34 research outputs found

    Biologicals and biosimilars: safety issues in Europe

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Medicinal products of a biological origin are approved by the EMA at a centralized level. However, there is no harmonization about their use in Europe. The current regulation referring to the safety of biological medicinal products and biosimilars in Europe has been identified. The safety associated with medicinal products of a biological origin is assured by the pharmacovigilance system, which has evolved, but doesn’t yet incorporate all of the specific information from this market segment, namely that related to the identification of drugs, and its use – including the prescription and dispensing, given the possibility of interchangeability and substitution. The terminology, information systems and traceability systems aren’t entirely appropriate to ensure the safety requirements for therapy with medicinal products of a biological origin. Areas covered: This article aims to identify the prescription and dispensing profiles of reference biological medicines and biosimilars in the EU, and the determinants that support their safe use. Expert opinion: The European pharmacovigilance system must evolve to ensure the safety along all of the biologicals’ therapeutic cycle. It must consider the safety for each of the medicines in addition to their safety pattern related to the eventual switching procedure

    Transcriptome profile of the response of paracoccidioides spp. to a camphene thiosemicarbazide derivative

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    ABSTARCT: Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic granulomatous human mycosis caused by fungi of the genus Paracoccidioides, which is geographically restricted to Latin America. Inhalation of spores, the infectious particles of the fungus, is a common route of infection. The PCM treatment of choice is azoles such as itraconazole, but sulfonamides and amphotericin B are used in some cases despite their toxicity to mammalian cells. The current availability of treatments highlights the need to identify and characterize novel targets for antifungal treatment of PCM as well as the need to search for new antifungal compounds obtained from natural sources or by chemical synthesis. To this end, we evaluated the antifungal activity of a camphene thiosemicarbazide derivative (TSC-C) compound on Paracoccidioides yeast. To determine the response of Paracoccidioides spp. to TSC-C, we analyzed the transcriptional profile of the fungus after 8 h of contact with the compound. The results demonstrate that Paracoccidioides lutzii induced the expression of genes related to metabolism; cell cycle and DNA processing; biogenesis of cellular components; cell transduction/signal; cell rescue, defense and virulence; cellular transport, transport facilities and transport routes; energy; protein synthesis; protein fate; transcription; and other proteins without classification. Additionally, we observed intensely inhibited genes related to protein synthesis. Analysis by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry revealed that the compound induced the production of reactive oxygen species. Using an isolate with down-regulated SOD1 gene expression (SOD1-aRNA), we sought to determine the function of this gene in the defense of Paracoccidioides yeast cells against the compound. Mutant cells were more susceptible to TSC-C, demonstrating the importance of this gene in response to the compound. The results presented herein suggest that TSC-C is a promising candidate for PCM treatment

    Mercury toxicity in the Amazon: contrast sensitivity and color discrimination of subjects exposed to mercury

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    We measured visual performance in achromatic and chromatic spatial tasks of mercury-exposed subjects and compared the results with norms obtained from healthy individuals of similar age. Data were obtained for a group of 28 mercury-exposed subjects, comprising 20 Amazonian gold miners, 2 inhabitants of Amazonian riverside communities, and 6 laboratory technicians, who asked for medical care. Statistical norms were generated by testing healthy control subjects divided into three age groups. The performance of a substantial proportion of the mercury-exposed subjects was below the norms in all of these tasks. Eleven of 20 subjects (55%) performed below the norms in the achromatic contrast sensitivity task. The mercury-exposed subjects also had lower red-green contrast sensitivity deficits at all tested spatial frequencies (9/11 subjects; 81%). Three gold miners and 1 riverine (4/19 subjects, 21%) performed worse than normal subjects making more mistakes in the color arrangement test. Five of 10 subjects tested (50%), comprising 2 gold miners, 2 technicians, and 1 riverine, performed worse than normal in the color discrimination test, having areas of one or more MacAdam ellipse larger than normal subjects and high color discrimination thresholds at least in one color locus. These data indicate that psychophysical assessment can be used to quantify the degree of visual impairment of mercury-exposed subjects. They also suggest that some spatial tests such as the measurement of red-green chromatic contrast are sufficiently sensitive to detect visual dysfunction caused by mercury toxicity

