280 research outputs found

    Spanish/Catalan version of the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ): Psychometric properties

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    La vivencia de múltiples acontecimientos de victimización es considerada especialmente dañina y posee un efecto acumulativo negativo sobre la salud mental. Se precisan instrumentos que midan el amplio rango de victimizaciones a los puede estar expuesta una persona. El principal objetivo de este estudio es confirmar la estructura del Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ) de Finkelhor y explorar sus cualidades psicométricas en una muestra de adolescentes escolarizados en secundaria. La muestra comprende un total de 553 adolescentes de edades comprendidas en 13 y 18 años (60.4% chicas). Se ha examinado el patrón de respuesta, y se ha realizado un análisis factorial confirmatorio de la estructura del JVQ. Se ha analizado la consistencia interna, mediante Alfa de Cronbach, para el conjunto del JVQ y para las cinco áreas que lo configuran. También se ha calculado las inter-correlaciones entre las áreas, y la validez criterial y concurrente. Se obtuvo un patrón de respuesta aceptable. El modelo conceptual propuesto por Finkelhor se confirma empíricamente para los datos referidos a las victimizaciones ocurridas en el último año. El conjunto del JVQ obtiene buenos índices Cronbach para los datos referidos al último año (.82) y a lo largo de la vida (.84). Los índices para las diferentes áreas de victimización se sitúan entre .49 y .70. Las inter-correlaciones Kendall-Tau entre las áreas son positivas y en su mayoría significativas. La validez de criterio, basada en las correlaciones entre las áreas del JVQ y las escalas YSR-DSM han sido bajas, indicando una débil asociación entre victimización y síntomas psicopatológicos en adolescentes de secundaria. Los resultados indican que el JVQ, en su versión global más que en sus áreas de victimización es un instrumento útil para funciones de cribado, especialmente para las victimizaciones ocurridas en el último año

    La rete monastica nel tessuto urbano di Napoli (secc. XII-XVI)

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    This paper explores the urban and spatial changes that occurred in the city of Naples between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries, which were mainly due to religious institutions.   The study of edited sources and the innovative georeferencing of each monastery reveals the image of a city where the living space within the walls was very limited in contrast to the absolute preponderance of religious orders.Il saggio indaga i cambiamenti urbanistici e spaziali che si verificarono nella città di Napoli tra il XII e il XV secolo dovuti principalmente agli enti religiosi. Attraverso lo studio delle fonti edite e l’approccio innovativo della georeferenziazione di ciascun monastero emerge l’immagine di una città in cui lo spazio vitale, all’interno delle mura, per la popolazione era veramente esiguo ed il peso degli ordini religiosi era assolutamente preponderante rispetto all’estendersi dell’abitato

    Spanish/Catalan version of the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ): Psychometric properties

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    The experience of multiple victimizing life events is known to be particularly harmful and to have an accumulative effect on mental health. Therefore, instruments that measure the whole range of victimizations a person is exposed to are widely needed. The main objective of this study was to confirm the structure of the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ screening version) proposed by Finkelhor and to explore its psychometric properties in a sample of school-attending adolescents. A total of 553 adolescents aged 13 to 18 years (60.4% girls) were recruited. The pattern of item endorsement was examined and a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to determine the fit of the conceptual model. The psychometric properties analysed were internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) for the entire JVQ and for each of its five areas, the inter-correlations between these areas, and the instrument's criterion and concurrent validity. The pattern of JVQ item endorsement was very good. The conceptual model proposed by Finkelhor was confirmed empirically for preceding-year victimization data. The total JVQ achieved a good Cronbach's alpha for both the preceding-year (.82) and lifetime (.84) measures. Cronbach's alpha for the different areas of victimization ranged from .49 to .70. Kendall's tau inter-correlations between areas were positive and nearly all of them were significant. Criterion validity, based on correlations between JVQ areas and YSR DSM-oriented scales, was low, indicating a weak association between victimization and psychopathological symptoms in community adolescents. The results indicate that the JVQ, in its total version more than in its areas of concern, is a useful instrument for screening purposes, especially for analysing victimization during the preceding year

    Laboratori virtual de psicologia bàsica : l'experiència com a clau de l'aprenentatge

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    El Laboratori Virtual de Psicologia Bàsica (LVPB) és una eina que pretén aprofitar les noves tecnologies per donar un nou enfocament al procés d'aprenentatge dels processos psicològics bàsics. Amb el LVPB s'acompanya a l'estudiant en un recorregut a través d'experiments que s'han convertit en clàssics de la Psicologia Cognitiva amb l'objectiu d'assolir coneixements relacionats amb els processos cognitius a partir de la pròpia experiència. La plataforma conté experiments provinents de l'estudi de l'atenció, l'emoció, el llenguatge, la memòria, la motivació, el pensament i la percepció. En cada experiment, el LVPB presenta un text d'introducció amb enllaços als articles originals on s'ha proposat per primera vegada. Després d'aquesta primera presa de contacte l'estudiant pot realitzar l'experiment, fent de subjecte experimental. A posteriori, el sistema li permetrà veure els resultats generats en la seva (o seves) sessió experimental. El sistema orientarà a l'estudiant en l'anàlisi de dades mitjançant quadres d'ajuda que aniran apareixent en forma de "pop-out" en relació al punt d'anàlisi de dades en el que es troba l'estudiant (depuració de dades, generació de gràfiques o informe). El LVPB es basa en la plataforma d'e-learning Moodle, fet que permet que cada estudiant tingui el seu propi espai on guardar els resultats i les anàlisis que ha realitzat. Tota la interacció amb el sistema queda registrada i pot ésser consultada tant per l'estudiant com pel seu professor en qualsevol moment. Això permet que el LVPB pugui ser utilitzat també com a eina d'avaluació per part del professor.The Virtual Laboratory of Cognitive Psychology (LVPB) is a tool that tries to take advantage of the new technologies in order to give a new approach to the learning process of the psychological basic processes. In the LVPB the student is accompanied in a tour across several experiments with the aim of achieving knowledge related to the cognitive processes from his/her own experience. The platform contains experiments from the study of attention, emotion, language, memory, motivation, thinking and perception. In every experiment, the student finds a text of presentation with links to the original articles where they have appeared for the first time. After this first contact, the student runs the experiment and the system shows him/her the raw data, i.e. the results, without any analysis. The student is led towards the analysis of the information, allowing him/her to generate different graphs on the results whose interpretation is supported on texts prepared by the teachers who have designed the experiment. The LVPB is supported on the e-learning Moodle platform, which allows every student to have his/her own space in order to keep the results and the analyses that he/she has performed. The whole interaction with the system is registered and can be recovered at any moment. Because of that, the LVPB can also be used as an assessment tool

    Gestión de emociones primarias a través del arteterapia. Una propuesta de intervención psicoeducativa desde la influencia del arte y la música en el bienestar de las personas

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    En la actualidad, la búsqueda del bienestar se conforma como un reto para muchas personas que son conscientes del precio a pagar por el ritmo elevado de vida que se debe mantener en la sociedad moderna, repleta de obligaciones impuestas y de necesidades que encaminan al ser humano a atender horarios complicados de compaginar con una de las premisas fundamentales para una vida sosegada, feliz, equilibrada: el disfrute del tiempo libre, de “no hacer nada”. Las emociones suponen vehículos interpretativos de relevancia a la hora de traducir las respuestas de nuestros sentidos de la mano del pensamiento, por lo que es necesario atender al equilibrio emocional para poder disfrutar del citado bienestar. La desregulación emocional conlleva malestar e incide de forma no positiva en el desarrollo, interacción, y comunicación de las personas, pudiendo ser origen de diferentes alteraciones y trastornos. Entre fluctuaciones en la regulación emocional a lo largo de su vida, el ser humano es permeable a determinados estímulos sensoriales que, de la mano de acciones emprendidas desde el deseo y la necesidad del disfrute del momento, permiten que la percepción de bienestar subjetivo puede mejorarse mediante la puesta en práctica de determinadas prácticas y terapias, entre las que destaca la relación con el arte. Así pues, aprender a gestionar y regular determinadas emociones primarias como son la alegría, la tristeza, o el miedo, a través del arteterapia, puede permitirnos disfrutar de un deseable bienestar en nuestras vidas, siendo una materia de importantes repercusiones positivas, a desarrollar en ambientes académicos, laborales, o socioculturales

    La rete monastica nel tessuto urbano di Napoli (secc. XII-XVI)

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    [it] Il saggio indaga i cambiamenti urbanistici e spaziali che si verificarono nella città di Napoli tra il XII e il XV secolo dovuti principalmente agli enti religiosi. Attraverso lo studio delle fonti edite e l'approccio innovativo della georeferenziazione di ciascun monastero emerge l'immagine di una città in cui lo spazio vitale, all'interno delle mura, per la popolazione era veramente esiguo ed il peso degli ordini religiosi era assolutamente preponderante rispetto all'estendersi dell'abitato.[eng] This paper explores the urban and spatial changes that occurred in the city of Naples between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries, which were mainly due to religious institutions. The study of edited sources and the innovative georeferencing of each monastery reveals the image of a city where the living space within the walls was very limited in contrast to the absolute preponderance of religious orders

    Including an environmental quality index in a demographic model

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    This paper presents a new well-being index which allows environmental quality to be measured through CO2 emissions, renewable energies and nuclear power. Its formula derives from a geometric mean used to calculate which things in the human production system warm the planet and which do not. This index has been introduced into a gender-defined stochastic population dynamic mathematical model which measures well-being in a country. The main variables in this model are rates of death, birth, emigration and immigration, as well as three UN indices: Human Development Index, Gender Development Index and Gender Empowerment Index. This model has been extended with variables that allow an environmental quality evaluation, and it has been validated for Spain during the 2001-2010 period. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis has been carried on the simulated future trend (2011-2020) to see which environmental quality variables refer more to deaths, births or the Human Development Index. Copyright © 2016 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Sanz-García, MT.; Caselles Moncho, A.; Micó Ruiz, JC.; Soler Fernández, D. (2016). Including an environmental quality index in a demographic model. International Journal of Global Warming. 9(3):362-396. doi:10.1504/IJGW.2016.075448S3623969

    Análisis del discurso de género en las matrices curriculares de las Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte

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    En este trabajo se pretende analizar cómo se ha introducido la perspectiva de género en el currículum universitario, y más específicamente, en el grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de contenido y de discurso de 763 guías docentes procedentes de 16 universidades españolas. Los resultados ponen de relevancia como la construcción del conocimiento, y las diversas formas como se puede transmitir conlleva distintas implicaciones para la mayor o menor transformación de las relaciones de género. Las aportaciones de este estudio pueden ser útiles para el diseño de propuestas pedagógicas que pretenden incluir la perspectiva de género y fomentar la transformación social desde la formación universitariaThis paper aims to analyze how gender perspective has been introduced in the higher education curriculum, specifcally in the Physical Activity and Sport Sciences degree. Content analysis and discourse analysis of 763 syllabuses from 16 Spanish public universities were carried out. Findings reveal that construction of knowledge and the several ways it can be conveyed have distinct implications on changing gender relations. The article contributes to the design of new pedagogical proposals that aim to include the gender perspective and promote social changes from higher education.En este trabajo se pretende analizar cómo se ha introducido la perspectiva de género en el currículum universitario, y más específcamente, en el grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de contenido y de discurso de 763 guías docentes procedentes de 16 universidades españolas. Los resultados ponen de relevancia como la construcción del conocimiento, y las diversas formas como se puede transmitir conlleva distintas implicaciones para la mayor o menor transformación de las relaciones de género. Las aportaciones de este estudio pueden ser útiles para el diseño de propuestas pedagógicas que pretenden incluir la perspectiva de género y fomentar la transformación social desde la formación universitariaEste trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a introdução da perspectiva de gênero no currículo universitário e, mais especificamente, no grau de Ciências da Atividade Física e do Desporto. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo e discurso de 763 guias de ensino de 16 universidades espanholas. Os resultados mostram como a construção do conhecimento, e as várias maneiras de transmissão trazem implicações diferentes para o grau de transformação das relações de gênero. As contribuições deste estudo podem ser úteis para a concepção de propostas educativas que visam incluir a perspectiva de gênero e promover a transformação social do ensino universitári

    Antifungal stewardship in a tertiary care paediatric hospital : the PROAFUNGI study

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    The increasing use of antifungal drugs (AF) in children and the concern for related adverse events and costs has led to the development of specific AF stewardship programmes (AFS). Studies in adult patients have shown improvements in AF prescription and usage after implementation, but paediatric data are scant. The aim of this PROAFUNGI study was to describe the use and appropriateness of AF in a high complexity paediatric centre. Observational, prospective, single-centre, modified point-prevalence study (11 surveys, July-October 2018), including paediatric (< 18 years) patients receiving at least one systemic AF. Prescriptions were evaluated by the AFS team. The study included 119 prescriptions in 55 patients (53% males, median age 8.7 years [IQR 2.4-13.8]). The main underlying condition was cancer (45.5% of patients; HSCT in 60% of them); and the first indication for AF was prophylaxis (75 prescriptions, 63.2%). Liposomal amphotericin B was used most commonly (46% prescriptions), mainly as prophylaxis (75%). Among the 219 evaluations, 195 (89%) were considered optimal. The reason for non-optimal prescriptions was mostly lack of indication (14/24), especially in critical patients with ventricular assist devices. The use of AF without paediatric approval accounted for 8/24 inappropriate prescriptions. A high rate of AF appropriateness was found for the children's hospital as a whole, in relation with a well-established AFS. Nonetheless, the identification of specific areas of improvement should guide future actions of the AFS team, which will focus mainly on prophylaxis in critically ill patients receiving circulatory assistance and the use of non-approved drugs in children

    Voriconazole Use in Children: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Control of Inflammation as Key Points for Optimal Treatment

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    Infeccions fúngiques pediàtriques; Monitorització terapèutica de fàrmacs; VoriconazolInfecciones fúngicas pediátricas; Monitorización terapéutica de fármacos; VoriconazolPaediatric fungal infections; Therapeutic drug monitoring; VoriconazoleVoriconazole plasma concentrations (PC) are highly variable, particularly in children. Dose recommendations in 2–12-year-old patients changed in 2012. Little data on therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) after these new recommendations are available. We aimed to evaluate voriconazole monitoring in children with invasive fungal infection (IFI) after implementation of new dosages and its relationship with safety and effectiveness. A prospective, observational study, including children aged 2–12 years, was conducted. TDM was performed weekly and doses were changed according to an in-house protocol. Effectiveness, adverse events, and factors influencing PC were analysed. A total of 229 PC from 28 IFI episodes were obtained. New dosing led to a higher rate of adequate PC compared to previous studies; still, 35.8% were outside the therapeutic range. In patients aged < 8 years, doses to achieve therapeutic levels were higher than recommended. Severe hypoalbuminemia and markedly elevated C-reactive protein were related to inadequate PC. Therapeutic PC were associated with drug effectiveness and safety. Higher doses in younger patients and a dose adjustment protocol based on TDM should be considered. Voriconazole PC variability has decreased with current updated recommendations, but it remains high and is influenced by inflammatory status. Additional efforts to control inflammation in children with IFI should be encouraged.This research was funded by an Investigator Sponsored Research Grant from Pfizer (Grant Number WI182544