1,575 research outputs found

    Updating mining reserves with uncertainty data

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    In mining operations, the time delay between grade estimations and decision about the scheduling of stopes mining can result in seriously outdated information and, consequently, a substantial mined reserves bias. To mitigate this gap between the grade estimation of an orebody and its exploitation, this paper proposes a new method of speedily updating resources and reserves integrated into the concept of real-time mining. This consists in the continuous and swift update of mine reserves, which requires a continuous and fast stream of the measurements of stopes in an underground mine rather than the chemical lab analysis of core samples or chip/face samples. Here we propose using portable for the swift monitoring of ore grades. However, this “fast” data be highly uncertain. For this reason, the first step consists of creating a bidistribution function between “uncertain” XRF and the corresponding “hard” measurements, based on empirical historical data. Following this, the uncertainty of the XRF measurements is derived from those bi-distributions through the conditional distribution of real values given to the known XRF measurement.The second step involves updating the reserves by integrating this uncertain XRF data, which has been quantified by conditional distributions, in the grade characterization models. For this purpose, a stochastic simulation with point distributions is applied. A case study of a sulphide copper deposit illustrates the proposed methodology

    Abriendo las puertas de las instituciones de educación superior: aprendizaje experiencial en el curso de Educación Social

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    In an increasingly aging world, the effort to prepare future professionals for work with older persons starts to be a concern of higher education institutions. This article comments on the importance of experiential learning for preparing Social Education students to intervene with older people and presents an activity piloted at a Polytechnic University of Portugal. About 40 older persons from nursing homes came to a class in order to experiment the games developed during previous classes by the students. In order to understand the benefits of experimenting the games with older persons for the students, 37 students have answered a questionnaire about the importance of this learning activity. Findings on their assessment showed that the experience was generally positive, with all students rating as very important/important for their learning. Through open-ended questions the most mentioned benefits of the activity were the opportunity to social interact, to have contact with older persons, to develop in practice something theoretically conceived in the classroom, and to stimulate older persons. Through closed-ended questions the level of accordance with the pedagogical aims of the activity were very high, with 32 (86.5%) totally agreeing that it served to interact with older persons and 24 (64.9%) agreeing that the activity made them to realize if they like this area of intervention. The authors describe the impact this kind of activity may have on the knowledge about older persons, skills for motivating a group activity and also students’ beliefs, attitudes, and values related to working with older adults.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Anomalias congénitas das artérias coronárias

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    Congenital coronary artery anomalies are modifications of their origin, course or structure and its incidence varies between 0,2 and 5,6% of the general population. Although the majority is asymptomatic, they are the second leading cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes. The aim of this study is to highlight the main anomalies with hemodynamic significance, including the anomalous origin of a coronary artery from the opposite sinus and anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from pulmonary artery. The anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery from the opposite sinus accounts for 14-16% of all cardiac deaths, that unexpectedly occur in healthy children or young athletes during or immediately after exercise. The mechanism responsible for the compression/occlusion of the coronary artery originating from the opposite sinus is still unclear and there are several proposed mechanisms. The clinical presentation of these patients is variable and physical examination is normal in most individuals. Transthoracic echocardiogram is the diagnostic test most commonly used. Treatment and management are controversial topic. The anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from pulmonary artery is a very rare condition and without surgery, most infants die within the first 12 months of life. The echocardiogram is also the method of choice for diagnostic confirmation. The diagnosis of this congenital anomaly in an infant, usually seriously ill, is an indication for urgent surgery. Because these anomalies produce hemodynamic changes, it is important an early diagnosis and treatment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O espólio metálico do Outeiro de S. Bernardo (Moura) : uma reapreciação à luz de velhos documentos e de outros achados

