63 research outputs found

    Integrating Ecological Principles for Addressing Plant Production Security and Move beyond the Dichotomy ‘Good or Bad’ for Nitrogen Inputs Choice

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    Mankind’s strong dependence on nitrogen (N) began when we started farming and, ever since, we have depended on nitrogen in the soil for plant production. More than a century has passed since the discovery of N as an element until the advent of synthetic fertilizers. Today, after a century of Haber–Bosch innovation, many other endeavors and challenges can be launched to understand how the effects of N in the environment can be perceived as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. All this knowledge evolution was truly dependent on the scientific advances, both technological and methodological, and particularly on the approaches at the micro and macro level. As with nearly everything in our lives (e.g., events, people, food, decisions, world history), we tend to use the dichotomy ‘good or bad’ to categorize, and scientific advances are no exception. The integration of scientific and technological advances allows us to move beyond this simple dichotomy ‘good or bad’ and to make choices. Here, we review the main marks in understanding plant nutrition throughout time, with special emphasis on N, from the Greeks to the most recent trends in the 21st century. Since improving plant N use efficiency is a main avenue to meet several Sustainable Developmental Goals (e.g., SDG2 zero hunger, SDG12 responsible production and consumption, SDG15 life on land), the European Green Deal, and The Farm to Fork strategy, we propose that the ecological principles must be integrated in agro-ecosystem management. During the last 40 years, our research group has contributed to: (i) the clarification of the so-called dichotomy of choices when it comes to the environmental effects of N; and (ii) fetching natural solutions for N manmade problems. This was based on the knowledge that life is a continuous symbiotic interplay between mutualism and parasitism depending on environmental conditions and that there is a need for feeding people, assuring food quality and diminishing environmental impacts. We argue that, as a society, we have the scientific and technological means to learn from nature and to apply the ecological rules in agro-ecosystems. However, this is a choice we must make as individuals and as a society.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nitrogen (N) : from science to society. A science communication project

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    O Azoto (N): da ciĂȘncia para a sociedade Ă© um projecto de comunicação de ciĂȘncia que tem por objecNvo consciencializar os jovens para as ameaças que o azoto (N) em excesso traz para a humanidade. Pode ser dividido em duas partes. Uma, de invesNgação, sobre a anĂĄlise de resultados de uma consulta pĂșblica realizada entre professores, usando o mĂ©todo qualitaNvo do focus group, para compreender a sua sensibilidade e propostas de solução para minimizar o excesso de N no ambiente. Os resultados obNdos foram instrumentais para o desenvolvimento da segunda parte. Esta segunda parte Ă© uma proposta de projecto a submeter ao Horizon 2020, no Ăąm-­‐ bito da “Science with and for Society “. Nela se propĂ”e uma abordagem educaNva trans-­‐disciplinar, conseguida atravĂ©s da interacção entre docentes do secundĂĄrio, e do ensino superior, associação de pais e organizaçÔes cĂ­vicas nĂŁo governamentais, com vista Ă  consciencialização dos jovens para as ameaças do N em excesso no meio ambiente, fazendo o enquadramento cien@fico e fornecendo abordagens tecnolĂłgi-­‐ cas. A inovação desta proposta baseia-­‐se: (i) no acompanhamento e desenvolvimen-­‐ to profissional dos docentes do secundĂĄrio, (ii) na moNvação dos estudantes a de-­‐ senvolver o seu prĂłprio estudo e pesquisa com a tutoria dos docentes, da escola e do ensino superior, e (iii) no desenvolvimento de capacidades de comunicação dos jo-­‐ vens para exercer uma cidadania acNva em prol da minimização das ameaças do N

    Ecology as a Tool to Assist Conservation of a Rare and Endemic Mediterranean Plantago Species

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    Reviewing the ecological studies on the endangered endemic Plantago almogravensis Franco, an Al-hyperaccumulator plant, and combining these with morphological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular data, significant knowledge on the limiting factors that cause its narrow geographical distribution and rarity status is achieved, which can contribute to suited conservation guidelines. Emphasis was given on (i) the major factors limiting P. almogravensis’ ecological niche (biotic and abiotic); (ii) phases of the life cycle and population dynamics; and (iii) and the phylogenetically close taxa (Plantago subulata aggregate) in order to fill the knowledge gaps in the uniqueness of P. almogravensis ecology, its phylogeny, and conservation status. The identification of relevant ecological data and using plant functional (morphological and physiological) traits, as well as genetic attributes, substantiate into a powerful tool to guide protection and conservation measures, usable toward this and other endangered hyperaccumulator plant species. Knowledge of the limitations of this strongly narrowly distributed plant allows for better design of conservation measures and to guide value and investment strategies in order to secure the species’ current area (habitat conservation and reclamation), direct the expansion of the existing population (assisting in populational densification and colonization), and/or grant ex situ conservation (genetic resources conservation).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Management of carob tree orchards in Mediterranean ecosystems: strategies for a carbon economy implementation

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    This paper offers a different framework for managing Mediterranean drought carob-tree orchard ecosystems. Two dry-farming systems were compared during two consecutive years: pure productive orchards and mixed orchards in a total of 360 mature trees distributed by 18 plots with areas of 0.55 and 0.30 ha per plot, respectively. Carob, fig, almond and olive trees compose mixed orchards. Trees of the mixed orchards were more productive than those of pure orchards. The main problem of both systems was the large variability and the low fruit production due to non-bearing trees, inducing unfavorable economic returns. Yield varied between 7.7 and 28.5 kg tree(-1) respectively in pure and mixed orchards. In this paper we propose to use carbon sequestration calculations as an added benefit to farmers. A carbon stocking model estimation was established, based on trunk diameters of different trees. We depicted two management scenarios based on fruits production and carbon sequestration incomes: a low value scenario, using mean fruit production, and a high valuable scenario based on the hypothesis that all trees reached its potential maximum. Since under dry-farming systems fruit production irregularity is still a pendent problem, mixed orchards may offer a potential higher revenue, while maintaining higher crop diversification and whole biodiversity. C sequestration benefit, as here we purpose, may represent 125-300 % of income, respectively under low or high valuable scenario. Thus, CO2 equivalent is a novel ecological economic incentive that may potentiate a new income for farmers while assuring carob ecosystem services.[AGRO306

    Functional aspects of root architecture and mycorrhizal inoculation with respect to nutrient uptake capacity

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    ACESSO via B-on: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00572-003-0254-5The aim of this research was to investigate theeffect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonisation onroot morphology and nitrogen uptake capacity of carob(Ceratonia siliqua L.) under high and low nutrientconditions. The experimental design was a factorialarrangement of presence/absence of mycorrhizal fungusinoculation (Glomus intraradices) and high/low nutrientstatus. Percent AM colonisation, nitrate and ammoniumuptake capacity, and nitrogen and phosphorus contentswere determined in 3-month-old seedlings. Grayscale andcolour images were used to study root morphology andtopology, and to assess the relation between rootpigmentation and physiological activities. AM colonisationlead to a higher allocation of biomass to white andyellow parts of the root. Inorganic nitrogen uptakecapacity per unit root length and nitrogen content weregreatest in AM colonised plants grown under low nutrientconditions. A better match was found between plantnitrogen content and biomass accumulation, than betweenplant phosphorus content and biomass accumulation. It issuggested that the increase in nutrient uptake capacity ofAM colonised roots is dependent both on changes in rootmorphology and physiological uptake potential. Thisstudy contributes to an understanding of the role of AMfungi and root morphology in plant nutrient uptake andshows that AM colonisation improves the nitrogennutrition of plants, mainly when growing at low levelsof nutrients

    Chemical characterization and bioactivity of phytochemicals from Iberian endemic Santolina semidentata and strategies for ex situ propagation

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    Asteraceae family members are well-known for their medicinal potential, comprising several properties that make them unique among plants. Here we focus on Santolina semidentata, an endemic plant from the Iberian Peninsula, not yet described for its medicinal properties. Phytochemical characterization of S. semidentata was performed, concerning total phenol content, flavonoid content, antioxidant capacity, HPLC-DAD profile, acetylcholinesterase inhibitory capacity, cytotoxicity and neuroprotective effect in a human neurodegeneration cell model. Moreover, essential oil composition and antifungal activity were also analised. This oil might be useful for therapeutical purposes, particularly in the treatment of dermatophytosis. S. semidentata potential for neuroprotection was revealed by acetylcholinesterase inhibitory capacity and also by an effective protective effect in human neuronal cells. Furthermore, different seed conservation protocols, as well as successful in vitro propagation were established which may be useful when integrated in a broad strategy for the conservation of these endemic plants and their sustainable use for potential biotechnological applications. The results presented here greatly contribute to value this species regarding its potential as a source of phytochemicals with prospective neuroprotective health benefits, either as alternative neuroprotective drugs or as leads for synthetizing more effective molecules.The authors wish to thank to “Fundo EDP para a Biodiversidade” for financial support. This work was also supported by “Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia” through grant PEst-OE/EQB/LA0004/2011, BGCT/33418/2008, Green-it: UID/Multi/04551/2013, iNOVA4Health: UID/Multi/04462/2013 and financial support to CNS (IF/01097/20132), RP (SFRH/BD/63615/2009), IF (SFRH/BD/86584/2012) and AG (SFRH/BD/103155/2014).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudos fisiológicos e microbiológicos da associação da alfarrobeira (Ceratonia siliqua L.) com bactérias de Rhizobiaceae

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    Tese de doutoramento em Ecologia e BiossistemĂĄtica, apresentada Ă  Universidade de Lisboa atravĂ©s da Faculdade de CiĂȘncias, 198