    Práticas artísticas no ensino básico e secundário

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    Sobre a Matéria-Prima, há novidades e perigos. O tempo vivido na Europa e no contexto global tem vindo a acentuar a urgência das prioridades quantificadas, com um discurso dominante onde há menos política (pessoas) e mais representação económica (coisas). O correlato entre pessoas e coisas é, como sabemos, o dinheiro, ou trabalho reificado. A crise europeia, em torno da dívida soberana e dos maiores orçamentos do mundo, da capacidade da sua gestão na linguagem dura dos mercados e das taxas de juro veio modificar os objetivos imediatos da Europa, que em 2000 eram ambiciosos — “a sociedade mais competitiva do mundo em 2010” — para uma estratégia de emergência, agora chamada horizonte 2020. Este é o panorama ideal para colocar o ensino artístico em risco. Os fóruns internacionais passaram a valorizar os resultados da educação em rankings e sondagens de aproveitamento, cuja principal estratégia e preocupação é a mensurabilidade e comparabilidade, como são exemplo os relatórios PISA: avaliam-se em todos os países, as competências em Ciências, Matemática e Língua Materna. A matéria-prima de amanhã corre riscos de desaparecer gradualmente, pelos cortes de carga horária, pela concepção extracurricular da educação artística, pela sua perceção menorizada em função das concepções competitivas da sociedade contemporânea globalizada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    III Diretriz Brasileira de Insuficiência Cardíaca Crônica

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    Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Hospital das ClínicasUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Hospital de Clínicas de Porto AlegreUniversidade de Pernambuco Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de PernambucoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais Faculdade de MedicinaFaculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio PretoFundação Universitária de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul Instituto de CardiologiaRede Labs D'OrUniversidade Federal FluminenseUniversidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Faculdade de Ciencias MédicasInstituto Dante Pazzanese de CardiologiaSanta Casa de MisericórdiaUniversidade de Pernambuco Pronto Socorro Cardiológico de PernambucoHospital Pró CardíacoHospital de MessejanaPontifícia Universidade Católica do ParanáUniversidade Federal de Goiás Faculdade de MedicinaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão PretoReal e Benemerita Sociedade de Beneficência PortuguesaFaculdade de Ciências Médicas de Minas GeraisUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Generalidades sobre o quadro clínico da Rinossinusite: uma revisão narrativa de literatura: Generalities about the clinical picture of Rhinosinusitis: a narrative literature reviewv

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    A rinossinusite é um processo inflamatório da mucosa dos seios paranasais e da cavidade nasal. O sistema nasossinusal é responsável pelo balanço adequado entre a fabricação e o clearence de muco nas cavidades paranasais. A fisiologia deste é de vital importância para a proteção das vias aéreas superiores. No advém, determinados fatores podem acarretar um desbalanço nesse complexo, consequentemente um processo inflamatório. Qualquer fator que altere a drenagem, seja por obstrução, maior produção ou espessamento do muco, como processo infecciosos ou alérgicos, haverá uma impactação de secreções e a facilitação de colonização bacteriana, dando início ao processo infeccioso. A identificação da inflamação do nariz e seios paranasais é basicamente clínica. A suspeição desta ocorre através da manifestação de dois ou mais sintomatologias. As quais são o bloqueio ou obstrução nasal, a descarga nasal, pressão ou dor facial e redução ou perda do olfato. De modo geral, é essencial à prevenção básica das rinossinusites agudas é barrar a infecção viral. O suporte inclui medidas gerais de higiene, alimentação e hidratação, imunização para o combate de vírus respiratórios , administração de fármacos para turbinar o sistema imune se necessário

