2,343 research outputs found

    A formacao do neonatologista e os paradigmas implicados na relacao com os pais dos bebes na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal

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    Objective:To analyze and to interpret the psychological repercussions generated by the presence of parents in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for residents in Neonatology.Methods:Study based on the psychoanalytic theory, involving a methodological interface with qualitative surveys in Health Sciences. Twenty resident physicians in Neonatology, from five public institutions of São Paulo state, responded to a single semi-structured interview. Based on several readings of the material, achieving the core of emergent meanings that would be significant to the object of the survey, six categories were elected for analysis and interpretation: parents' staying at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and its effects on the neonatologists' professional practice; communication of the diagnosis and what parents should know; impasses between parents and doctors when the diagnosis is being communicated; doctor's identification with parents; communication of the child's death and their participation in the interview.Results:The interpretation of the categories provided an understanding of the psychic mechanisms mobilized in doctors in their relationships with the children's parents, showing that the residents experience anguish and suffering when they provide medical care and during their training process, and also that they lack psychological support to handle these feelings.Conclusions:There is a need of intervention in neonatologists training and education, which may favor the elaboration of daily experiences in the Unit, providing a less anguishing and defensive way out for young doctors, especially in their relationship with patients and parents.Objetivo:Analizar e interpretar las repercusiones psicológicas suscitadas en el médico neonatologista en formación debido a la entrada y a la permanencia de los padres en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Métodos:Estudio sustentado en la teoría psicoanalítica, manteniéndose una interlocución metodológica con la investigación cualitativa en salud. Veinte residentes en Neonatología, de cinco instituciones públicas de la provincia de São Paulo (Brasil), participaron de una entrevista semiestructurada individual. A partir de innúmeras lecturas del material, objetivando los núcleos de sentido emergentes, significativos para el objeto de investigación, se eligieron categorías para análisis e interpretación: permanencia de los padres en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal y su repercusión en la actuación del neonatologista; comunicación del diagnóstico y qué los padres deben saber; impases entre los médicos y los padres de los bebés en la comunicación del diagnóstico; situaciones de identificación con los padres; comunicación de la muerte y participación en la entrevista. Resultados:La interpretación de las categorías propició la comprensión de los mecanismos psíquicos movilizados en los médicos en la relación con los padres de los bebés y expuso la angustia y el sufrimiento suscitados en los residentes en la atención asistencial y en el proceso de formación, para los que están desprovistos de anclajes psíquicos.Conclusiones:A partir del contenido que se explicitó en el análisis de las entrevistas, se verificó la necesidad de una propuesta de intervención en la formación de esos profesionales que favorezca la elaboración de las experiencias vividas en el cotidiano de la Unidad, a fin de propiciar una salida menos angustiante y defensiva para el médico, incluso en la relación con el paciente y con los padres.Objetivo:Analisar e interpretar as repercussões psicológicas suscitadas no médico neonatologista em formação devido à entrada e à permanência dos pais na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal.Métodos:Estudo sustentado na teoria psicanalítica, mantendo-se uma interlocução metodológica com a pesquisa qualitativa em saúde. Vinte residentes de Neonatologia, de cinco instituições públicas do estado de São Paulo, participaram de uma entrevista semiestruturada individual. A partir de inúmeras leituras do material, objetivando-se os núcleos de sentido emergentes, significativos para o objeto de pesquisa, elegeram-se seis categorias para análise e interpretação: permanência dos pais na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal e sua repercussão na atuação do neonatologista; comunicação do diagnóstico e o que os pais devem saber; impasses entre os médicos e os pais dos bebês na comunicação do diagnóstico; situações de identificação com os pais; comunicação da morte e participação na entrevista.Resultados:A interpretação das categorias propiciou a compreensão dos mecanismos psíquicos mobilizados nos médicos na relação com os pais dos bebês e expôs a angústia e o sofrimento suscitados nos residentes no atendimento assistencial e no processo de formação, para os quais estão desprovidos de ancoragens psíquicas.Conclusões:A partir do conteúdo que se explicitou na análise das entrevistas, verificou-se a necessidade de uma proposta de intervenção na formação desses profissionais que favoreça a elaboração das experiências vividas no cotidiano da Unidade, a fim de propiciar uma saída menos angustiante e defensiva para o médico, inclusive na relação com o paciente e com os pais.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    ITs in engineering education: joining efforts between SPEE and IGIP

