63 research outputs found
How To Revitalize Avenida Dos Aliados In Porto As A Luxury Shopping Destination? - the case of local residents
The goal of the following recommendation consists of developing a solid branding strategy for Avenida dos Aliados by communicating its value attract luxury customers. After analyzing the concepts of place branding and its approaches, brand image and brand identity, a theoretical branding approach B2C was developed. Considering the importance of the local community to successfully achieve the branding’s goal, it was recommended a new brand identity for Aliados as well a luxury positioning, resorting to a strong communication enhancing its heritage, authenticity and savoir-faire
Educação infantil: a cidade, o currículo, a cultura digital
Este artigo reflete sobre o diálogo emergente e necessário sobre a cidade, a escola, as crianças, o currículo, os educadores e o uso das tecnologias no contexto da escola. Reconhece as tensões, contradições e desigualdades que emergem desse contexto, em especial dos territórios vulneráveis de grandes centros urbanos e conceitua tanto o currículo quanto as tecnologias como direito público, gratuito e universal a ser assegurado. A construção deste currículo é tarefa histórica, recém-demandada à Escola do Brasil, pela escolha de seu modelo econômico e social. Desafio da sociedade, desafio das políticas públicas, direito da criança e dever do Estado
Educação profissional técnica de nível médio, currículo e tecnologias: o que dizem as diretrizes curriculares nacionais?
Este artigo reflete e analisa o currículo da educação profissional técnica de nível médio, as políticas públicas educacionais brasileiras e as tecnologias da informação e comunicação. Compreende as tensões e contradições da formação integral do homem proposta para este segmento e versa sobre as tecnologias como um direito humano, defendendo a necessidade de sua integração ao currículo para oportunizar a participação e o protagonismo do aluno na cultura contemporânea. Tal direito se manifesta pelo uso consciente, crítico e competente das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação como cultura e como linguagem. A pesquisa tem abordagem qualitativa e parte da análise documental das diretrizes curriculares nacionais para identificar os pressupostos de uso e de apropriação das tecnologias ao currículo que contribuam para alicerçar os conceitos e objetivos na elaboração dos projetos pedagógicos e humanizantes do curso técnico integrado ao ensino médio
Este artigo versa sobre as construções curriculares que emergiram ao longo da pandemia de Covid 19 e que devem ser retomadas no retorno às atividades acadêmicas presenciais. Apresenta um caso desenvolvido em uma instituição de ensino superior brasileira envolvendo diversos atores em busca de respostas a desafios reais enfrentados por instituições públicas. Assume abordagem qualitativa, por meio de um estudo de caso com produção de dados envolvendo diversas fontes documentais e narrativa. Apoia-se teoricamente em Dewey (1979) Sacristán (1998), Peres-Gomes (1998) e Freire (1997). A análise apresentada busca, a um só tempo, explorar as possibilidades da construção de um currículo em ação fortemente comprometido com o diagnóstico e busca de soluções de problemas reais da comunidade e a prática da pesquisa acadêmica também comprometida com dimensões políticas e sociais. Conclui-se que as instituições de ensino enfrentaram os desafios de, sem perder o compromisso com a produção do conhecimento, superar a pandemia com seus melhores instrumentos: a sabedoria e a coesão social são um atributo do seu currículo na ação, participativo e vivo.
Novas autorias em redes
O artigo analisa o caso “Projeto Monitoria EaD” e a coletânea “De Wuhan a Perdizes: trajetos educativos”, ambos desenvolvidos no primeiro semestre de 2020. Inovadores, os dois projetos foram realizados por uma instituição de ensino superior para retomar as aulas em regime remoto após a suspensão das atividades presenciais decorrente da pandemia da Covid-19. Reuniram professores, alunos e egressos com comportamentos e características de uma “rede”. Como resultados, as aulas, as leituras e as pesquisas foram recontextualizadas e ressignificadas, abrindo novos espaços de aprendizagem para professores e alunos. As variáveis, advindas das exigências de isolamento físico, possibilitaram um espaço de divulgação científica que dialogasse com os assuntos em voga que afetam a Educação formal. Emergiram novas autorias e parcerias. Os dois produtos resultaram na construção de uma “rede” democrática e inclusiva, que oportuniza a autonomia e o empoderamento dos integrantes
developing a live performance during a pandemic
PD/BD/150617/2020Companhia de Música Teatral’s (CMT) work is strongly based in collaborative creative processes and often involves close interaction between performers and audiences. In 2020, due to the pandemic, several of CMT´s planned activities were limited or outright forbidden. New paths had to be discovered and the Zoom™ video-conference platform became an important tool to carry on working on CMT's projects. It supported a series of new creations that were built taking into consideration the platform’s distinctive features. One of these was the music-theater piece O Céu Por Cima de Cá (trans. Heaven Above Here), a live performance offering two different points of view (at the theater and via Zoom™). O Céu Por Cima de Cá was the result of further developing ideas that emerged throughout the pandemic times in projects such as Poemário, Poemário Vivo and ZygZag&Zoom. These formed a path of learning, creativity and resilience that established the grounds for a two-week long artistic residency at Casa