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    Estuda-se o espólio metálico recolhido por Manuel Heleno em sondagens por si orientadas, na companhia de J. Fragoso de Lima, no povoado calcolítico do Outeiro de S. Bernardo (Moura). O acesso a documentação manuscrita inédita, pertencente até época recente à família de Manuel Heleno, na qual é descrita as condições do achado de cada uma das peças estudadas, permitiu que agora se atribuísse ao conjunto o significado e importância que lhe é devido. As análises químicas realizadas por XRF dispersiva de energias, sublinharam tal realidade, ao evidenciarem o carácter homogéneo da sua composição (cobre + arsénio, este como elemento vestigial) e, por conseguinte, a elevada probabilidade de utilização de uma mesma tecnologia de fabrico e do recurso às mesmas fontes de abastecimento. Trata-se do mais importante conjunto de artefactos metálicos domésticos atribuíveis a uma única ocupação campaniforme reconhecida no ocidente peninsular. A tipologia dos artefactos de uso utilitário, conquanto se integre ainda no Calcolílico, evidencia já algumas diferenças face às peças homólogas características do Calcolítico Pleno da Estremadura e do Sudoeste português, o mesmo se verificando com os materiais coevos da bacia extremenha (ou média) do Guadiana. No que respeita às armas, nenhuma figura actualmente entre o espólio conservando; trata-se de um punhal com lingueta, de um outro munido de um par de chanfros de encabamento simétricos, provavelmente reforçado na folha, e de uma ponta Palmela, que confirmam a atribuição cronológico-cultural do conjunto ao campanifonne. A peça mais importante é uma ponta de javalina, cujos únicos paralelos peninsulares se resumem ao célebre conjunto do dólmen de La Pastom (Sevilha), às duas peças soltas recolhidas à superncie no povoado de La Pijotilla (Badajoz) e, bem mais próximo, ao exemplar mutilado recolhido em escavação arqueológica no Cerro dos Castelos de São Brás (Serpa); O estudo comparativo realizado sobre tais peças, conduziu ã conclusão de esta arma não ser incompatível com a cronologia do conjunto em que se integra, situável nos últimos séculos do III Milénio a.c. A importância do espólio metálico agora publicado, confere ao povoado do Outeiro de S. Bernardo o estatuto de sítio metalúrgico Calcolítico, ou pelo menos de centralizador do comércio de artefactos de cobre (hipótese reforçada pelo achado de um possivel lingote), sendo as peças agora estudadas, utilizadas no local ou destinadas a serem exportadas para outros locais, integrando-se nos circuitos transregionais (incluindo matérias-primas como o cobre sob a forma de lingotes) estabelecidos no decurso do Calcolítico entre a Estremadura portuguesa e o Alentejo. Este papel de destaque na coordenação destas actividades é ainda reforçado, por um lado, pela posição estratégica do sítio face ao vale do Guadiana e, por outro, pela sua proximidade das minas pré-históricas de cobre existentes na margem esquerda portuguesa do Guadiana, explorando tanto o cobre nativo, como os carbonatos cupríferos. Esta realidade é consentânea com a conhecida na região de Badajoz, na qual os povoados campaniformes e, entre estes, os fonificados, foram os que mais se dedicaram às actividades metalúrgicas.Copper artefacts collected in 1946 by Manuel Heleno and J. Fragoso de Lima on the calcolithic Settlement of Outeiro of S. Bernardo (Moura) are studied in this paper. We had access (J.L.C) to non-publisbed written documentation kept by the Manuel Heleno family, in which are described the conditions of finding for each artefact. The knowledge of these conditions allows an overall image of the significance and importance of these findings, which are considered as a homogene group of artefacts. The chemical analysis performed by the method have further confirmed the homogeneity of the composition of the materials, which probably implies the same technology of manufacture and the same supply sources. This is the most important collection of artefacts related to a campaniform settlement on the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. The typology of the utilitary artefacts, though stíll inspired in the Calcolíthic pre-Beaker, presents some differences when compared with those from the Estremadura and South-western regions, and also with artefacts from the middle Guadiana hasin. Concerning weapons, there of them previously reported are now lost: a tanged dagger; another one having simmetric notches at the base and a possible longitudinal reinforcement of the blade: and a Palmela point, which confirms their attribution to the Beaker period. The most important weapon is a javeline point, with strong parallels found in the dolmen of La Pastora (Sevilla) and in the settlement of la Pijotilla (Badajoz); the detailed comparative study of this artefact revealed a chronology around the last centuries of the 3rd millenium BC compatible with the other copper artefacts found in Outeiro de S. Bernardo. The Outeiro de S. Bernardo settlement must be recognised as a major calcolithic site, its importance stressed by the significant metal remains now published. The artefacts produced or used there, could be latter - at least some of them - exported to other settlements, taking part of the trans-regional commercial circuits established mainly during Late Calcolithic, between the portuguese Estremadura and the Alentejo. This role is emphasized by the strategic situation of the settlement near the Guadiana, a main way of the trans-regional circulation and commerce and by the proximity of prehistoric copper mines, exploring native copper as well as copper carbonates. A similar situation was found in Badajoz, where Beaker settlements, especially the fortified ones, where the main production centres of metallurgic activities

    A responsabilidade tributária do administrador judicial

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    Sumário: I. Introdução; II. Responsabilidade tributária; III. Normas jurídicas; IV. O CIRE; V. O estatuto do administrador judicial; VI. A posição da Autoridade Tributária; VII. Jurisprudência; VIII. A reforma do CIRE em 2012; IX. Conclusão