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    The International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP) and The Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (SPEE), the first being the oldest European Society for Engineering Education in Europe and the second the very young Society for Engineering Education in Portugal, have been intensifying the collaboration between the two societies as well as the exchange and dissemination of information about their relevant activities, whilst promoting understanding and cooperation between their respective members. One possible way is to create joint working groups, open to the members of both societies, on common topics of interest. In fact, both societies already kicked off this activity. The first initiative happened during the 1st World Engineering Education Flash Week (WEE), Lisbon, 2011. The SPEE-IGIP Flash Moment was a one day event integrated in the main Conference, which was dedicated to “Information & Communication Technologies in Engineering Education”. ITs allow the development of different teaching strategies which contribute to enhance the learning outcomes of students. ITs are also particularly suited to develop Life Long Learning tools, in a broad range of Engineering subjects, either open to the general market or oriented to a very specific public. Examples of teaching strategies involving ITs have been addressed during the Flash Moment SPEE-IGIP which took place during WEE, and some are described in detail in the present work

    Bradykinin-induced Ca2+ signaling in human subcutaneous fibroblasts involves ATP release via hemichannels leading to P2Y12 receptors activation

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    Chronic musculoskeletal pain involves connective tissue remodeling triggered by inflammatory mediators, such as bradykinin. Fibroblast cells signaling involve changes in intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i). ATP has been related to connective tissue mechanotransduction, remodeling and chronic inflammatory pain, via P2 purinoceptors activation. Here, we investigated the involvement of ATP in bradykinin-induced Ca2+ signals in human subcutaneous fibroblasts. Bradykinin, via B2 receptors, caused an abrupt rise in [Ca2+]i to a peak that declined to a plateau, which concentration remained constant until washout. The plateau phase was absent in Ca2+-free medium; [Ca2+]i signal was substantially reduced after depleting intracellular Ca2+ stores with thapsigargin. Extracellular ATP inactivation with apyrase decreased the [Ca2+]i plateau. Human subcutaneous fibroblasts respond to bradykinin by releasing ATP via connexin and pannexin hemichannels, since blockade of connexins, with 2- octanol or carbenoxolone, and pannexin-1, with 10Panx, attenuated bradykinin-induced [Ca2+]i plateau, whereas inhibitors of vesicular exocytosis, such as brefeldin A and bafilomycin A1, were inactive. The kinetics of extracellular ATP catabolism favors ADP accumulation in human fibroblast cultures. Inhibition of ectonucleotidase activity and, thus, ADP formation from released ATP with POM-1 or by Mg2+ removal from media reduced bradykinin-induced [Ca2+]i plateau. Selective blockade of the ADP-sensitive P2Y12 receptor with AR-C66096 attenuated bradykinin [Ca2+]i plateau, whereas the P2Y1 and P2Y13 receptor antagonists, respectively MRS 2179 and MRS 2211, were inactive. Human fibroblasts exhibited immunoreactivity against connexin-43, pannexin-1 and P2Y12 receptor. Bradykinin induces ATP release from human subcutaneous fibroblasts via connexin and pannexin-1-containing hemichannels leading to [Ca2+]i mobilization through the cooperation of B2 and P2Y12 receptors

    Enterococcus gallinarum Causing Native Valve Endocarditis

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    Endocarditis due to Enterococcus gallinarum is a rare condition, usually affecting older patients. The most frequent source of infection is the gastrointestinal or genitourinary tracts; it frequently involves the aortic valve and tends to produce heart failure. We present a case of Enterococcus gallinarum endocarditis developing on a normal native heart valve. Enterococcus gallinarum is intrinsically resistant to vancomycin. Antibiotic susceptibility patterns indicate that most isolates are penicillin and ampicillin-susceptible

    Incorporación de nuevos ingredientes funcionales a alimentos como contribución a la promoción de la salud y/o a la prevención de enfermedades de la población iberoamericana

