chromosome banding showed AT-rich heterochromatic blocks in the pericentromeric region of most chromosomes and GC-rich regions in the terminal portion of the largest pairs. In situ hybridization with 45S rDNA probes exhibited ten terminal signals in E. falcata and E. speciosa and eight in E. mulungu, while the 5S rDNA probe showed only two signals, also terminals in three species. The results show quite conserved karyotypes, with small variations in the size and number of 45S rDNA sites, which can be considered the only elements of karyotype differentiation, independent of plant size and strategies.  

    Limites e possibilidades da Educação Ambiental em uma escola municipal agrícola de ensino fundamental

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    Ao compreendermos a educação enquanto formação humana intencional para a vida em sociedade, trazemos seu papel como possibilidade de transformação e pressupomos a transversalidade do tema meio ambiente. A análise do Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) de uma Escola Municipal Agrícola de Ensino Fundamental do Estado de São Paulo - Brasil, mediante as três possíveis dimensões da Educação Ambiental (EA), nos permitiu verificar: desafios, como a necessidade de reconhecimento da comunidade local articulada às questões globais, e perspectivas para trabalhos futuros a partir de ligações entre as dimensões da EA no PPP

    Integração curricular do tema agropecuária em uma escola municipal agrícola : sentidos construídos

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    Considerando os desafios da educação ambiental para o enfrentamento da crise ambiental, este recorte de pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, analisou os enunciados dos professores de uma escola agrícola (Rio Claro, SP, Brasil), buscando compreender como têm integrado o tema Agropecuária em suas práticas. Buscando a construção de sentidos sob uma perspectiva bakhtiniana, a leitura dos enunciados iniciais dos professores indicou que maioria dos professores o considera importante e indicam integrá-lo com frequência em suas atividades. No entanto, este não parece ser problematizado: os sentidos produzidos parecem distantes de romper, por meio da crítica, com o discurso hegemônico sobre a questão agropecuária

    Invasion and current distribution of the octocoral Carijoa riisei (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860) in the Ecuadorian coast (Eastern Tropical Pacific)

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    Carijoa riisei is a snowflake coral that has aggressively spread across many coastal habitats in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, threatening a number of tropical ecosystems worldwide, including coral reefs. The aim of this work was to evaluate the distribution and provide an estimation of abundance of the invasive octocoral C. riisei along the Ecuadorian coast, as well as the relationship between its abundance and different environmental variables. In a field survey, high abundances of C. riiseicolonies were reported growing over corals and sessile communities at 5 of 43 sampling sites. The areas with highest relative abundance were found in the Manabí province, at two sites in Jama: Bajo Londres (44.57% coverage) and Vaca Brava 1(20.25%). Results of ordination and grouping statistical analyses showed no significant differences between invaded and not invaded sites as regards community compositionor environmental characteristics, suggesting neither biotic nor abiotic factors could be limiting C. riisei dispersal along the Ecuadorian coast. Results from a bibliographic survey covering occurrence data up to 2020 were in accordance, showing that inthat period C. riisei became an established species to the Ecuadorian coast, being present in at least 22 of the 43 sites, including various sites in Marine Protected Areas. Based on these findings, recommendations are made to promote urgent monitoring programs to detect C. riisei in new areas along the coast of Ecuador andin the Galapagos Marine Reserve, in order to develop a mitigation program and to take actions to conserve the ecosystems affected by this invasion.Fil: Cárdenas-Calle, Maritza. Universidad de Guayaquil; Ecuador. Bioelite; EcuadorFil: Pérez-Correa, Julián. Universidad Espiritu Santo; Ecuador. Bioelite; EcuadorFil: Uzca-Sornoza, Cecilia. Universidad de Guayaquil; EcuadorFil: Bigatti, Gregorio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Biología de Organismos Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Lozada, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Biología de Organismos Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Keith, Inti. Charles Darwin Research Station; EcuadorFil: Diez, Nardy. Centro de Investigación Biotecnológicas del Ecuador-CIBE; EcuadorFil: Coronel, Jorge. Universidad Agraria del Ecuador; EcuadorFil: Herrera, Ileana. Universidad Espíritu Santo; Ecuador. Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad; EcuadorFil: Torres, Gladys. Instituto Oceanográfico y Antártico (INOCAR); EcuadorFil: De la Cuadra, Telmo. Instituto Público de Investigación de Acuicultura y Pesca; EcuadorFil: Espinoza, Freddy. Dirección Nacional de los Espacios Acuáticos (DIRNEA); EcuadorFil: Mair, James. Bioelite; Ecuador. Heriot-Watt University; Reino Unid