    Biologicals and Biosimilars: Gaps in the Pharmacovigilance System in Portugal

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    Introduction: Biological and biosimilar medicinal products have specific characteristics that call for a closer monitoring of their safety profile. Since the current legal framework stems from both European and national regulations, some gaps in the operational field may be expected. The goal of this paper is to identify these gaps and propose changes to the current information systems and pharmacovigilance regulations. Material and Methods: A qualitative analysis of current pharmacovigilance regulatory framework and supporting information system was conducted. Results: Current pharmacovigilance system does not seem to vouch for the safe use of biologicals and biosimilar drugs. The gaps found in reviewed materials may be attributable to their lack of specificity for biopharmaceuticals. Discussion: Biologicals therapy presents specific determinants related with the drugs, prescription, and traceability, without replication in any other segment of the pharmaceutical market. They are able to shape their safety profile. Conclusion: The existing pharmacovigilance’s regulatory framework should be adjusted in order to improve the safety related with biopharmaceutical therapy. Some intervention measures are proposed

    Medicamentos biológicos e biossimilare: descontinuidades no sistema de farmacovigilância em Portugal

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    Introduction: Biological and biosimilar medicinal products have specific characteristics that call for a closer monitoring of their safety profile. Since the current legal framework stems from both European and national regulations, some gaps in the operational field may be expected. The goal of this paper is to identify these gaps and propose changes to the current information systems and pharmacovigilance regulations. Material and Methods: A qualitative analysis of current pharmacovigilance regulatory framework and supporting information system was conducted. Results: Current pharmacovigilance system does not seem to vouch for the safe use of biologicals and biosimilar drugs. The gaps found in reviewed materials may be attributable to their lack of specificity for biopharmaceuticals. Discussion: Biologicals therapy presents specific determinants related with the drugs, prescription, and traceability, without replication in any other segment of the pharmaceutical market. They are able to shape their safety profile. Conclusion: The existing pharmacovigilance’s regulatory framework should be adjusted in order to improve the safety related with biopharmaceutical therapy. Some intervention measures are proposed.Introdução: A monitorização da segurança associada aos medicamentos biológicos e biossimilares exige um sistema de informação alinhado com o enquadramento regulamentar. Tendo em conta que podem ocorrer descontinuidades entre a regulamentação europeia, nacional e a respetiva tradução operacional, importa pesquisar e identificar essas lacunas. Material e Métodos: Foi desenvolvida uma análise qualitativa dos suportes legais vigentes em julho de 2016 ao nível europeu e nacional, com foco na farmacovigilância. Desta análise decorreu a caracterização operacional do sistema em Portugal. Resultados: Foram identificadas zonas de descontinuidade no âmbito do sistema de farmacovigilância em Portugal, pela ausência de especificidade para os medicamentos biológicos e biossimilares. Discussão: A segurança associada à terapêutica biológica apresenta determinantes específicos relacionados com os medicamentos, prescrição e traçabilidade, que não encontram replicação nos outros segmentos do mercado farmacêutico. Conclusão: Com base nas lacunas identificadas, são apresentadas propostas de intervenção com o objetivo de incrementar a segurança associada à utilização clínica de medicamentos biológicos e biossimilares.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evolution and Application of Inteins in Candida species: a Review

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    Inteins are invasive intervening sequences that perform an autocatalytic splicing from their host proteins. Among eukaryotes, these elements are present in many fungal species, including those considered opportunistic or primary pathogens, such as Candida spp. Here we reviewed and updated the list of Candida species containing inteins in the genes VMA, THRRS and GLT1 and pointed out the importance of these elements as molecular markers for molecular epidemiological researches and species-specific diagnosis, since the presence, as well as the size of these inteins, is polymorphic among the different species. Although absent in Candida albicans, these elements are present in different sizes, in some environmental Candida spp. and also in most of the non-albicans Candida spp. considered emergent opportunistic pathogens. Besides, the possible role of these inteins in yeast physiology was also discussed in the light of the recent findings on the importance of these elements as post-translational modulators of gene expression, reinforcing their relevance as alternative therapeutic targets for the treatment of non-albicans Candida infections, because, once the splicing of an intein is inhibited, its host protein, which is usually a housekeeping protein, becomes nonfunctional