346 research outputs found

    Ridgelets: A promising new wavelet-like transform to represent objects with linear singularities

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    In the last two decades plenty of research has been carried out in the field of Wavelet theory and it is well known that wavelets can efficiently deal with point-like singularities. Unfortunately, such is not the case for higher dimensions singularities. To overcome this weakness of the Wavelet transform E. Candes and D. Donoho [4] introduced a new wavelet-like transform that can effectively deal with linear singularities in two dimensions, namely the Ridgelet transform. This new representation tool exploits the ability of wavelets to deal with point singularities. In fact, the Ridgelet transform is equivalent to a one-dimensional wavelet transform in the Radon domain. By doing so, a line singularity is transformed into a point singularity (by means of the Radon transform) which can then be efficiently analyzed by the wavelet transform; This thesis presents the Ridgelet transform, its properties and connections to the Radon and Wavelet transform. Also, the reader is presented with practical results that allow us to see how the Ridgelet transform is much better suited than the Wavelet transform for representing images with straight edges (linear singularities)

    Color detection and three-dimensional reconstruction for hand pose estimation as part of an Hci system

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    The main focus of this thesis is to give a detailed description of techniques and methodology implemented for feature extraction and three-dimensional reconstruction. The algorithms were developed as part of a project whose main object is the graphical three-dimensional modeling of the gestures of a human hand. The project itself comprises several steps, namely, camera calibration, hand feature extraction, three-dimensional reconstruction, and computer graphics modeling of the hand. Experimental results of the feature extraction and three-dimensional reconstruction will also be presented

    Dramatisation As A Teaching Method In University Programs For Tour Guides And Interpreters

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    Tour guides and heritage interpreters are central to the development of experiential tourism. This form of tourism aims at delivering memorable and personalised visitor experiences by developing activities that induce physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual connections with a specific destination, its resources and its population. In this sense, thematic approaches to heritage interpretation allow heritage resource managers to clearly convey messages by promoting awareness and respect for heritage resources. Dimensions of competency related to heritage interpretation are explored in both formal and informal Spanish education systems. Significant learning methods are designed to achieve these dimensions of competency by allowing the student tour guide to serve the subject of an activity by dramatising interpretive content.This paper describes the experience of the degree programme in Tourism Management at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Universitat Politnica de Valencia), which applies curricula that involve designing, producing and implementing dramatised tours. A critical assessment of this program is carried out to evaluate the experiences and academic progress of students and other individuals involved in the programs development

    Dictamen jurídico de derecho penal. Delitos contra la vida -Caso 091b-

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    Treballs Finals del Màster d'Advocacia, Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2021-2022, Tutora: Joshi Jubert, UjalaEn fecha 7 de septiembre de 2021, la fiscalía interpone querella criminal contra Imanol por un presunto delito de asesinato con alevosía. Ante esta situación, Imanol acude a nuestro despacho profesional al objeto de emitir informe fundado en derecho acerca de las posibles responsabilidades penales en las que podría haber incurrido Imanol por las conductas que se relatarán en el siguiente apartado y las posibilidades de defensa. Concretamente, se nos ha solicitado la emisión de un dictamen fundado en derecho sobre los siguientes extremos: I. Cuestiones sustantivas tales como las posibles calificaciones jurídicas de los hechos por parte de las acusaciones a las que se puede enfrentar, la línea de defensa que se seguirá si decide que finalmente nuestro despacho se ocupe del asunto, y las circunstancias modificativas de la responsabilidad penal aplicables. II. Responsabilidad penal y responsabilidad civil derivada del delito. III. Cuestiones procesales de relevancia. La estructura de este dictamen se divide en tres partes y unas conclusiones, con tal de dar respuesta a las cuestiones que nos plantea el propio cliente. En primer lugar, se hará referencia al relato de los hechos y la documentación que conviene aportar en aras de fundamentar la defensa del cliente. La segunda parte consiste en un análisis jurídico sobre las cuestiones sustantivas de los hechos descritos para esclarecer su posible cabida en determinados tipos delictivos, viendo también los posibles escenarios opuestos a sus intereses y tratando de dar la mejor respuesta a los mismos desde el punto de vista de la defensa. En la tercera, se procederá a resolver las cuestiones procesales una vez se iniciara el procedimiento penal contra Imanol

    La sustitución de la renta por la rehabilitación o reforma de la vivienda en los arrendamientos urbanos