    A methodology to incorporate risk and uncertainty in electricity power planning

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    Deterministic models based on most likely forecasts can bring simplicity to the electricity power planning but do not explicitly consider uncertainties and risks which are always present on the electricity systems. Stochastic models can account for uncertain parameters that are critical to obtain a robust solution, requiring however higher modelling and computational effort. The aim of this work was to propose a methodology to identify major uncertainties presented in the electricity system and demonstrate their impact in the long-term electricity production mix, through scenario analysis. The case of an electricity system with high renewable contribution was used to demonstrate how renewables uncertainty can be included in long term planning, combining Monte Carlo Simulation with a deterministic optimization model. This case showed that the problem of including risk in electricity planning could be explored in short running time even for large real systems. The results indicate that high growth demand rate combined with climate uncertainty represent major sources of risk for the definition of robust optimal technology mixes for the future. This is particularly important for the case of electricity systems with high share of renewables as climate change can have a major role on the expected power output.COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043University of Minho. ALGORITM

    Dynamics study and temperature effect on biological traits of two Trichogramma species (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) of S. Miguel Island

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    Dissertação de Mestrado - Biotecnologia em Controlo Biológico.Os factores ambientais, tais como a temperatura, afectam a fisiologia e comportamento dos insectos. Nos parasitóides de ovos de lepidópteros, este efeito pode ser verificado na alteração de parâmetros biológicos como a longevidade, parasitismo e emergência da descendência. Para além disto, características dos ovos, como o seu conteúdo nutricional ou tamanho, podem afectar a descendência. O presente trabalho teve como objectivo o estudo da dinâmica, em campo, das duas espécies de Trichogramma estabelecidas na ilha de São Miguel: Trichogramma cordubensis Vagas & Cabello e Trichogramma achaeae Nagaraja & Nagarkatti. Também foi determinado em laboratório o efeito da temperatura em vários dos seus parâmetros biológicos: esterilidade e mortalidade das fêmeas, tempo de desenvolvimento, parasitismo, emergência e a relação entre o número de fêmeas e machos na descendência. T. achaeae foi observado em todos os locais de recolha, ao contrário do T. cordubensis que apenas foi encontrado em dois deles. A primeira espécie, embora estabelecida há menos tempo, encontrava-se em maior quantidade no campo. Verificou-se que em condições naturais os parasitóides partilham espécies hospedeiras. Em relação à influência da temperatura, tal como esperado, ocorreram alterações nos parâmetros biológicos estudados em ambas as espécies. T. cordubensis demonstrou ser a espécie mais eficiente no parasitismo de ovos de Ephestia Kuehniella Zeller (Lep. Pyralidae).ABSTRACT: The environmental factors such as the temperature, affect the physiology and behavior of the insects. In lepidopteran eggs parasitoid wasps this effect can be seen in biological parameters such as longevity, parasitic performance and emergence. Also, the host eggs characteristics such as the nutritional content or size can have an effect on the parasitoids offspring. The present work had as the objectives the study of the field dynamics of the two Trichogramma species established on the island of São Miguel: Trichogramma cordubensis Vargas & Cabello and Trichogramma achaeae Nagaraja & Nagarkatti. In addition, the effect in the following biological parameters, for both species, was determined in the laboratory: sterility and mortality of females, time of development, parasitism, emergence and sex-ratio. T. achaeae was observed in all collection points while T. cordubensis was only registered for two. Even though the first parasitoid species established more recently, in the field, than T. cordubensis, nevertheless it is present in a larger amount. It was verified that under field conditions the parasitoids shared host species. As expected, temperature had an impact on the studied parameters between the two Trichogramma species. T. cordubensis proved to be the more efficient in the parasitism of Ephestia Kuehniella Zeller (Lep. Pyralidae), eggs

    As potencialidades do photovoice enquanto metodología participativa na formação de Educadores Sociais

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    O estudo providencia informação sobre uma experiência do valor do photovoice enquanto metodologia pedagógica na licenciatura de Educação Social. 35 estudantes que frequentaram “Intervenção socioeducativa com crianças e jovens” analisaram temas relacionados com essas populações e 23 estudantes de “Intervenção socioeducativa com pessoas idosas” analisaram temas relacionados com envelhecimento. A análise do photovoice revelou que muitas das fotografias tinham um significado pessoal e demonstraram ter também impacto noutros alunos, denotando benefícios em criar diálogo na turma. Os estudantes enfatizaram que o uso do photovoice permitiu-lhes aumentar a consciência das potencialidades e fragilidades da sua comunidade e promover o diálogo crítico