das Artes of Vila Nova de Famalicão where the piece took its final shape. This paper is proposed by the artistic team that participated in the creation and performance of O Céu Por Cima de Cá and aims to unveil the concepts underlying the piece, the sources of inspiration and the collaborative methodology of working. It is a collective auto-ethnographic artistic research reflection exploring a) how the performance came to be, b) how “the stage was set” and the scenery and lights were conceived, c) the expansion on the themes of angels, birds and clouds that had been a source of inspiration, and d) how the final performance impacted not only the performers but also the audiences. O Céu Por Cima de Cá is enmeshed and embedded in the places where it happens, drinking from their history to build itself. This paper is not only a reflection on the final performance, but also a kind of “crew logbook” of a voyage that took us to the clouds and beyond, expanding on the webs of relations that were created between each of the artists and the audience(s).publishersversionpublishe
Collagen and microvascularization in placentas from young and older mares
Research Areas: Veterinary SciencesIn older mares, increasing collagen fibers (fibrosis) in the endometrium and oviduct
predisposes to sub-fertility and infertility. In this study, (i) gene transcription of collagen
(qPCR: COL1A1, COL1A2, COL3A1, COL5A1); (ii) total collagen protein (hydroxyproline);
(iii) collagen distribution (Picrosirius red staining; polarized light microscopy); and (iv)
microvascular density (Periodic acid-Schiff staining), were evaluated in mares’ placenta,
and related to mares age, and placenta and neonate weights. Samples were collected
from the gravid horn, non-gravid horn, and body of the placenta from younger
(n = 7), and older mares (n = 9) of different breeds. Transcripts of COL1A1, COL3A1
and COL5A1, total collagen protein, chorionic plate connective tissue thickness, and
microvascularization increased in the gravid horn of older mares’ placentas, compared
to the youngest (P < 0.05). Although in other species placenta fibrosis may indicate
placental insufficiency and reduced neonate weight, this was not observed here. It
appears that older fertile mares, with more parities, may develop a heavier, more
vascularized functional placenta with more collagen, throughout a longer gestation, which
enables the delivery of heavier foals. Thus, these features might represent morphological
and physiological adaptations of older fertile mares’ placentas to provide the appropriate
nutrition to the equine fetus.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Construction and validation of educational booklet about spirometry for users: Construção e validação de cartilha educativa sobre espirometria para usuários
Spirometry should be performed to diagnose ventilatory changes and measure their severity in patients with signs and symptoms. The objective was to develop a booklet to guide users on spirometry. This is a methodological study that was carried out in the pulmonary function laboratory of the Walter Cantídio hospital, located in Fortaleza-Ceará-Brazil, after institutional consent. Ten users of the spirometry exam, who were present at the pulmonary function outpatient clinic of the referred hospital, were interviewed, and those who agreed to participate in the study, who had or did not perform the spirometry exam previously and aged> 18 years, were selected. For validation of the booklet, six judges issued their opinion. The results revealed that most users have performed the exam before, but do not know the precautions that must be taken before, during and after the exam. Therefore, the content of the booklet was constructed based on these considerations of the users, as well as the validation of the courts and was adapted. The technology built will facilitate the service of the multiprofessional team that will have more time to assist in the health problem situation. Therefore, the use of this educational resource opens the way for the management of care and approximation of these data to the process of planning care actions by the team
Helsingforsbilden : Helsingfors marknadsföring i Italien mellan åren 2006-2008
Detta examensarbete behandlar den mentala bilden av Helsingfors som kommit till genom officiell marknadsföring i Italien mellan åren 2006-2008. Detta för att den ökade globaliseringen har gjort stadsmarknadsföring allt viktigare. Vidare finns det skäl att positionera sig rätt för italienare eftersom fokusgruppen ännu är ganska obekant i marknadsföringssyften. Syftet med detta arbete är att jämföra den varande Helsingforsbilden i Italien med den framhävd av officiella turistorganisationer, samt redogöra för Helsingfors potential som destination för italienare. Arbetet strävar efter att skapa förståelse för den italienska marknaden samt belysa hur italienare önskar att Helsingfors skulle marknadsföras till dem. Svaret på frågan om hur Helsingfors skapat sin image söks i detta arbete utifrån teori, officiella turistorganisationers måldokument samt genom två enkätundersökningar. Teoridelen av detta arbete består av destinationer samt attraktioner, brand och deras uppbyggnad, plats- och destinationsmarknadsföring samt de finska turistorganisationernas måldokument för Helsingfors. De betydande officiella turistorganisationerna är Centralen för turistfrämjande och Helsingfors stads turist- och kongressbyrå. Den kvantitativa undersökningsmetoden har använts för att nå en större population; både italienare som inte ännu besökt Finland och sådana som redan varit i Helsingfors. Undersökningsresultaten tyder på att det finns ett behov av plats- och destinationsmarknadsföring