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    En un context de dificultat en l’accés a l’habitatge, la Llei 4/2013 va reformar la normativa d’arrendaments urbans introduint un nou article 17.5. Aquest article regula la "rehabilitació per renda", és a dir, aquell contracte d’arrendament urbà pel qual l’arrendatari no paga amb diners sinó fent obres de rehabilitació o reforma al mateix habitatge llogat. La rehabilitació per renda, per les seves pròpies característiques, permet que un arrendatari sense liquiditat però amb habilitats constructives pugui accedir a un habitatge de manera sostenible. La present tesi doctoral té com a finalitat analitzar el régim jurídic de la rehabilitació per renda, detectar-ne les problemàtiques i proposar millores, així com determinar si aquesta figura, d’acord amb l’actual regulació, pot ser una alternativa residencial pels sectors més desfavorits o bé necessitaria d’una reforma legislativa per fomentar-ne el seu ús. Per aconseguir aquesta finalitat, s’analitzen els seus precedents històrics, la seva naturalesa jurídica, els problemes en l’aplicació de les disposicions de la Llei d’Arrendaments Urbans i la seva imbricació en la resta de l’ordenament jurídic. Tota aquesta anàlisi finalitza amb una proposta de normativa de com s’hauria de modificar la Llei d’Arrendaments Urbans per a que la rehabilitació per renda fos realment funcional com a alternativa habitacional.En un contexto de dificultad en el acceso a la vivienda, la Ley 4/2013 reformó la normativa de arrendamientos urbanos introduciendo un nuevo artículo 17.5. Este artículo regula la rehabilitación por renta, es decir, aquel contrato de arrendamiento por el que el arrendatario no paga con dinero sino haciendo obras de rehabilitación o reforma en la misma vivienda alquilada. La rehabilitación por renta, por sus propias características, permite que un arrendatario sin liquidez pero con habilidades constructivas pueda acceder a una vivienda de forma sostenible. La presente tesis doctoral tiene como finalidad analizar el régimen jurídico de la rehabilitación por renta, detectar su problemática y proponer mejoras, así como determinar si esta figura, de acuerdo con la actual normativa, puede ser una alternativa residencial para los sectores de la población más desfavorecidos o bien necesitaría de una reforma legislativa para fomentar su uso. Para alcanzar esta finalidad, se analizan sus precedentes históricos, su naturaleza jurídica, los problemas en la aplicación de las disposiciones de la Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos y su imbricación en el resto del ordenamiento jurídico como. Todo este análisis finaliza con una propuesta de normativa de cómo se debería modificarse la Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos para que la rehabilitación por renta fuera realmente funcional como alternativa habitacional.In a context of difficulties in accessing to housing, Act 4/2013 introduced a new article 17.5 into the Act on Urban Leases. This article regulates the so-called “renovations in lieu of rent” (rehabilitación por renta), that is to say, a tenancy contract in which the tenant does not pay the rent with money but performing renovation works in the same rented dwelling. Renovations in lieu of rent, by its own nature, allows a tenant with no liquidity but with building skills to access an affordable housing. The purpose of this PhD dissertation is to analyse the legal regime of renovations in lieu of rent, to detect its problems and to propose improvements, as well as to determine if renovations in lieu of rent, according to the current regulation, may represent a residential alternative for vulnerable people or if a legislative reform would be needed to promote its use. With this purpose, its historical precedents, its legal nature, the problems in the application of Urban Leases Act and its overlapping in the rest of the legal system are analysed. Once these problems are identified, the dissertation concludes with a legislative proposal, aiming to make renovations in lieu of rent an operational type of housing tenure

    Modelo de regressão logistico e exponencial por partes em analise de sobrevivencia

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    Orientador: Cicilia Yuko WadaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Ciencia da ComputaçãoResumo: Não informado.Abstract: Not informed.MestradoMestre em Estatístic

    Understanding the impact of NextGen in the airline industry

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    NextGen is the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) current infrastructure program created with the purpose of modernizing the United States National Airspace System (NAS). It aims to make U.S. aviation more secure, effective, capable, predictable, and resilient by transforming its communications, navigation, and surveillance (FAA, 2022). The purpose of this paper will be outlined in three main points. First, we will discuss the importance of NextGen and convey the need for the new structure. Second, we will discuss the impacts of NextGen on the aviation industry in terms of navigation, communication, surveillance, resilience, airlines, the general public, and pilots. Last, we will provide recommendations and future research studies to improve upon Nextgen. This paper should be beneficial for those unaware of the capabilities of Nextgen and what it means for the future of pilots, airlines, and the general public. Demonstrating the use cases of Nextgen, this paper should also be valuable for airlines to better understand future needs and investment requirements and prepare accordingly