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    ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Obstetric violence is defined as the practice of harmful conduct against women during the care of their sexual and reproductive health, which can be perpetrated by healthcare professionals or others involved in monitoring during the gestational and postpartum periods. OBJECTIVE: To gather the main productions that evidence situations of obstetric violence, highlighting mistreatment and the lack of guarantee of access to the health rights of parturients in the Brazilian healthcare system, as well as its impacts on women's health. METHODOLOGY: The methodology used in this research involved searching and analyzing data in various databases available in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), such as MEDLINE, LILACS, and the Nursing Database (BDENF), focusing specifically on studies related to obstetric violence and its implications for women's health in the Brazilian context. For this, Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) were employed, combined with the Boolean operator AND, using terms such as (Obstetric Violence) AND (Women's Health) AND (Brazil). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Obstetric violence represents a serious challenge to public health, as many women are not aware of abusive practices, and their bodies are disrespected by self-proclaimed holders of knowledge, exacerbating power dynamics, especially in the context of black women, who continue to be underestimated by the healthcare system. CONCLUSION: By analyzing the selected studies, it is evident that obstetric violence is a reality that affects many women during the gestational-puerperal cycle, resulting in deep physical, emotional, and psychological damage. The diversity of types of obstetric violence identified, along with their implications for women's health, highlights the complexity of this phenomenon and the need for comprehensive and woman-centered interventions.INTRODUCCIÓN: La violencia obstétrica se define como la práctica de conductas perjudiciales contra las mujeres durante el cuidado de su salud sexual y reproductiva, pudiendo ser perpetrada por profesionales de la salud u otros involucrados en el seguimiento durante el período gestacional y posparto. OBJETIVO: Reunir las principales producciones que evidencian situaciones de violencia obstétrica, destacando los malos tratos y la falta de garantía de acceso a los derechos de salud de las parturientas en el sistema de salud brasileño, así como sus impactos en la salud de la mujer. METODOLOGÍA: La metodología utilizada en esta investigación involucró la búsqueda y análisis de datos en diversas bases disponibles en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS), como MEDLINE, LILACS y la Base de Datos de Enfermería (BDENF), enfocándose específicamente en estudios relacionados con la violencia obstétrica y sus implicaciones en la salud de las mujeres en el contexto brasileño. Para ello, se emplearon Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS), combinados con el operador booleano AND, utilizando términos como (Violencia Obstétrica) Y (Salud Femenina) Y (Brasil). RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: La violencia obstétrica representa un serio desafío para la salud pública, ya que muchas mujeres no están al tanto de las prácticas abusivas, y sus cuerpos son despreciados por individuos autodenominados poseedores de conocimiento, exacerbando las dinámicas de poder, especialmente en el contexto de las mujeres negras, que continúan siendo subestimadas por el sistema de salud. CONCLUSIÓN: Al analizar los estudios seleccionados, queda evidente que la violencia obstétrica es una realidad que afecta a muchas mujeres durante el ciclo gestacional-puerperal, resultando en daños físicos, emocionales y psicológicos profundos. La diversidad de tipos de violencia obstétrica identificados, junto con sus implicaciones para la salud de las mujeres, resalta la complejidad de este fenómeno y la necesidad de intervenciones integrales y centradas en la mujer.INTRODUÇÃO: A violência obstétrica é definida como a prática de condutas prejudiciais contra mulheres durante o cuidado da sua saúde sexual e reprodutiva, podendo ser perpetrada por profissionais de saúde ou outros envolvidos no acompanhamento durante o período gestacional e pós-parto OBJETIVO: Reunir as principais produções que evidenciam situações de violência obstétrica, destacando os maus-tratos e a falta de garantia de acesso aos direitos de saúde das parturientes no sistema de saúde brasileiro, bem como seus impactos na saúde da mulher. METODOLOGIA:  A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa envolveu a busca e análise de dados em diversas bases disponíveis na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), como o MEDLINE, LILACS e a Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF), focando especificamente em estudos relacionados à violência obstétrica e suas implicações na saúde das mulheres no contexto brasileiro. Para isso, foram empregados Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS), combinados com o operador booleano AND, usando termos como (Violência Obstétrica) AND (Saúde Feminina) AND (Brasil). RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: A violência obstétrica representa um sério desafio à saúde pública, uma vez que muitas mulheres não estão cientes das práticas abusivas, e seus corpos são desrespeitados por indivíduos autodenominados detentores de conhecimento, agravando as dinâmicas de poder, especialmente no contexto das mulheres negras, que continuam a ser subestimadas pelo sistema de saúde. CONCLUSÃO: Ao analisar os estudos selecionados, fica evidente que a violência obstétrica é uma realidade que afeta muitas mulheres durante o ciclo gravídico-puerperal, resultando em danos físicos, emocionais e psicológicos profundos. A diversidade de tipos de violência obstétrica identificados, juntamente com suas implicações na saúde das mulheres, destaca a complexidade desse fenômeno e a necessidade de intervenções abrangentes e centradas na mulher

    Karyotype differentiation of four Cestrum species (Solanaceae) revealed by fluorescent chromosome banding and FISH

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    The karyotypes of four South American species of Cestrum (C. capsulare,C. corymbosum,C. laevigatum and C. megalophylum) were studied using conventional staining, C-CMA/DAPI chromosome banding and FISH with 45S and 5S rDNA probes. The karyotypes showed a chromosome number of 2n = 2x = 16, with metacentric chromosomes, except for the eighth submeta- to acrocentric pair. Several types of heterochromatin were detected, which varied in size, number, distribution and base composition. The C-CMA+ bands and 45S rDNA were located predominantly in terminal regions. The C-CMA + /DAPI + bands appeared in interstitial and terminal regions, and the C-DAPI + bands were found in all chromosome regions. The 5S rDNA sites were observed on the long arm of pair 8 in all species except C. capsulare, where they were found in the paracentromeric region of the long arm of pair 4. The differences in band patterns among the species studied here, along with data from other nine species reported in the literature, suggest that the bands are dispersed in an equilocal and non-equilocal manner and that structural rearrangements can be responsible for internal karyotype diversification. However, it is important to point out that the structural changes involving repetitive segments did not culminate in substantial changes in the general karyotype structure concerning chromosome size and morphology

    EpIG‐DB: A database of vascular epiphyte assemblages in the Neotropics

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    Vascular epiphytes are a diverse and conspicuous component of biodiversity in tropical and subtropical forests. Yet, the patterns and drivers of epiphyte assemblages are poorly studied in comparison with soil‐rooted plants. Current knowledge about diversity patterns of epiphytes mainly stems from local studies or floristic inventories, but this information has not yet been integrated to allow a better understanding of large‐scale distribution patterns. EpIG‐DB, the first database on epiphyte assemblages at the continental scale, resulted from an exhaustive compilation of published and unpublished inventory data from the Neotropics. The current version of EpIG‐DB consists of 463,196 individual epiphytes from 3,005 species, which were collected from a total of 18,148 relevés (host trees and ‘understory’ plots). EpIG‐DB reports the occurrence of ‘true’ epiphytes, hemiepiphytes and nomadic vines, including information on their cover, abundance, frequency and biomass. Most records (97%) correspond to sampled host trees, 76% of them aggregated in forest plots. The data is stored in a TURBOVEG database using the most up‐to‐date checklist of vascular epiphytes. A total of 18 additional fields were created for the standardization of associated data commonly used in epiphyte ecology (e.g. by considering different sampling methods). EpIG‐DB currently covers six major biomes across the whole latitudinal range of epiphytes in the Neotropics but welcomes data globally. This novel database provides, for the first time, unique biodiversity data on epiphytes for the Neotropics and unified guidelines for future collection of epiphyte data. EpIG‐DB will allow exploration of new ways to study the community ecology and biogeography of vascular epiphytes

    Dynamics and determinants of SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR testing on symptomatic individuals attending healthcare centers during 2020 in Bahia, Brazil

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    RT-PCR testing data provides opportunities to explore regional and individual determinants of test positivity and surveillance infrastructure. Using Generalized Additive Models, we explored 222,515 tests of a random sample of individuals with COVID-19 compatible symptoms in the Brazilian state of Bahia during 2020. We found that age and male gender were the most significant determinants of test positivity. There was evidence of an unequal impact among socio-demographic strata, with higher positivity among those living in areas with low education levels during the first epidemic wave, followed by those living in areas with higher education levels in the second wave. Our estimated probability of testing positive after symptom onset corroborates previous reports that the probability decreases with time, more than halving by about two weeks and converging to zero by three weeks. Test positivity rates generally followed state-level reported cases, and while a single laboratory performed ~90% of tests covering ~99% of the state's area, test turn-around time generally remained below four days. This testing effort is a testimony to the Bahian surveillance capacity during public health emergencies, as previously witnessed during the recent Zika and Yellow Fever outbreaks