i Italien som skulle förstärka Helsingfors brand eftersom det finns ett outnyttjat besökarpotential i Italien. Med små marknadsföringsåtgärder gällande lönsamma kundrelationer, starkare logo & slogan, förbättrat samarbete mellan Italien och Finland samt nya resetypsalternativ, presenterade i detta examensarbete, skulle man kunna locka fler representanter av den italienska fokusgruppen till Helsingfors.This degree thesis discusses the mental picture of Helsinki that has been formed by offical marketing made in Italy during the years 2006-2008. This because the increased globalisation has made it more and more important for capitals, not merely countries, to position themselves as points of interest on the world map and there are grounds to looking further into the Italian market since the focus group is still quite unknown for the Finnish official tourist organisations. The aim of this thesis is to compare the general image of Helsinki in Italy with the one highlighted by the official tourist organisations, and give an account of Helsinki’s potential as a destination for Italians. The thesis strives to create understanding of the Italian market and illustrate how the Italians wish that Helsinki would be promoted to them. To answer the question about how Helsinki has created its image the author of this thesis has turned to theory and objective documents of Finnish official tourist organisations and conducted research with two questionnaires. The theoretical part of this thesis has four parts. The thesis discusses: tourist destinations and attractions, brands and their structure, place- and destination marketing and the objective documents for Helsinki created by the Finnish official tourist organisations. The official tourist organisations that have been chosen for this thesis are the Finnish Tourist Board and Helsinki City Tourist & Convention Bureau. The quantitative research conducted for this thesis have been directed both to Italians not yet acquainted with Finland and those that have already visited Helsinki. The research results indicate that there is a need for Helsinki to conduct place- and destination marketing in Italy since the Helsinki brand needs to be strengthened to make use of the unexploited visitor potential in Italy. By implementing small marketing measures concerning profitable customer relations, stronger logo & slogan, improved co-operation between Italy and Finland and new travel type alternatives, all of which are presented in this degree thesis, it would be possible to draw more representatives of the Italian focus group to Helsinki
Participatory management in SUS through integrating education, and community service: the experience of a family health league as a project of University extension in Fortaleza - Ceará
As a result of the experience of two public universities and a private one, the Extension Project "Family Health League" (LSF) introduced a participative management strategy in the field of education of health professionals, with the support of power-ideas such as permanent education in health, popular education, multiprofessional and interdisciplinary groups, primary health attention, family health strategy, participative methodologies and practice inserted in a live territory. This report aims to introduce an experience of integrating teaching to community service through the Family Health League Extension Project (LSF), in the context of the Health-School Municipal System (SMSE) in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. This experience was planned in the spirit of participative management in the National Health System (SUS). The proposal of LSF emerges, in the SMSE, from a recommendation supported by the city's health system which aimed at improving co-management spaces of education and services and used the methods of circle discussion and inverted tent. The protagonism of the project members and of the community in the organization of the project's activities and the amplification of a critical view over social reality and health work are amongst the major advances which emerged from this experience. This project has made possible the integration of teaching, health service and community, from the perspective of a communicative and participative management.Fruto da experiência de duas universidades públicas e uma privada, o Projeto de Extensão Liga Saúde da Família (LSF) constitui-se numa estratégia de gestão participativa no campo da formação de profissionais da área da saúde, com base nos conceitos de educação permanente em saúde, educação popular em saúde, equipe multiprofissional e interdisciplinar, atenção primária à saúde, promoção da saúde, estratégia saúde da família, metodologias participativas de pesquisa e atuação inserida no território vivo. Este relato apresenta a experiência da integração ensino-serviço-comunidade por meio do Projeto de Extensão Liga Saúde da Família, no contexto do Sistema Municipal de Saúde Escola (SMSE), em Fortaleza-Ceará, que dialoga com a gestão participativa no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Esta proposta do LSF foi implantada no SMSE a partir de uma ação apoiada pelo sistema de saúde de Fortaleza que visa potencializar os espaços de co-gestão docente-assistencial, por meio da proposta do método da roda e da tenda invertida. O protagonismo dos integrantes e da comunidade na construção das atividades do projeto e a ampliação do olhar crítico sobre a realidade social e do trabalho em saúde estão entre os maiores avanços surgidos dessa experiência. Esse projeto permitiu a integração ensino - serviço - comunidade, atendendo a uma perspectiva de gestão participativa e dialógica
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