    State reforms and indigenous structures. Property rights in Central Mexico, northern Argentina and southern Bolivia, 1810-1910

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    Este trabajo aborda el proceso de transformación de la propiedad colectiva indígena en las regiones central de México, septentrional de Argentina y austral de Bolivia, a través de un enfoque comparativo, desde una óptica regional y en la larga duración. Nos referiremos en términos generales al espíritu y a las implicancias de las políticas agrarias liberales, para luego detallar las particularidades de los tres países bajo análisis y abordar las características de las regiones que proponemos comparar, puntualizando en las modalidades de la desamortización en cada una de ellas. Finalmente, cerraremos el artículo con un balance sobre los efectos de dichas políticas y sus elementos comunes y diferenciales.This paper addresses the process of transformation of collective indigenous property in the central region of Mexico, northern Argentina and southern Bolivia, through a comparative approach, from a regional perspective and over the long term. We will refer in general terms to the spirit and the implications of the liberal agrarian policies; then point out the particularities of the three countries under analysis and address the characteristics of the regions that we propose to compare, specifying the modalities of the disentailment in each of them. Finally, the article concludes with a balance on the effects of these policies and their common and differential elements.Fil: Marino, Maria Daniela. Instituto Nacional de Antropologia E Historia. Escuela Nacional de Antropología E Historia.; MéxicoFil: Teruel, Ana Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Unidad Ejecutora en Ciencias Sociales Regionales y Humanidades. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Unidad Ejecutora en Ciencias Sociales Regionales y Humanidades; Argentin

    Effects of Tail Pinch on BDNF and trkB Expression in the Hippocampus of Roman Low- (RLA) and High-Avoidance (RHA) Rats

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    In this article, we describe the effects of tail pinch (TP), a mild acute stressor, on the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its tyrosine kinase receptor B (trkB) proteins in the hippocampus (HC) of the outbred Roman High- (RHA) and Low-Avoidance (RLA) rats, one of the most validated genetic models for the study of fear/anxiety- and stress-related behaviors. Using Western blot (WB) and immunohistochemistry assays, we show for the first time that TP induces distinct changes in the levels of BDNF and trkB proteins in the dorsal (dHC) and ventral (vHC) HC of RHA and RLA rats. The WB assays showed that TP increases BDNF and trkB levels in the dHC of both lines but induces opposite changes in the vHC, decreasing BDNF levels in RHA rats and trkB levels in RLA rats. These results suggest that TP may enhance plastic events in the dHC and hinder them in the vHC. Immunohistochemical assays, carried out in parallel to assess the location of changes revealed by the WB, showed that, in the dHC, TP increases BDNF-like immunoreactivity (LI) in the CA2 sector of the Ammon's horn of both Roman lines and in the CA3 sector of the Ammon's horn of RLA rats while, in the dentate gyrus (DG), TP increases trkB-LI in RHA rats. In contrast, in the vHC, TP elicits only a few changes, represented by decreases of BDNF- and trkB-LI in the CA1 sector of the Ammon's horn of RHA rats. These results support the view that the genotypic/phenotypic features of the experimental subjects influence the effects of an acute stressor, even as mild as TP, on the basal BDNF/trkB signaling, leading to different changes in the dorsal and ventral subdivisions of the HC

    Coronavirus disease 2019 in chronic kidney disease

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    The clinical spectrum of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection ranges from asymptomatic infection to severe pneumonia with respiratory failure and even death. More severe cases with higher mortality have been reported in older patients and in those with chronic illness such as hypertension, diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. In this regard, patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a higher rate of all-type infections and cardiovascular disease than the general population. A markedly altered immune system and immunosuppressed state may predispose CKD patients to infectious complications. Likewise, they have a state of chronic systemic inflammation that may increase their morbidity and mortality. In this review we discuss the chronic immunologic changes observed in CKD patients, the risk of COVID-19 infections and the clinical implications for and specific COVID-19 therapy in CKD patients. Indeed, the risk for severe COVID-19 is 3-fold higher in CKD than in non-CKD patients; CKD is 12-fold more frequent in intensive care unit than in non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients, and this ratio is higher than for diabetes or cardiovascular disease; and acute COVID19 mortality is 15-25% for haemodialysis patients even when not developing pneumonia