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    Coordinador: Javier Fontecha.-- et al.El desarrollo de nuevos alimentos que incorporen ingredientes funcionales requiere un enfoque multidisciplinar, por lo que se considera esencial la participación conjunta de grupos de investigación internacionalmente reconocidos, entre los que surjan sinergias, colaboraciones e intercambios, que permitan la obtención de resultados de investigación difícilmente alcanzables por un solo grupo. En la presente propuesta, se promueve la interacción, la cooperación y la transferencia de conocimientos y tecnologías relacionadas con compuestos bioactivos, suficientemente caracterizados por los diferentes grupos que componen esta acción, que integren sus tareas mediante la interconexión con empresas especializadas en ingredientes funcionales, permitiendo una mejor transferencia al sector productivo y por tanto, un aumento de su competitividad.PROYECTO CYTED. IBEROFUN. REF: 110AC0386.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of the maize (Zea mays L.) diversity on the Archipelago of Madeira

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    The variability of 43 open-pollinated populations of maize (Zea mays L.), representing a wide range of ecological conditions on the Archipelago of Madeira, was evaluated based on the morphological and reproductive traits. Individual data of 41 traits related to earliness, plant and tassel structure and the shape of the ear and grain were analysed using multivariate analysis. The populations belonging to two major maize varieties were grouped into four groups by their degree of dissimilarity, based on discriminant analysis. The dissimilarity of these groups was confirmed by the values of the Tukey test. The racial rank of these groups was proposed and a brief description of the maize landraces was presented. This work represents the first morphological characterization and analysis of diversity of maize germplasm for the Archipelago of Madeira where the traditional agricultural practices are still keeping this Portuguese region free from corn hybrids. The description of the Madeiran corn landraces allows us to preserve the existing corn biodiversity and could be used for their registration as conservation landraces or for conservation and breeding proposes worldwide.Portuguese Foundation for the Science and Technology (FCT, Fundac¸a˜o para a Cieˆncia e Tecnologia) has sponsored this work, through the Centre of Macaronesian Studies (CEM) and the project POCTI no35003/AGR/2001. The Authors are grateful to the Madeiran farmers who assisted with collection of maize samples.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of aluminum resistant genotypes among Madeiran regional wheats

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    Forty-eight genotypes representing wheat diversity from the Island of Madeira were screened for resistance to aluminum (Al) in nutrient solution. Seeds of wheat used in the experiments were obtained from local farmers. The soil pH and content of ionic Al of plots cultivated with wheat were analyzed. The pH of topsoils varied between 3.83 and 6.59. The amount of ionic Al in soil samples varied between 0.38 and 1.36 cmol Al3 + per kg of soil and was positively correlated with the altitude of a plot. Eriochrome cyanine staining was used to evaluate the effect of Al ions on the root elongation. Seventy-two hour exposure of 3-day-old seedlings to 100 and 200 mM Al in nutrient solution revealed a high number of Al resistant genotypes among wheat germplasm. After withdrawal of Al stress, survival and root regrowth was observed in 28 and 23 genotypes screened at 100 and 200 mM Al in nutrient solution, respectively. Enhanced resistance to Al among Madeiran genotypes was associated with the amount of ionic Al in the soils. Complexity and various patterns of responses of tested cultivars to Al stress may suggest that Madeiran germplasm could be a valuable source of genes controlling Al resistance for conventional breeding programs and for studies of molecular bases of mechanisms of Al resistance.Portuguese Foundation for the Science and Technology (FCT, Fundac¸o para a Cieˆncia e Tecnologia) has sponsored this work, through the Centre of Biological and Geological Sciences (C.C.B.G.) and the project POCTI/no. 33005/AGR/1999. The authors are also grateful to the Madeiran Centre of Science and Technology (CITMA) for financial support. Acknowledgements are due to Mr. Roge´rio Correia and Juan Silva for the technical assistance in conducting the laboratory and fieldwork and to Dr. Andrzej Aniol for valuable advice during preparation of this manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Demonstrating managed aquifer recharge as a solution to water scarcity and drought: description of MARSOL Project demo sites in Portugal

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    This paper presents a synthesis of the work developed in Portugal, by LNEC, TARH and UAlg, for the European Union Seventh Framework Programme project "Demonstrating Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Solution to Water Scarcity and Drought – MARSOL". The main achievements gathered in the DEMO sites during 2014, the first year of the project, are briefly presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio