46 research outputs found

    Les Sœurs Missionnaires du Saint-Esprit. Histoire d\u27une fondation

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    Production of women on vulnerability to HIV/aids: an integrative review of the literature

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    Objective: identifying strategies of care developed with children in mental distress and describing the concept of families and professionals about these care practices. Method: a qualitative study conducted in July and August 2013 with professionals and families of children enrolled in CAPSi in Campina Grande. The material was analyzed by means of the proposed of Bardin, from which emerged the following category: The care strategies used in CAPSinho (little CAPS). Result: care practices developed were: the play activities of social integration, sensory stimulation, play group, among others. Family members and professionals emphasized the positive aspects of strategies developed in the service; however, they mentioned as a barrier the absence of some professionals. Conclusion: although it has been noticed changes in the behavior of children, the development of these practices of care requires a planning and monitoring geared to the needs of children, making it essential working with a multidisciplinary team

    O docente da educação de jovens e adultos e a formação da autonomia do educando

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    Este estudio tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre los aportes de Paulo Freire para la formación de docentes de la Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos (EJA), desde el libro de referencia teórico de Paulo Freire (1996), Pedagogía de la Autonomía. El trabajo, por ser de naturaleza cualitativa, se realizó en dos escuelas: Escuela Estatal de Primaria y Secundaria Profesor Antonio Gomes y Escuela Estatal de Enseñanza Primaria Machado de Assis. Tuvimos como sujetos de investigación seis educadores EJA ciclo I. En la obtención de datos se diseñó un cuestionario que pretendía averiguar si los profesores practican el conocimiento presentado por Freire. Con el análisis de los datos recogidos en los temas de los discursos de los profesores llegaron a la conclusión de que contribuyen a la formación de la autonomía del estudiante, haciendo uso del conocimiento educativo presentado en el trabajo que guía este trabajo.O presente estudo tem como objetivo refletir sobre as contribuições de Paulo Freire à formação do educador da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), a partir do referencial teórico o livro de Paulo Freire (1996), Pedagogia da Autonomia. O trabalho, sendo de natureza qualitativa, foi realizado em duas escolas: Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Professor Antônio Gomes e Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Machado de Assis. Tivemos como sujeitos da pesquisa seis educadores da EJA do ciclo I. Na obtenção de dados foi elaborado um questionário que objetivou averiguar se os docentes praticam os saberes apresentados por Freire. Com a análise dos dados coletados nas questões mediante as falas dos professores concluímos que eles contribuem para a formação da autonomia do educando, fazendo uso dos saberes educativos apresentados na obra que norteia este trabalho

    Tecnología social, turismo de base local y turismo de base comunitaria. Breve debate buscando mejoras en las actividades del turismo comunitario

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    This work briefly analyses, the similarities between the theoretical concepts of the main authors who address the theories of Social Technology (ST), Local Based Tourism (LBT), and Community Based Tourism (CBT), in order to achieve a foundation from which new visions can be generated that reinforce local development in different communities dedicated to tourist activity, with a socio-environmental model different from those carried out through mass tourism. Part of the literary review used in the investigation of the double doctorate[1] is presented, based on the mentioned theoretical references. The analysis and the conclusions demonstrate the need to carry out more dialogues, approximations, and exchanges between these fields of knowledge, both in theory and in practice, in order to generate actions that imply the social inclusion of the less favored population, through logical, beneficial and sustainable tourist activities.   [1] Double Doctorate that arises from the agreement between the Program Interuniversitario de Turismo de la Universidad de Alicante, España and the Program em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade. Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil.Este trabajo analiza, de manera sucinta, las similitudes entre los conceptos teóricos de los principales autores que abordan las teorías de la Tecnología Social (TS), del Turismo de Base Local (TBL) y del Turismo de Base Comunitaria (TBC), a fin de lograr un fundamento a partir del cual puedan generarse nuevas visiones que refuercen el desarrollo local en diversas comunidades dedicadas a la actividad turística, con un modelo socio-ambiental diferente de los realizados a través del turismo masivo. Se presenta parte de la revisión literaria utilizada en la investigación del doble doctorado[1], tomándose como base las referencias teóricas mencionadas. El análisis y las conclusiones demuestran la necesidad de realizar más diálogos, aproximaciones e intercambios entre estos campos de conocimiento, tanto en la teoría como en la práctica, a fin de que se generen acciones que impliquen la inclusión social de la población menos favorecida, a través de actividades turísticas lógicas, beneficiosas y sostenibles.   [1]Doble Doctorado que surge del convenio entre el Programa Interuniversitario de Turismo de la Universidad de Alicante, España y el Programa em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade.Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil

    Salmonella enterica serotypes from human and nonhuman sources in Sao Paulo State, Brazil, 2004-2020

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    Salmonellosis ranks among the most frequently reported zoonosis worldwide and is often associated with foodborne outbreaks. Since the 1950s, the distribution of Salmonella serotypes in Sao Paulo State, Brazil, has been documented and periodically reported. In this study, we updated the data on the distribution of Salmonella serotypes received in our reference laboratory, isolated from human infections and nonhuman sources, from 2004 to 2020. In that period, a total of 9,014 Salmonella isolates were analyzed, of which 3,553 (39.4%) were recovered from human samples, mainly of stool (65%) and blood (25.6%), and 5,461 (60.6%) were isolated from nonhuman origins, such as animals (47.2%), food (27.7%) and animal environments (18.6%). In human isolates, a total of 104 serotypes were identified and the most frequent ones were Enteritidis, Typhimurium, S . I. 4,[5],12:i:-, Dublin and Typhi. A consistent reduction of the Enteritidis proportion was observed over the years. Among the 156 serotypes identified in isolates with nonhuman origins, Enteritidis, Mbandaka, Typhimurium, Agona and Anatum were ranked as the top five Salmonella serotypes; in more recent years, S . Heidelberg has increased in frequency. Although with different proportions, the top 10 prevalent serotypes were identified in both human and nonhuman origins, underscoring the role of animals, food products and environment as reservoirs of Salmonella with potential to cause human salmonellosis

    Evaluation of dental enamel microproperties after bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide and different light sources : an in vitro study

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    To evaluate the tooth enamel surface morphology after the action of 35% hydrogen peroxide with and without LED activation. Material and Methods: 70 bovine incisors with an enamel surface of 4x4x3 mm were used, prepared for reading superfic

    The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics.

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    ABSTRACT: A global genome database of all of Earth’s species diversity could be a treasure trove of scientific discoveries. However, regardless of the major advances in genome sequencing technologies, only a tiny fraction of species have genomic information available. To contribute to a more complete planetary genomic database, scientists and institutions across the world have united under the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), which plans to sequence and assemble high-quality reference genomes for all ∼1.5 million recognized eukaryotic species through a stepwise phased approach. As the initiative transitions into Phase II, where 150,000 species are to be sequenced in just four years, worldwide participation in the project will be fundamental to success. As the European node of the EBP, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) seeks to implement a new decentralised, accessible, equitable and inclusive model for producing high-quality reference genomes, which will inform EBP as it scales. To embark on this mission, ERGA launched a Pilot Project to establish a network across Europe to develop and test the first infrastructure of its kind for the coordinated and distributed reference genome production on 98 European eukaryotic species from sample providers across 33 European countries. Here we outline the process and challenges faced during the development of a pilot infrastructure for the production of reference genome resources, and explore the effectiveness of this approach in terms of high-quality reference genome production, considering also equity and inclusion. The outcomes and lessons learned during this pilot provide a solid foundation for ERGA while offering key learnings to other transnational and national genomic resource projects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio