3,087 research outputs found

    Implementación del sistema de gestión de calidad en el área de Smart meter (telemetría) de la empresa Medileser SAC, 2020-2021

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    La empresa Medileser SAC, actualmente cuenta con una cantidad de 15 personas laborando en las diferentes áreas, sean administrativos, técnicos, personal operativo y proveedores Adicionalmente la empresa tiende a fomentar el empleo a nuevos aspirantes hacia un puesto laboral esto en: prácticas profesionales de las diferentes carreras técnicas e universitarias, ingresar a un área de trabajo como profesional, oportunidad de ascender a sus trabajadores hacia otras áreas, personas que no tengan estudios superiores darles la oportunidad de dar un examen y que puedan ingresar al área técnica que puedan manipular instrumentos de medición ( bancos de pruebas de agua, calibración de los equipos, en lo que tienen una acreditación hacia una institución que trabaja bajo los parámetros de metrología legal ). Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal la implementación del sistema de gestión de calidad en el área de Smart Meter. Cabe mencionar que cuando se habla de calidad es un tema muy amplio a nivel general, entiendo que desde que una organización forma parte de ofrecer o vender un bien o servicio prima la calidad. Para ello El área de (Smart Meter), se dedica a realizar un trabajo de lecturas a distancia a medidores de agua que hayan sido instalados en las diferentes regiones de Lima, callao, y a nivel nacional (esto con las ultimas tecnología que va saliendo), estas lecturas solo las están realizando a los medidores de agua ultrasónicos en los diferentes diámetros y modelos, lecturas no aplica para medidores mecánicos. Para ello se tiene que realizar correctamente el proceso de atención, en este caso el servicio que brinda la empresa. Lo primordial o se requiere es manejar el tema que se viene realizando para poder trasladar la información correcta y precisa, lo cual hará que el cliente este convencido de lo detallado e informado para poder trabajar y llegar al objetivo encomendado

    Population differentiation and selective constraints in Pelargonium line

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    [EN] The genomic structure of Pelargonium line pattern virus (PLPV), a tentative member of a proposed new genus within the family Tombusviridae, has been recently determined. However, little is known about the genetic variability and population structure of this pathogen. Here, we have investigated the heterogeneity of PLPV isolates from different origins by sequence analysis of a 1817 nt fragment encompassing the movement (p7 and p9.7) and coat protein genes as well as flanking segments including the complete 3` untranslated region. We have evaluated the selective pressures operating on both viral proteins and RNA genome in order to assess the relative functional and/or structural relevance of different amino acid or nucleotide sites. The results of the study have revealed that distinct protein domains are under different selective constraints and that maintenance of certain primary and/or secondary structures in RNA regulatory sequences might be an important factor limiting viral heterogeneity. We have also performed covariation analyses to uncover potential dependencies among amino acid sites of the same protein or of different proteins. The detection of linked amino acid substitutions has permitted to draw a putative network of intra- and interprotein interactions that are likely required to accomplish the different steps of the infection cycle. Finally, we have obtained phylogenetic trees that support geographical segregation of PLPV sequences. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.We are indebted to Dr. Jan van der Meij (Ball Flora Plant, Chicago) for providing PLPV isolate from USA, and to Dr. Marise Borja (Fundacion Promiva, Madrid) for the Spanish isolates and for valuable comments in the course of this work. We thank to Dr. Selma Gago (IBMCP, Valencia) for critical reading of the manuscript. We are also grateful to Dolores Arocas and Isabella Avellaneda for excellent technical assistance. This research was supported by grants BFU2006-11230 and BFU2009-11699 from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN, Spain), ACOM09/040 from Generalitat Valenciana (to C.H.), and by grant BFU2009-06993 (MICINN) (to S.F.E.). A.C. was recipient of predoctoral fellowships from the Generalitat Valenciana and from CSIC-Fundacion Bancaja and L.R. received a postdoctoral contract from the Juan de la Cierva program of MEC.Castaño Sansano, MA.; Ruiz Garcia, ML.; Elena Fito, SF.; Hernandez Fort, C. (2011). Population differentiation and selective constraints in Pelargonium line. Virus Research. 155(1):274-282. doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2010.10.022S274282155

    The LEGACy study: a European and Latin American consortium to identify risk factors and molecular phenotypes in gastric cancer to improve prevention strategies and personalized clinical decision making globally

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    Gastric cancer; Tumor microenvironment; PreventionCàncer gàstric; Microambient tumoral; PrevencióCáncer gástrico; Microambiente tumoral; PrevenciónBackground Gastric Cancer (GC) is the fourth most deadly cancer worldwide. Enhanced understanding of its key epidemiological and molecular drivers is urgently needed to lower the incidence and improve outcomes. Furthermore, tumor biology in European (EU) and Latin American (LATAM) countries is understudied. The LEGACy study is a Horizon 2020 funded multi-institutional research approach to 1) detail the epidemiological features including risk factors of GC in current time and 2) develop cost-effective methods to identify and integrate biological biomarkers needed to guide diagnostic and therapeutic approaches with the aim of filling the knowledge gap on GC in these areas. Methods This observational study has three parts that are conducted in parallel during 2019–2023 across recruiting centers from four EU and four LATAM countries: Part 1) A case-control study (800 cases and 800 controls) using questionnaires on candidate risk factors for GC, which will be correlated with clinical, demographic and epidemiological parameters. Part 2) A case-control tissue sampling study (400 cases and 400 controls) using proteome, genome, microbiome and immune analyses to characterize advanced (stage III and IV) GC. Patients in this part of the study will be followed over time to observe clinical outcomes. The first half of samples will be used as training cohort to identify the most relevant risk factors and biomarkers, which will be selected to propose cost-effective diagnostic and predictive methods that will be validated with the second half of samples. Part 3) An educational study, as part of our prevention strategy (subjects recruited from the general public) to test and disseminate knowledge on GC risk factors and symptoms by a questionnaire and informative video. Patients could be recruited for more than one of the three LEGACy studies. Discussion The LEGACy study aims to generate novel, in-depth knowledge on the tumor biological characteristics through integrating epidemiological, multi-omics and clinical data from GC patients at an EU-LATAM partnership. During the study, cost-effective panels with potential use in clinical decision making will be developed and validated.This work was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grant agreement No GA825832). The European Union will not be involved in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, in writing future manuscripts or deciding to submit manuscripts for publication

    Revisión bibliográfica sobre diagnóstico y atención al Trastorno Reactivo del Apego

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    Informes de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias[ES] Introducción El trastorno reactivo del apego (TRA) surge cuando no se desarrolla un apego seguro con los cuidadores primarios en la infancia temprana como consecuencia de graves experiencias, negligencia o privación, de abuso o de separación abrupta de los cuidadores entre los seis meses y tres años de edad, o como resultado de una ausencia de respuesta adecuada por parte de la persona cuidadora a las necesidades de comunicación del niño/a. Objetivos Realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre la evaluación, el diagnóstico y la atención del trastorno reactivo del apego. Metodología Revisión sistemática de la literatura científica publicada entre 2015-2019 (actualizada a 15/02/2022). Se realizó una búsqueda en: Medline (PubMed), Embase, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Library), Cochrane Central Database of Controlled Trials-Central, PsycINFO, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), The Campbell Library, Tripdatabase, Prospero, DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects), Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database y NHS-EED (National Health System Economic Evaluation Database) Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), Biblioteca Virtual en Salud.La selección ha incluido informes de evaluación de tecnologías sanitarias, guías de práctica clínica, revisiones sistemáticas, metanálisis y documentos de consenso, posicionamientos y protocolos de Sociedades Científicas. Resultados Se han seleccionado un total de 3 estudios publicados tras el cribado de la bibliografía encontrada llevado a cabo por pares. Se trata de un informe de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias, de una guía de práctica clínica de NICE y una guía clínica de la AACAP. Estos estudios han utilizado una terminología diversa: problemas graves de apego o dificultades de apego (incluye patrones de apego desorganizados y trastornos de apego) en los dos primeros; y trastornos reactivos del apego en el tercer documento. Conclusiones La evidencia disponible recomienda para el diagnóstico de trastorno reactivo del apego utilizar los criterios DSM-V y CIE-10, y no emplear herramientas para la detección de patrones o dificultades de apego. Se recomiendan intervenciones psicoterapéuticas para ayudar a los niños con trastornos reactivos del apego y sus cuidadores. La terapia se realiza desde dos perspectivas diferentes: solo con la persona cuidadora o con el par cuidador-niño. Se recomienda la utilización de la técnica vídeo-feedback.Existe una amplia literatura disponible en el campo del apego y los patrones de apego. Sin embargo, en el caso de los trastornos reactivos del apego la evidencia disponible es muy limitada en lo que se refiere a las herramientas diagnósticas y las intervenciones. [EN] Introduction Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) arises when a secure attachment to primary caregivers does not develop in early childhood as a result of severe experiences, neglect or deprivation, abuse, or abrupt separation from caregivers between six months and three years of age, or as a result of a lack of adequate response by the caregiver to the child’s communication needs. Objectives To perform a literature review on the assessment, diagnosis and care of reactive attachment disorder. Methods A systematic review of the literature published between 2015-2019 has been carried out (updated to 15/02/2022). A search was conducted on: Medline (PubMed), Embase, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Library), Cochrane Central Database of Controlled Trials-Central, PsycINFO, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), The Campbell Library, Tripdatabase, Prospero, DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects), Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database and NHS-EED (National Health System Economic Evaluation Database) Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), Biblioteca Virtual en Salud.The selection included health technology assessment reports, clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and consensus documents, positions and protocols of Scientific Societies. Results A total of 3 published studies have been selected after screening the literature found in pairs. These are a Health Technology Assessment report, a NICE clinical practice guideline and an AACAP clinical guideline. These studies have used a variety of terminology: severe attachment problems or attachment difficulties (including disorganized attachment patterns and attachment disorders) in the first two; and reactive attachment disorders in the third document. Conclusions For the diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder, it is recommended to use the DSM-V and ICE-10 criteria, and not to use tools for the detection of patterns or difficulties attachment. Psychotherapeutic interventions are recommended to help children with reactive attachment disorders and their caregivers. Therapy is conducted from two different perspectives: with the caregiver alone or with the child-child pair. The use of video-feedback interventions is recommended.There is an extensive literature available in the field of attachment and attachment patterns. However, in the case of reactive attachment disorders the available evidence is very limited in terms of diagnostic tools and interventions.Este documento ha sido realizado por la Agencia de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias del Instituto de Salud Carlos III en el marco de la financiación del Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social para el desarrollo de las actividades del Plan anual de Trabajo de la Red Española de Agencias de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias y Prestaciones del SNS, aprobado en el Pleno del Consejo Interterritorial del SNS de 4 de marzo de 2019 (conforme al Acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros de 13 de diciembre de 2019).ÍNDICE DE TABLAS ÍNDICE DE FIGURAS SIGLAS Y ACRÓNIMOS SUMMARY Introduction Objectives Methods Results 11 Conclusions RESUMEN Introducción Objetivos Metodología Resultados Conclusiones 1. INTRODUCCIÓN 2. OBJETIVOS 2.1. Objetivo general 2.2. Alcance 3. METODOLOGÍA 3.1. Revisión sistemática de la literatura 3.1.1. Criterios de selección de estudios 4. RESULTADOS 4.1. Revisión sistemática de la literatura 4.1.1. Descripción y calidad de los estudios seleccionados 4.2. Resultados sobre diagnóstico y atención 4.2.1. Diagnóstico del Trastorno Reactivo del Apego 4.2.2. Atención al Trastorno Reactivo del Apego 5. DISCUSIÓN 6. CONCLUSIONES CONTRIBUCIÓN DE LOS AUTORES DECLARACIÓN DE INTERESES REFERENCIAS ANEXOS Anexo 1. Estrategia de búsqueda Anexo 2. Resumen estudios incluidos Anexo 3. Herramientas diagnosticas incluidas en la guía NICE diagnósticas Anexo 4. Evaluación de la calidad Herramienta AGREE II Herramienta AGREE II Herramienta AMSTARS


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    [p.4] Canviar l’educació per canviar el món[p.8] Em sento bé?[p.14] Un enverinament consentit[p.18] Crim i consum[p.22] Trencar amb el pessimisme[p.28] Educació en construcció[p.35] La salut en el mil·lenni[p.36] Bé per al clima, bo per a la salut[p.40] El debat de les vacunes[p.42] Wi-Fi: dret o amenaça?[p.44] Discriminació ambiental[p.32] Entrevista: Teresa CasasPeer Reviewe

    Mitochondrial cristae-remodeling protein OPA1 in POMC neurons couples Ca2+ homeostasis with adipose tissue lipolysis

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    Appropriate cristae remodeling is a determinant of mitochondrial function and bioenergetics and thus represents a crucial process for cellular metabolic adaptations. Here, we show that mitochondrial cristae architecture and expression of the master cristae-remodeling protein OPA1 in proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons, which are key metabolic sensors implicated in energy balance control, is affected by fluctuations in nutrient availability. Genetic inactivation of OPA1 in POMC neurons causes dramatic alterations in cristae topology, mitochondrial Ca2+ handling, reduction in alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) in target areas, hyperphagia, and attenuated white adipose tissue (WAT) lipolysis resulting in obesity. Pharmacological blockade of mitochondrial Ca2+ influx restores α-MSH and the lipolytic program, while improving the metabolic defects of mutant mice. Chemogenetic manipulation of POMC neurons confirms a role in lipolysis control. Our results unveil a novel axis that connects OPA1 in POMC neurons with mitochondrial cristae, Ca2+ homeostasis, and WAT lipolysis in the regulation of energy balance

    Novel deep targeted sequencing method for minimal residual disease monitoring in acute myeloid leukemia

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    A high proportion of patients with acute myeloid leukemia who achieve minimal residual disease (MRD) negative status ultimately relapse because a fraction of pathological clones remains undetected by standard methods. We designed and validated a high-throughput sequencing method for MRD assessment of cell clonotypes with mutations of NPM1, IDH1/2 and/or FLT3-SNVs. For clinical validation, 106 follow-up samples from 63 patients in complete remission were studied by NGS, evaluating the level of mutations detected at diagnosis. The predictive value of MRD status by NGS, multiparameter flow cytometry, or quantitative PCR was determined by survival analysis. The method achieved a sensitivity of 10-4 for SNV mutations and 10-5 for insertions/deletions and could be used in acute myeloid leukemia patients who carry any mutation (86% in our diagnosis data set). NGS-determined MRD positive status was associated with lower disease-free survival (hazard ratio [HR] 3.4, p=0.005) and lower overall survival (HR 4.2, p<0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that MRD positive status by NGS was an independent factor associated with risk of death (HR 4.54, p =0.005) and the only independent factor conferring risk of relapse (HR 3.76, p =0.012). This NGS based method simplifies and standardizes MRD evaluation, with high applicability in acute myeloid leukemia. It also improves upon flow cytometry and quantitative PCR to predict acute myeloid leukemia outcome and could be incorporated in clinical settings and clinical trials.This study was supported by the Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain) grants PI13/02387 and PI16/01530, and the CRIS against Cancer foundation grant 2014/0120. M.L. holds a postdoctoral fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FPDI-2013-16409). P.R.P. holds a postdoctoral fellowship of the Spanish of Instituto de Salud Carlos III: Contrato Predoctoral de Formación en Investigación en Salud i-PFIS (IFI 14/00008).S

    A novel deep targeted sequencing method for minimal residual disease monitoring in acute myeloid leukemia

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    A high proportion of patients with acute myeloid leukemia who achieve minimal residual disease negative status ultimately relapse because a fraction of pathological clones remains undetected by standard methods. We designed and validated a high-throughput sequencing method for minimal residual disease assessment of cell clonotypes with mutations of NPM1, IDH1/2 and/or FLT3-single nucleotide variants. For clinical validation, 106 follow-up samples from 63 patients in complete remission were studied by sequencing, evaluating the level of mutations detected at diagnosis. The predictive value of minimal residual disease status by sequencing, multiparameter flow cytometry, or quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis was determined by survival analysis. The sequencing method achieved a sensitivity of 10-4 for single nucleotide variants and 10-5 for insertions/deletions and could be used in acute myeloid leukemia patients who carry any mutation (86% in our diagnostic data set). Sequencing-determined minimal residual disease positive status was associated with lower disease-free survival (hazard ratio 3.4, P=0.005) and lower overall survival (hazard ratio 4.2, P<0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that minimal residual disease positive status determined by sequencing was an independent factor associated with risk of death (hazard ratio 4.54, P=0.005) and the only independent factor conferring risk of relapse (hazard ratio 3.76, P=0.012). This sequencing-based method simplifies and standardizes minimal residual disease evaluation, with high applicability in acute myeloid leukemia. It is also an improvement upon flow cytometry- and quantitative polymerase chain reaction-based prediction of outcomes of patients with acute myeloid leukemia and could be incorporated in clinical settings and clinical trials.This study was supported by the Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain) grants PI13/02387 and PI16/01530, and the CRIS against Cancer foundation grant 2014/0120. ML holds a postdoctoral fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FPDI-2013- 16409). PRP holds a postdoctoral fellowship of the Spanish Instituto de Salud Carlos III: Contrato Predoctoral de Formación en Investigación en Salud i-PFIS (IFI 14/00008).S

    El desarrollo municipal, factor estratégico en el posicionamiento de México en los escenarios políticos y sociales del siglo XXI

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    LA DEMOCRACIA COMO GOBERNABILIDAD IMPLICA, EN UN PRIMER MOMENTO, establecer una revisión periódica del papel interventor del Estado, por ser éste el principal factor de estabilidad y desarrollo democrático. En un segundo punto, de forma simultánea al estudio del papel del Estado en la conformación de un ambiente de estabilidad, crecimiento, desarrollo, orden y gobernabilidad, merece especial atención el papel y funciones cumplidas tradicionalmente por sus ámbitos de gobierno, como instancias que son fundamentales para la transición, democratización, liberalización y para la propia gobernabilidad